Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 9-17-1947 The Ledger and Times, September 17, 1947 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, September 17, 1947" (1947). The Ledger & Times. 1591. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1591 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1947 Selected As Best All-Round Kentucky Weekly Newspaper For 1947 WEATIIER FORECAST S.E Kentucky and Tennessee- Fair and coal today and to- night. Wednesday Fai:eR mostly 11 N sunny and narrner. - e I at 2-A G PA United Press YOUR PROGRESSIVE H 0 M E NEWS- A D PAPER FOR OSIER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Wednesday Afternoon, Sept. 17, 1947 MURRAY POPULATION ER — 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 80 Calloway County Fair Opens Today Pakistan's Envoy 111111111 110 an M.P.H. Gale Lashes ithritlt coast; I. telt rplan• With All Depts. Breaking Records Star The Calloway County Fair open- V-- ed today at the Planters Loose Leaf ' Football Player Is 3 Foot Waves Wash MLAiiA Streets Lab Floor with a greater amount of in- terest and enthusiasm shown than LIVESTOCK tb WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Sept. ever before. officials stated. A re- Injured At M. S. C. if From Plane At 10,000 17 UP)-Gale winds up to 60 cord number of entries is antici- ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK Billy Fergueon. star of the Mur- New Speed Record Set miles an hour whipped a, 200-mile pated in all divisions. YARDS. Sept. 17 I UP)— USDA/— Ft. Hurricane Looks MARKETS ray High School football team stretch of Florida east coast play- Miss Rachel Rowland. home dem- Hogs 6,900; salable 6.500; barrows By John Cobb At Salt 'cod last year, was admitted to the Like Witch's Cauldron I At A Glance grounds today'as a giant hurricane id i onstration agent, in charge of and gifts steady to 25c higher than Houston-McDevitt Clinic late yes- Flats; Over 400 mph swung over the Atlantic close .to women's exhibits, stated that Tuesday's average. Top. 29.50. By tufted Pre.. terday afternoon. He suffered from lEditor's_Note: United Press Staff the mainland. I Shags around 300 entries had been made Bulk of good and choice 180 to 250 Stocks higher in moo, :ate trad- Sting injuries sustained while practic- Correspondent Richard Palmer was BONNEVILLE. SALT FLATS. by noon and more were still com- lbs. 29.25-29.50; 160 to 170 lbs. 27.75- ing. Angry breakers splaahed against ing with the MSC football squad flying over the center of the hur- Walt. Sept. 17 eUP-England's I period ing in. She said that all items ap- 28.50; 130 to 159 lbs. 25.00-27.25; 100 Bonds irregularly higher. this city's six-foot seawall and MeV/ Reports today indicate that the - ricane for a birdseye view of the peared to be of to 120 lbs. 22.00-24.25; sows fully Curb stocks higher. John Cobb said today it "Made me power lines were knocked down. S • excellent quality. injuries were not serious and thia storm when all of Florida was an I Among articles 25c higher, extremes more. Bulk Chicago stocks higher. feel like a king for aminute" Radio stations and essential ser- on exhibit are re- he has returned to his home. called an emergency area and the to modelled wool garments, 'sows under 450:11as. 25.25-27.00; Silver unchanged in New York vices turned to auxiliary current. attractive top plane was ordered to land in Cuba. rip along the ground at more than quilts, and garments and articles sows 27.00; heavier kinds 22.25- at 70'7 cents a fine ounce. Some 60 niiles inland from the His eyewitness dispatch follows.) 400 miles an hour- the first man made from feed sacks. 24.50. Music Department Cotton futures irregular. low-lying danger area around Lake By RICHARD PALMER to travel Mrs. Sam Kelley, registering en- Cattle 6,500: salable 5,000; calves Holds First Meeting-, Grains in Chicago: Wheat. corn, that fast on land. Okeechobee an estimated 10.000 tries in the Poultry Division, was - 1,800 all salable; receipts moderate, United Press Staff Correspondent oats and barley futures irregular. After weeks ef disappointments persons migrated by train and car GUANTANAMO ijaapto- reporT that ihe would me-Riding abietit VS-Mrs-of steers; of New -Club__Year_ BAY. Cuba. and false starts, the burly London Northward from Clewiston. probably have at least 5 names all natives. Approximately 45 per • The Music Department of the _17_1LIP1-Erom 10,000 _feet th IT IS REPORTED that M. A. Hassan fur broker late yesterday got away Clewiston. which has a normal before the. day was over. cent of'receipts cows. Steers open- Murray Woman's Club held its hurricane looked like a seething -VA --W-NRNING Ispahini (above), 44, a member of to his first population of 3.000. was -hall emp- first program of the new club year mixture -of oil and milk in a successful speed run At least 75 entries were expected ed slow, with a few low medium the Moslem League's Working tied as residents of that city and witch's cauldron. The since the War and within for the Jersey Show, R. K. Kel- offerings at 1900.. and low good, Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the Committee, may be appointed as Veterans Administration at 35 min- surrounding communities drove Louisville utes: ley, assistant county agent. esti- light weights 25.50. these about clubhouse where a dinner meet- Pakistan's first envoy to the United We took off in a Navy PB4Y2, a today reported that ap- North bumper-to-bumper on the proximately mated late in the forenoon. steady, but undertone bearish. ing was enjoyed. States. He is a graduate of Cam- four-engined privateer, to fly over 2.000 checks for pay- 1-Established a new world's highways and hundreds of others formal.. ment of • The -farm, crop exhibit section. Heifers and mixed yearlings open- Mrs. E. J. Beale, Mrs. Boody Rus- bridge University. Pakistan the roof of the hurricane and take subsistence...apeesion or land speed record for the measured clambered -aboard special trains. managed by J. H. Walston, boasted ed about steady, but somewhat sell. Mrs. Joe T. Parker and Mrs. ly became a Moslem State under its radar readings on compensation ace returned each mile of 394 196 miles an 1 its eye, that hour. His , It was in the Clewiston area in of more than 500 entries with the slow. Cows moderately active and Hall Hood were hostesses. own government in the Indian weirdly month because veterans or their old mark, set in 1939 calm center of blowing here, was 1928 that hurricane winds sent possibility there would be more. fully steady in early trade with An enjoyable musical program Union on Aug. IC (International) hell that beneficiaries neglect to notify VA 368.85. shows the direction in Lake Okeechobee spiking over its -.These exhibits will be judged this canner and cutter grades finding was presented by Mrs. Glindel which it is mqving. when they move • to new addresses. 2.-Made a new world's record dykes with a death toll of more afternoon. • most activity. Good cows, 17.50- Reeves, who played Song of In- Postal regulations prohibit the for- Two hours after we left sunny for t he measured kilometer of than 1.800. Seven dia, and other selections on the warding of government exhibit booths are being 19.00; common and medium beef Anti-Vice Drive Begun Miami. Lt. J. R. Ingraham of Port- checks. 393.825 MPH. Cobb's previous best The returned The storm was blasting against prepared by various Homemakers cows, 14.00-16.50; canners and cut- -marimba. • land, Ore., Navy aerologist. mo- check's are held by was 389.7. _elute. in this area, They are -listed ters. largely, It-00-4150a -bulk By.Nashville Official VA until written notifications _theacoast from Taw:tenet ha Miami nerni tioned Mealb--a eplexiglass port in of 3-Averaged NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Sept. 171UP). new 403.136 MPH through and the cities in between-the In order: medium to good sausage bells. 16.00 Instead ,Of Tobacco the ship. addresses tit-e received. of the the mile on the northbound run of palm beaches. Vero Beach, Fort 1. Lynn Grove_ Homemakers -17.75: good beef bulls 1800 and BERLIN 1UP.—Russian mahorka, -Constable Raymond Cannon read- Officials said such delays could be "That's it," he. yelled above the his two tripe along the 14 and one- Pierce, Baca Raton, Fort Lauder- Club used pure water as their 18.25; weighty kinds scarce. Veal- a weed cultivated by Russian peas- ied "sealed orders" today to "Go avoided if the new addresses were din of the engines. half mile straightway. No one has Melbourne theme, showing the old and the ere steady: good and choice. 24.00- ants as a substitute for tobacco, has through the numbers racket from transmitted promptly to the VA dale. Delray Beach( and At about 6.500 feet menacing ever gone that fast before in a car. modern way of obtaining drinking 2900: common and medium 13.00- appeared for sale on the German A to Z" mid clean up "houses of Regional Office, 1405 West Broad- other resort communities.
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