September 8, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1187 has channeled his own tragedy into advocacy sador Mulhall on the U.S.—Ireland relation- CONGRATULATING THE FAYETTE and volunteerism. He and his wife, Flo, have ship. COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION focused on making a difference in the Central After joining Ireland’s Department of Foreign AGENCY FOR 50 YEARS OF SERV- New York community and assisting others Affairs in 1978, Ambassador Mulhall has ICE who have experienced similar tragedy. gained extensive experience working in New Anderson served as a youth basketball Delhi, Vienna, Brussels, Edinburgh, Malaysia, HON. BILL SHUSTER coach for more than two decades at Immacu- Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany and then OF PENNSYLVANIA late Heart of Mary in Liverpool, and coached London. During his diplomatic career, Ambas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES baseball in the Salt City Little League for 10 sador Mulhall has also held a number of posi- Friday, September 8, 2017 years. In addition, the Andersons are frequent tions at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to holiday volunteers at the Syracuse Rescue Trade, including as Director-General for Euro- congratulate the Fayette County Community Mission, serving meals to those less fortunate, pean Affairs. He also served as a member of Action Agency for 50 years of service to the and are active participants in the Liverpool the Secretariat of the Forum for Peace and communities of Fayette County in western Central School District ‘‘Dollars for Scholars’’ Reconciliation which was set up in 1994 in program where they have established a schol- Pennsylvania. order to promote political dialogue between The work of this agency has set an example arship in their son Jimmy’s name. Anderson different political traditions in Ireland. From for Community Action Agencies nationwide spends part of each day visiting online grief 1994 to 1998, he was the Department’s Press causing FCCAA to be recognized on numer- sites offering assistance to those who are Counsellor and in that capacity was part of the ous occasions for its community and economic struggling with tragedy. Irish Government’s delegation at the time of work, as well as the quality of services which For his tremendous efforts to make a dif- the Good Friday Agreement 1998. its employees provide. In addition to recogni- ference in ending this scourge and to make tions by the United States Department of Agri- our community a better place, I am proud to f culture and the AARP foundation, just last join the Syracuse Football Club in honoring J. year the Pennsylvania Housing and Finance Michael Anderson. HONORING JEFF ROSSER UPON Agency recognized FCCAA with its Lender f HIS RETIREMENT FROM RAYCOM MEDIA GROUP Partnership Award. RECOGNIZING ANTHONY BATTISTA The agency’s Board of Directors is com- posed of elected officials, business leaders HON. DUNCAN HUNTER HON. MARTHA ROBY and community representatives, and has built OF ALABAMA an agency which is an example for other com- OF CALIFORNIA munities. Their work touches thousands of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people each year by providing services such Friday, September 8, 2017 Friday, September 8, 2017 as emergency food and shelter, housing de- Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today along velopment, services for older residents, edu- cation and support for first time mothers, and recognize Anthony Battista, a man who pos- with my colleague Congressman MIKE ROGERS sesses the qualities that are present in the to honor Mr. Jeff Rosser for his exceptional training and education programs. Fayette very best personnel in our national govern- career in broadcast journalism and his almost County Community Action Agency is fulfilling ment in full measure. Tony was the research 50 years in television news. their mission of helping people and changing lives, and I am proud to have such a fine and development director of the House Armed Mr. Rosser was named Vice President of agency in my district. Fayette County is lucky Services Committee for many years. His engi- Raycom Media Group in Montgomery, Ala- to have an agency so committed to improving neering background and ability to ignore polit- bama in 1999. He will retire this September the livelihood of its citizens, and I am thankful ical pressure brought him down on the right after serving 18 years in this distinguished for their dedication to this community. side of many important decisions that ushered role. f in dominant U.S. military technology during the Mr. Rosser received his Bachelor of Arts in 1980s and 1990s. broadcast journalist from Brigham Young Uni- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTION To succeed, our country needs stand-up, in- versity and went on to work at multiple news OF THE JO ANN EMERSON CON- telligent, honest brokers in key decision mak- outlets across the country in cities including GRESSIONAL PAPERS TO THE ing positions. Tony Battista was all that in his Salt Lake City, Dallas, Tulsa, New York, and KENT LIBRARY SPECIAL COL- service to the House of Representatives and Boston. He then served as General Manager LECTIONS AND ARCHIVES AT America. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for his at WVTM in Birmingham, KDFW in his home- SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE honesty, brilliance, and unfailingly dedication town of Dallas, and stations in Providence, Ft. UNIVERSITY to Americans in uniform. I ask my fellow col- Smith, Fayetteville and Oklahoma City. leagues to join me in recognizing Tony’s serv- Over the years, Mr. Rosser has been recog- HON. JASON SMITH ice to our government, our military, and our nized as a leader in his field through many OF MISSOURI nation. honors including serving on the ABC Affiliate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Board of Governors, the National Association Friday, September 8, 2017 of Broadcasters Television Board of Directors, CONGRATULATING AMBASSADOR Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise and the FOX Affiliate Board of Governors. DANIEL MULHALL today to recognize the formal contribution of Mr. Rosser has been an invaluable asset to the Jo Ann Emerson Congressional Papers to HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE Raycom Media Group, being credited with the Kent Library Special Collections and Ar- helping to achieve numerous shared services OF PENNSYLVANIA chives at Southeast Missouri State University. agreements in Raycom markets and now IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, we celebrate and congratulate our dis- overseeing ten Raycom television stations. He trict’s matriarch, Congresswoman Jo Ann Friday, September 8, 2017 is highly respected among his peers and his Emerson. During Jo Ann’s sixteen year tenure Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. talents will not be easily replaced. in the United States House of Representa- Mr. Speaker, a deep, unbreakable bond unites Television news stations provide a great tives, she was a champion for the people of the United States and Ireland. We are linked service to the communities that they reach. A not only Southern Missouri, but the entire through many sectors—historical, cultural, so- Raycom Media Group affiliate, WSFA in Mont- state. She fiercely defended the conservative cial, sporting, business and political. gomery, provides Central Alabama with up-to- values shared by the citizens of southeast and I would like to congratulate Ambassador date, relevant news and I am thankful for Mr. south central Missouri while also knowing how Daniel Mulhall as he presents his diplomatic Rosser’s role in keeping the people of Ala- to reach across the aisle to pass legislation to credentials to President Donald Trump. Am- bama informed of what matters most to them. the benefit of those she represented. bassador Mulhall will be Ireland’s 18th Ambas- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to join Mr. The Jo Ann Emerson Congressional Papers sador to the United States. As a member of Rosser’s colleagues, family, and friends in contain more than one-hundred boxes of doc- the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a congratulating him on his retirement and hon- uments that follow Emerson’s time in Con- Member of Congress with an Irish born parent, oring his successful career. I wish him all the gress. The collection includes official press re- I look forward to working with closely Ambas- best in his future endeavors. leases, documents from committee hearings, VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Sep 09, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08SE8.005 E08SEPT1.
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