fair-fish international association Annual Report 2019 Katrin Vogelbach, co- founder and member, board member 2010- 1. The association and 2017. Urdorf ZH, Designer, *1936, co-founder and the people behind board member of fair- fish.ch 2000-2012. The fair-fish international association Billo Heinzpeter Studer, (fair-fish.net) founded in 2010 reports founder and president, on its seventh business year. The asso- Monfalcone, social ciation is designed as an international psychologist//publicist, umbrella organisation and has above all *1947, founder and the role of the ”Guardian of the Grail”. 2000-2012 director of In doing so, it carries out tasks of basic fair-fish.ch develop- ment, with as little operational and cam- paigning expenditure as pos- sible. Irmy Algader, Co-foun- der and member, board 1.1 The board of directors member 2010-2018. The association, domiciled in Winter- Grado, photographer thur, Switzerland, is run by a board of and illustrator, *1966 directors, which in the year under review consisted of the four founding members Katrin Vogelbach, Billo Heinzpeter Stu- der, Irmy Algader, and Nina Lisann Otter, plus Jenny Volstorf and Oliver Seeger. Nina Lisann Otter, co- 1.2 Management and collaborators founder and board mem- The obligation of the board members is ber. Los Angles and Paris, limited to the passing of resolutions and mathematican and artist the control of management and finan- ces. Billo Heinzpeter Studer, as the associa- tion’s president, is responsible for ma- Oliver Seeger, board member. Winterthur, Co- nagement, external representation and president fair-fish.ch the management of projects, within the 2008-2018, *1962 framework of the Rules of Procedure. The collaborators are mentioned in the following project reports. Jenny Volstorf, co-foun- From August 2018 to May 2019, Billo der and board member. Heinzpeter Studer was the acting mana- Berlin, PhD in natural ger of the fair-fish Switzerland associa- sciences, *1982, re- search coordinator tion, which delayed the completion of FishEthoBase his tasks at fair-fish international. 2 Annual Report 2019 fair-fish international 2. Appearances 1.3 Guidelines commission 2.1 Presentations • Peter Jossi, food engineer, certification • Presentations FishEthoBase: ➜ page 7 specialist, Basle • 08.01.2019: Presentation in the webi- • Peter Schlup, ethologist, Berne nar by Friend of the Sea “Fish Welfare • Billo Heinzpeter Studer in Aquaculture“ No activity in the year under review. • 12.09.2019: Summer Shoal in Faro, Portugal ➜ page 7 1.4 Advisory scientific board • 03.10. 2019: Presentation “Which fish The advisory board so far consisted of do I buy then?“, Fish Enquête of the three experts in the field of fish welfare/ Procurement of the City of Vienna animal welfare: Prof. em. Rudolf Hoffmann †, Munich; 2.2 Meetings and contacts Prof. em. Detlef Fölsch, Witzenhausen; • Team meetings of all collaborators: Prof. Helmut Segner, FIWI, Univ. Bern. 06.-07.04.2019 and 12.09.2019, both In September 2019, our FishEthoGroup in Faro elected a new advisory scientific • Meeting Carefish project: 09.07.2019 board, which will also act for fair-fish in- in Barcelona ternational: • 2019: second visits and consulting of • Prof. Culum Brown, Sidney, Australia 51 fish farms ➜ page 4 • Prof. Becca Franks, New York, USA • Prof. Lluis Tort, Barcelona, Spain 2.3 Media No activity in the year under review • April 2019: Interview on fish and con- sumption; PS Magazin, Zürich 1.5 Audit • April 2019: Contribution to “cod tra- For the first time, the General Meeting vels the world“; Ostsee-Zeitung elected Kim Suter, WINCO Treuhand AG, • Mai 2019: Interview on fisheries, Winterhur, as auditor. aquaculture, and animal welfare; Magazin oliv • Mai 2019: Interview on plastic waste in the oceans; Der Tierschutz, bv-tierschutz.de • September 2019: Statement on the conversion of the Kundelfingerhof fish farm; VgT-Nachrichten • Editorial of facebook.com/fair.fish and facebook.com/fishethobase, contribu- tion to publications by fair-fish.ch Carp pond from biofisch.at in the Waldviertel (Photo: Studer/fair-fish) fair-fish international Annual Report 2019 3 3. Fish ethology database “FishEthoBase” 3.1 Goal • Ethological full profiles The aim is to create a global database Eleven full profiles were available on- that systematically summarises the scat- line at the end of 2019, see the list of tered ethological (i. e. behavioural) fin- species opposite. These are three more dings on fish species and makes them than at the end of 2018 and thus one publicly available, as a basis for species- more than planned. The profile of each appropriate fish farming and as a stimu- species consists of a summary and in- lus for further research. The preparatory terpretation of the studies found on a work started in 2013. variety of ethological and fish welfare criteria (findings, with references), fish 3.2 Achievements in the reporting year welfare recommendations for practitio- The targeted number of published short ners based on these, and the short pro- and full profiles could not be achieved. file with a summary. (The original longer On the one hand, we deliberately took summaries for a wider audience will be more time than planned for the inter- published on the new website fair-fish. nal review process when creating new net at the end of 2020). Based on our profiles. On the other hand, we inve- experience so far, we currently expect to sted about one third of the budgeted produce two new full profiles per year. working hours in the complete revision of the existing profiles, initiated by nu- • Ethological short profiles merous suggestions we received in the At the end of 2019, 46 short profiles stakeholder dialogue in spring 2017. had been published online, see the list First adjustments had already been made of species opposite - only four more in the previous year. than at the end of 2018 (reasons: see We decided to prioritize further adjust- above and especially on page 10). Each ments before creating many additional short profile compresses the presenta- profiles, which then would only have to tion and interpretation of the studies be adapted to the new, higher quality found into ten core criteria: as well. In the case of the short profiles, – Horizontal need for space (home ran- the main focus was on adapting the ent- ge) ries to an even further revised format, as – Vertical need for space (depth range) well as in the revision of the FishEtho- – Migration or habitat change Scores. – Reproduction The full profiles were given a completely – Social behaviour new, dynamic format with an improved – Aggression overview for the users. The harmonisa- – Substrate and possibility for retreat tion of all existing profiles is still in pro- – Stress gress. – Malformations – Slaughter 4 Annual Report 2019 fair-fish international Table 1: The FishEthoBase profiles in the species tree Legend: short profile only full and short profile CEPHALOPODA (CEPHALOPODA) Latidae (Lates perches) Octopoda (Octopoda) Lates calcarifer (Barramundi) Octopodidae (Octopodidae) Moronidae (Temperate basses) Octopus maya (Mexican four eyed octopus) Dicentrachus labrax (European seabass) Octopus vulgaris (Common octopus) Osphronemidae (Gouramis) Osphronemus goramy (Giant gourami) Sepiida (Sepiida) Percidae (Percidae) Sepiidae (Sepiidae) Perca fluviatilis (European perch) Sepia officinalis (Common cuttlefish) Sander lucioperca (Pikeperch) Percoidea (Percoidea) MALACOSTRACA (MALACOSTRACA) Dentex dentex (Common Dentex) Decapoda (Decapods) Polyprionidae (Wreckfishes) Penaeidae (Penaeidae) Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish) Litopenaeus vannamei (Pacific whiteleg shrimp) Rachycentridae (Rachycentridae) Penaeus monodon (Giant tigerprawn) Rachycentron canadum (Cobia) Sciaenidae (Croakers) OSTEICHTHYES (BONY FISH) Argyrosomus regius (Meagre) Acipenseriformes (Acipenseriformes) Scombridae (Scombridae) Acipenseridae (Sturgeons) Thunnus maccoyii (Southern bluefin tuna) Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon) Serranidae (Serranidae) Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon) Epinephelus malabaricus (Malabar Grouper) Acipenser naccarii (Adriatic sturgeon) Sparidae (Sparidae) Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet sturgeon) Diplodus puntazzo (Sharpsnout Seabream) Acipenser stellatus (Stellate sturgeon) Pagrus pagrus (Red Porgy) Acipenser transmontanus (White sturgeon) Sparus aurata (Gilthead seabream) BAExNAC, NACxBAE (Hybrid sturgeon) Pleuronectiformes (Flatfishes) Cypriniformes (Cypriniformes) Pleuronectidae (Righteye flounders) Cyprinidae (Cyprinids) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut) Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) Scophthalmidae (Turbots) Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot) Soleidae (True soles) Gadiformes (Gadiformes) Solea senegalensis (Senegalese sole) Gadidae (Codfishes) Solea solea (Dover sole) Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) Lotidae (Lotidae) Salmoniformes (Salmoniformes) Lota lota (Burbot) Salmonidae (Salmonidae) Oncorhynchus masou (Cherry salmon) Mugiliformes (Mullets) Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mugilidae (Mullets) Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) Mugil cephalus (Striped mullet) Salvelinus alpinus alpinus (Arctic char) Salvelinus fontinalis (Brook trout) Perciformes (Perciformes) Thymallus thymallus (Grayling) Carangidae (Carangidae) Seriola dumerili (Greater amberjack) Siluriformes (Siluriforms) Seriola lalandi (Yellowtail amberjack) Clariidae (Airbreathing catfishes) Cichlidae (Cichlids) Clarias gariepinus (African sharptooth catfish) Oroeochrmis niloticus (Nile tilapia) Pangasiidae (Shark catfishes) Pangasianodon
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