IMPERIALISM AND RESISTANCE IN THE WORK OF MARGARET LAURENCE por MIGUEL NENEVÉ Teise subnietida à Universidade Federal de Sanía Catai’ina para a obtenção do graii de DOUTOR EM LETRAS FLORLWÓPOLIS Julho 1996 Esta Tese foi julgada adequada e aprovada em sua forma finaJ pelo Programa de Pós - Graduação era Inglês para a obtenção do ^au de DOLTOR EJ\Í LETR á S Opção Literatura é Roberto O'Shea )ORDENADOR Dra.Suaana Borneo Funck ORIENTADORA BANCA EXAMINADORA S 'ÍÍ£.£,.UÍl 4^ Dr a. Susaiia Borneo Fuiick «iz Prado Bellei Dra Diana Brj'don U. of Gueiph To V a a Lucia, Cai-olina, Claiissa and Cinthia. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge my debt of gratitude to ; - Dr. Sasana Borneo Fsinck, a great professor and supervisor, whose friendship, advice and encouragement were im'^luable in developing this woiir, - Dr. Sérpo Luk Prado Bettei for his generous help with ideas, boote and materials; - Dr. Anelise Corsedi, Dr. Bemadete Pasold, Dr.Diivo Ristof, Dr.José Robetto O'Shea for their lecfaires, encouragement and siqiport; - Dr. Linda Huicheoit from the University of Toronto, Dr. Baii>ara Godard from York University and Dr. Dima Btjdon from the University of Guelph for their kind help and important support and dedication dm’ing my stay in Canada; - Ms. Kiystyna Tarkovski and Dr. Daniel Drache from the Robarta Centre for Canadian Studies ( York University) for flieir friendly welcome and support during my research in Canada; - Jocelyn Laurence for giving me pennission to use Margaret Laurence's archives in my work; - Hie staff of Laurence's Archives at Scott Library ( York University) for their kind help; - CAPES and CNPQ for the important financial support; - Universidade Federal de Rondônia, especially my colleagues of the "Departamento de Letras" for their support and understanding; - Ail my collea^es of tlie PQI - UFSC, paiticulaiy Thomas L. Biims, who helped me and encouraged me along my reseæ'ch; - The PGI staff for their prompt help and understanding; - Petra KraopfrnttDer and Gisde G.Wolkoff for their unfeiling support with materials. - Gi’ace A. A. Mac©do for encouraging me with her enthusiasm and radiance. nr ABSTRACT IMPERIALISM AND RESISTANCE IN TEIE WORK OF MARGARET LAURENCE MIGUEL NENEVi: UMVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA 1996 SUPERVISING PROFESSOR ; DR.SUSANA BORNEO FUNOC This thesis investigates the works of Margaret Laurence with the support of theories of colonialism and decolonization. A white Canadian bom in the West, Laurence awakened to the problem of oppression, imequal ri^ts and colonialism in Canada at a young age. Her job as ajoumaJist in Manitoba, her experience in Africa, and her readings helped her to realize that Canada has something to share with other colonies. The author developed her conscience of a colonized throughout her life and her writing. From Tliis Side Jordan ( set in Africa) to Tlie Diviners ( set in Canada), her first and last novel respectively, Mai^aret Laurence denounces British colonialism and oppression over Africans and non-British Canadians, especially the Metis. Tlie author recognizes that being a white Canadian of Scots origin she cannot speak for the oppressed people, but as a colonized, she can state solidarity to all those who suffer the burden of colonialism and imperialism. Laurence's works also propose resistance to any form of exploitation and oppression. Number of pages : 164 Number of words: 56000 IV RESUMO IMPERIALISM AND RESISTANCE IN THE WORKS OF MARGARET LAURENCE MIGUEL NENEV^ UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA 1996 ORIENTADOR ; DR. SÜSANA BORNEO RJNCK Este trabalho investiga as obi-as da esritora canadense Maigaret Laurence sob umapers})ectivapós-coloniai. Nascida no Oeste canadense, Laui ence cedo pôde perceber 0 problema do colonialismo no Cíaiadá. O seu envolvimento com movimentos de esquerda, seu trabalho como jornalista em Manitoba, sua ex})eriência na África, suas leitui-as e convivências ajudaram a desenvolver idéias anti-imperialistas que sao evidentes "êhi suas obras. Tanto nas obi^as com cenário afiicano como nas obras com cenário canadense, a autora denuncia imperialismo, opressão e desigualdade de direitos. Número de páginas ; 164 Número de palavras : 56000 V ZUSAMMENFASS15NG IMPERIALISM AND RE.5ISTANCE IN THE WORKS OF MARGARET LAURENCE MIGUEL NENE\'fe UNTVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA TUTOR : DR. SUSANA BORNEO FUriCK . Diese Doktorarbeif unfersucht das Werk von Margaret Laiirence aus dem Blickwinkel der Nach-Koloniaien Zeit Laurence, eine weisse Kanadierin in Westen geboren, wwde fitlh auf das Problem des KoloniaJismns in Kanada aufmerksam. Ihre Erfahrung in Afrika und ihre Interpretation von Tlieoretikem des Kolonialismus halfen ihr bei der Bildung ihrer anti-imperialistischen Ideen, welche sowohl in ihre afrikanischen wie auch in ihren. kanatlischen Schriften deutlich werden. 164 Seite 56000 Worte VI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTEIACT v RESUMO vi ZUSAMMENFASSUNQ vii INTRODUCTION 01 CHAPTER I - Margaret Laurence : A White Canadian Writing a Post- Colonial Text 05 CHAPTER n - Margaret Laurence and the Prairies : Some Historical and Biographical Notes 23 CHAPTER in - Imperialism and Resistance in Laurence's African Writing 45 CHAPTER W - Disniimtliiig tiie Centre; lni|)ei'ialism and Resistance in Laurence's Canadian Writing 88 CONCLUSION 134 NOTES 143 BIBLIOGRAPm" 145 vn INTRODUCTION I'm glad you are doing a presentation on my work and I wish you every success with it. I would say that one thing that I hope comes across is the fact that every human individual really matters — no one is unimportant and that we must try to understand the reality o f others. ^'Laurence's letter to Linda Van Vossenberg) English Canadian Literature is not so often identified with post colonialism as its French counterpart. According to Silvia Sôderlind, "Post-Colonial endeavor is both more relevant and more visible in the Québécois texts with their emphasis on the 'recuperative work' on the level of language which is inevitably reflected in territorial strategies" (Margin/'Alias 228). Although this is undeniable, one can perceive indication of anti­ imperialism in some English Canadian writers, as in the work of Margaret Laurence. But though Laurence treats the problem of imperialism and of colonialism in several of her works, there are not (as far as I know) many critics who write about Laurence's preoccupation with imperialism. .4mong the few who do are : Chantai Zabus, who, in her article "A CaJibanic Tempest in Anglophone & Francophone New World ", compares Laurence's anti-imperialism outlook with that of Frantz Fanon; Margaret Osachofif, who, in "Colonialism in the fiction of Margaret Laurence " gives a general view of colonialism in the work of Laurence; Kenneth James Hughes, who, in 'Tolitics and A Jest of God shows how A Jest of God can be read as a political text ; Barbara Godard, who, in "Caliban's Revolt: The Discourse of the (M)other", shows how The Diviners is a parodie rewriting of canonical texts and a subversion of the dominant discourse, and Coral Ann Howells, with her article "Weaving Fabrications : Women's NaiTatives in A Jest of God and Hie Fire- Dwellers.” It seems to me that, in general, Canadian critics tend to ignore the socio­ political concerns revealed in Margaret Laurence's writing. As a Brazilian reader, I was attracted to Laurence's work for its attention to the dispossessed people who belong to marginalized groups; Third-World people (like the Africans under British domination ), the Metis and the Ukrainians in Canada, and women in general. Laurence's political concern struck me when I started reading her works. Her sympathy for the marginalized people was confirmed through each new reading of her writings not only in fiction but also in her travel-book and her essays and articles. Hius, althou^ my woric is on her adult fiction and on her travel nan’ative, other pieces of writing maintain her political feature. In fact, on more than one occasion, Laurence herself confirms that her writings are political and should be read as such. Researching in Canada, at the same time that I faced some disagreement with my political reading of Laurence's work, I received the important support of Linda Hutcheon, Barbara Godard and Diana Brydon. These critics assured me that little had been written about Laurence's works as anti-colonial texts and guided me in my investigation. They helped me to find connections between Laurence's writing and her environment, the Canadian West where she was bom and educated, allowing me to perceive that much of Laurence's resistance to imperialist ideas and practices emerged from her experience in the Canadian West and in Canada as a whole, which she believed to be colonial in some ways. Tlius researching Canada's histoiy and culture, I could realize how the colonial condition of Canada affected Laurence's political ideas. Her experience in Africa would just ratify her thou^t that imperialism degrades ail kinds of people. Tliis idea is perceived both in Laurence's African and Canadian writing. In tliis work I argue that Laurence's works can be read as texts which both denounce and present resistance to colonialism. In the first chapter I present the condition of Canada as a colony, although different from any other colony, and theories which support a reading of Canadian literature as post-colonial literature. I base my argument mainly on the works of Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Mary Louise Pratt and Homi Bhabha without foi^etting , however, that Mannoni's work was relevant to Laurence's awareness of the problem of colonialism. The influence of Mannoni in her woriis has been emphasized many times because Laurence herself confessed such influence. I believe, however, that the presence of Fanon's ideas in her worics is even more clearly perceptible than the author herself perceived. The existence of Fanon's works in a section of C.
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