ORGANIZATION TYPE WEBSITE THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY 1 717 Harwood Coworking THE ENTREPRENEURIAL DFW WORKS TOGETHER 2 Addison Treehouse Coworking www.addisontreehouse.com 3 Alcatel-Lucent Research & Innovation Center Innovation Center www.alcatel-lucent.com COMMUNITY 4 AT&T Foundry Innovation Center / Accelerator about.att.com/innovation/foundry Incubator www.elcentrocollege.edu/bjp/ 20 5 Bill J Priest Institute Business Growth Center Texas is arguably the No. 1 state in the 6 Biz Owners Ed Accelerator www.bizownersed.com country in which to DO business and Dallas- 7 Catalyst by SoftLayer Incubator www.softlayer.com/catalyst 4945 Fort Worth is one of the best places in the 63 8 Cause Studio Incubator www.causestudio.co 9 CBRE Labs Innovation Center twitter.com/cbrelabs?lang=en country to START a business. An explosion 59 40 10 Center for Innovation at Arlington Incubator / Accelerator www.thecenterforinnovation.org of new startups, coworking spaces, 11 Codesk Coworking www.codesk.space/#story incubators and accelerators are building 12 CoLAB Coworking www.colabwork.com a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in 13 Collide Village Accelerator Program (CVAP) Accelerator www.collidevillage.com/accelerator Dallas-Fort Worth. 14 Common Desk Deep Ellum Coworking www.thecommondesk.com | 54 15 Common Desk Oak Cliff Coworking thecommondesk.com 16 Cowork Suites Coworking www.coworksuites.com THE ENTREPRENEURIAL COMMUNITY 6 17 Dallas Cowork Coworking www.dallascowork.com 16 18 Dallas Makerspace Coworking www.dallasmakerspace.org 28 57 19 DFW Excellerator Coworking / Incubator www.dfwexcellerator.com/EN/index.aspx 3 4 20 Discovery Park at UNT Incubator www.discoverypark.unt.edu 39 6660 43 21 EO Accelerator Dallas Accelerator www.eodallas.org 22 EO Accelerator Fort Worth Accelerator www.eonetwork.org/fortworth www.essilor.com/en/Group/International/Pages/ 23 Essilor Innovation & Technology Center Innovation Center 2 13 InnovationTechnologyCenters.aspx 22 30 18 7 23 17 24 Fort Work Coworking www.dallasfortwork.com investor.gamestop.com/phoenix. 25 GameStop Technology Institute Innovation Center 25 1135 zhtml?c=130125&p=innovation 38 www.gdhcc.com/programs_and_resources/executive_ 26 GDHCC Business Assistance Center Incubator Program Incubator entrepreneur_program.aspx 27 GeniusDen Coworking / Incubator www.geniusden.com 4419 28 HeadSpace Coworking www.headspacedallas.com 53 58 41 26 29 Health Wildcatters Accelerator www.healthwildcatters.com 68 65 30 IBM Innovation Center Dallas Innovation Center www.ibm.com/partnerworld/iic/dallas.htm 31 IDEA Works FW Coworking / Incubator www.ideaworksfw.org Kowork Coworking www.kowork.co 12 5 32 5615 50 33 L e v e l O ffi c e Coworking www.leveloffi ce.com/locations/701commerce/ 31 48 34 Mass Catalyst/Circuit Breaker Venture Coworking 46 64 10 37 35 Microsoft Technology Center Innovation Center www.microsoft.com/en-us/mtc/locations/dallas.aspx 36 MOTIVE Accelerator www.thisismotive.com www.mountainviewcollege.edu/business/econdev/Pages/ 37 Mountain View College Business Incubator Program Incubator businessincubator.aspx 38 Neiman Marcus iLab Innovation Center 39 Nod Coworking Coworking www.noddfw.com 40 North Texas Enterprise Center Accelerator / Incubator www.ntec-inc.org 41 Pipeline at Biocenter, UT Southwestern Medical District Incubator www.biocenterdallas.com 42 REVTECH Accelerator Accelerator www.revtechaccelerator.com Samsung Research America - 43 Innovation Center www.sra.samsung.com/research-lab/sra-dallas Standards and Mobility Innovation 44 SATUS Accelerator www.satusproject.com U.S. PATENT & 45 Stoke Incubator TRADEMARK OFFICE (USPTO) 46 TECH Fort Worth Incubator / Accelerator www.techfortworth.org In 2015, the USPTO opened one of 47 Tech Wildcatters Accelerator www.techwildcatters.com/ and techwildcatters.com/emerge/ www.uta.edu/research/administration/departments/tm/for- four regional offi ces in Dallas due DALLAS IS THE 48 TechFW@UTA Accelerator entrepreneures/index.php to the growing output of high-tech 49 TechMill Coworking www.techmill.co innovations. The other regional offi ces BEST PLACE FOR 50 The Backlot Coworking www.backlotfw.co are located in Silicon Valley, Detroit and 51 The Cedars Union Incubator www.cedarsunion.org Denver. The offi ce provides outreach STARTUPS 52 The Dallas Entrepreneur Center (DEC) Coworking / Incubator www.thedec.com services for inventors, entrepreneurs, U.S. CHAMBER OF 53 The Foundry Club Coworking www.foundryclub.com 54 The Garage at Capital One Innovation Center www.capitalone.com/go-digital startups, researchers and others. COMMERCE FOUNDATION 55 The Grove Coworking www.grovedallas.com Visitors to the offi ce can search 56 The Kessler Co-Op Coworking www.thekesslerco-op.com existing patent and trademarks, attend 9 57 The Lab Coworking www.thelab.ms workshops and training, Use interview 58 The Mix Coworking & Maker Space Coworking www.themixcoworking.spaces.nexudus.com/en rooms for applicants to connect with 1 59 The WERX in McKinney Coworking www.mckinneywerx.com 32 14 27 www.ti.com/corp/docs/innovation/research-development/ patent examiners working at USPTO 42 62 24 60 TI Kilby Labs Innovation Center 52 47 29 34 Kilby-Labs.html headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia and 36 67 DFW IS A TOP 5533 61 U.S. Patent & Trademark Texas Regional Offi ce Resource Center www.uspto.gov/about/locations/dallas.jsp across the country, and gain remote 61 62 United Way’s Ground Floor Accelerator / Incubator www.thegroundfl oor.org/accelerator 8 access to the Patent Trial and Appeal 10 REGION FOR 63 UNT Innovation Greenhouse Accelerator innovation.unt.edu 51 www.uta.edu/research/administration/departments/tm/for- Board proceedings 64 UTA Technology Incubator Incubator FASTGROWTH entrepreneures/index.php The Texas Regional Offi ce is located 65 Varenport Coworking www.varenport.com in the Terminal Annex Federal Building in 5 COMPANIES 66 Venture Development Center (UTD) Accelerator venture.utdallas.edu Downtown Dallas (207 South Houston St., 67 VENUE Coworking / Incubator www. attorneyvenue.com Dallas - Phone: 469-295-9000) INC. MAGAZINE 68 Weld Coworking weld.co 100 DALLAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GUIDE SOURCE: DRC Research 2016 2016 DALLAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GUIDE 101 $5.7B 2001 Broadcast.com to Yahoo $5.7B 2001 Broadcast.com to Yahoo IPO 2002 Gamestop IPO 2002 Gamestop ACQUIRED 2013 MetroPCS to T-Mobile ACQUIRED 2013 MetroPCS to T-Mobile 2008 EDS to HP $13.9B 2008 EDS to HP $13.9B $105M 2009 Id Software to Zenimax $105M 2009 Id Software to Zenimax $3.9B 2002 Perot Systems to Dell $3.9B 2002 Perot Systems to Dell $110M 2010 Woot.com to Amazon DFW COMPANIES HAVE BIG EXITS ... $110M 2010 Woot.com to Amazon $330M 2010 ITKO to CA Technologies Covering the North Texas $5.7B 2001 Broadcast.com to Yahoo $330M 2010 ITKO to CA Technologies innovation culture where $53M 2010 New Toy to Zynga IPO 2002 Gamestop $53M 2010 New Toy to Zynga ACQUIRED 2010 Quickoffice to Google TECH, CREATIVES, ACQUIRED 2013 MetroPCS to T-Mobile ACQUIRED 2010 Quickoffice to Google $2B 2013 Softlayer to IBM to THE ENTREPRENEURIAL COMMUNITY 2008 EDS HP $13.9B $2B 2013 Softlayer to IBM INNOVATORS, | to $105M 2009 Id Software to Zenimax ACQUIRED 2013 Bottle Rocket WPP ACQUIRED 2013 Bottle Rocket to WPP INCUBATORS, to $3.9B 2002 Perot Systems Dell $2.7B 2015 ZS Pharma to AstraZeneca $2.7B 2015 ZS Pharma to AstraZeneca EDUCATORS, $110M 2010 Woot.com to Amazon ENTREPRENEURS, 2010 ITKO to CA Technologies THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY ... WITH THE HELP OF $330M INVESTORS PRIVATE EQUITY GROWTH FUNDS, VENTURE CAPITAL & ANGEL GROUPS 2010 New Toy to Zynga 2M COMPANIES$53M DALLAS VENTURE PARTNERS NAYA VENTURES 2m.com dallasventurepartners.com nayaventures.com ENTERPRISE ARISTOS VENTURES GOLDEN SEEDS - DALLAS NORTH TEXAS ANGEL NETWORK northtexasangels.org & aristosventures.com ACQUIRED 2010 Quickofficegoldenseeds.com to Google SID R. BASS ASSOCIATION connect, converse, B4 VENTURES GREEN PARK & GOLF VENTURES b4ventures.com gpgventures.com SILVER CREEK VENTURES silvercreekfund.com BAYLOR ANGEL NETWORK $2B 2013 SoftlayerHANGAR to VENTURESIBM and converge across baylor.edu/business/angelnetwork hangarventures.com STONEHENGE CAPITAL stonehengecapital.com CAPITAL SOUTHWEST HUGHES VENTURES capitalsouthwest.com hughesventures.com TEAKWOOD CAPITAL teakwoodcapital.com industry sectors CENTERPOINT VENTURESACQUIRED 2013 Bottle Rocket to WPPHUNT BIO VENTURES TEXAS VENTURES centerpointvp.com huntbioventures.com texasventures.com COWTOWN ANGELS LONE STAR ANGELS TEXAS WOMEN VENTURES cowtownangels.org lonestarangels.weebly.com texaswomenventures.com DALLAS ANGEL NETWORK $2.7B 2015MOBILITY ZS Pharma VENTURES to AstraZeneca TRAILBLAZER CAPITAL www.dallasangelnetwork.com mobilityventures.com/index.php trailblazercap.com OVER $2 BILLION IN VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTED IN DFW COMPANIES SINCE 2010 THE DIGITAL MEDIA PLATFORM PROMOTING 7TH LARGEST TOP 20 REGION FOR ONE OF AMERICA’S DALLAS-FORT WORTH AS A CONCENTRATION OF NUMBER OF PATENTS COOLEST CITIES IN 2014 DALLASINNOVATES.COM HUB FOR INNOVATION HIGH TECH WORKERS ISSUED 20072011 FORBES IN THE U.S. SOURCE: DRC Research A COLLABORATION OF THE DALLAS REGIONAL CHAMBER AND D MAGAZINE PARTNERS 102 DALLAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GUIDE 2016.
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