Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, February 21, 2000 Volume 36ÐNumber 7 Pages 291±341 Contents Addresses and Remarks Interviews With the News MediaÐContinued Funding to make more livable communities, News conference, February 16 (No. 186)Ð radio remarksÐ307 311 Georgia, tornado damageÐ294 Internet securityÐ308 Letters and Messages League of United Latin American Citizens' Lifetime Achievement AwardÐ293 Presidents' Day, messageÐ339 National Association for Equal Opportunity in Proclamations Higher Education leadership banquetÐ328 National Summit on AfricaÐ332 National Consumer Protection WeekÐ291 Radio addressÐ292 To Facilitate Positive Adjustment to Communications to Congress Competition From Imports of Certain Steel Wire RodÐ324 Digital computer exports, letter transmitting reportÐ310 Statements by the President Steel wire rod imports, letter transmitting documentationÐ328 Budget surplus, third consecutiveÐ339 Death of Charles M. Schulz, Jr.Ð293 Communications to Federal Agencies Northern Ireland peace processÐ291 Economic Community of West African States, Sudan, school bombingÐ308 memorandum on assistanceÐ332 Steel wire rod imports, memorandumÐ326 Supplementary Materials Interviews With the News Media Acts approved by the PresidentÐ341 Exchange with reporters in the Cabinet Checklist of White House press releasesÐ340 RoomÐ308 Digest of other White House Interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN.comÐ announcementsÐ339 299 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ340 Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at http://www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. Week Ending Friday, February 18, 2000 Statement on Action in the Northern consumers the opportunity to choose from Ireland Peace Process a wide variety of products while saving pre- February 11, 2000 cious time for family and personal interests. As we move into the digital age, the Internet The Good Friday accord, made possible and other information technologies have by the courage of leaders from both of made electronic commerce possible, and on- Northern Ireland's communities, responded line shopping is opening doors for con- to the people's overwhelming desire for sumers, established retailers, and small en- peace. It has been sustained by those leaders trepreneurs across the Nation. With these making the tough decisions necessary to keep opportunities, however, come certain risks the process moving forward. I regret that the for home shoppers. Advances in tele- IRA did not give the de Chastelain Commis- communications and marketing technology sion a more timely commitment on arms de- bring new opportunities for unfair, decep- commissioning to maintain the momentum tive, or fraudulent practices that target con- toward full implementation of the accordÐ sumers where they live. It is now easier than a commitment which reflects the wishes of ever for perpetrators of fraud to reach shop- the vast majority of people both in Ireland pers in their homes; consequently, it is more and in Northern Ireland. important than ever that consumers know At the same time, we have seen real their rights, understand the risks, and know progress in the past few days. This progress to whom they can turn for recourse. is reflected in the most recent report from While there are risks to home shopping, the de Chastelain Commission, which states including unwanted solicitations, ill-advised that the commitment made by the IRA's rep- purchases, and failure to deliver items pur- resentative ``holds out the real prospect of chased, consumers can protect themselves an agreement which would enable [the Com- against these dangers by taking basic, com- mission] to fulfill the substance of its man- date.'' I urge all the parties to build on that monsense precautions. Home shoppers progress, remain engaged, and carry through should ascertain the seller's location and rep- on their responsibilities to work together to utation; give out personal information only achieve the full implementation of the Good if they know who is collecting it, why it is Friday accord. being collected, and how it will be used; and report problems that they cannot resolve NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub- with the vendor. lication in the appropriate issue. In order to protect consumers, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Jus- Proclamation 7272ÐNational tice, the Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Protection Week, 2000 the American Association of Retired Persons, the National Association of Consumer Agen- February 11, 2000 cy Administrators, and the National Associa- By the President of the United States tion of Attorneys General have joined forces of America to inform Americans about their rights as home shoppers, about merchant responsibil- A Proclamation ities, and about how to enjoy safely the bene- Americans have long enjoyed shopping fits of shopping from home. This information from the comfort of their homes. Door-to- is available in writing, by telephone, and on- door sales and mail-order catalogs have given line, helping to educate consumers about 291 292 Feb. 11 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 such issues as how to stop unwanted tele- for millions of families. We've greatly ex- marketing or mail-order solicitations and panded preschool and after-school programs. when to provide private information to an We've fought to give generous tax credits to on-line business. help the growing numbers of families who I encourage all Americans to take advan- provide care for aging or ailing loved ones tage of this opportunity to learn more about at home. safe shopping from home. By becoming wise This month we're celebrating the seventh and well-informed consumers, we can reduce anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave the incidence of fraud and deception in the Act, the very first bill I was privileged to sign marketplace. as President. That bill was the product of Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, years of hard work by a large coalition of car- President of the United States of America, ing leaders, many of whom have joined me by virtue of the authority vested in me by here today. They should be very proud of the Constitution and the laws of the United their efforts. States, do hereby proclaim February 14 The family and medical leave law has now through February 20, 2000, as National Con- given more than 20 million Americans the sumer Protection Week. I call upon govern- opportunity to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid ment officials, industry leaders, consumer ad- leave to care for a newborn child or a sick vocates, and the American people to partici- relative or attend to their own serious health pate in programs promoting safe and reliable needsÐwithout fear of losing their jobs. shopping from home and to raise public Everywhere I go, people come up to me and awareness about the dangers of deceptive tell me how much this law has meant to their and fraudulent practices targeting home lives. I've heard people say that the time they shoppers. were able to take off to be by their dad's In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set side in the hospital or bond with a new my hand this eleventh day of February, in daughter at home was the most important the year of our Lord two thousand, and of time they've ever spent. the Independence of the United States of Not only has the law been a godsend for America the two hundred and twenty-fourth. families, it's also been good for business. William J. Clinton Nearly 85 percent of businesses reported that complying with the law required no extra [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, cost. In fact, in many cases it has actually 8:45 a.m., February 15, 2000] helped save them money by cutting down on turnover and reducing the expense of train- NOTE: This proclamation was published in the ing new workers. Federal Register on February 16. This item was not received in time for publication in the appro- But for all the success of this law, we know priate issue. we can and should do more. Today, there are still large numbers of families who need to take leave from work but can't afford to The President's Radio Address give up the income. That's why, 3 months February 12, 2000 ago, Labor Secretary Alexis Herman and I proposed a new rule to give States flexibility Good morning. Today I want to speak with to use their existing unemployment insur- you about the important steps we're taking ance programs to offer paid leave to new par- to reach one of our Nation's highest goals, ents. Participation is purely voluntary, but we helping all our people to succeed at work hope States will take advantage of this.
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