''$."". __, __ ... __ . • '• • ' . * '' . • / ' : ••'••' - tut ciuwroHD cmttpr AHD camowcut, THUOTPAV,; OCTOBB^ IS, which arivod In Bortonja*! Leaving Newport, R. 'I;, lut Installation winter, the tquadton uniU pro- ceeded, to the Far B»Bt by way of ihe Panama faun). They aprnl try* months in support of UK force* in the Korean area, oper- Sajelyt GARWOOD KKNILWORTH ation with fukt carrier Task Force 77 and with blockading and e*<- Ort'iuoiticM at Temple ! corting To»k Force fl5 at Woman CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY^ THURSDAY, Pages '— TEN CENTS For MuMtcr Councilor >Mrbo'r. The ships returned by way" of the Suc^ Canal and the Thirties Other Officers Mediterranean. " Itichnrd Thlcde wan installed a* Kudarman Sherman will"return Revival of Water Carriival on Cranfard Day IJnitedFuiul -- al — muster ixitincilor of Brcmner Chap- to his ship at Boston early next Trustees Impending Ov ter, Orel.-i of UeMolay, at public month? A Kracliuite of Crahford cr'rrmonios at. the Masonic" Tcm- ....... „ A in\ 1050. he stud-ftp* Depends Upon Cooperation df Organization^ lasi Thursday nlitht. OITlciat- at Union Junior College before en- If there is HwfTlclerit Interest and and: a meeting of presidents of all and athletic activities for JUUulgCollections inu wore iiuwbi-rK of the InstalHnk list inn in the Navy two and cooperation from local clubs and local organizations has been called people tit Memorial Field. At High School Discussed team of Wrltas Chapter^' Rosellc. hall ycars.-iigo. Ilv plans'to organizations, there is a good pos- for November 30 in the municipal , On Saturday, it was suggested BARON'S Tin1 o\itn<>iiiK master councilor, thine his college career' upon/oin- owns sibility this, water carnival, for building to determine the,extent that local art groups present an Di'iuv I.uiMinj'Wus presented with plotion of his enllNtmcnt. tetin in Thrift Plan which Crahford .was famous, a of active and financial participa- art exhibit at Warner' Plaza, and a past m;istor councilor's pin byanother your und a half./' quarter of a century ago, will, be tion by "each, group In next year's the Recreation-Committee sponsor toast to the United Nations Problem l!io •'' •• • ° Biuch Urget* Workers .Fivdrrlck Ilucttcnian who « Ills younger brother/John, who Administrative Staff rcvivqd during next year's Crari- project. Also to be discussed will the annual lishlng contest for d nu'i'll. bill's-to~Ti number was graduated from^Cranford High ford Day celebration. '_ '_be a.suggestion that a. paid direct- youngsters. In the afternoon, chil- To Cover TerritorieH "On tins day let all men of good WM. lKrou«li- Yow\Nex School last'Junci/fenllstetf-'ln- the ursof tlw chapter; .Fol- OF SOFTEST, WARMEST FLANNEL Faculty This ,was indicated Tuesday or be engaged to- handle thc^dc-r dren's" art groups would stage an "oul^lKrr""earth, turn their - iKpUghts toward their Next Year lowing tin* ceremonies refresh- Marine.Corps ojrwtobcr h and is tailed work for the 1054 event. exhibit) and in the evening the wa- A* Quickly aM now training i>t Pai'ris Island, S. C. night at the initial meeting of the 1 *bru|hcrH'in other lands, i - • to BARON'S ments were wrvrd l>y tho Mothers' Program \ special steering committee ap- It is proposed to enlarge next ter carnival would be .held, inter Collections in thetwelfth an- Circle of Hromilcr Chapter. Another brother, David, Was dis- MperKcd with bund selections. " " , "On this day vk-t each of us pause lo lerncinher the retiommehdation pointed several' months ago by year's: Cwthford Day event to a nual Cranford United Fun<l CWK Other' oUU-ers of the chapter charge d|n' Juhc after two -years Mayor Fred P. Andersen to look two-day program. Friday s sched- The wntci carnival, which would -that,', whatever .pur racr, our language, our belief*,, Foreseen , I the elementary administrative puigii uru lagging, John h. Blach,| and Prove It To* Yourself woro installed n* follows:' with the Air Force rind Is now depict early historical events here, Into the possibilities of expanding ule would open with the serving of executive1 chairman, reported this j or the pignient of our skin. i.hc needs anil aspirations Senior councilor!' Alvln Clccohe; vomplctliiii his penior year at New : lilf, the Board of Education Tucs- would be held between the Hansel the annual Cranfbrd Day program t'ofTce and doughnuts at the sta- week. He.'nppculcti to workers to of our neighbor across .the border differ but little Pr»|K»Hal to Move junior councilor, U-onard jgVcher: York University, two older ,l,iy-'evening voted njtuinst setting which has been sponsored for sev- tioiMor the.commuters" Historical Dam and the Canoe Club.- Seating •brother*;. KhMdjje a.nd Norman, mtjkc every'effort;., to cover their from those of. our neighbor next door and ourselves. Seventh (Iradeni- .'• senior deacon, John Durycc;. Juu- up a school thrift program; slldesxof. early Oanford scenes facilities for more than 6,000 spec eral years by. the Village Improve- 1 ior deacon, Jink Richard; senjor served with jMo uaVal forces during •VVo Und that 85 peroca t of the ment 'Association. would be shown in the public tators could l>c erected along ftiv- areas usL.quickl.v* us possible -and "On this day let us take pride in dreaming — Under < .oiiHideralion ; 52 SCHICK BLADES steward, .lames iNliurncltc; 'junior World W crside drive between North-Union turn In their reports to their area l.arhors," the staff report to the Another meeting of thc.httecrlng schools, special historical displays in dreaming of. a world in whichi all mert live for- l.turlou C. H.-lili-ii, <li;iiniiT\n of "steward. Whuriiwrlntyre; chap- board said; "arc opposed, lo the In the library and public buildings, (Continxu-U oifc Pane Etpht > . chalrn«'n. • . •: PLUS bc cutrr than our oUj-fanh- group'is slated for November 16 • ever in. peace, for only .out-of-dreams down through li'U- building ci>iiiiiiill',<v. l»i"l'"st"' lain, > yVilltam Dot^liw; almoner,. ,<:.iablishrueivl'- of Kchooj savings Through Monday night, a total Stiiiil\y\,Mo . r.ri'onnls.' Ninety-one per cent felt of $0,102.10 or approximately' 'iV the ajjes have come realities. -.. " . to .the Hoard ol Jvlur.itKMITm-ulay SCHICK RAZOR 98 Muii Who Will gown for coiy sleeping-or Dial continued nnpbusls shoiuld be l>creent of this y_car'K,quota_of $21,r i-Vf-niin; ':tli(irii>v»|j»th 'grade ••cj;istii>s MiiAlUjl. fclwood "§p'ton this di»y let all men of decency and art! bosWr, lor Y«u placed On the doyclopnient of good Student Accident List Prom 000, had been collccltd, the chair- good will in all lands and on all the seas, salutealid IM-n:ovi'd t.i'i tlTr.eleinentiiry s«-.h««>ls Straight *ut, it has man said, Mr. Bluch strtsseil the U.yndhuV.sty hiliil:; of thrift as a regular part of cherish the instrument jwhich the nations have cre- whon .Cianrord. Jlu'h Srhoi.l 'In-. Samuel \GVini ilio curriculum," -.-••- . fact that the live participating iig- Plan Taken Under Advisement 'ronies '<iveriTOWtl«'<l Williiini Dii .liar and moss fringe trii 1( was ji,lsui .pointed out In the encies — Boy und Girl Scouts. Vis- ated to construct lasting peace. Let us OTI this United : Leaders iting Nurse Association, Welfare i.f. 1054 nr UlAS. ' ier. lUoharU.' i-o'port tlmt 53 per cent of the pupils The Board of. Education Tuesday evening" indicated It favored Nations Day salute mankind's bright hope •— Tl IE Il.rl.lnv .s:ifil, Association and Boy's Cumli— de- ' Such a |>lf«n, Mr Johnson and \Jolv •1 in quaint floral print on in the grades that made reports endorsing an accident Insurance program for the students of tb<? ;n'l 'to n'r.t- pend on the United Fund for their UNITED NAtlONS." ' C sentinel, AlberY I. have savings bank.accounts. Parent, Student . I.IH- llic roin-l'iiictmii -of .a'l'lition.-il Cranford public scliwl system. budgets for the enduing 'year. -He •'I'll Is liiii.it tn (In-- fini'-d iVo»ik>~« >>.«3. * jir<ij».j.<-»l l maizr. 'Sizes 36 to 40. •The coniiiieutn.of the teachers," icililK's (or oni- ' r two >«--i.i>"-- H<" However, the board y<»led to request the health and attendance Ct»-4]|iairmcii Named pointed out that this year's quota , for fl>.- flnti-^al t'>i':<f* <V.f,<iiiiMr«- ]<<r VEX the loport.wrid. "show a rcluclunce HID: lna»l ii'ill • ill tlii re would hi- ;iilv.ilit..i:<s to committee with the asslsta.KO of Joseph HcUer. ail inBuraricc Wan, to is up approximately live percent Vuitfll Ni(li»n;:" Uili;. Ortutfr »'•!. <*t \rh\rh Ii«.4- lo 46. Get yours how and lo lake lime from the regular edu*- To Hun Affair .. «r flu- «-orllrl. L 14*11 ..irt I'HI •' . ' • study the policy and to action thei» — ; *•" ~~. r~ over last year und it is Imperative lie ft-aA ill INiir.il fititiont Din/ i.1. hruiuin ail calioiiiil pvogrinn for Routine pro- Mrs. J, C. Klein and Charloltc Mi. r.'-Uti-n citt-d the i'p- "• <•'[ rffl pcrposal. Mrs. Walter j/t'onley. thii his Inerca.-jc be spread propor- for those cold, cold nights. • Yi'iliu'es connectwl with banking. Peer have been named co-chair- lie- l»oi(t(l's".Lonl'.-Hangc l'lannmi; cominittec chalnnan," arranged a fonatcly over-the more'than'5,000 I •- i.illle Interest in a school uavitigs men of next year's Cranford High •iironi.lt<-«-, wim-li two vr'ars ai^n.
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