SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL-GEORGETOWN, DELAWARE-MARCH 16, 1976 Call to The regular meeting of the Sussex County Council was held Order on Tuesday, March 16, 1976 at 10:00 A. M. with the following members present: John T. Cannon, Sr. President W. Howard Workman Vice President Ralph E. Benson Member Charles W. Cole Member Oliver E. Hill Member The meeting was opened with the repeating of the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. M 147 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Benson, to Minutes approve the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Approved Motion Adopted by Voice Vote. Corre­ The following correspondence was read by Mr. Betts, County spondence Solicitor: Rollie H. White, Jr., Secretary, Ad Hoc Committee to Preserve Through Rail Service on Delmarva. Re: Requesting the members of the Council write to the U. S. Senate Sub-Committee on Surface Transportation stessing the importance of through rail service on Delmarva. Department of the Army, Philadelphia District, Corps of En­ gineers. Re: Application by Arthur F. Lakin, 8430 Potomac Avenue, College Park, Maryland, for a Department of the Army approval of plans of an existing bulkhead and dock in a lagoon in Little Assawoman Bay along Bayard Street, Fenwick Island, Sussex County, Delaware. This work was previously advertised as proposed in public notice NAPOP-R-75-448 issued by the Department of the Army on September 16, 1975. Department of the Army, Philadelphia District, Corps of En­ gineers. Re: Application by Delmarva Power & Light Company, 800 King Street, Wilmington, Delaware, for a Department of the Army permit to construct an intake and discharge structure in Island Creek, a tributary of Indian River, at their Indian River Generating Station, Burton Island, Millsboro, Sussex County, Delaware. Robert S. Terrill, Mayor of the Town of South Bethany. Re: Statement by Mayor Terrill regarding access to the ocean beach for the general public. -1- March 16, 1976 Corre­ Delaware Authority for Specialized Transportation. spondence Re: Submitting their report on transportation activities Cont. for the month of February, 1976. DAST Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, reported to the Council that efforts are being made to correct the "cash flow" problem of the Delaware Authority for Specialized Transportation. Corre­ Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, spondence Division of Environmental Control. Cont. Re: Submitting a list of Wetlands applications and advertis­ ing for the month of February, 1976. Crisis Mrs. Givens, Acting Civil Defense Director, reported to the Relocation Council on the status of a plan for "Crisis Relocation". Fire Chiefs' Mrs. Givens, Acting Civil Defense Director, reported to the Meeting Council that the Fire Chiefs' meeting will be held in Laurel, Delaware on March 17, 1976. S. C. Volun­ Mrs. Givens, Acting Civil Defense Director, reported to the teer Fire­ Council that Sussex County Volunteer Fireman's Association man's Assn. will be held in Bethany Beach, Delaware on March 23, 1976. Natural Mrs. Givens, Acting Civil Defense Director, reported to the Disaster Council that the Natural Disaster exercise will be held in Exercise Delaware City, Delaware on March 26, 1976. M 148 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Workman, that Employment Gladys Briggs be employed as Relief Traffic and Weather at the Airport at a salary of $3.50 per hour, effective March 17, 1976. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea M 149 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Workman, that Employment George F. Purpur, Jr. be employed as Supervisor of Assessors at a salary of $13,500.00 per year. Motion Adopted; 4 Yea, 1 Not Voting. -2- March 16, 1976 M 149 76 Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Not Voting; Mr. Cole, Cont. Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea Manpower It was agreed that the lease agreement for the rental of off ice space for the Manpower program will be revised to clarify that CETA is responsible for the payment of the rent. R 010 76 Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, read the following proposed resolution: CONGRATULATING THE CAPE HENLOPEN BASKETBALL TEAM FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN WINNING THE STATE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FOR THE SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR WHEREAS, each year basketball teams of the high schools in the State of Delaware play games during the season with the hope of winning the State High School Basketball Champion­ ship; and WHEREAS, Cape Henlopen has achieved the ultimate goal of winning the State High School Basketball Championship again this year; and WHEREAS, Ralph Baird, coach of the Cape Henlopen Basket­ ball team, and Purnell Ayers and John Bishop, members of the All Tournament Team, and the ENTIRE BASKETBALL TEAM OF CAPE HENLOPEN have won twenty-five times, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Council of Sussex County do congratulate the Cape Henlopen Basketball Team for their outstanding performance in winning the State High School Basketball Championship again this year; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Cape Henlopen Basketball Team. M 150 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Benson, that R 010 76 Resolution No. R 010 76 be adopted as read by Mr. Conaway, County Administrator. Motion Adopted by Voice Vote. M 151 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Benson, that Committee the "Committee of '100'" be created. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. of "100" -3- March 16, 1976 M 151 76 Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Cont. Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea Mr. Cannon, Yea Airport Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, submitted to the Council copies of a letter from Department of the Army, 317st MP De­ tachment (CF), requesting permission to conduct a field training exercise with Army Reserve unit, the 37lst MP De­ tachment, on county property near and around the Sussex County Airport during the weekend of April 10 and 11, 1976. The Council agreed that this field training exercise can be held at the Airport provided they protect the County with insurance. Revenue Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, reported to the Council Sharing on the status of "Revenue Sharing". M 152 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Hill, that Millville $300.00 be granted to the Millville Fire Company from Revenue Fire Co. Sharing funds (Councilmanic Accounts) to be used for hose. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea M 153 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Hill, that Slaughter $512.00 be granted to the Slaughter Beach Fire Company from Beach Fire Revenue Sharing funds (Councilmanic Accounts) to be used for Co. & Lewes hose; and that $550.00 be granted to the Lewes Fire Company Fire Co. from Revenue Sharing funds (Councilmanic Accounts) to be used to help replace a generator. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea EOC Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, reported to the Council that the application for federal funds for the new EOC has been filed with the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. M 154 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Workman, that Water Pollu­ Mr. Henry, County Engineer, be authorized to attend the Water tion Control Pollution Control Federation Seminar in Washington, D. C. on Federation April 6 and 7, 1976 at an approximate cost of $250.00. Motion Seminar Adopted; 5 Yea. -4- March 16, 1976 M 154 76 Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Cont. Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea St. Patrick's Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, wished from those that Day are to those who wish they were "A Happy St. Patrick's Day". Ocean View Residents of Ocean View, Delaware appeared before the Council regarding "Crossing Assawoman Canal and conveying sewage from Bethany Beach through private property on Route 26 and on State right-of-way down West Avenue." Letters were sub­ mitted from the following persons: Mildred C. Carpenter Hester K. Neff Genevieve W. Burton Wayne C. Breasure Clyde Cline Joseph J. Noble Ruth Cline David J. Long Wm. F. Vickers, Jr. Ralph L. Hitchens Richard E. Mitchell, Jr. Blanche M. Hitchens Bids on The following bids were received on Logging Recorder for Logging Re­ Sussex County Fire and Ambulance Call Board (including in­ corder for stallation) : S.C. Fire & Ambulance Delaware Office Equipment Co., Inc. $11,701.50 Call Board Dictaphone Corporation 17,801.50 Communications Control Centers, Inc. 11,485.00 (If alternate recording tape is used deduct $139.00; deduct $19.00 for change in AGC requirement of nine channels instead of ten channels and the time generator utilizing one channel for the time track) Mrs. Givens, Acting Civil Defense Director, will review the above bids and make a recommendation to the Council at a later date. M 155 76 A Motion was made by Mr. Workman, seconded by Mr. Cole, that National Mr. Carey, Finance Director, be authorized to attend the Assn. of National Association of Counties Legislative Conference to Counties be held March 28-31, 1976 in Washington, D. C. in the place Legislative of one Councilman. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Conference Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Benson, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Cannon, Yea -5- March 16, 1976 M 156 76 A Motion was made by Mr.
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