The Need for Teaching the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century . 4.1.2 Chronology of False Religions/Heresies of Satan 0(app. 4,000 BC) 0 (app.) -- The Fall (Original Sin) of Humanity in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3) 75 (app.) -- Cain murders Abel and is cursed (Gen 4:1-16) 475 (app.) -- Lamech (descendent of Cain) murders 2 men & from his two wives (1st polygamist) & 4 kids came “human knowledge” vs. godly knowledge (Gen 4:20-24) 1,000 (3,000 BC) 1500 (app.) -- Angels marry women and procreate giants (Gen 6:1-8) 1656 (2344 BC) -- Flood wipes out sinful man on earth (only Noah & Family survive--Gen 7-8) 1757 (app.) -- Nimrod/Tower of Babel (Gen 11)—Nimrod & wife, Semiramis (from Ham, cursed son of Noah), establish Babylonian Mysteries Cults, Witchcraft/Pantheism (app.) = approximate Chronology of False Religions/Heresies of Satan (cont.) 2000 (2000 BC) 2000 (app.) -- Babylonian Mysteries Cult False Religion begins to spread over the entire earth (Becomes Baal and Ishtar/Ashteroth worship in Canaan) 2600-4400 -- Persians, Indians, Greeks, and Romans worship the god Mithras (1400 BC-400 AD) 2980 (app.) -- Sun god (Ra) and animal worship in Egypt (Egypt descended from Ham) 3,000 (1,000 BC) 3000 (app.) -- Sun worship and Animism established in India/Humanism in China 3278 (722 BC) -- Israel (Samaria) exiled to Assyria (resettled by Assyrian Mysteries cult/Judaism mixed races and religion, became the Samaritans) 3395 (605 BC) -- Beginning of Judah to exile in Babylon 3412 (588 BC) -- Taoism in China/Zoroastrianism in Persia 3414 (586 BC) -- Solomon’s Temple destroyed in Jerusalem and rest of Judah to Babylon 3414-3484 (app) -- Chaldean Magi cult refines Mithraism/incorporates Jewish Kabbalistic thought 3500 (app.) -- Confucism in China/Buddhism in India 3517 (483 BC) -- Buddha dies, rise of Hinduism/Tantrism in India 3620 (380 BC) -- Druids established in Celtic area 3666-3669 -- Alexander the Great conquers/“Hellenizes” world/spreads Kabbalistic thought (334-331 BC) 3829-3835 -- Second Temple desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes (IV) of Syria (Dan 8:14) (171 – 165 BC) 4,000 (0 BC/AD) -- (Gregorian calendar off by 4 – 6 years) 4040 (app.) -- Simon Magus from Samaria (sorcerer—Babylonian Mysteries Cult) tried to buy Holy Spirit 4070 (AD 70) -- Roman legions destroy second Temple and Jerusalem 4120 (AD 120) -- First Book of Kabbalah written/Rise of Gnosticism 4185 (AD 185) -- Irenaeus vs. Gnostic Heresy and Universalism of Origen 4240 (AD 240) -- Mani spreads form of Gnosticism know as Manichaeism 4325 (AD 325) -- First Ecumenical Council @ Nicea (Athanasius vs. Arian Heresy) -- Armenian localized version of Manichaeism, Paulicianism, began to spread 4381 (AD 381) -- Council @ Constantinople (Cappadocian Fathers vs. Apollinarianism--Nicene Creed) 4431 (AD 431) -- Council @ Ephesus (Cyril vs. Nestorianism) ©Copyright David Hebert, 2009. All rights reserved. 1 The Need for Teaching the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century . 4451 (AD 451) -- Council @ Chalcedon (―The Definition of Faith‖ vs.Eutycheanism) 4610 (AD 610) -- Muhammad and birth of Islam 4632 (AD 632) -- Death of Muhammad—Rise of Islam (Moslems) – Division 2 Sects; Shiah & Sunni 4650 (app.) -- Sabians incorporate Kabbalism into Mystic Islamic teachings to form Sufism 4873 (AD 873) -- Shiah sect splits – Majority follow 12 Imams (Twelvers), Minority follow 7th Imam Ismail (Ismailis); incorporate secret organization/destruction of Islam – Precursor to Illuminati 4970 (AD 970) -- 200,000 Armenian Paulicians sent to Europe (Balkans) to spread their form of heresy -- became known as Catharism in S. France & Bogomilism in Bulgaria/Balkans 5,000 (1,000) 5054 (1054) -- Christian Church Splits – E. (Constantinople) & W. (Rome) & rise of Moslem Latin Avveroism (Double Truth—true in Aristotle’s philosophy/false in orthodox theology) 5094 (1094) -- Ismailis split – Majority (Egypt), Minority Nizari (Persia, by Caspian Sea); became Assassins 5095 (1095) -- Start of Crusades to take Holy Land back from Moslems—8 Crusades until AD 1244 Chronology of False Religions/Heresies of Satan (cont.) 5118 (1118) -- Knight Templars founded 5154 (1154) -- House of Plantagenet reinstitutes Modern Witchcraft in Britain 5348 (1348) -- Edward III creates the Order of the Garter (to support Witchcraft) 5400 (app.) -- Rise of Humanism and Rosicrucians 5441 (1441) -- William Sinclair appointed Heredity Patron & Protector of Scottish Masons 5570 (1570) -- Isaac Luria starts ―New Kabbalah‖ or Lurian Kabbalah 5666 (1666) -- Shabbetai Zevi proclaims himself Jewish Messiah/starts cult (Shabbateans, Zoharists, Frankists, Illumined Ones) 5717 (1717) -- ―Official‖ Birth of the Freemasons 5776 (1776) -- Adam Weishaupt & ―Official‖ Birth of the Illuminati -- Abdul Wahhab declares himself worldwide leader of Muslims/creates Wahhabi Movement Early 5800s -- Rise of cults in “burned over” area of upstate New York (Shakers, Universal (Early 1800s) Friends, Oneida Community, Christadelphians) 5820s (1820s) -- Oxford Movement plants seed in Egypt for rebirth of Ismailis 5830 (1830) -- Joseph Smith and birth of Mormonism in upstate New York 5844 (1844) -- Seventh-day Adventism, William Miller’s prediction of 2nd Coming of Christ in upstate New York /Baha’i founded in Iran 5858 (1858) -- Afghani begins Salafi Islamic ―Reform‖ Movement (patterned after Ismailis) 5871 (1871) -- Pike/Mazzini Plan for three Word Wars (WWI, WWII, WWIII) 5875 (1875) -- Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science in Boston/Madame Blavatsky founded Theosophical Society in New York (beginnings of New Age) 5880 (app.) -- Reuss & Yarker form Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), Order of Eastern Templars 5884 (1884) -- Charles Russell founded Zion’s Watchtower and Tract Society—Jehovah’s Witnesses 5887 (1887) -- The Golden Dawn formed 5903 (1903) -- Charles and Myrtle Fillmore form the Unity Society of Practical Christianity (Unity) 5905 (1905) -- Mohammed Rashid Rida, leader of the Salafis, combines with Wahhabis 5914-5918 -- World War I (WWI) (1914-1918) 5919 (1919) -- League of Nations temporarily formed 5920 (1920) -- NAZI Party/Muslim Brotherhood formed 5927 (1927) -- Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) formed in America 5931 (1931) -- Edgar Cayce/the ―Sleeping Prophet‖ founded Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.) 5932 (1932) -- Turkey becomes a republic, Saudi Arabia a nation 5936 (1936) -- “Seven Sisters” Oil cartel formed with Saudis/Illuminati 5939-5945 -- World War II (WWII) ©Copyright David Hebert, 2009. All rights reserved. 2 The Need for Teaching the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century . (1939-1945) 5945 (1945) -- Yalta Conference gives E. Europe to Communists/United Nations (UN) formed 5946 (1946) -- Herbert W. Armstrong established the Worldwide Church of God 5950s (1950s) -- OSS/ CIA founded by Allen Dulles 5954 (1954) -- Sun Myung Moon formed Unification Church in Seoul, Korea/L. Ron Hubbard formed Church of Scientology 5955 (1955) -- Victor Paul Wierwille incorporated The Way International 5959 (1959) -- Transcendental Meditation (TM) brought to the West 5966 (1966) -- Int’l Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON or Hare Krishnas) introduced to the West/Anton Szandor La Vey incorporated the Church of Satan (Satanism) 5967 (1967) -- Six Day War/Jerusalem retaken by Israel 5968 (1968) -- David ―Moses‖ Berg started Children of God 5971 (1971) -- Maharaj Ji brought Divine Light Mission to America 5973 (1973) -- Trilateral Commission formed/Yom Kippur War/Oil Crisis 5975 (1975) -- George H. W. Bush becomes head of the CIA 5978 (1978) -- Over 900 followers of Jim Jones/the People’s Temple suicide in Jonestown, Guyana Chronology of False Religions/Heresies of Satan (cont.) 5979 (1979) -- Brzenski declares Central Asia ―Arc of Crisis‖/Radical Islamic Terrorism begins -- Shah of Iran deposed/Ayatollah Khomeini takes over - 1989 Iran center of terrorism 5980s (1980s) -- War in Afghanistan/Muslim Freedom Fighters (Osama bin Laden) become Al Qaeda 5982 (1982) -- Lord Maitreya (Christ, Messiah, 5th Buddha, Imam Mahdi, Krishna) New Age Messiah to bring New World Order, sponsored by Lucis Foundation/Trust 5990 (1990) -- World Trade Center (WTC) Bombing, assassination of Jewish Defense League Chief 5992-5997 -- “Doomsday” apocalyptic cults abound as turn of millennium approaches (1992— (1992-1997) Dami sect in Korea; 1993—David Koresh and the Branch Davidians; 1994—Order of the Solar Temple in Switzerland; 1995—The Supreme Truth in Japan; 1997— Heaven’s Gate in Southern California) 5998 (1998) -- ―Blood Diamonds‖ identified as being used to fund Islamic Terrorism 5999 (1999) -- French Parliament issues report tying BCCI, Saudis, CIA, and Bush family to money-laundering for Islamic Terrorism 6,000 (2000) 6000 (2000) -- PNAC plan for U.S. global domination to fight Islamic Terrorism exposed 6001 (9/11/2001) -- Islamic Terrorist attack on WTC Twin Towers/the Pentagon/Washington D.C. -- Beginning of “Total War” of Islamic Terrorism (app.) = approximate Next, all this information will be consolidated and addressed as the ―Signs of the Times‖ are considered. ©Copyright David Hebert, 2009. All rights reserved. 3 .
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