
308 Bothalia 41,2 (2011) HILLIARD, O.M. & BURTT, B.L. 1981. Some generic concepts in Funk, A. Susanna, T.F. Stuessy & R.J. Bayer, Systematics,Systematics, evolu-evolu- CCompositae–Gnaphaliinae.ompositae–Gnaphaliinae. BBotanicalotanical Journal of the Linnean tion, and biogeography of CompositaeCompositae: 539–588. International SSocietyociety 8282:: 181–232181–232.. AssociationAssociation for Plant Taxonomy, Vienna.Vienna. HOLMGRENHOLMGREN,, P.K.P.K.,, HOLMGREN,HOLMGREN, N.H. & BARNETT,BARNETT, L.C. 1990. IIndexndex heherbariorum.rbariorum. Part 11:: The herbaria of ththee World. NNewew YYorkork J.C.J.C. MANNING*MANNING* and P. GOLDBLATT**GOLDBLATT** BBotanicalotanical GardenGarden,, New YorkYork.. KOEKEMOER, M. 2002. Systematics of the Metalasia ggrouproup in the Relhaniinae (Asteraceae–Gnaphalieae). Unpublished Ph.D. the- * Compton Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, ssis,is, Faculty of Science, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannes- Private Bag X7, 7735 Claremont, Cape Town.Town. burg.burg. **** B.A. Krukoff Curator of African Botany, Missouri Botanical Gar- WARD,WARD, J.,J., BAYER,BAYER, R.J.,R.J., BREITWEISER,BREITWEISER, I.,I., SMISSEN,SMISSEN, R.,R., GALBA- den,den, P.O. Box 299,299, St. Louis,Louis, Missouri 63166,63166, USA.USA. NY-CASALS, M. & UNWIN, M. 2009. Gnaphalieae. In V.A. MS.MS. received: 2010-06-03.2010-06-03. AMARYLLIDACEAE AMMOCHARIS DESERTICOLA (AMARYLLIDEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM NAMIBIA AND A KEY TO SPECIES OF THE GENUS Ammocharis Herb. is a small, sub-Saharan genus in and limestone pans (A. nerinoides). Namibia has all but the family Amaryllidaceae. When last revised in 1939 one species of Ammocharis within its borders, whereas the genus included fi ve species (Milne-Redhead & Sch- other countries have two species at most. weickerdt 1939). More recently, phylogenetic analy- ses using nuclear and limited plastid non-coding DNA While on a botanical expedition in the extremely arid sequences (Meerow et al. 2003; Kwembeya et al. 2007) Namib Naukluft Park in late February 2006, Namibian have supported the taxonomic reassessments of two botanist Dr Patricia Craven photographed fl owering anomalous species from genera closely related to Ammo- plants of an unknown species that has leaves like Ammo- charis (Lehmiller 1992; Snijman & Williamson 1994): charis coranica and A. longifolia but exceptionally long Cybistetes longifolia (L.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. was fl owers. Four years later, fl owering and fruiting plants reinstated in Ammocharis and Crinum nerinoides Baker were collected in the same region. The infructescences was transferred to Ammocharis (Snijman & Archer were remarkable in being dry, with widely radiating, 2003). In addition, Nordal (1982) reduced A. heterostyla straight pedicels, a condition previously known only (Bullock) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. to synonymy in A. in A. longifolia. Following exceptionally good summer angolensis (Baker) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. rains in 2011, additional collections of this taxon were made, allowing a more thorough study of the plants. The The genus is most closely allied to Crinum L. from strap-shaped leaves, with truncate tips characteristic of which it is distinguished by leaves that, unlike those an intercalary meristem, the unusually long fl owers and of Crinum, are not obviously sheathing at the base and the dry infructescences indicate clearly that these newly have an intercalary meristem allowing the base of a leaf discovered Namibian plants are an undescribed spe- to continue developing intermittently over several grow- cies of Ammocharis, closely related to A. longifolia. We ing seasons. Due to this pattern of regrowth after a leaf describe this new species here as A. deserticola and pro- has died back, the mature leaves characteristically have vide a key to identify the seven species currently recog- truncate tips. In addition, the leaves are bifl abellately nized in Ammocharis. arranged and most often have fl at blades. Ammocharis, like all taxa in the tribe Amaryllideae, has fl eshy, recal- Ammocharis deserticola Snijman & Kolberg, sp. citrant seeds which fail to become dry and dormant nov. before germinating. In contrast to the other genera, however, Ammocharis has two modes of seed dispersal. Bulbus ± ovatus, tunicatus, 80–110 mm latus, Most commonly the seeds are dispersed by means of the superne conspicue attenuatus, collum ± 80 × 25–35 fl eshy fruits being released individually from the fruiting mm. Folia 6–8, disticha, bifl abellatim disposita, paten- head in close proximity to the mother plant. A. longifo- tia vel adpressa, ligulata 7–250 × 8–30 mm, vetustiora lia, which occupies the extreme western parts of winter apice truncata. Scapus compressus, ad 210 × 12–18 mm. rainfall southern Africa, is exceptional in having a wind- Umbella 11–25-fl ora. Pedicelli 30–60 × 3–4 mm, trans- dispersed infructescence. The entire fruiting head rapidly verse ± trigoni, sub fructu valde elongati, rigidi et radi- dries off and is shed as a single unit that is dispersed by antes. Flores actinomorphi, tubaeformes, rosei; perigonii rolling away in the wind. tubus cylindricus, rectus, 50–90 mm longus; segmenta oblanceolata, 70– 80 × 8–12 mm, patentes, recurvi ver- The genus comprises two widespread species, Ammo- sus apicem; stamina e perigonii tubo valde exserta; fi lam- charis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb. which occurs in sea- enta actinomorpha, 53–60 mm longa; antherae oblongae, sonally damp areas throughout the summer rainfall area curvatae, 5 × 1.5 mm, pallidae; ovarium obtuse 3-angu- of southern Africa (Milne-Redhead & Schweickerdt latum, 10–15 mm longum; stylus fi liformis, exsertus; 1939), and A. tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. stigma integrum. Capsula indehiscens, obovoidea, 20–40 & Schweick., which inhabits grassland or wooded grass- × 15–45 mm, valde 6-costata, rostrata; rostrum 14–50 land, extends from Ethiopia southwards to Botswana and mm longum. Semina carnosa, subglobosa, ± 15 mm lata, northern Namibia (Nordal 1982). Other species, which pallida. have relatively restricted distribution ranges, occupy more specifi c habitats within the landscape: fl ood plains TYPE.—Namibia, 2215 (Trekkopje): Erongo region, of rivers [A. baumii (Harms) Milne-Redh. & Schweick.] Namib Naukluft Park, 5 km N of Langer Heinrich mine Bothalia 41,2 (2011) 309 on track towards Swakop River, 565 m, (–CD), 17 Feb. 8–12 mm, recurved distally, mucronate on tip. Stamens 2011, H. Kolberg & T. Tholkes HK2998 (WIND, holo., inserted in throat, ± evenly spreading; fi laments 53–60 2 NBG, iso.). mm long, 3 inner ± /3 as long as tepals, 3 outer ± as long as tepals, ± inwardly curved, pink; anthers dorsi- Deciduous bulbous herb, 200–350 mm tall when fi xed, oblong, ± curved, 5.0 × 1.5 mm, cream-coloured; fl owering. Bulb solitary, hypogeal, ± ovate, 80–110 mm pollen cream-coloured. Ovary ± trigonous in cross sec- diam., extended into a neck, ± 80 × 25–35 mm, outer tion, 10–15 mm long, scarcely wider than pedicels and tunics brown to tan-coloured, with darker brown longi- perigone tube, green, style fi liform, reaching 10–15 mm tudinal veins, leathery to somewhat brittle, inner tunics beyond outer stamens, pink, stigma small, undivided, cream-coloured, with tan longitudinal veins. Leaves 6–8, minutely penicillate. Infructescence dry; pedicels widely green at fl owering, in 2 opposite spreading fans, laxly radiating, straight, thickened, 50–130 × 5–8 mm; cap- spreading, later becoming prostrate, some curved side- sule indehiscent, obovoid, 20–40 × 15–45 mm, strongly ways at base, strap-shaped, 7–250 × 8–30 mm, plane, 6-ribbed, with thin, papery walls disintegrating irregu- glaucous-green, glabrous; margin pale, smooth; apex of larly, with stout, apical beak, 14–50 mm long. Seeds few, mature leaves dying back as if cut across. Infl orescence subglobose, ± 15 mm diam., fl eshy, with a thin, pale, 1 or rarely 2 mature at once, laxly 11–25-fl owered, corky covering. Flowering time: mid-February to early umbel-like, ± 250 mm diam.; scape erect, longitudinally March. Figures 14, 15. compressed, up to 210 × 12–18 mm, green sometimes fl ushed pink near base or apex; spathe valves 2, oblong- Distribution and ecology: Ammocharis deserticola is lanceolate, up to 50–80 × ± 20 mm, soon refl exed and currently recorded only from the Namib Naukluft Park, dry; bracteoles fi liform, ± 35 mm long. Flowers erect in in the central Namib, Namibia (Figure 16). The species bud, soon spreading; pedicels erect at fi rst, soon spread- occurs along well-drained, sandy rivulets and in grav- ing, 30–60 × 3–4 mm, trigonous in cross section, green; elly soil on the northern slopes of undulating hills, often perigone trumpet-shaped, actinomorphic, dark pink, benefi ting from fog that drifts inland from the coast. The with paler pink tube, backed with narrow, brownish pink surrounding vegetation is sparse and comprises spe- median stripes on segments, faintly scented; tube cylin- cies of Stipagrostis (Poaceae), Adenolobus pechuelii drical, straight, 50–90 mm long, widening slightly up to (Fabaceae) and Tetraena stapffi i (Zygophyllaceae). 5 mm at throat, fi rm; segments oblanceolate, 70– 80 × Rainfall occurs in the summer months with an annual FIGURE 14.—Habitat and habit of Ammocharis deserticola. A, typical, open habitat in the Namib Naukluft Park, Namibia, between low hills in gravelly soil; B, plant in bud showing leaves with truncate leaf tips; C, fl owering plant showing distinctive, long perigone tube; D, fruiting plant showing dry infructescence. Photographs by H. Kolberg. 310 Bothalia 41,2 (2011) FIGURE 15.—Ammocharis deserticola. A, dried bulb cut in half lengthwise with pressed leaves and pressed infl orescence; B, pressed infructes- cence cut in half lengthwise. Voucher specimen: H. Kolberg & T. Tholkes HK2998 (NBG). Scale bars: A, B = 100 mm. average of 50–100 mm, but it is highly erratic and com- infructescence which are shared with A. longifolia sug- pletely rainless years are not uncommon. Minimum tem- gest a close alliance with that species. In A. deserticola, peratures on average are 9–10°C, whereas they reach an however, the perigone tube is more than twice as long as average of 32–33°C in the summer months (Mendelsohn that of A.
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