INDEX TO VOLIIME I Original articlee are in bold, face type PAGE American occurrenceof miloschite, Aa. E. T. Wlerry and G. V' Browo' ' 63 Arse rbismite, description oi, fro- Tintic, Utah. [.Abstr.] 13 Arizona, garnet depositson the Navaio reservation. lAbstr,l.. ' '.... " 101 Arkansas bauxite deposits, Aluminium hydroxides in. [dbslr.]. ' " " ' lOt Arthrr Chamberlain and his magazines. Albert C. Bates. t Ashcroft, F. N. The netrolite occurrence near Kinbane (Whitehead)' CountyAntrim.[Abstr.]...:.... ..""" 51 Aspl,alt,originof. lAbstr.l....... 14 A,omicweightsofchemicalelements, 1916, listof .. '.. '.." " 6 Annual report of the international committee on, 1917' lAbstr.l 83 Aurichalcite, relationship with hydrozincite. [z{bslr.] 70 vii vlll THE AMENICAN MINENAI,AGIST PAGE Broken Hill, Nev South Wales, eerussitecrystals from. [Abstr.l . 101 Brown, Glenn V. The conposition of tlaumasite from Great Notch, N. J.. 8l See Wherry, Edgar T. and Brown, Glenn V. 63 Bruce, E. L. Magnesiantourmaline from Renfrew,Ontario, lAbstr.l.. 49 Calcite, one of the forms of calcium carbonate. [,4,bs/r.] 85 Calcite, lamellar. The editors. 3 - occuffence of in Rhode Island. Alfred C, Hawkins. 3 an occurreaceof in Penasylvania. Samuel G, Gordon. .fo Calcium carbonatc, the several forms of. lAbstr.l 85 Calcium carbonate-hexahydrate,one of the forms of calcium carbonate. [Abstr.]. 85 California, Cassiterite from San Diego County. lAbstr.l. 49 Xanthophyllite in crystalline limestone at Crestmore. lAbslr.l 49 Cassiterite,origin of at Gunang Bakau, Malaya. [,4,bstr.] 84 in San Diego County, Cal. [Abstr.] 49 Cataloguc, descriptive, and handbook of the metcorite collections in the U. S. National Museum. lReaiew.l 83 Ceruleolactite,regarded as identical with planerite. [/bsrr. ]. 35 Cerussite crystals from Broken Hill, New South Walcs, and Muldiva, Queensland. [,4.bstr.] 101 Cesdro, G. Demonstration simple de Ia loi de Miller. [Reierence.l . 52 Chabaziteand associatedminerals from County Antrim. lAbstr.l. 50 Chalcocite,Obscrvations on certain types of, and their characteristicetch patterns. lAbstr.l l5 Chamberlain, Arthur and his magazines. Albert C. Bates. I Clark, R. W. A new occurrence of crystallized willemite 89 Clarke's Data of Geochemistly. lReui,ew.) 34 Cobalt, Ontario. Proustite from. lAbstr.l. 52 Colombia. The enreralddeposits of Muzo. fAbstr.l 70 Colorado. Some minerals from the fluorite-barite vein near lvagon Wheel Gap, Creede quadrangle. lAbstr.l 86 -t Sedalia mine, indices of refraction of willemite from . 9l --, wolframite and scbeelite in. [.4,bstr.] 101 Columnar maaganocalcitefrom Franklin Furnace, N. J. Wallace Goold Levison o Compositionof natural bornite. [,4bsrr.] 68 Compositionof thaumasite from Great Notch, N. J. Glenn V. Brown. 81 Conchite,a reputed form of calciumcarbonate. lAbstr.l. 85 Creedite, a new species. [Abstr.] 86 Crystals, growth of, under external pressure. lAbstr.l 68 Crystal Structure. lfueference.l 34 Crystallographic relations of allied substancestraced by means of the law of valency-volumes. [Beference.l 52 Crystallographyanddehydration of torbernite. lAltstr.l 82 Cumberland, R. I., occurrenceof lamellar calcite ac. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME I iX PAGE Determination of minerale (offer of free) . .. ' . 7t Diopside, occurrence in Medagascar 18 Dispersion phenomenain feldspars. l&etermce.) 50 Dispersoid form of chemical elements; definition. 7 - chemical elementsoccurring in, listed 8 Eakle, Arthur S. Xanthophyllite in a crystalline limestone. [Abstr.] ' . 49 Editorial. I, 102 Elenents, chemical, reference lists of. EdgarT. Wherry. 6 -t native, forms of, listed. 8 , positions of, in periodic system. 7 Ely, Nevada, occurrenceof miloschite at. 63 Emerald deposits of Muzo, Colombia, The. [z4.bsrr.] 70 Evans, J. W. The relatione between different laws of twinning giving the same twin crystal. lReference.l 48 Exchangers'Monthly, one of Arthur Chamberlain's magazinee. 2 Falls of Frendr Creek, Philadelphia Mineralogical Society excursion to. HarryW.Trudell. .......' 93 Farrington, Oliver C. Studies of Brazilian favas. lAbstr.l 53 Favas, studies of Brazilan. lAbstr.l 53 Feldspars, action of eertain alkaline solutions on. [.4bsrr.] 69 Fenner, C. N. cited on genesis of zeolite deposits of First Watchung Mountain.N. J... .......74-75 First Watchung Mountaia, N. J. A Review of tle geaesis of tle zeolite deposits of. Samuel G. Gordon. 73 -Zeolite deposits,lozenge shaped cavities in. [/bsrr.] 35 Fitch, R. S., and Loughlirr, G. F. WoUramite and scheelitein Colorado. [,4.betr.]. ....101 Ford,W.E. NewMineralNames. [,4bsfr.]. 84 - and Bradley, W. M. On hydrozincite. [/bsrr.]. 70 Margarosanite, a new lead -calcium silicate from Franklin Furnace, N. J. (New species.) [.4bslr.] 87 Franklin Furoace, N. J., Colt-.ar ma.oganocalcitefrom. Srallace Goold Levison. 5 -t indiceg of refraction of willemite from, cited 91 -, margarosanite,a new lead-calciumsilicate from . 87 Ga,rnetdeposits on the Navajo reservation, Arizona and Utah. [.ADslr.]. 101 Gaubert, cited on indices of refraction of willemite. 91 Geerksutite, from Wagon Wheel Gap, Col., description of . [1bsrr. ] . 86 Geochemistry, Data of, Clarke's, lReview.l. 34 Glauberite crystal-cavities in the Triassic rocks of Eastern Pennsylveaia. Edgar T. Wherry. 37 -t shownto be the original mineral of thelozenge-shapedcavities in the First Watchung Mountain zeolite deposits. lAbstr.). 35 -, cited as producing lozenge-shapedcavities at Paterson, N. J, . 79 Gleon, M. L. A new occurreoce of steveasite, a magnesium-beariag alteratioo product of pectolite. 4 THE AMENICAN MINENAI,OGIST PAOE Gmelinite, ehown to be identical with chabazite. [.4bstr.] 51 Gold, occurrencein Madagascar. 2L Good Springs, Nevada, Occurrence of crystallized hydrozincite at. lAbstr.l 70 Gordon, Samuel G. An occurrence of lamellar calcite (argentine) in Pennsylvaaia. 55 A review of the genesis of the zeolite deposits of First nratchuog Mountain,N.J.... ........ 73 Gratacap, Louis P. Some Minerals from Madagascar as described ia Prof. A. Lacroir's Mineralogie de France et ses colonies Lz Great Notch, N. J. Conposition of tlaumasite from. Glenn V. Brown. 81 -t one of the mineral localities of First Watchung Mountain, N. J. 73 Gregory, H. E. Garnet deposits on the Navajo reservatiotr, Arizona and Utah. lAbatr.j. ....101 Growth of crystals under external pressure. [Abstr.] 68 Gunang Bakau, Malaya, The origin of topaz and cassiterite at. [Abstr.l &t Gypeum,West Paterson,N. J. IPlnta.l. .......Facing 73 Hallimond, A. F. The crystallography and dehydration of torbenrite. lAbstr.l 62 Hamilton,R. I. o""urrence'ofrr-"ir* . + Handbook and decriptive catalogue of the"*.i#;; meteorite collections in the U. S. National Museum. lfuaiew,) 83 Hawkes, Leonard. Tridymite and quartz after tridymite in Iceland rocks. lAbstr.l. 101 Eawkios, Alfred C. The occurence of lamellar calcite in Rhode Island. 3 Holmes, A. A seriee of volcanic rocks from the neighborhood of the LucaIIa River, Angola. l&eference.l 48 Hopewell, N. J. Absenceof pyrite from, discussed...... s2 Hornblende, the action of certain alkaline solutions on. lAbstr.l. 69 Hunt, W. F. and Kraus, E. H. Note on the variable composition of melanochalcite. lAbstr.l. L4 Hydrothermal alteration, Studies in. lAbstr.l 69 Hydrozincite. [/.bslr.] 70 Idaho. Selenideof silver from the Delama Mine, Owyhee County. [z{bstr.] 69 Intumescent kaolinite. lAbstr.l . 14 Isomorphs,chemicalelementsoccuningonlyin ........ 7,8 Japan, Contributions to mineralogy and the mineral springs of. lfueler- ence.). 69 Johnston, John, Merwin, H. E., and Williamson, E. D. The several forms of calcium carbonate. lAbstr.l 85 Jones, lYilliam R. The origin of topaz and cassiteriteat Gunang Bakau, Malaya. [, bslr.] 84 Kaolinite, intumescent. lAbstr.). 14 Khairpur, rneteorite. lAbstr.l. INDEX TO VOLUME I xi PAGE Ko-zu, S. The dispersion phenomena and the influence of temperature on the optic axial angle of sanidine from the Eifel. [Eefermce.]. ' . 50 -- T'he dispersionphenomena of somemonoclinic feldspars. l&eler- ence.l . 50 Kraus, E. H. SeeHunt, W. F. and Kraus, E. H.. L4 Ktypeite, a reputedform of calciumcarbonate ........ 85 Kunz, GeorgeF. Contributions to mineralogy and the mineral springs of Japan. [Relermce.]... 69 Kunzite,occurrenceinMadagascar..... 33 Lacroix, A. Mineralogie de la France et ses colonies, some minerals from Madagascaras describedin. Gratacap,Louis P.. L7 Larsen, Esper S. and Wells, Roger C. Some minerals from the fluorite- barite vein near \Vagon Wheel Gap, Col. [, bslr.]. 86 Loughlin, G. F. SeeR. S. Fitch and G. tr'. Loughlin. lAbstr.l. 101 Leitmeier, Hans. Uber das Tonmineral Montmorillonite und das Toner- dephosphatPlanerit. [Abs,r.] 34 Levison, Wallace Goold. Columnar manganocalcite from Franklin Fur- nace,N, J.. 5 Lewis, J. Volney. Absence of pyrite from certain zeolite localities. 92 -t cited on origin and relations of the Nervalk Rocks 74 London MineralogicalSociety, The. lReporto! meeting.l. 48 Lozenge-shapedcavities in the First \Yatchung Mountain zeolitedeposits. [,Abslr.].. .JD Lublinite, a reputed form of calcium carbonate. [.4bstr.] 85 Madagascar, Some ninerals from, as described in Prof. A. Lacroix's Mineralogie de la France et ses colonies. Louis F, Gratacap . 17 -t Notes on rare rnineralsin. lAbstr.l 69 Manganocalcite, columnar, from Franklin Furnace, N. J. Wallace Goold Levison... 5 Margarosanite,a new lead-calciumsilicate from Franklin, N. J. [,4bslr.] 87 McKinstry, Hugb E. The minerals of Brinton's quarry, Chester County, Pa... 57 Means, A. H. Some nerv mineral occunencesfrom the Tintic Disttict,
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