Walter Pincus man has testified he was called to the meeting at the last minute and was not aware of its purposes beforehand. He was not asked to confirm Walters' atergate Questions characterization of Haldeman's state- ments. Ehrlichman also testified that Perhaps it is because of the impend- at the June 23 meeting he and Halde- ing constitutional fight over the Nixon man told Helms and Walters, ". the White House tapes. Or perhaps it is the 27- 73 (..e, White House contact on this would be rush to get this phase of the hearings John Dean who was the fellow follow- over, or the fact that former White ing the entire matter." Asked if he was House aide John Ehrlichman offers information on the morning Of June aware of what Dean later proposed to such a broad target. But whatever the 22. At 9 a.m. that day Ehrlichman met Walters, Ehrlichman replied, "I do not reason, the possibility exists that the with Mitchell and White House aides know about these conversations." The long awaited appearances of Ehrlich- Clark Magregor and Charles Colson. committee's minority counsel, Fred man and former White House chief of What was the substances of that Thompson then asked, "Dean did not staff H. R. Haldeman before the Ervin meeting? report back to you?" To which Ehrlich- committee may come and go without At 11:45, Ehrlichman and Mitchell man replied, "Not about that, no sir." the men closest to the President being met together. The two were never Thompson did not pursue the mat- pinned down on dates, times and sub- friends and this session must have ter. However a check of Dean's testi- jects of meetings in a way that will been electric. Ehrlichman knew Mit- mony and the Ehrlichman logs shows permit sorting out already conflicting chell subordinates were involved in the following: On June 26, Dean called testimony. Watergate, a blunder which could cost Walters to arrange a meeting and sug- Haldeman's aide Gordon Strachan the election. Mitchell, on the other gested the CIA official clear it with testified he was told by Haldeman's hand, knew that the two directors of Ehrlichman if he had doubts about chief aide on June 18, 1972, the day af- the break-in, Hunt and Liddy, had both Dean's role. Walters did call Ehrlich- ter the break-in, that Ehrlichman was worked for a group — "the plumbers" man — though Ehrlichman has not handling the Watergate matter of the — which operated under Ehrlichman's been asked to confirm that call. Dean control. Mitchell now argues that the and Walters then met at 11:45 a.m. in "horrors" committed by the plumbers, The writer is associate editor Dean's office. At that meeting, accord- if exposed before the election, could ing to both participants, Dean raised of The New Republic. the possibility of the CIA paying both bond and support money to the Water- White House. John Dean testified that gate burglars, then in jail. Walters re- on June 19, Ehrlichman "instructed me do more damage than Watergate. With fused. At 12:25 that day, apparently im- to find out what I could and report those opposing views, what did the two mediately after this meeting with Wal- back to him." Was Strachan's informa- of them discuss the morning of June ters, Dean met with Ehrlichman. Did tion correct, as supported by Dean's 22? they discuss th.e session with Walters testimony? What assignment did Ehrl- The next day, June 23, marked the that had just concluded? ichman have in the first days after the beginning of an effort to get the CIA Two days later, June 28, Dean says break-in? And who gave him that to slow down, if not halt, at least one Ehrlichman pushed him to raise the assignment? aspect of the FBI investigation into subject again with Walters. Ehrlich- Dean testified he told Ehrlichman, the break-in. At 1 p.m. Haldeman and man's log shows a meeting at 10:45 on the morning of June 19, of his call Ehrlichman met with CIA Director a.m. that day. Dean met with Walters from re-election campaign deputy di- Richard Helms and his top deputy, Lt. at 11:30—the time originally set for a rector Jeb S. Magruder, in which Ma- Gen. Vernon Walters. According to meeting with Acting FBI Director L. gruder identified G. Gordon Liddy as Walters' notes on the meeting, Halde- Patrick Gray III. Ehrlichman has testi- the director of the break-In. Later that man termed the break-in a political fied he cancelled that meeting because day, Dean said he reported to Ehrlich- embarrassment that he hoped could be he feared "leaks." Dean told Walters it limited if those involved were held to was Ehrlichman's wish that future dis- man on his interview of Liddy, in ■ which Liddy had talked of Magruder the five men arrested. Helms has testi- cussion take place directly between pushing him into the second break-in. fied his memory of the meetings follows Walters and Gray — and avoid CIA Di- What recollection does Ehrlichman alone with Walters' notes. Ehrlich- rector Helms. Dean sought from Wal- have of these two Dean reports? Did ters some suggestion as to how the he tell the President that day of the FBI inquiry into Mexican checks that passed through one of the burglar's involvement of Liddy and Magruder? bank accounts could be delayed. Dean At 9 a.m. June 20, Ehrlichman, Cam- again met with Ehrlichman after this paign Director John Mitchell and session with Walters. And 20 minutes Haldeman met to discuss Watergate. after that meeting with Dean, Ehrlich- By then, Ehrlichman knew about man met with the President. Liddy and Magruder. Haldeman had, There is another area of questioning by then, ordered Strachan to "make where Ehrlichman's testimony could sure his files were clean," a directive be enlightening On March 21 Dean that led Strachan to destory several testified, he told the President about papers on political intelligence includ- the possible prior involvement in ing one from April which specifically Watergate of Mitchell, Magruder and referred to a $300,000 sophisticated in- Strachan and also about the cover-up, telligence programs, being put into op- which involved the President's closest eration. The third participant in the White House advisers. Dean further meeting, Mitchell, had been briefed by testified that at meetings with the Magruder and Robert Mardian and President on the afternoons of March was aware not only of the Liddy-Ma- 21 and March 22—meetings attended by gruder roles but also of the fact that a Ehrlichman—Dean saw no change in prior break-in had occurred. At 9:45 the past policy of cover-up. What is a.m that morning, the three were Ehrlichman's recollection of these joined by Dean who had been told that meetings? E. Howard Hunt's safe had contained a On March 28, Ehrlichman recorded a suitcase with electronic bugging gear. conversation with then Attorney Gen- What was discussed at that meeting? eral Richard Kleindienst. One subject When that session was over, Ehrlich- brought up was the President's desire man and Haldeman went to. the Oval to be informed if any information was Office for a meeting with the Presi- developed concerning Mitchell's in- dent that lasted two and a half hours. volvement in the original bugging Did the President ask either of them plan. When did the President ark Ehrl- what they knew about Watergate? ichman to make that request from the Mitchell testified he first learned of attorney general? Why did he want it? the Ellsberg psychiatrist break-in, With key witnesses such as Ehrlich- unauthorized wiretaps and other activ- man, the committee should concentrate ities of Hunt and Liddy (which he la- initially on developing the facts, fore- beled the White House horrors) after going until later the temptation to de- his aides, Frederick LaRue and Robert bate constitutional issues. Mardian, interviewed Liddy. The exact time he received that report is in ques- tion. LaRue said it was the evening of June 20. Mardian said June 21. In ei- ther case, Mitchell was aware of that .
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