![No. 16 – Winter 2004/2005 • Published at Vittoria, Ontario (519) 426-0234](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bare Naked Ladies 9 Ironman Nurse 5 Bits & Pieces 12,19 Jassen Brings the Cup Home 7 INSIDE Canadian Raptor Conservancy 17 Local Flavours 13 Candid Camera 20 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards 4 THIS Donnybrook Fair 11 Rotary Fellowship 2 Guinness Record 3 Santa Claus Parade 5 ISSUE Harry and Clara and Iris and Allen 14 Scholarship Winner 2 Heritage Recognition Awards 6 Sports Hall of Recognition 8 NO. 16 – WINTER 2004/2005 • PUBLISHED AT VITTORIA, ONTARIO (519) 426-0234 The Vittoria Booster The Vittoria Booster Newsletter is published twice a year by The Vittoria & District Foundation for its Members and Supporters. website: http://www.vittoria.on.ca e-mail: [email protected] AA nn bbeeffoorree aa ppeerrssoonn’’ ss nnaammee iinnddiiccaatteess tthhaatt hhee oorr sshhee iiss aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff TThhee VViittttoorriiaa && DDiissttrriicctt FFoouunnddaattiioonn.. Milestone Anniversaries Celebrated EEiilleeeenn aanndd EErrnniiee HHeennddeerrssoonn 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 55 nnMMaarriioonn aanndd MMaallccoollmm MMaaccaauullyy 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 11 In Memoriam nnLLiinnddaa aanndd nnJJoohhnn HHooffggrraaffff 4400 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 1111 FFrraanncceess aanndd SSttaann VVooiiggtt 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 1166 NNoorreeeenn NNeeeeddhhaamm ææ 8811 oonn AApprriill 88 nnTTwwiillaa aanndd nnRRooggeerr CCrruuiicckksshhaannkk 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 1177 MMaaddeelleeiinnee GGrraaccee PPaatttteerrssoonn--WWaatttt ææ 1155 oonn AApprriill 2288 BBeettttyy aanndd BBoobb MMccKKeennzziiee 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 2266 JJaammeess LLeesslliiee EExxeellbbyy ææ 6600 oonn MMaayy 2211 nnHHeelleenn aanndd nnGGeeoorrggee WWaatttt 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 2211 MMaarriiee aanndd IIrrwwiinn WWiippppeell 4455 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 44 EEtthheell MMaarryy SSmmiitthh ææ 9988 oonn MMaayy 2244 nn nn FFaayyee aanndd HHaarroolldd JJaarrvviiss 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1100 JJoosseepphhiinnee LLiinnddssaayy ææ 7766 oonn JJuunnee 22 EEddnnaa aanndd CClliiffff FFrroosstt 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1177 SSuuzzaannnnee JJeennnnyy FFrreeeemmaann--BBrrooookkss ææ 8800 oonn JJuunnee 2200 SSaannddrraa aanndd NNiicckk VVaann GGrroonniinnggeenn 4455 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 33 MMuurriieell MMaarryy EEvveellyynn BBaacckkuuss ææ 8899 oonn JJuunnee 2222 nnJJaacckkiiee aanndd DDoouugg CChhaaddwwiicckk 4455 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1100 MMiinneerrvvaa DDeeaannee ((KKnniigghhtt)) LLaammppmmaann ææ 6666 oonn JJuunnee 2244 nnCCeecciilliiaa aanndd nnLLaawwrreennccee DDeePPoooorrtteerr 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn OOcctt.. 2233 MMaarriioonn JJooaann ((MMeellvviillllee)) BBuurrkkee ææ 7766 oonn JJuunnee 2288 MMaarriioonn aanndd CChhaarrlleess WWiillkkss 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn JJaannuuaarryy 88 nnEElliinnoorr ((BBuuttlleerr)) RRoobbeerrttss ææ 7788 oonn JJuullyy 2277 GGeeoorrggee PPaattrriicckk CCaasssseellttoonn ææ 7777 oonn JJuullyy 2288 OOVVEERR 6600 CCLLUUBB nnVViioolleett aanndd nnCChhaarrlleess MMoonnrrooee 6622 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 2233 JJaassoonn BBootteerrbbeerrgg ææ 3311 oonn AAuugguusstt 99 nn nn SStteevvee OOrraavveecczz ææ 7799 oonn AAuugguusstt 1144 MMaarriioonn MMaaxxiinnee EEnnggeellll ææ 8811 oonn AAuugguusstt 2200 nnMMaarryy EEvveellyynn MMoorrrriiss ææ 7777 oonn AAuugguusstt 2222 NNoorrmmaa OOlliivvee ((SSkkeellcchheerr)) BBuucckkllee ææ 7733 oonn AAuugguusstt 2277 Milestone Birthdays Celebrated GGeerrttrruuddaa MMaarriiaa EEddiitthh VVaannRRooooyy ææ 5599 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1122 nnAAuuddrreeyy TTaavveennddeerr 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn MMaayy 33,, 22000022 MMyyrrttllee IIrreennee SScchhootttt ææ 8888 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1111 nnAAlliiccee BBeeaaggllee 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 1133 DDaanniieell ““DDaann”” SStteewwaarrtt ææ 4477 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 22 nnCClliiffff WWhhiitteehheeaadd 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 55 CCoolllleeeenn ((BBrroowwnnssccoommbbee)) EEppppllee ææ 5555 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 33 PPeeggggyy CCaauugghhiillll 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 1100 JJoohhnn PPaauull SScchhoollllaaeerrtt ææ 6688 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 44 nnGGeeoorrggee SSoommmmeerrss 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 2288 PPaauulliinnaa AAmmbbrroozziiaakk ææ 8833 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 99 nnMMaarriioonn LLoocckkhhaarrtt 9922 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 44 GGaarryy WWiilllliiaamm GGiillbbeerrtt ææ 4411 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 1133 EEaarrll BBeennnneetttt 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22 RRiicchhaarrdd GGeeoorrggee HHiinnddrriicchhss ææ 1111 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1144 nnCCllaarraa BBiinngglleemmaann 110055 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1166 IIssaabbeell MMootttt ææ 9911 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1155 RReegg.. GGuussttiinn 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 2288 nnJJaammeess RRoobbiinnssoonn 9955 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 1111 WWaalltteerr SSmmaattaannaa ææ 7744 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1166 WWaalltteerr SSmmaattaannaa ææ 7744 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1166 CChhaarrlleess RRaacczz 9955 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 1144 DDoouuggllaass KKeennnneetthh MMccNNeeiiccee ææ 7722 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1188 MMaarryy KKeerrrryy 9900 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 55 PPaauull SSwwiicckk ææ 7755 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2244 JJooaann SStteewwaarrtt 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 88 JJaammeess CCoolliinn FFlleettcchheerr ææ 4433 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2255 AAllffrreedd SSwwiinngg 9900 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1133 IIvvaann MMiikkllaavvcciicc ææ 7755 oonn JJaannuuaarryy 11,, 22000055 FFrraanncceess WWoooolllleeyy 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1166 AAddddiiee RRuutthh ((SSttoonnee)) MMaayy ææ 7788 oonn JJaannuuaarryy 44 nnKKaatthhlleeeenn DDiicckk 9900 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1177 nnAAlllleenn LLaavveerrnnee LLllooyydd ææ 8877 JJaannuuaarryy 66 nnMMaarriioonn SShheerrmmaann 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2200 FFrraanncceess VVooiiggtt 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2299 nnHHaarrrryy GGuunnddrryy ææ 110088 oonn JJaannuuaarryy 99 nnAAddaa SStteenncclliikk 9900 yyeeaarrss oonn JJaannuuaarryy 1100 nnHHeeccttoorr MMaacchhllaaccllaann ææ 6655 oonn JJaannuuaarryy 1122 PPaattrriicciiaa ((HHiillll)) BBeellbbeecckk ææ 6644 oonn JJaannuuaarryy 1166 OOVVEERR 9900 CCLLUUBB RRuutthh WWiinndduuss 9922 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99 nnHHaarrrryy GGuunnddrryy 110088 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 2266 -1- Congratulations! Community Booster wins The Vittoria & District Rotary award Foundation announces its 2004 Adapted from an article by Mike Bauslaugh in the Simcoe Reformer It was music to the ears of many as the Rotary Club of Scholarship recipient Norfolk Sunrise presented nnDDrr.. RRaayy DDaannlleeyy with a Paul Press Release by Jim Wies Harris Fellowship. The Vittoria & District Foundation has the distinct “It was a complete pleasure of announcing BBBaaiilleeyy FFoorrtt as this year’s recipient shock,” grinned the of the Vittoria & District Foundation’s annual scholarship of musical director. “I’ve $2,000. The scholarship programme is intended to recognize heard of the award before scholastic and extra-curricular achievement and to provide and was quite surprised financial assistance to young people of Vittoria and district when it was presented to entering their first year of post-secondary education. The me.” applications submitted were duly studied by the selection The high honour committee, consisting of nnRRaayymmoonndd DDaannlleeyy, nnLLiinnddaa recognizes the VVaannccssoo and nnJJiimm WWiieess. contributions of people Bailey, a resident of Vittoria, is a graduate of Simcoe who exemplify the ideals of Composite School, which she attended from 2001 to 2004; Rotary. The award is before that, she had attended Port Dover Composite School. named after Rotary Throughout her years of secondary education, Bailey founder PPPaauull HHaarrrriiss, a maintained consistently high marks in her studies, with an Chicago attorney who average in excess of 93%. Her remarkable scholastic started the first service achievement is best illustrated by the words of SCS club in February 1905. Principal, BBBoobb FFoosstteerr, when he says, “in that time (his three RRaayy DDaannlleeyy has years as her principal) I have come to know Bailey as one of certainly lived up to the the most outstanding students I have had the pleasure of Rotary motto “Service being involved with in my nearly thirty years in education.” Above Self” in his Bailey’s list of credentials, achievements and activities is commitment to the Norfolk an impressive one. Her academic accomplishments occupy a community. He has used remarkably high level to any standard, having won the his musical talents to help prestigious Honour Society Award and the Governor raise more than $10,000 General’s Bronze Academic Award; she was the top student, annually for projects that by average, in each of her Grade 9 through 12 years. In include Norview Lodge, addition, Bailey has received many proficiency awards, in Norfolk General Hospital, subjects ranging from art and history to the maths and Rotary, the Haldimand-Norfolk Literacy Council and various sciences. In fact, as her academic achievements span churches. virtually all areas of study with comparable excellence, it Ray was presented with the Harris Fellowship by past would not be inappropriate to think of Bailey as a president DDDrr.. SStteevveenn MMaalloo during a concert at Lighthouse “Renaissance Woman”. Festival Theatre last year. The Jubilee concerts raised more Though Bailey has always been very committed to her than $20,000 for the new Norview Lodge seniors home. academic career, she has also explored her other talents, “He’s very generous with his time and talent,” said Dr. especially
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