Using Oracle Commerce F41708-01 July 2021 Using Oracle Commerce, F41708-01 Copyright © 1997, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents 1 Understand Oracle Commerce Product features 1-1 2 First Steps Subscribe to Oracle Commerce 2-1 Prepare for store development 2-1 Become familiar with the administration interface 2-1 3 Work with the Dashboard View reports 3-2 Find documentation and training videos 3-2 Enter basic store information 3-2 4 Design Your Store Layout Access layouts 4-1 Understand the default layouts 4-1 Create a new layout instance (cloning) 4-2 Customize your store layouts 4-2 Customize layout components 4-3 Work with layout components 4-4 Customize slots 4-7 Customize stacks 4-10 Modify your page layout settings 4-14 Upgrade deployed widgets 4-16 Work with role-based layouts 4-17 Preview your store 4-18 5 Customize Your Store’s Design Theme Understand the default theme 5-1 iii Create a new theme (cloning) 5-1 Customize your theme 5-1 Modify theme code 5-4 Apply a theme to a site 5-4 Delete a theme 5-5 6 Modify Your Storefront Using Code Editing Tools Modify a component’s code 6-1 Modify the theme CSS style sheet 6-2 Use developer tools to customize your store 6-2 7 Manage Your Catalog Understand catalogs 7-1 Work with independent catalogs 7-2 Work with filtered catalogs 7-4 Work with legacy catalogs 7-7 Create legacy catalogs 7-9 Associate catalogs with sites or accounts 7-11 Edit catalog items without publishing 7-11 Create and edit product types 7-14 Create and work with products 7-22 Find products in catalogs 7-23 Create and work with SKUs 7-25 Create add-on products 7-28 Organize products in collections 7-30 Configure catalogs with optional collections 7-35 Link and unlink collections and products 7-37 Create default parent collections 7-38 Create custom properties for collections 7-41 Add metadata to products and collections 7-44 Display related products 7-45 Configure AI Recommendations Rules 7-46 Display product recommendations 7-52 Add images to products 7-53 Create gift cards 7-56 Manage inventory 7-56 Preview your changes 7-58 iv 8 Manage SEO Configure URL patterns 8-1 Customize SEO tags 8-5 Manage SEO content 8-7 Understand canonical tags 8-8 Utilize widgets for SEO 8-10 Understand SEO snapshots 8-12 Configure URL redirects 8-13 Edit the robots.txt file 8-14 Customize structured data 8-16 Understand XML sitemaps 8-16 Understand SEO localization 8-18 Control access to storefront servers 8-19 9 Manage Search Settings Understand index fields 9-1 View index fields 9-1 Understand the searchable field ranking list 9-2 Add fields to the searchable field ranking list 9-3 Edit the searchable field ranking list 9-4 Understand the thesaurus 9-4 Create and edit thesaurus entries 9-5 Understand keyword redirects 9-7 Create and edit keyword redirects 9-8 Refine and order search results 9-10 Multiple sites and search 9-13 Configure dynamic content 9-13 Use the search REST APIs 9-15 10 Manage Media for Your Store View the media library 10-1 Upload media files 10-1 Edit and remove media files 10-3 Import image assignments 10-4 11 Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory Understand export guidelines 11-1 Export catalog items 11-2 v Import catalog items and inventory 11-5 12 Manage Promotions Understand promotions 12-1 Understand promotion targets 12-1 Understand currency-specific promotions 12-3 Understand audience-specific promotions 12-3 Understand site-specific promotions 12-4 Copy an existing promotion 12-4 Create an order discount promotion 12-5 Create an item discount promotion 12-6 Create a buy one get one promotion 12-7 Create a shipping discount promotion 12-8 Create a gift with purchase promotion 12-9 Define a promotion 12-10 Enable and disable promotions 12-18 Organize promotions in folders 12-19 Include or exclude products, SKUs, or collections 12-20 Exclude promotions 12-22 Add a coupon code to a promotion 12-23 Manage promotions with stacking rules 12-25 Manage upsell messages 12-26 13 Define Audiences Understand audience definitions 13-1 View the list of audiences 13-11 Create an audience 13-12 Update an audience 13-13 Copy an existing audience 13-14 Disable an audience 13-15 Delete an audience 13-15 View audience usage 13-16 Add personalization to headless applications 13-16 14 Configure Tax Processing Understand tax processor integrations 14-1 Understand the Tax Code property 14-2 Configure the AvaTax integration 14-2 Configure the Vertex O Series integration 14-3 vi Integrate with an external tax processor 14-4 Configure Ship from Warehouse Locations 14-4 Disable all tax processors 14-5 15 Configure Payment Processing Configure payment settings 15-1 Configure the CyberSource integration 15-1 Configure the PayPal integration 15-4 Configure the Chase Paymentech integration 15-5 16 Configure Shopper Settings Configure the password policy 16-1 Configure the logged-in shopper session 16-2 Configure guest checkout 16-3 Disable soft login 16-3 Configure account-based shoppers 16-3 Configure shopper registration 16-4 17 Configure Email Settings Enable the types of email your store sends 17-1 Configure Abandoned Cart settings 17-5 Ensure emails are not rejected as spam 17-5 Configure an Alternate SMTP Email Relay 17-6 18 Configure Internal User Accounts Understand role-based access control 18-1 View role contents 18-8 Create new user profiles 18-8 Edit user profiles 18-9 Deactivate and reactivate user profiles 18-10 Access the Commerce administration interface 18-11 19 Configure Shipping Create shipping regions 19-1 Create a shipping method 19-1 Specify a fallback shipping method 19-3 Specify a default shipping country 19-4 vii Configure shipping surcharges 19-4 Understand externally priced shipping methods 19-4 20 Configure Wish Lists Understand wish list features 20-1 Implement
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