V , . -JSC___ .1. ., I » f -r i r r ^ / . The Weather THURSDAY; JANUARY 7, I960 Average Daily Net Press Run Foreenot of O. S. WoBtkor B b im m . cv^ . V > For'tbe WSfek Ended- Chanco "Of anow tn n le o oUtljr Dm . 26. 1959 FOURTEEN tonight, clearing, YYlady, s M e t IffiattrbPElpr ^tipning ®^ralb later tonight. Low 10-26. Cfondy. 13,062 windy, colder Sntnrday. High 'Mna Sd. Member of the Audit The pari*h committee of S t Plnehu^ atSn Mali SJ^|i*iiTill 9 Tliar«|a»$ aaAFri48y* Bomob of Circulation John’s Polish flatlonal Catholic Manche$tftr-~~A City of. Village Charm A bou tT o^ ^ Church will met tomorrow at 7 From Your Neighbor 's Kitchen PRICE FIVE GENTR p.ip. in the church hall. The an­ MANCHESTER, CONN« FRIDAY, JANUARY 8; i960 Pfc. Aurtln *<cDowelI,- 19. nual meeting ahd reports of the - -------------- ----------- 1 A • ------- - It Will Pay You to Do All VOL. LXXIX, NO. 83 (I'OUHTREN PAGES) of Mr. wid Mr*. John A. McDowell, uirch will be held in thejdhurch BY MARGR FLYNN 19 Kdgerton’ S t, ^ en U y com­ hathafter the high Mass Sunday. Nancy Lambert, 150 Chambers I pleted a 4-week supply -sergeant St., collects coijltboOks . and ex­ Traffic Officer TOuree at the Army Quartermaa- Prayer^-Md Our Church Or-^ changes recipes. with all 'the" en­ Your i960 Food Shoppingat World Record ter-Slgnal school in Lenggries, ganlzatlons’’^ iJ l be the topic of a thusiasm’ of small boys trading Germany. McDowell, a 1958 CTadu- special service atx7:30 tonight at baseball cards. Russians to Show >es Trap ate of Manchester High School, Covenant CongregatlQi^ Church, One o r her many specialties is Set in Dive to i o n - entered the Army in July 1958 and with "Prayer, and theTamlly’’ as "Limelight Pie," a glamorous and ■%<* ..-•^Isa, bkla., Jan. 8 (J)—Tulsa airrived overseas In June 1959. the,theme tomorrow at TfSfip.m. refreshing company dessert. The Police Commissioner ffobert Both services are part of the^b- filling bpasts fresh lime Juice and ^Inner, Space’ Mawhinney told ' this one' yes­ Uttle Flower of Jesus Mothers’ servance of University Week pY-^ crushed pineapple and calls for npl terday : • • ’ Circle will meet at the home of Prayer. cooking at kll, The pie 1s topped! An unidentified Tulsa pollca .with whipped cream and shaved | San Diego, Calif., Jan. 8 (/p) officer was about to start his Mrs. Marcia Charest 192 Fam- Anny Specialist Ronald A. ham Rd., South -Windsor, tomor­ chocolate curls. —The bathyscaph Trieste has ifiotorcycle. Gustafson, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. UmeUght Pie set a new world’s diving rec­ He reached for a traffic ■viola­ row at' 8 p.m. Mrs. Gene Moriarty Helmer O. Gustafson, 12S Glen- tion ticket which was resting on* 'Will be co-hostess. Sift together; ord of more than 4Ys miles in wood St., participated with the I •• 1 - 51 cup sifted flour Agaihi here at Pin^ one handlebar. 101st Airborne Division’s 187th In­ U teaspoon salt a t i f h __ The^withln a, 2-mlT« target wea from the Marianas trench near Just in the nick of time he fantry in a special Strategic Army /I • 2 tablespoons sugar' hurat we feature a top Y'ou save, at lease 20c Moscow, Jim » (HT) tuB Ta . launching point 5,900 miiea Guam, the Navy said todky. spotted something camouflaged- Corps alert at Ft. Campbell, Ky., Cut in: ■ , grade Smoked Should­ / i Russians are invading Ameri­ away.) Tms new record of 24,000 feet under the ticket— at rat trap, \ recently. Specialist Gustafson, . >4 cup shortening until particles j The RussUns did not specify set to snap on his hand. N otice er Ham at a special a pound on these large ca’s favorite testing ground in battered the previous, record.s of -------- --------------- *........- . 1 first cook in the infantry’s Com­ are the sire of small peas. ^ j the Central Pacific to try out 'the firing site for iheir^^new rt^ket. 18,600 feet set by the Navy deep- pany B at- the, fort, entered the i - Drip: . - • , budget price. save at all white meat tender a powerful new rocket built ITie announcemeniL byXthe offlcial sea diving device in the same area .. Kennedy, Army in January 1958, and com­ ■ Vs square ( Vi or.) melted choco­ Soviet news agency Taaaaald only in November. WE HAVE DAILY late over mixjure, tossing light­ least 36c to 42c on for launching heavy Earth t ' ’ ' • ; pleted basic training at Ft. Dix, that the le ^ j will be to ^evelop^ Inside the 75-ton craft when it Show of Force ’1 '' ■[ ’ - ’• i N. J. He is a 1957 graduate of ly with fork. every shoulder you chicken breasts. buy satellites and space flights to ’.'a more powerful rocket to l^ n ch .■'.'■a . DELIVEKY TO THE m W the new venture into what I UsCCl fOF ■• ■ ■ ■ r.'-..;■.?!!■.. Manchester High School and was Sprinkle one to twoTtablespoons | the planets. heavy Elarth satellites and under­ cold water over ,nrf«ture, tossing buy.... : -. , " V take apace flights to planets^sOf soiri*_ Navy sclentiats cdll "Inner i Nixon in formerly employed by Pratt & ■I or a dozen. put a The Soviet! inat night staked out were Lt. Donald Walsh, lightly with fork until dough is the aoUr system.” It. ^ ded; assigned t o , Whiteny Aircraft. ' SWIFT PREMIURI a broad, deserted area 1,100 miles Ine officer BOLTON moist enough to hold together. j| SHORT SHANK feu in-your freezer. southwest of the Hawaiian Islands ••With a view to perfecting this I- Jacques Piccai-d..' Riot at Prison All former members of Boy fform intoA ball. Roll out on flout- ; 5 to e LBS. for test firings to begin between poccet with a high , g^ias scienGat serring as technical Scout Troop 3 are invited to. a ed jafistr^ cloth"or board to 10-inch Jan. 15 and'Feb. 15. flight, its launchings without the | \ * Test Vote meeting at Waddell School tonight circl^ Fit pastry loMely into 8-] SMOKED Foreign ships and aircraft were last sUge will be made within Hartford, Jan. 8 l-rib—The swfft AREA at 7. Boys wishing to join are 1 ] ^ 'pie pan. Fold « g e to form warned to steer -clear of the tar­ the coming months of i960 into ' The Navy electronic laboratory 'force that quelled the By JOSEPH D. KAMIN asked to bring their fathers. The s^tandin^ ,rim and flute edges; EASTERN CONNECTICUT'S FINEST get zone— roughly a rectangle 280 the central part of ‘ the Pacific , said the, dives are-to be continued | rjot at CJonnecU- troop committw will meet Jan. 15 prick crusrwith fork. Bake in hot ^ SHOULDER miles long and 160 miles vride— Ocean, removed from places of ' in an attempt to reach the trencres , state Prison demonstrated a Concoto, N. H., Jan. 8 (ff)— PINE LEN O X at the home of Roland Smith, ,31 oven at 400 de^ees for 10 to* 12 | during the tests. There was no in­ intensiva. shloDing, air lines and I greatest Known depth.N 35,000 feet. worked out two weeks ago'to The names of Sen. John F. Essex St. minutes. - * FARM FR€s H U. S. D. A. G^ADE A YOUNG dication how. long they would con^ fisheries." ”------ * 4 -'Dlls new record, was B^de;»eaT!gygj.j Just sv.ch en emer- Kennedy (D-Ma86),yicePre^ PHARMACY Lime FUUng ^ tinue. Writing in Komsomalskaya . the south end of, Guam Noy. 7. j gency, it was disclosed today by Combine one 15 oz. can sweet- i (Soviet- missiles have been ident Richard M. Nixon and Emanuel Boy Scouts and Ex­ Pravda organ of the Communist ' It took the bathyscaph, Nwhich i Police Commissioner Leo J- Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller 2YT E. CEHTER ST. plorers will conduct a paper and ened condensed milk, one-quarter | sifi^ted coming into the North Pa­ youth movement, scientist Ana- looks aomethlng like a midget*ub-1 Mulcahy. rag collection Saturday morning. CUR’lime Juice (about four limes) cific in recent months. 'Shifting the toly Dorodhitsln of the Academy ; marine with a blg\ball oh the bot- , • xhls concerted action by the (R-NY) were injected into TEL. MI9-089A For pick up, call Clarence Wog- and one-quarter teaspoon salt; HAMS target south into the region of of Sciences pointed out that an in -■ tom, si» hours to the.|f«>-.«. warden Mark s. New Hampshire’s^ first-ifi-thfip- stir uAtll thickened. Blend in one American interest was viewed in man, 28 Falrvlew St., or John CHICKEN in .the power of space dive. , Richmond, the guards and the po­ nation presidential primary Thlellng, 258 Parker St., before oup (9 oz. can) crushed pineapple, some Washington circles as a d e-l-crew lite—|n accordance with a pre­ well drained, and four drops of liberate move to impress the west Focke.! would make possible heav­ The ball is where the 2-mah lod&v* Saturday, or papem may be de­ ier i^utnlka with more Instru­ crew operates the craft *nd makes arranged plan showed our unani­ Enthusiastic Kupportera of Ken­ livered to the church parking lot green food coloring; mix well. YYlth the reliability and accuracy mous intention to meet force with Pour filling into cooled baked pie of Russia’s new missile weapons. ments which thus could “ carry out observations, through ^exiglass nedy entered him in the'popularity before 11 a.m. Saturday. more de.alls and comprehefisive ports. ■ . force. poll section of the March. 8 ballot­ MODERN AND shell.
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