DOT HS- 803 653 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT STUDY VOLUME II: Technical Report Kurucz, Morrow, Fogarty, Jaicek and Mapper University of Miami Post Office Box 8294 Coral Gables, Florida * Contract No. DOT HS- 060.3-611 Contract Amt. $229,882 NOVEMBER 1911 FINAL REPORT This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Prepared For U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Washington, D.C. 20590 * Prepared for the Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, under Contract No. DOT-HS-060-3-671. The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this publica­ tion are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No.­ 2 (,a v...r.rnenr Ar, nss^un 140. :1. Neup^enrs Catalog No. DOT -HS -_80_3 653 - 1 4 Tltle and Subr.rle­ 5. Rep a.t [dare Single Vehicle Accident Study­ November, 1977 Final Report­ b Par(orm,ng Organital on Code r8. Perlo ming Orgomration Report No. I 1. Authortsl­ Final Report Kurucz, Morrow, Fogarty, Janicek and Klapper 9. Performing Organi=otion Name and Address­ 3. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) University of Miami P.O. Box 8294­ I). Contract or Grant No. Coral Gables, Florida­ DOT-HS-060-3-671 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Final Report 1973-1976 Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Washington, D.C. 20590 14 Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Contract Technical Manager:­ Nicholas G. Tsongos NRD-32 202-426-4820 16. Abstract The general objectives of this study were to determine the nature and causes of single vehicle accidents, describe their resulting consequences, and develop recommendations to effect a reduction in the frequency and severity of these accidents. Analyses were based on in-depth investigations 'of 609 single vehicle accidents in Dade County, Florida, and police reported data on all County accidents during the-study period. Comparisons of single vehicle and non-single vehicle accident characteristics were made as well as comparisons involving fatal and. alcohol involved single vehicle accidents. Causal factors for accident causation and injury production were identified and certain quantitative models developed. The models include consideration of the effectiveness of breakaway light standards and energy absorbing devices, the redirection capabilities of curbs, roadway de­ parture characteristics. and speed relationships. The analyses were used to develop and, support countermeasure recommendations. This is Volume II (Technical Report) of a three-volume report. Volume I is the Executive Summary and the Appendices are presented in Volume III. 17. Key Words­ 18. Drstributlon Stotement Automobile. accidents, single vehicle, Document is available to the public causal factors, roadsides, breakaway through the National Technical light standards, curb redirection, Information Service, Springfield, countermeasures, alcohol, fatal­ Virginia 22161 19. Security Class.f, (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified­ 143 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72)­ Reproduction of completed page authorized 1 METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS Approximate C.awrsi.as to markMasons Approximate Co.versisws lisp Metric Meassift « $1 a 1 tqa Val Know rdlipr 97 To Fi. fpsls! ttt.C101. ttttls* Ton go" NdtiFlp by To Find splbl LENGTH LENGTH ass slillimMers 0.04 imdes le a eealieeters 0.4 Isekes is m mete., unekae 12.5 patalatars as 3.3 last h m lass 30 c.M.. "Ors cm mere., 1.1 yaws yd has yards 0.9 meters m kilmtrlers 0.6 miles at wiles 1.6 kileasters km AREA. a, AREA - w _ stpsars uatwleters 0.1$ memo . 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F tempersturs add 321 twpsrstw Fel a bail 5.'9 (after Celsius "C temperature subtracting temperahure or 321 eF 32 966 at -40 O ag /0 1 .1l0 ISO 200 1 a -r_ - J J NO 00 It 0.01 .1 ae..y.h ....1 \/.Ns..eS, A....'•:...., 11) 1 ..1..1•.e N.., 1 1.111 m., -40 -20 0 r2o r e0 • sC 37 ^1 (V Np e * TABLE OF CONTENTS II TECHNINAL REPORT LIST OF TABLES ------------------------------------------------ v LIST OF FIGURES------------------------------------------------ vii ACKNOWLEGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------ ix: 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Justification-------------------------- 1-1 1.2 Objectives-------------------------------------------- 1-1 1.3 Scope------------------------------------------------- 1-2 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Project Organization--------------------------------- 2-1 2.2 Data Collection-------------------------------------- 2-2 2.3 Review and Analysis---------------------------------- 2-3 2.4 Base Data Collection--------------------------------- 2-3 2.5 Data Processing-------------------------------------- 2-4 2.6 Data Analysis---------------------------------------- 2-5 2.7 Causal Factors Analysis------------------------------ 2-6 2.8 Countermeasure Selection and Evaluation-------------- 2- 6 3.0 SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT PROBLEM AND STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION 3.1 The National Single Vehicle Accident Picture--------- 3-1 3.2 Study Area Description------------------------------- 3-2 4.0 SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Types of Accidents----------------------------------- 4-1 4.2 Driver Characteristics------------------------------- 4-15 4.3 Vehicle Characteristics--------------------------- -- 4-28 4.4 Environmental Characteristics------------------------ 4-33 5.0 CAUSAL FACTORS 5.1 Single Vehicle Accident Model------------------------ 5-1 5.2 Event Sequence Failures------------------------------ 5-13 5.3 Causal Factors Classification------------------------ 5-17 I 5.4 Causal Factors Contributing to Accident Causation---- 5-22 5.5 Causal Factors Influencing Damage and Injury Severity 5-25 5.6 Causal Factors Summary------------------------------- 5-30 iii 6.0 SELECTED ACCIDENT AND INJURY PRODUCING MECHANISMS 6.1 Analysis of Impact Attenuating Devices-------------------- 6-1 6.2 Analysis of Curbs----------------------------------------- 6-8 6.3 Analysis of Rollover Accidents-------------------------- 6-12 7.0 MOTOR-VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS (MVSS) AND HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM STANDARDS (HSPS) 7.1 Motor.Vehicle Safety Standards Involvement and Evaluation- 7-1 7.2 Restraint Systems Evaluation (MVSS 208/210)--------------- 7-5 7.3 Highway Safety Program Standards-------------------------- 7-7 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND COUNTERMEASURES 8.1 Countermeasures for Accident Causation-------------------- 8-1 8.2Countermeasures for Damage and Injury Production---------- 8-9 i iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1 Percent Distribution of Accidents (National) --------­ 3-2 3-2 Summary of Differences-in National and Study Area (Dade County) Non-Accident Characteristics ----------­ 3-4 3-3 Summary of Differences, in National and Study Area (Dade County) Accident! Characteristics --------------­ 3-5 4-1 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle and Non-Single Vehicle Accident Characteristics -------------------------------------­ 4-3 4-2 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle and In-Depth Single Vehicle Accident Characteristics ------'-------------------------------­ 4-7 4-3 Crash Occurrence By Configuration and Location-------­ 4-9 4-4 Crash Configuration B,y Impact Sequence --------------­ 4-9 4-5 Type of Objects Impacted ----------------------------­ 4-10 4-6 Location of Objects Impacted-------------------------­ 4-11 4-7 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle and Non-Single Vehicle Accident Driver Characteristi`cs ------------­ ------------- -- ---- 4-21 4-8 Involvement Ratios and Conviction Record By Driver Age, Sex, and Race --1-------------------------------­ 4-25 4-9 Summary of In-Depth Driver Characteristics ----------­ 4-27 4-10 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle and Non-Single Vehicle Accident Vehicle Characteristics -----------------------------­ 4-30 4-11 Involvement Ratios ByVehicle Type and Defects ------­ 4-32 4-12 Summary of In-Depth Vehicle Characteristics ---------­ 4-33 4-13 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle and Non-Single Vehicle Accident Environmental Characteristics -----------------------­ 4-34 4-14 Summary of Primary Differences Between Dade County Single Vehicle And In-Depth Single Vehicle Environ­ mental Characteristics ------------------------------­ 4-37 4-15 Summary
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