PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancherter, Conn,, Mon., Jan/12,1S76 The weather iBcreuiiig clottdiiwM, highs upper 10s. Cloudy tonight, snow Ukdy, low In Official says tax auditors low 10s. Wednaiday snow «*«nirng to UlmtriiratTr lEarnittg UrntUi rain, high in mid 80s. Nstioosl weather worth weight in gold, almost J forecast map on page 14. Menckettor— CUy of FiUife Ckorm SIXTEEN PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PMCEi FIFTEEN CENTS JUAN TAMAYO are paid about $17,000 a year — in- perhaps five or six a year, because of HARTFORD(UPI) - Tax Ck)m- cludtog fringe benefits; car costs, and what he called “the law of dimiahing mlssloner Gerald Heffeman says needed clerical staff — meaning each returns.” state tax auditors are worth their auditor could find the state at least Increased collection of state taxes weight in gold. Almost. four times his salary. will lead to more voluntary com­ Heffemhn said Friday each new Connecticut audits only about two pliance and more auditors will have News Grasso pledges auditor put to work checking cor­ per cent of its tax-paying institutions, proportionately less uncollected m porate ledgers could find $400,000 a Heffeman said. There is no state in­ revenues to find and more ad­ year in uncollected taxes. Those come tax. ministrative costs, Heffeman said. summary working on the sales tax could each He said the 50 audits that came up no new taxes find about $80,000 a year, he added. with $500,000 in unpaid lease and ser­ The commissioner said he has Compiled from Heffeman told the legislature's vices taxes included $250,000 turned talked to Finhnce Commissioner Jay BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Gov. Ella pay rtdse — the work week of state Finance Committee it should spend United Press International up by three auditors ,^ent to check 0. Tepper about the possibility of T. Grasso today pledged no new employes from 35 hours to 40 hours more to hire new auditors if it wants California firms that leased equip­ transfering seven state employes to taxes imd said ^ e wiould resubmit was reJected by a special legislative additional revenues to bridge a $145 ment to Connecticut companies. the Tax Department. Tepper said the two money-saving measures reJected session in D ecm bw . million shortfall predicted for next “This seems to me to be ripe to move was under preliminary con­ State late last year by the legislature. That session was called to meet a fiscal year’s budget. pick up money,” said Finance Com­ sideration. “We will be able to maintain essen­ proJected $80 million budget deficit Some 50 audits last year turned up HARTFORD - The Special mittee Chairwoman Sen. Audrey The Finance Committee also said tial state services (without a tax for the current fiscal year. Through $500,000 in uncollected sales taxes, he Revenue Commission will Beck, D-Storrs, who asked Heffeman it will look through state bond issues hike) if our economic proJections are administrative and legislative cuts, said, and that was only .5 per cent of meet Wednesday to review the to draft a hiring proposal for con­ to determine if any can be re­ borne out during the fiscal year officials now estimate that deficit at the 10,000 new taxpayers created in case of one of its officials, sideration by the legislature when it financed at a lower interest rate. One hgginning July first,” She said in an $35 million. 1975 by extending the sales tax to Cracking the whip on Union Pond Sturgis Sobln, racing director, convenes in Febroary. committee iqember said two bond address to the Bridgeport Rotary “If the General Assembly adopts leases and business services. The commissioner said he wants to rebifted by a grand Jury for issues were approved last year when without any apparent injury. But there were Qub. these proposals — and with 8'little The commissioner said auditors start hiring new auditors slowlyj interest rates were higher. These teens are beginning to work up speed as accepting a truckload of free their nine-person “whip” gets ready to crack on screams and squeals from those on the ends bricks from the scandal-ridden She said her budget to be submitted help from the economy—we can end flung across the ice high speed. (Herald Bridgeport Jai alai fronton. to the legislature next month “will this fiscal year in balance,” she said. ......................... .. ...V................. ........................................ ............................................... the ice of Union Pond. The teens repeated the not increase existing taxes except “This administration is making whip action over and over for about an hour photo by Barlow) every possible effort to achieve a H A R TFO R D - where revenue is needed in one area Acknowledging an apathetic of tiucation to replace revenue lost balance.” response by members, the thfough repeal or reductions in other "Our state has experienced Connecticut State Employes areas of taxation.” a traumatic economic year,” she Association has canceled a She said a proposal to have the said. “We stUl have a long way to go threat to strike in protest of the state take over the Soldiers', Sailors to balance the budget, and we are layoff of 500 state employes. and Marines Fund, which,benefits moving as rapidly as possible.” Only a “trickle” of strike vote needy veterans, and have payments ■ come frohi the general fund would be She said restrictions on overtime, ballots issued in December out-of-state travel and deferred have been returned, a CSEA resubinitt^ to the legislature. That proposal, along with one to equipment purchases have saved the spokesman said. Announcing Another lengthen — without an accompanying state about $14 million. Regional SALEM, Mass. — Weather favors ice skating Democratic presidential can­ Weicker to seek S.B. Banking Advantage didate Terry Sanford was The winter of 1976 is shaping up as one the nearby communities as weU.^ura ta a group expected to return home to Durham, N. C. today after two Senate re-election better ones in recent years for the ice skating of boys playing a game of make-sluft hrckey at days of hospitalization, which fraternity. Not only has ice skating been a the Bolton Notch Pond recently. (Herald i«oto turned up no evidence of heart HARTFORD (UPI) - Sen. Lowell didacy, citing Ford’s recent veto of a regular event on ponds in ^fonchester but In by Pinto) trouble. P. Weicker, R-Conn., the white bill expanding picketing rights of knight of Watergate, today an­ construction workers as an example. CONCORD, N. H. - The nounced his candidacy forTe-election Weicker alienated some name that wasn’t there — Gov. and said he might not be able to sup­ Republicans — but gained great pop­ Meldrim Thomson — drew the port Ronald Reagan as a Republican ularity among Democrats and in­ $14.1 million school budget most attention as filing of presidential nominee because of dependents — during the 1973 Senate delegate slates for New Reagan’s “simplistic” policies. Watergate hearings with his tough Hampshire’s Feb. 24 presiden­ Weicker said the former California questioning of President Richard M. recommended by Kennedy tial primary officially closed governor’s plan to trim the federal Nixon’s aides. Monday. Thompson has been a budget by $90 billion by returning The following year he earned the items where the 1976-1977 supporter of conservative can­ By DOUG BEVINS School complex ($70,000), and in­ responsibilities to the local level was wrath of some GOP members in recommendation is the same as the stallation of a concrete slab under didates in both parties and had Herald Reporter typical of “the way he approaches Connecticut for taking the party’s 1975-1976 appropriation. bleachers at MHS to prevent them been expected to be a delegate Manchester School Supt. James things in a simplistic way.” gubernatorial nominee, Robert The only reduction recommended from sinking into the ground for former California Gov, Kennedy has recommended a 1976- Weicker, who g ain ^ promlnqnqe Steele, to task for his campaigning, 1977 school budget of $14,150,063, up is for a tutorial program for excep­ ($35,000). ■ Ronald Reagan.^ charging Steel^^waa-uslng for his tough quesudnihg M Piesident 8.9 per cent over the current, 197^ tional, homebound pupils. In the In comments accompanying hli Watergate-style tactics. Richard M. Nixon’s aides during the 1976 appropriation of $13,000,000. current year, $150,000 was ap­ recommendation, Kennedy said, National Senate Watergate hearings, said he Following the ensuing furor, Kennedy, presenting his budget to propriated. For 1976-1977, $140,000 is "The superintendent of schools has Weicker said he might, if necessary, recommended. attempt^ to present for Board of PITTSBURGH - The city’s would not endorse in advance the the Board of Education Monday nominee of the Republican conven­ leave the party to run as an indepen­ night, said it will cost $13,916,852 in The items remaining the same Education consideration a realistic 4,100 striking public school dent. But he has since decided to seek from 1975-1976 to 1976-1977 are the budget which, while recognising the teachers and aides today faced tion. 1976-1977 Just to continue the same “I would not stand up there with the GOP nomination. level of services allowed by the 1975- Head Start pre-kindurgarten financial limitations facing the town fines of $100 a day each unless Weicker promised to continue his any man or woman if there is a sharp 1976 budget of $13,000,000. program ($9,555) , the summer school and the school district, also details they complied with a court policy of independence. program ($4,000), and capital outlay what in our Judgment Is needed not order to end their seven-week difference of opinion,” Weicker said.
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