Front Matter, January-March 1885

Front Matter, January-March 1885

Xr½)L.SERIES,N. } •ULLETJN OFTIlE CONTINUATIONNUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICALOF TIlE CLUBL) •E•¾ XrOL.•ERIE,,4•II Thc Auk •l •uartcrO?•,ournal of •rmtOologl? EDITOIl• J. A. ALLEN ASSOCIATE EDITORS• ELLIOTTCOUES, ROBERT RIDGWAY, WILLIAM BREWSTER, xM) MONTAGUE CHAMBERLAIN VOLUME II PUBLISHED FOR The American Ornithologists' Union BOSTON, 1•IAS$ E•TE• & LAUl•TAT I885. Volume 2 No. I OLDVOL.•ER1ES, X. t ]•ULLETIN OF THECONTINUATIOJ• NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICALOFTIIE CLUB • NEWVOL.•ERllœS• iI The Auk • •uarttrt• •,ournat of •)rnit•olog• EDITOR• j. A. ALLEN ASSOCIATE EDITOIlS • ELLIOTT COUES, ROBERT RIDGWAY, WILLIAM BREWSTER, ^x•* MONTAGUE CHAMBERLAIN VOLUME II PUBLISHED FOR The American Ornithologists' Union BOSTON, M^ss ESTES & LAUI•.•IAT Prtnted by W. lr[. Wheeler•4•b lZ•rvard St., Cam b r [dgre••t s•q. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I[. NUMBER I. ON THE BREEI)ING iiABITS OF •OME ARIZONA BIRDS, Fl'r$l ]>a]Ser. By PV.]•. D. Xcoll ....... BIRD NAMES OF TIfE 8ELISII• PAH-UTA, AND 8HOSHONI INDIANS. ON THE VERTICAL RANGE OF BIRDS IN COLORADO. BS• Fra•l' M. Drew i i OBSERVATIONSON •ltllloz'd•'s fo•fcalus AND [c[l'fll'a sttl•cwrulea K•sxs. By •. S. Goss ß ß •9 MANiTOBANNOTES. By Ertzesl •. T. Scion 2• ONTHE FUNCTION OFTIIE INFERIOR LARYNX IN BIRDS. NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CERTAIN BIRDS IN TIlE MISSIS- SIPI'I XrALLEy. By [iC [•2 CooXq,. ..... TIlE NESTING HABITS OF THE •APE MAY WARBLER BIRD NOTES FROM nON(; ISLAND,N.Y. By •iHiam Dst/cAer . 36 FIELD NOTES FROM PICTOU-CouNTY, NOVA SCOTIA. By •ames Alc•%lay ........... 39 /•NALECTA()R•ITHOLOGICA. Fo•t•l]• Series. By Leo•/tartt S•c4re•' 43 PRELIMINARY REPORT OF TtlE COMMITTEE ON BIRD MIGRATION. By C. Hart Merrima•, M. •. 53 SXVAINSON'SWARBLER. By •t'[ll•m Brewster . 65 THE }[EATH HEN OF MASSACHUSETTS.By William Brewster ß 8o PRELIMINARY NOTES ON •OME BIRDS OBTAINED IN ARIZONA BY Vii. F. STEPlIENS IN t884. By •illiam Brezvsler RECENT LITERATURE. Abbott's'ANaturalist's Rambles about Home,' 86; Scebohm's ilis- tory of Britisb Birds, 88; Ingersoll's 'Country Cousins,'9 •; Lan- gil[e's'Our Birds in their Haunts: APopular Treatiseon the Birds of' Eastern No '.,,• America,' 9I; Steinever on the Wrens of theSubgenus Anorl• 9q; Steineveron thePtarmigans of thegroup A•a.4•e•, 94; •{-•-•l•egeron NewSpecies of Bir•tsfrom Kamtschatka, 95; Steinever on Recent Ornithological Publica- tious in the United States, 95; Merriam on a Bird New to the Bermudas,etc., 95; Shufeldt on the Osteology of CcJTlc alQ•o•l, 95; Shuœeldton the Arian Patella, 96; Minor Ornitholoõical Publications, 96; Publications Received, ioi. GENERAL NOTES. Albino Robins (7"•trdus mœ•ratorius), IO2; Nest and Eggs of the Golden-winged Warbler ( ]]elmiJtt/to]5/tilac/t•Tso]Stera ), •o2; Nest and Eggsof the BlackburnianWarbler, IO3; Nestingof the Worm-eating Warbler (]]elmœ1herusvermivort•s). IO3; Oy6ororJtœs a•t'l/s and Dendrceca]Solmature ]Saltttarum at Shelbm'ne,near Gorlmm, New Itampshire, IO4; Swainson'sWarbler off Southern Florida, IO4; Swaiuson'sWarbler--An Omission, to5; The Red 140390 Conlenls of Volume œ1. Crossbillbreedlng in Massachusetts, io5; The Ipswich Sparrow (Passerculusj6r/nce26s)in Delaware, lO5; Peter,s •slivalt5 and its Subspecies•'ll[noensD, io 5; The Black-tbroated Bunting in Maine, IO6; Foster Parents of the Cowbird, IO6; Nest and Eggs of the Rusty Grackle (Scolecoj6/•aA,usferru,o'neus), m6; A White Crow (Corvusfru.•ivorus), IO7; A Remarkable Migration of Canada Jays, IO7; The Kingbird in a New R61e, Io8; Late Occurrence of the Phcebe (Srcvorztt• fusca) at Brewer, Maine, Io$; }Iaxvk Owls in New England, io$; The Turkey Buzzard in Central Nexv York, io 9; Recent Occurrence of the Black Vulture in Ohio, IO9; A New Bird forlllinoi% lO9; The Great White Egret and Yellow Rail in Ottawa, Canada, IIO: (t•(t/cnemus clom[nœce•tsœs in Confinement, iio; The Western Semipalmated Sandpiper on the Coast of Virginia, IIO; The Canada Goose, III; The Eider Ducks of the New England Coast, •I; The White Pelican on Lake Ontario, iiI; Tlle Co•nmon Cormorant off Boston Harbor, Ii2; The Common Cormorant in Massachusetts, I12; Rare Sum- met Residents in Kansas, iI2; Third Addendum to List of Birds Ascertained to Occur within Ten Miles fi'om Point des Monts, Province of Q•ebec, Canada; Based chiefly lipon the Notes of Napoleon A. Corneau, II3;Albinls•n, •I 3. CORRESPONDENCE. Vernacular Names of Birds, l 14. NOTES AND NEWS. Ornithological Publications, I15; Ornithological Societies, i •6; The Baldsinus Collection of Birds' Nests and Eggs, II6; The Names 'Junco' and 'Snowbird,' and 'Vireo' aud 'Greenlet,' iI6. SUPPLEMENT. COMMITTEE ON TIlE MIGRATION AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF NORTH AMERICANBIRDS.--CIRCULAR FOR 1884. By C. Merrt'am, 31". 19. II7 NUMBER II. PAGE. WINTER NOTES FROi'VINEW MEXICO. By Charles F. •alchelder . I2I SEXUALSELECTION AND THE NESTING OF BIRDS. By •. :l. Allen •29 NOTES ON •OME OF THE BIRDS OF PUEBLO•COLORADO. By Charles A STUDYWickl•ffeOF THE•eckham SINGING ...... OFOUR BIRDS. By•tt•c•e •. •t'ck•te[•x39 •OTES ON THE BIRDS OF THE NEARER ISLANDS•ALASKA. By M. Turner ........ O••a• B•m• HamesovSo•m A•zo•'• Bmus. •. Xcoll. SecoJzd•afier. ]clerus cztcu[lalus . 159 ONBUTEO HARLANI (AuD.) AND B. cooet]11ICASS- •y Robert •[4•way ........... • 65 REMARKSON TIlE CALIFORNIA VULTURE (Pseudog,r/fihus caltfor- nianus). By t?oberl ]?id•way •67 Conlenls o_] Volume PAGE. NOTE ON SARCORHAMPIIUS-,•;Q•UATORIALIS SHARPE. By ]?oberl WI•rvmMC3U•TXI• NOTESF•O• SOUr• A•tzo•A. By•V. E• •69 D. Scott . z72 INC ITS (3N0XVTH,IN THE SIIORT-TAILED ALBATROSS br:rch),:t•'•t). By Dr. ]?. IV. Sht([}'lJt, 6• S •rm) .... A•A•c'r.x O•rx•)•(mtCA. F•?h •5'crle,•.By Leo•hardSlq/,cffer •Ul'PLE5IENTARY NOTES ON THE ORNITHOLOGY OF CHESTER COUNTY, •OUTII CAROLINA. Bv Ler•erell M. Loomt• . Tug Roc• PTARMIGAX OF NEW•bUNDLAND. By W[llt'am sler . ....... •93 ADDITIONAL NOTES ON SOME mIRUS COLLECTED IN ARIZONA AND TIIE AI)JOIN[NG PROVINCE OF •()XORA, M•,;XICO. BY •TEPHIgNS IN ISS4: WITII A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPI,;CIES OF ORTYX. By [•t'fl[ctm •/'ezvslt'r . •96 NOTi•S oN SO•il,: •I'ECIES OF BIRDS XTTRIBUTED TO POINT 1}AR- ROW, i•LASKA. By •01l•. 3[•ll'([Ot']l ...... 200 CHANGE OF COLOR IN TIt}; •VING-FEXTII•tlS DF TIlE WILLOW' GRousa. By C. Httrl •l[err[ttm, •1[. O. 2Ol RECENT LITERATURE. Gurney's 'List of the Diurnal Birds of I'rey.'203; Ne•vton's 'Or- nithology,' 235; l>,idgw:tyon the American Red Crossbills, 2o6; Ridgway ou Various American Birds, 207; Jordan's ',Manual of Vertebrates,' 2o8: •hufeldt Iris, 208; Riveq on the Birds of Newport. R. I., zo8; Bell on Bh-ds observed between Norway Hou•-c al•d Forts Churchill and York, 209; Minor Ornithological Publications, 209; Publications Re- ceived. 2t 4. GENERAL NOTES. The Wood Thrush in Maine, 2t 5; The Occurrence of the Catbird (Mimns carolDte•tsis)on the FarMlone Islands, Pacific Ocean, 215; The Yellow-rumped Warbler \Vintering in Maine, 2•6; The Migration of the Swallows, 2•6; Nelson's Shurp-tniled Finch on the Aliauric Coast, 2•6; Wintering of the Swamp Sparrow in Eastern Massachusetts,216; Ci'a,ocœ11astellerlfront•tl/s Nesting in Iloles in Trees. 2• 7; The Flr•-t Nest and Eggs of Eremojbh/la aljSestris found in Niag'ara County, N.Y., 217; The Swallow- tailed Flycatcher in Manitoba and at York Factory, 218; The Food of the Hummingbird (rrochiluscolubris), 218; The Chuck- will'.•-widow (Anlrostomus carol?nensœs)in Massachusetts. 220; The Ilawk Oxvl in Eastern Massachusetts, 220; The Ptarmigan of Auticosti--A Correction, 220; A Blue Ileron's Meal, 221; Wood Ibis (Ta•lctltts locttlator)in Eastern New York, 221; Wilson's Plover in Nova Scotia, 221; The Occm'renceof Chrot'coccjShaDts _/•'ankliniin Wisconsin,222; ]•z'.q$(ttridactyla kolzbuci in Wash- ington Territory, 222. CORRESPONDENCE• Indian Bird Names. 222. vi ß Contcn/soJ: Uolumc ZL NOTES AND NEWS. Government Aid to the A. O. U. Committee on Bird Migration, 2•'3; The New Maine Bird-law 223; The Collection of Birds in the Museum of Comparative Zo61o.•¾,224; The Editor's Chauge of Address,224; Obituary--I•'. N: Severtzow,224; The Ridgway Ornithological Club, 224; •The Young' Ornithologist,' 224. NUMBER IIL NOTES DF AN ORNITHOLOGICAL TRIP IN ARIZONA AND SONORA, By F. Sfe75•Sens ...... 225 TH•:GULLS O• THe: CALiFOrniA COAST. 'By •. •. •ens•aw 23• •INTER NOTES FRO3.INEW 5IEXICO. By Charles F. Baffchclder . 233 COUNTER-' NOTES ON SOME •PECIES OF BIRDS ATTRIBUTED TO O•TH• POINTBagm)•O BARROXV,H.•TSALASKA.' OF So•x• By •.AR•ZO•.a W. WeisonBraDs. By. W. •. oJ 239 HY,RmScoll.•UX•L T,Sird (Lo•horlyxffambeh'X 2(t•er. P•aino•efilrtL. Jt[lett$caltfornlcus). .Bye. •. 242 •ens•azv ......... 247 A STUDYov TH• S•NGXNGO•'OUR Bm•s. ByEuffene •. Bick•.ell249 WINTER BIRDS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. B)• P'r(ttzcz)•a[tt 262 NOTES ox•TomxN B•ags. By •rne,,l •. T. Selon . 267 Loxc• IS•,X•D, N.Y., Bmu NoT•s. By •ezvbold T. Lawre•tce 272 THE BLACK-CAPpED VIREO AND NONPAREIL IN 80UTItWESTERN K•sxs. By •. S. Goss ...... 274 TH• Bm•s ov SOUT}m•ST•R• DXKOTa. By G.S. Ag'ersbo• 276 RECENT LITERATURE. Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio, 289; V',rillardon Birds of Broxvn and Outagamie Counties. ¾Visconsin, 289; Lawrence on New Species of American Birds. 290: Ridgway on New Speciesand Subspecies of American Birds. and on the Nomenclature of Other Species, 29o; Nutting on Nicaraguan Birds, 293; Stejneger on the Genus Ce]Sibhus,294; Ridgwa.v on New Species of Birds from Cozumel lsland, Yucatan, 294; Cory's Birds of ttaiti and San Domingo, 295; Minor Ornithological Publications.

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