Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Replay & Senior Football Final Match Programme 2002 LUACH: € 3 ~ De\fValle,' " • , ~ . The Cooked Bacon Company DEW VALLEY FOODS LTD, HOLYCROSS ROAD, THURlES, COUNTY TIPPERARY, Tel: 10504) 46110 FAX: 10504) 23405 E-mail : [email protected] Web: Wishing Thurles Sarsfield:; the Best of Luek in today's County Hurling Final PROUD SI>ONSORS OF UNDJm AGE AND MlNon HURLrNG rN nm CA')'lfIDRAIJ TOWN • Faille aUle romhoibh go leN cuig Ia spesia~o fIG nGael i Staid and John Dune, ..flo spooson FSemple inniu, on Ia go bfu~ III duiche (eoonois peile 1M "Mon of the Match" IIWOrd ogus on duiche ceannais iomnana or sui. in both gome1o. I wM the Amost onrocljve double header brings to Semple Stooi­ hurlers, loatballers, referees urn todoV, die rep/oy IIf the TIpperary Credit Unions Senior and their oHiciols a good game H... th."""""" omd Ibo 100 .. FooI\oH , ... I..,. It is a 9fecrl opportunity 10 showtase both 0Ilr gomes Michael Doyle IMonager) tGgelbef. The yoong bo~ from dubs all OVef the (ounty and 1m fellow seie<lors Kevin lake port in the U12 "one hop, one solo· football game. fox and liom Sheedy will guide the fof1unes 01 the TIp­ We hod a most enleflaining gome las! Sundcry, when Ihudes Sorsflelds drew IriIh Muhhone. II is ~ a diffj· peJPrY senior loom for !he ..".two ""."' I I,,,,, 1101 of roo join with me in wishing them wen. (U~ (olios 10 wflidl side wiH claim the Oon Breen (up. My lerm os (hairman of the Tippe!ory (ounty Hoard The winnel1 meet Mount Sian this coming weekend. (ames 10 on end nexl m~lh . r lake Ihis opportunity 10 Honour laded {Ioomel Commercials IMe the spirited men thank the many f!pgefOfy people who continue 10 support from Merlo.. ilihe quesI for the O'Dwyer (up. our games and fund raising Yenlures. Both sides (Ie worthy finalists, having overcome Lough. flObraid Alann Abu . more -Cosrleiney and champions fethord in their respec­ tive semi !iook. C_hili" 6 h-Op. My tbonks 10 our sponsGfs!he Tlppefory Cred~ Unions Co1~ COUNTY SENIOR HURLING FINAL REPLAY, 10th NOV, 2002 ".JISlIM' COUNTY SENIOR }' OOTMI.L FINAL .~ Aherlow V Clomuel Commercials :d Reiteoir: John Kell y -.l 'AS"Iij· COUNTY SENIOR HURLING FINAl, (RnLAY) C.J. KicliliamS-Mlll V Thurles Sarsfields Reiteoir: Johnny O'Donnell BUIOCHAS Man of the Match awards in y "x>nk, to 011 ~".r I.mot to p<ov rl.cI.. for bolh loday, end la., .svnday both finals sponsored by: rogramme-s Sp..c,,,1 lhen!.. to &"",(/(,n 0 Conno John Quirke, Jeweller, Castle rod Je"y R'ng for u>e of pho~roph. John McCormack. ProgI"GmrTIII Ed,to SITeet, Cahir. Tel: 052·41774 , SEEKING HOMES The Dan Breen and O'Dwyer Cups Liz Howard at will th~ day won. Apart from the strong physically and mentt!llly. The bring? Will the Dan breeze, they should not have Moroneys, Peters', Leonards, ~Breen Cup travel in allowed Thurles back into the O'Sheas , Fergal Clifford and story for the first time to game . Earlier the issue of the captain, Mt!Irk O'Brlen will MulUnahone or return to the sideline ball and the have to c,,11 on "II the more familiar territory of subsequent fouling of a free resources of co urage, Thurles? The O'Dwyer Cup were somewhat unsettling. determln"tion and spirit would find a warm welcome However it WllS carelessness In lovely Aherrow, but is no In the last ten minutes that &gainst a very experienced strtlnger to Clonmel. was the real reason for their Commercials side. To the hurling replay firstly, relinquishing such a lelld. TrelJlendous spirit is an many claim that Thurles Losing PlIui Kelly WllS a Integral part of psyche the Sarsfields are now in the disappointment not Just to Aherlow men. driving seat and that their the team, but "Iso to the Intercounty gOt!llkeeper, Ileme is on the cup. They rMny spectators who admire PhiJly Rylln is one of the best st"yed ci!llm even when this talented hurler. All credit In the game. Benny WlIlsh, Mulhnehone went six points to replacement Philip O'Shea Fergal O'Caliaghan, Kevin up. This composure hbs been who had a fine game . Paul Oempsey and Eamonn the main improvement in Curran was the pick of the their game this year Their defence. Eddie Carey pf"yed HlInrllhan are other fine hurling ability was never tin splendidly and Brian O'Mearll footbaUers. issue. Point by point was upped his game considerably They defellted loughmore registered in II controlled in the second half. Eoin Kelly, -Castleiney in the other semi­ way. The strong breeze late still hampered by a c,,1f injury, fillo!ll. The winners today face In the Slime was II big help to managed some superb WlIterford club, The Nlre. tlred legs. The Introduction of points. However it was John Thanks to all the Mattie O'Dowd and PlIt Leahy who stole the spectators in Semple Stadium Lawlor worked, both had a applause "nd the show. He last Sunday who St!Ive such 1I mlljor influence on the was the man who worked so warm "nd well-deserved closing stages. However it still hard for his team , with the could be argued that they touches of class and artistry reception to the Kitruane Me. did not playas weU as they that -'Ctom the game . What Oonaghs hurlers of 1977,'78 tlrt: C.!lpable of. Leadership is are the chances that we will lind '79. required throughout the see him In Blue and Gold next They enjoyed the day. field, it w"s Idt to Ger year. Thanks to the Tlpper"ry Stllr ·Re~r" O'Grady to t"ke on The outcome of this game and Anner Hotel for tMt role. Brendan C"rroll "nd is finely balanced. honouring them. We salute Eddie Enright are Gallant Aherlow, playing to the U12 footballers who take e)(perienced hurlers but claim a first ever-senior the field todllY, a specilll need to stamp their authority championship title will have young friend Mark Gennery is more. Lar Corbett showed neutrlll support against tooches of his skill ,a shot Clonmel Commercials. in action. Mark from Portroe across goal must have caused Ahertow had to play reigning is most knowledgeable about a few Mullinahone hearts to champions Fethllrd, twice hurling, football and most flUtter. I"st weekend to get to the other sports. Muilinahone should have final. That takes, its tOll, Enjoy the action todt!ly. U-121ootball Exhibition (0\11101'/ \0 SOW) The Galtee Boys (Team A) The Commercial Kids (Team OJ 1 Marl Gcnnery ........................... Portroe 1 Stunn Broderick .................. SI Patrick's 2 Leonard Leahy ............... Lanin Cullen 2 Richard Guiry ...................... Newcastle 3 Oury Frewen (Capt) ................ Ahcrlow 3 Gary Touhy ........................ Silvcnnincs 4 Conor IlclTcman ...... ......... Bohcrlnhan 4 Damien Ryan .......................... Solohcad , Joe Gulll11;hcr ...................... Ki lndang:m 5 Jim Moloney ........ Clonoully Ros~more 6 Darren Lowery ............ ArT3\~Jlc Ro\c~ 6 Charlie Purccll ................ Moyle Rovcr, 7 John Kennedy .................. Orom & Inch 7 Manin Slancr) .................... Fr Sheehys 8 Jame, Kelly .............................. Fethard 8 Manin Kennedy (Capt) .... Commcrcials 9 Michael l lickey .......................... "Cahir 9 Dean Landy ....... Grnngemoclder 10 ...;.anna Mcaney .................... Ballyporccn 10 Mauhcw Ryan ............ Golden Kilfeakle Donagh IlcfTcman .............. Capp:l\\ hile "12 Wilhe ..lynn .............. Rock"cll Rover. Ross ~1cGrath ................ Galtl."e Ro\crs IJ JaMln CotTcy .......................... Ardfinnan "12 Oa\id Ryan ......................... St Manin's 14 Scnn O'Brien ......................... Ncwpon 13 Brian Treacy ................... Mullinahonc 15 Kiemn Morris ........................ Duri as 6g 14 Matthew Grcenc .............. Uppcrchurch 16 M.mhcw Ralph .................. Ca ppawhilc 15 D<lmien Corcofiln .............. l3orrisolcigh 17 Johnny Swccney .................. Ballylooby 16 Cormac McGr:Lth .............. lJallinahinch Rl'fl' n.'1.· : Kt·' in RUller l mpil'\.'s: 'Jidllll'l jord!lll jllr.',ml'll: \I jllrd!lll Paul jordan. john f..;{'nm'<h . nl'ni, ('urli, I iam R\an Callan Rd., Mullinahone T I I I' - ~---- D 1ffi l!. Till r e BEST WISHES TO TODAY"S SERVING THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARY FOR OVER 20 YEARS FOR ALL YOUR FURNITURE NEEDS Open 7 days a week and Sundays (2·6 p.m.! EAS Y I'AYMENrS FACfLry AND FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE: 052·53214 0111,4 illites "0ftI Cat la. llwass 10111 0" www.Oullil . llurnltu .... com • A BLUE DAY! n a mMch ends In a draw there is always dls­ But a county final Without a soaI - tilt last was in cussion about which lellm 'let it slip'. Last Sun· 1990 - elWJred that I'lt,ther ttam would Win easily. The ~day MUlllnahont controlled tilt garnt for most value of a powl\ In such ClrCUlTlSUloces puts a later Muj. of the tlrnt, but gradually aliowf:d tIltlr lead 10 be erod· tinahont: foul Into perspective Replays often follow a ed. In tilt end Sarsflelds Md tht pep In their step, different COU'W; to tilt drawn same- Maybe tIltre Will know!ns that defeat Md bun tMlidtd_ It is tto ~ bt seals today- The boctt iaflSUa!Ie at tilt end dtmorr WlCe $OITIt1hll'lg sundar happtrw:d but remember In suated that Santit:Jds wtre ~at about thtW' &e:twve. 1992, Toomtvara woo tht replay ment - MUIIInahone p&aym (eflW'lded us of tht Tipp MUIIroahonI:'s performance JTlIJ§t be corlSldt:red WI team after tht draw WIth (Iart: III 1999 the context d p~ Kelly's earty dep&rture \tlrOU!t! IiOwtver, wt $Il()I.jd look at tht history of replays 1njlJy. Theil' effan WitS herC\JIe¥l Without his Ie&dtrshlp OYer \tit: past twe nty ytars III dttermlnlflS our favountes and Il'ISpjrallOn Had he remained on tht pitch, It is for tod.!y In 1982 MOyCarkey·8orr!s beat Roserte In UIlhktly we would be watching a replay! 1988 louslUlIOre'(lonoulty btat Bomsoieigh, In 1992 SMtit:lds were without Jotv1ny Ervlght, apart fforn a Toomevara bIt"t Sarsfit:1ds Thr: common thtme IS IMt late C4rnto appearance, but tht ditft:rence WitS they the favouitts lost tach bmt:' Bt:ruog last weekend SUS' knew he WitS out bdore thty started At full fitntss he ~sted that Ml.IIIIMhone were f6YOt.ntts • the .
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