THE WooDBRIDGE RECORD V£ventes en£m Sc£unt se esse Mori"turos Mortu£ vero n£h£l Noverunt ampHus nee Habent ultra Mercedem; ·qu£a Obl£vi'on£ trad£ta est Memori'a eorum. THE \~TOODBRIDGE RECORD BEING An Account ef the Descendants OF THE REV. JOHN \VOODBRIDGE Of Newbury, Mass. COMPILED FRO.ll THfJ PAPERS LEFT Bl,. THE L .. ':ITE fouis fflitcb.cll, ~squirt PRIVATELY PRINTED AT NEW HAVEN 1883. TUTTLE, MOUHOUSE .t TAYLOll, PllINTJtltS. In Jatmoty of tbr latt JLouf,s Jafttbtll, Esq., bJbo sptnt tbt last tbttt ytats of l)f,s Ifft upon ft,s ltttotlJs, tbf'-' 1T olumt l,a:s lJttn tlrfttlJ cUtlJ fl nob> ptfba:ttlY Ptfnttlr t,y bfs sutbfbfng Utotl,rts, 11onallJ Stant anlJ ft.lft•tlJ Jt(ftthtll. TWO HUNDRED COPIES ONLY OF THIS BOOK H.AYE BEEN PRINTED, OF WHICH THIS IS No.// THE WOODBRIDGE RECORD PREFATORY HE W OODBRrnGES OF AtrnRICA-so far as known-are all descended from the Rev. John vVoodb1/ic(£;"e, who came to this counhy in the _year z634, and settled at Newbury, in Massachusetts. Tlu's john vVoodbn'dg"C was the son of another Rev. John vVoodbridge, who was ,m.m"_c;ter at Stanton, near Higlzwortlz, z'n Wiltshire, England. There are traddz.on.s--seeniingly well founded-of other Rev. Woodbn'dges back of these­ traddz"01zs which t!ze compiler of this Record has not souglzt lo verify, finding· 7.uhat seemed to hz·m a pleasanter and a worthier work in tracz·ng out the embranclmzents of the Woodbridge faniily on this side of tlze A tlantz'c. The Rev. John, of t!ze second generatz'on, wlzo is noted above, had a famzly of eleven children, who grew up to maturity. Of these, five were sons-the Rev. /ohn 3 being the oldest; the Rev. Benjamin next in age; Captain Thomas next: the Rev. Timothy next; and Joseph the youngest. It is wz'th the famzHes of these five sons, in the male branches, that tlzz's Record z's chz·e.fty concerned. In the female line, the marriages of Woodbridge daughters are noted, as are also the nanzes of the children of Woodbridge mothers, so far as these could be obtained,· the nanzes of grandclizldren also, in a few z'nstances, are mcnhmzcd,· but suclz mentz·on of clzzldren, or grandclzildren. not beariJZ// t!zc name of FVoodbrz'dge, z'1wariably accompam·es tlze orz'g'z'nal record of tlze motlzer's birth, marriag·e and deatlz; nor are descendants z·n tlze female lz'ne anywlzere named in tlzc clzronzde of tlze succcss1·z,e gcneratz'ons, saz 1e z'n tlze fezu cases 7-:,,/zere a ffroodbr/d,g-e daitglzter lzas intermarried witlz a cousz'n bean·ng tlze T-Voodbndg·e na1ne. T!zz·s lz'mz'tation of tlze record lzas been sug:g·ested b_y t!ze fact tlzat full account of female descendants would cncroaelz upon tlze genealogies of otlzer famzlz"es, and tlze lz'mz'tation !zas been enforced by the g·reat difficultz·es attending tlze work. Every indivz'dual lzead of a fmmly zs entered with a lwief pedigree ( in tlze male line) traced back to some one of the five sons of John T17oodbndge of JVewbzt1J', wlzom I have named, thus:- (Gen. Jonathan, 7 Jahleel, 6 Jos., 5 Jno., 4 1hl0. 3 ) To facilitate reference and to slzow at a glance to wlzich one of the five branches any partz"cular famzly ma)' belong-, t!ze names of the fi7x brothers, wizen appearing in tlze record as above, are printed in Old Engkdz. No apology seems necessary for tlze fulle1' details which belong to tlu: mentz'on of those famzlies more immediately related to t/zat of tlze compiler. A much wider rang-e and greater accuracy would, .I am certain, !zave been gz·ven to the work, had my brother liz1ed to finislz zi: but lze had no hope of entz'rely escaping error, or of gz·z;ing completeness to the Record,· indeed, he uniformly spoke of lzz·s labors as only prelz'mz·na1y to some fuller and zuortlzier Genealogy of the Woodbridge Famzly to be made at sonze fittiwe day. 2 J am sure t!zat I .fulfill lzzs wz"slz z·JZ acknowledging lzerc tlze great az"d lze rrccz·ucd from ll2iss Talcott, o.f Hart.ford, wlzo lzad dez)otcd much attentz"on to t!zc lT~oodbrz"dge Genealogy, aJZd wlzo gm1e lzim ve1J 1 .freeiJ' tlze benefit of her z>z:•c stz"oa,-, 11·01Zs. I also beg to acknowledg·e, both 011 lzzs account and on JJZ)' own, tlze lz"beral use ,z,,/zzdz lzas been permitted-b)' tlze courteous gentle1nen in charge-of tlzc local Hz:,•tor/cs and tlze Gencalo1tzes z°;z tlze Yale College LzlwarJ'. D. G. M .} 3 ,-.-•.....c=~\OT • i l REv. ]No. °of So. Hadley, ;'\fass. 46 r MAJ. JNo. of So. Hadley, Mass. I 16 2 DR. SYLVESTER of Southampton, Mass. 123 j 1 RH. ]No. of W. Springfield, Mass. 18 married z HoN. Jos. of Stockbridge, Mass. 49 Box. JAHLEEL of Stockbridge, Mass. 134 KEY TO THE jEMB!A ELIOT. I. 3 HON. Tll\lo. of Stockbridge, Mass. 50 J r W1,1. of Madrid, N. Y 142 REV. JOHN 8 ( 2 ENOCH of Vergennes, Vt. 143 4 REV. BENJ. of Amity, Conn.a 52 of Wethersfield, Conn .. married REV. DUDLEY of Simsbury, Conn. , r HoN. DUDLEY of j\farietta, Ohio, 152 SHOWING DuDLEY,a* 53 ABIGAIL LEETE, married 1- 2 Jos. of Hartford, Conn. 153 daughter of DOROTHY LAMB. 13 SAMUEL of Norwich, Conn. 155 1 THE SUCCESSION AND DISTRIBUTION Go\·ernor Leete DR. DUDLEY of Srnnington, Conn. 55' of Connecticnt. 3 REv. EPHRIAM of Groton, Conn. 20 r REV. EPHRIAM of New London, Conn.: r63 2 CAPT. PAUL of Groton, Conn. 56 i married 2 PAUL, JR., of Mystic, Conn.a 165 TY Tf-11! l HANNAH MORGAN. 3 OLIVER of Groton, Conn. 6r HENRY of Groton Massacre, 170 0 I {jon. llrlno!C!.) of Barbadoes, 25 r lilcu. lIDnole!.) of Barbadoes, * 62 married \ 2 Bent. of the Duel,a 63 ? ( 3 HoN. WILLIAM (?) of Dominica,a '' 64 r Benj. of Andover, Mass. 176 II. 2 Wuo !Cl) of Andover, Mass. I 77 llleu. Benjamin 9 r Ben( of Andover, Mass. 67 3 £inmuel of Milford, N. I-I. 179 of Medford, Mass., 2 Benjamin of Boston, Mass. 26 4 1!osl]ua of Lowell, Mass. r8o married n1arried 1 £llar!.) lnaro ~Har!.) ®sgooo. J r @l)os. of Savannah, Ga. 182 2 i[luolel) of Andover, Mass. 74 and ( 2 William of Savannah, Ga. 189 2 £Hrs. @arlcton. r lJIJrooatns of Pennsylvania, 78 iRc11. £innmd of Woodbridgetown, Pa. 0 191 3 l!lc11. !3anmelof E. Hartford, Conn. 27 married 2 lftttsscl of East Hartford, Conn. So I I lllcrro of East Hartford, Conn. 195 ) 2 l]Jcoontns of East Hartford, Conn. 202 I. l ~ifobd Jljubbaru. r '.Asl1bcl of Trenton, N. Y. 208 REV. JOHN 2 3 !3amnel of East Hartford, Conn. 81 2 1lno. of Trenton, N. Y. 209 of Newbury, Mass. I married r NOR TON of York, Maine, 86 r BENJ. of Alna, Me. 2rr REV. JOHN 1 THos. of Newbury, Mass. 30 2 BEN J of Newcastle, Maine, 96 2 Tuos. of Hallowell, Me. 216 MERCY DUDLEY, married of Stanton (near Highworth), 13 CnRTSTorrrnR of Newcastle, Me. 2 1 8 daughter of Ill. ELIZA NOYES. 3 Jos. of Maine, 99~~~~- Wiltshire, CAPTAIN THOMAS IO 4 CAPT. WM.,a IOI GOV. DUDLEY. married of Newbury, Mass., 2 ]NO. of Newbury, Mass.a.,, 3r married married SARA PARKER, II. MARY JONES. ELIZABETH NORTON. Jos., and other sons, 220 but record imperfect. daughter of REV. BENJAMIN,a "' 3 3 BENJ. of Newbury, Mass. 0 * 32 first Graduate REV. ROBT. PARKER. married of Harvard College. SARAH GERRISH. d. in England. r llleu. filimot!m of Simsbury, Conn. 33 j r llle11. llCimo. of Hatfield, Mass. roz filimotl]!.) of Simsbury, Conn. 0 * (?) married ( 2 Jl)ainrs of Simsbury, Conn. ro4 l.!1!1ea:µl1ilns of Simsbury, Conn. 236 JV. iillrn. il!lorothl) fl'. nmb t!leu. llCimot!n; r 3 hloobbriugc. of Hartford, Conn., tarn. f'iam'l of Eastbury, Conn. ro8 f'iam'l Qrou11n:os of Perth Amboy, N. J. 24T married 0 2 llleu. l!imo. of Whitestown, N. Y. r ro .£Hrs. foster. r Jos. of Salem, Pa. 248 tht author ~( lhis ]?._,_,corr!. 3 ([ol. iJoroell of Glastonbury, Conn. r r 1 1ijorocll of Glastonbury, Conn. 25 r z illrs. {Jorudl. 2 lllcu. c:Asl1be! of Glastonbury, Conn. 38 O ~'~be -~rmhol a/fer thr. name sign~/ies that t!Jtrt 3 :£Hrs. £.oro. married i 3 Qi:beneier of 252 'Wt'f·t nr, malt dt.randants ·who had _families. fflr<o . .lhrnsijtt Qtburnros. j 1 Q(s[Jbel of Wyoming Valley, Pa. 255 4 .tna1. @:i]eo. of Salem, Wayne Co., Pa. r r2 ( z Ulilliam of Wayne Co., Penn. 257 that mn1ti(m fJ( a?~J' such dr,scendauts I>" 5 l!l.ev. lUilliam of Exeter, N. H. rr5 tl:lm. Qil]11nning, Geographer, 260 V JOSEPH 14 of Newbury, Mass., NATHANIEL of Newbury, Mass.a'' 43 married married MARTHA ROGERS. ANNE MILLET. BEING THE FIRST NAME UPON THIS I Rev. John '\"IV oodbridge, b. d. Dec. 9, 1637. was Rector of the parish of Stanton, near Highworth in vViltshire, and a minister "so able and faithful "-says Cotton Mather, in his Magnalia-" as to obtain an high esteem among those that at all knew the im·aluable wortb of such a mi'nister." His wife was Sarah Parker-daughter of Mr.
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