Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 3: 13-114, March 31, 2005 Systematic Catalog of the Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Nepal and Bhutan Shinsaku Kimoto 7-97, Mikunigaoka, Ogori City, Fukuoka, 838-0103 (Received August 27, 2004; accepted December 2, 2004) Phytoph., I: 44 (Java). —Shresta, 1980, J. Nat. Hist. INTRODUCATION Mus., 4: 92 (Nepal). The Chrysomelidae is one of the major beetle fam Distribution: Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, ilies of Coleoptera. Probably more the 50,000 species of Laos, Vietnam, S. China, Malaya, Sumatra, Java. the family have been described from all over the world. All of them are phytophagous and many of them have Subfamily Megalopodinae been known as the destructive pest of agricultural plants. To save the space, the references cited under each Genus Colobaspis Fairmaire species treatment in the catalog are the orginal description and only those pertaining to Nepal and Bhutan. The Colobaspis nigriceps (Baly) synonyms described from Nepal or Bhutan, or used, at Temnaspis nigriceps Baly, 1859, Ann. Mag. Nat. least once, for the Nepalese or Bhutanese species, are cited. Hist., ser. 3, 3: 207 (Nepal). —Medvedev & Sprecher, The subfamilies follow systematic order, and genera and 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 204 (Nepal). species are arranged in alphabetically. Trinominals rep Distribution: Nepal, Laos resent subspecies. The locality names listed in the paragraph ofdistribu Colobaspis septemmaculata (Hope) Fig. If tion do not mean the names of nations, but indicate Megaloppus septemmaculata Hope, 1831, in Gray, merely the name of the area, such as "India", "Japan", and Zool. Misc.: 28 (Nepaul). "Ryukyu Is." are assined "The Indian Subcontinent", Temnaspis septemmaculata: Chujo, 1966, Mem. "The Japan Proper", and "The Ryukyu Archipelago". Fac. Educ. Kagawa Univ., ser. 2, 145: 1 (Nepal). The locality names cited under each species are referred Colobaspis septempunctata: Takizawa, 1987, Proc. from the original publications such as "Nepaul", "For- Jpn. Soc. Syst. Zool., 35: 41 (Nepal). —Medvedev & mose", "Chine", "Kioto", and so on. Sprecher, 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 205 (Nepal). Distribution: India, Nepal, Burma, China (Yunnan). Subfamily Sagrinae Colobaspis speciosa (Baly) Fig. lb Genus Sagra Fabricius Temnaspis speciosa Baly, 1859, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 3: 204 (N. India). Sagra carbunculus Hope Colobaspis speciosa: Kimoto, 2001, Bull. Kitakyushu Sagra carbunculus Hope, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 18 (Nepal). Hist., ser. 1, 9: 248 (Silhet). —Kimoto & Takizawa, 1981, Distribution: India, Nepal. Ent. Rev. Japan, 35: 51 (Nepal). —Takizawa, 1985, Ent. Rev. Japan, 40: 95 (Nepal); 1987, Proc. Jpn. Soc. Genus Temnaspsis Lacordaire Syst. Zool., 35: 41 (Nepal); 1989, Jpn. J. Ent., 57: 319 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 1990, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, Temnaspis ashlocki Kimoto & Gressitt Fig. lc 453: 2 (Nepal). Temnaspis ashlocki Kimoto & Gressitt, 1979, Pac. Distribution: Nepal, India, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Ins., 1A : 208 (Laos, N. Thailand). —Medvedev & nam, S. China. Sprecher, 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 205 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, Thailand, Laos. Sagra odontopus Gistel Fig. la Sagra odontopus Gistel, 1831, Isis: 309 (Java). Temnaspis bengalensis Westwood Sagra petelii Lacordaire, 1845, Monogr. Temnaspis bengalensis Westwood, 1864, Trans. Ent. 14 Shinsaku Kimoto Soc. London, ser. 3, 2: 276 (India). —Medvedev & Ent., 24: 9 (Sikkim) (nee Baly, 1885). Sprecher, 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 205 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, India. Distribution: India, Nepal. Zeugophora parva Crowson Temnaspis centromaculata Medvedev & Sprecher Zeugophora parva Crowson, 1946, Trans. Nat. Hist. Temnaspis centromaculata Medvedev & Sprecher, Soc. London, 97: 96 (Kumaon). —Takizawa, 1987, 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 206 (Nepal). Proc. Jpn. Soc. Syst. Zool., 35: 41 (Nepal). —Kimoto, Distribution: Nepal. 2001, Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 18 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, India. Temnaspis downesi Baly Temnaspis downesi Baly, 1859, Ann. Mag. Nat. Zeugophora yunnanica Chen & Pu Hist., ser. 3, 3: 205 (N. India). —Medvedev & Spre Zeugophora yunnanica Chen & Pu, 1962, Acta Ent. cher, 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 205 (Nepal). Sinica, 11: 119 (Yunnan). —Takizawa, 1989, Jpn. J. Distribution: India, Nepal, Laos. Ent., 57: 320 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepa, India, China. Temnaspis quadrimaculata Bryant Fig. Id Temnaspis quadrimaculata Bryant, 1934, Stylops, Subfamily Criocerinae 3: 225 (India: Deharan Dun). —Kimoto, 2001, Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 18 (Nepal). Genus Crioceris Muller Distribution: India, Nepal. Crioceris nigroornatus Clark Subfamily Donaciinae Crioceris nigroornatus Clark, 1866, Cat. Phytoph.: 40 (India). —Medvedev, 1996, Russian Ent. J., 5: 85 Genus Donacia Fabricius (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, India. Donacia recticollis Jacoby Donacia recticollis Jacoby, 1893, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Genus Lema Fabricius 37: 261 (India). —Medvedev & Sprecher, 1999, Ent. Basiliensia, 21: 271 (Nepal). Lema balyana Jacoby Distribution: Nepal, India. Lema balyana Jacoby, 1908, Fauna India, Col., 2: 20 (India). —Medvedev & Sprecher, 1997, Coleopter- Subfamily Zeugophorinae a, Schwanfeld, 1: 208 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 2000, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, 616: 4 (Nepal). —Kimoto, Genus Zeugophora Kuntze 2001, Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 18 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, India, Thailand. Zeugophora brancucii Medvedev Zeugophora brancucii Medvedev, 1993, Ent. Lema birmanica Jacoby Basiliensia, 16: 360 (Nepal). —Kimoto, 2001, Bull. Lema birmanica Jacoby, 1892, Ann. Mus. Civ. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 18 (Nepal). Genova, 32: 872 (Burma). —Medvedev, 1992, Stuttg. Distribution: Nepal. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, 485: 2 (Nepal). Distribution: Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Vientam. Zeugophora longicornis (Westwood) Auchenia longicornis Westwood, 1864, Trans. Nat. Lema castanea Jacoby Hist. Soc. London, ser. 3, 2: 280 (India). —Kimoto, Lema castanea Jacoby, 1908, Fauna India, Col., 2: 1970, Khumbu Himal, 3: 412 (Nepal). 37 (Assam). — Medvedev & Sprecher, 1997, Distribution: Nepal, India, Thailand. Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 209 (Nepal). Distribution: India, Nepal. Zeugophora pallidicincta Gressitt Zeugophora pallidicincta Gressitt, 1945, Lingnan Lema constrictofasciata Jacoby Sci. J., 21: 139 (new name for Zeugophora unifasciata Lema constrictofasciata Jacoby, 1908, Fauna India, Pic) —Kimoto, 1970, Khumbu Himal, 3: 412 (Nepal). Col., 2: 46 (Northern India). —Kimoto & Takizawa, Zeugophora unifasciata Pic, 1917, Mel. Exot. 1973, Kontyu, Tokyo, 41: 170 (Nepal). —Takizawa, Systematic Catalog of Chrysomelidae 15 I •ig. I. a. Sagra odontopus Gisn i.: b. Colobaspis speciosa Baly; c, Temnaspis ashloki Kimoto & Gressitt; d. Temnaspis quadrimaculata Bryant; e, Temnaspis septemmaculata (Hope); f. Temnaspis speciosa (Baly); g. Lema coromandeliana (Fabricius); li. Lema quadripunctata (Olivier); i. Lema nigricollls Jacoby. 1988. Ent. Rev. Japan, 43: 2 (Nepal). —MEDVEDEV & 27: 152(Burma). —Bryant. 1952. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Sprecher, 1997. Coleoptera. Schwanfeld, I: 209 (Nepal). ser. 12. 5: 601 (Nepal). —Medvedev & Sprecher, 1997, Lema nepalensis Bryant. 1952. Ann. Mag. Nat. Coleoptera. Schwanfeld. 1: 209 ( = coromandeliana). Hist. ser. 12. 5: 602 (Nepal). —Medvedev & Sprecher, Lema coromandeliana: Takizawa. 1988. Ent. Rev. 1997. Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 209 ( = constractofas- Japan. 43: 2 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 1990. Stuttg. Beitr. ciata). Naturk.. ser. A. 453: 4 (Nepal). —Medvedev & Spre Distribution: India. Nepal. cher. 1997. Coleoptera. Schwanfeld. I: 209 (Nepal). —Sprecher. 1997. Veroff. Naturkundemus. Erfurt, 1997: Lema coromandeliana (FABRICIUS) Fig. Ig 139 (Nepal). -Medvedev, 1997, Elytra. Tokyo. 25: 255 Leptura coromandeliana Fabricius. 1798. Ent. Syst. (Nepal). -Kimoto. 2001. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Suppl.: 154 (Tranquebar). Hist.. 20: 19 (Nepal). Lema semifulva Jacoby. 1889. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova. Distribution: India. Ceylon. Nepal. Burma, 16 Shinsaku Kimoto Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Malaya, Singapore. Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Makassar, Philippines. Lema lacordairei Baly Lema cyanea Fabricius Lema lacordairei Baly, 1865, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lon Lema cyanea Fabricius, 1798, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 92 don, ser. 3, 4: 23 (Bengal). —Medvedev & Sprecher, (India Orental). —Kimoto, 1970, Khumbu Himal, 3: 1997, Coleoptera, Schwanfeld, 1: 208 (Nepal). —Spre 412 (Nepal). —Takizawa, 1987, Proc. Jpn. Soc. Syst. cher, 1997, Veroff. Naturkundemus. Erfurt, 1997: 140 Zool., 35: 41 (Nepal); 1988, Ent. Rev. Japan, 43: 2 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 2000, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, (Nepal); 1989, Jpn. J. Ent., 57: 320 (Nepal). 616: 4 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 1992, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, 485: 3 Distribution: India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Laos, (Nepal). —Sprecher, 1997, Veroff. Naturkundemus. Vietnam. Erfurt, 1997: 139 (Nepal). —Medvedev, 2000, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., ser. A, 616: 4 (Nepal). Lema nigricollis Jacoby Fig. li Distribution: Nepal, India, Ceylon, Burma, Lema nigricollis Jacoby, 1891, Entomolog., 24 Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, S. China, Taiwan, Sumatra. (suppl): 31 (Assam). —Takizawa, 1987, Proc. Jpn. Soc. Syst. Zool., 35: 41 (Nepal). Lema epipleuralis Jacoby Distribution: Nepal, India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Lema epipleuralis Jacoby, 1908, Fauna India, Vietnam. Coleopt., 2: 21 (Bengal). —Kimoto, 2001, Bull. Kitakyu shu Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 19 (Nepal). Lema nigrofrontalis Clark Distribution: India, Nepal. Lema nigrofrontalis Clark, 1866, Cat. Phyt. App.: 40 (Northern
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