SAGLIE RETURNS FOR BENEFIT CONCERT Vol. 2, No. 11 • April 6, 2016 Uniting the Community with News, Features and Commentary Circulation: 15,000 • $1.00 See Page 14 PaliHi Showcase Tonight Residents are invited enjoy the talents of Palisades High School students who participate in visual, musical and film arts— tonight, April 6. The free event begins at 6 p.m. with choral groups performing outside Mercer Hall. The showcase, which is open from 6:30 to 9 p.m., includes AP Studio Art, ceramics, photography, sculptures and film screenings. There will also be a performance by the award-winning drumline and color guard in the main gym. Additionally, look for performances by the jazz band and PaliHi dance group. Photo at left by Will Schwertfeger, photo above by Avery Tucker Think Fast: Fiery DWP Meeting at Marquez By SUE PASCOE new location—i.e., one that will somehow netic frequency) from power lines. “The PAPA Needs Editor withstand the inevitable lawsuits. greatest exposure is from the use of everyday As an interim solution, the DWP re- appliances,” he said, pointing out that the ouncilman Mike Bonin had the vealed two desired locations for 65-ft. PTD current overhead line at Marquez emits from Parade Theme right idea: Host a community meet - stations, but Bonin’s office was flooded with 4 to 11 mG, that a coffee maker emits 12 mG, Ever since American Legion Post 283 re- Cing at Marquez Elementary on calls from people who didn’t want those a hair dryer 33mG and a microwave 100 mG. vived the Pacific Palisades Fourth of July pa- March 14 so that LADWP officials and res- poles in their immediate neighborhood (on The DWP’s preferable choices are Mar- rade in 1961, a theme has helped define the idents could address the contentious issue El Medio at Sunset and on Marquez Av- quez Avenue in front of its empty lot below parade each year. This year is no different, of where to locate two “temporary” pole- enue near Marquez Elementary). the large schoolyard and on El Medio south and PAPA (Palisades Americanism Parade tower distribution (PTD) stations in west- This led to the March 14 meeting, at which of Sunset, just above the high school park- Association) is asking your help to pen a ern Pacific Palisades. Bonin told the audience: “One thing is cer- ing lot. The reasons are the location to the clever, witty, poignant or memorable theme. Unfortunately, the meeting was punctu- tain. We have a problem with power failure existing underground vaults and less dis- Last year’s winner was businesswoman ated with angry hoots, residents trying to in Pacific Palisades. There is no consensus on ruption of traffic (installation would take Joyce Brunelle’s entry: “Palisades Parade: talk over other speakers or out of turn, and a permanent solution. Unless we have a stop- about three weeks). The Marquez site would Pride! Passion! Patriotism!” applause, even after a DWP representative gap measure, we’ll have serious problems this only involve one pole, alternate sites would Submit your best idea(s) to info@pal- asked people not to clap so that all would summer with brownouts and blackouts.” involve two poles. isadesparade.org, by Friday, April 15 at have time to speak. DWP’s Bill Herriot explained that since DWP officials reiterated that the PTD noon. The winner will be selected at the DWP presented its electrical conundrum 2009, three circuits (29-03, 29-06 and 29-05) poles would come down once a new sub- next PAPA meeting on April 18. to the Community Council in January, em- have been overloaded. “The existing cir- station is completed. If your theme is selected, you can ride in phasizing that the neighborhoods west of cuits cannot meet current demands,” he They were asked why the poles couldn’t the parade aboard a fire engine (with se- El Medio need a new substation (similar to said. “The limited circuits available causes go in commercial areas rather than near lected family members) and Palisades News the one located at Sunset and Via de la Paz), longer outages.” schools or residences. “There aren’t a lot of will feature you in a story. but that the DWP is still seeking a workable Until a substation can be built, the PTD commercial areas in the Palisades; it’s mostly stations will act much like an extension residences,” was the response. cord does in a home. Another resident asked why this project Postal Customer Postal One audience member asked, “Why couldn’t go underground. Well, first of all don’t you look someplace else than the the station would have to be the width of the Marquez area?” street, with ventilation vents on the side- **************ECRWSSEDDM************* The man was told that if he had a problem walks and water pumps working nonstop with a light fixture in his home, he wouldn’t to keep the water out of the electrical area. hire an electrician to go to his neighbor’s Additionally, gas, water and sewer lines are Permit #422 Permit Pasadena, CA Pasadena, home and fix it. In other words, the electrical already underground and they would have PAID demands need are within the Marquez area. to be dealt with—and the DWP doesn’t U.S. Postage U.S. Herriot also explained that the DWP had have a company that could build one. Presorted Standard Presorted received calls from Palisades residents wor- DWP reps addressed earthquakes (never ried about the danger of EMF (electromag- (Continued on Page 8) Page 2 Palisades News April 6, 2016 the MARGULEAS TEAM AVAILABLE PROPERTIES ING SOON COM COMING SOON OCEAN VIEW N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N CHIC ARCHITECTURAL IN RIVIERA OVERLOOKING CANYON WITH DAZZLING VIEWS $12,500,000 | 1495 Capri Dr. $6,800,000 | 15225 De Pauw St. $5,697,000 | CharmelEstate.com NEW LISTINGT & SUN 2-5 IN ESCROW OPEN SA ELEGANT HOME FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY CUSTOM REMODELED NORTH OF MONTANA IN PRIME BRENTWOOD 3 BLOCKS TO VILLAGE $4,699,000 | 425on11thstreet.com $3,199,000 | 440nbundy.com $3,119000 | 1161Embury.com W NEW LISTING IN ESCRO FOR LEASE QUAINT COTTAGE FRESHLY REMODELED CONTEMPORARY RECENTLY UPDATED IN BRENTWOOD STUNNING VIEWS $1,799,000 | 11344Isleta.com $1,387,000 | 1301Bundy.com $11,400 Month | 600pasmiramar.com #1 Palisades Broker Nearly $1 Billion in Homes Sold | WSJ’s Top 100 Agents Nationwide | Giving 10% of each commission to charity ANTHONY MARGULEAS 310.663.4606 | Info@AmalfiEstates.com AmalfiEstates.com CalBRE#01173073 April 6, 2016 Palisades News Page 3 There were egg hunts for all ages at the Palisades Recreation Center on March 26. Rec Center Director Erich Haas, who is out on medical leave, praised employee Juchell Wardlow. “She has done an excellent job of organizing this and spring sports,” Haas said about Wardlow, who started work in late February. The hunt was broken down into different areas based on age. Among the participants in the two-year-old and younger category was Lola Sue (or is this her twin Leah Sophia?). Photo: Shelby Pascoe Sidewalk Proposed on Entrada Drive By LAUREL BUSBY Lorenzo. Pedestrians will now have a much portation engineer for the L.A. Department tion in a few months, according to Harris. At Staff Writer safer way to access San Vicente and beyond.” of Transportation. The centerline between the March SMCCA meeting, some members The new sidewalk, funded by a Highway San Lorenzo and Adelaide would be expressed a desire for a comprehensive plan idewalk construction on Entrada Safety Improvement Program grant, is cur- changed from two sets of double yellow for the area to ensure that the sidewalk and Drive is planned between Adelaide rently slated to range from five feet wide in lines to one double yellow line. the narrowing of the roadway wouldn’t neg- SDr. and Amalfi Dr., which pleases some portions to seven feet wide at Amalfi, “Widening the sidewalk definitely pro- atively impact future efforts to address traf- some residents and upsets others. according to Ferdy Chan, a project engineer vides better protection for pedestrians,” Chan fic and pedestrian safety issues on the street. The City of Los Angeles applied for and from the Bureau of Street Services. In ad- said in an email. “Narrowing roadway width Other members said the plan would en- received a safety grant from Caltrans to con- dition, a safety improvement for Canyon often affects vehicles at excessive speed to hance safety and noted that future improve- struct a sidewalk on the south side of En- Elementary students crossing E. Channel slow down thus improving overall safety for ments, such as a sidewalk on the north side trada, according to Debbie Dyner Harris, Road will include “two new access ramps all users, including pedestrians and drivers.” of Entrada could still be added if funding the district director for Councilmember and a ‘bump-out’ on the channel side, which The city’s draft striping plan will be pre- was acquired. Mike Bonin. would shorten the crossing distance across sented to the Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association board member George Wolf- “The project is beneficial to the commu- E. Channel Road.” Association Wednesday morning on April berg stated in an email that the association nity, as there currently is either not a sidewalk To accommodate the new sidewalk, En- 6 for their review. Harris said she welcomed had not requested the particular sidewalk on Entrada at all, or a very narrow strip of as- trada Drive would be narrowed from 40 residents to email her or call with their configuration that the city had drafted, but phalt in that location, forcing pedestrians to feet to 37 feet wide.
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