Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Compliance Certification Application Reference 253 Foster, R.W., 1974. Oil and Gas Potential of a Proposed Site for the Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, ORNLJSUB-442311, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral resources, Socorro, NM, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Open-File Report, Contract No. AF(40-1)-4423. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. OAK RlffiE W'TIONAL U8O~~ Oak Rldgl. Trn~- UNION CARBIDE CORPORATIOF( tor me DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY . DISZHl1:l l ;(a4 #i! 'IF';: IZi CiNI.rBb ORNL /SUB-4423/1 - OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL OF A PROPOSED SfiE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF MGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Roy W. Foster New Mexico Bureau of Mines a.ad Mineral Resources New Mmco Institute of Mining and Technology Student Assistants New Mmco Institute of Mining and T ethnology James G. Jensen Roy E. Johon Walter C. Riese Randolph C. Smith Sue E. UmnhIer Comract No. AF(40 - 1)-4423 Oak Ridge National Laboratories U. S. Atomic Energy Commiesion Open- file r eport 1974 CO NT ENTS Page STR4TIGAXPHY ..................... 5 Precambrian Rocks ................. 7 Ordovician System .................. 10 Silurian/Devonian Systems .............. 18 Pennsylvanain System ................28 a Permian System ................... 35 Wolfcamp Formati.on ............. 35 Bone Springs Formation ............ 39 Delaware Mountain Group ........... 41 STRUCTURE ...................... 50 GE0LOGICA.L EVALUATION: OIL AND GAS POTENTLAL ... 63 Ordovician System .................. 63 SilurianjDevonian Systems .............. 68 Mississippian System ................72 Pennsylvanian System ...........'..... 72 Permian System .................. 87 Wolfcamp Formation .............88 Bone Springs Formation ............ 93 Delaware Mourtain Group (pre-Ramsey) ..... 95 Delaware Mountain Group (Ramsey 2or.e) ...98 Page E~YP'LORATION STATUS AND ESTIMATED RESERVES .....103 0rdovician System ................. 106 Silurian/ Devonian Systems ............. 106 Mississippian System................ 110 Pennsylvanian System ................ 112 Wolfcamp Formation ............... 117 Bone Springs Formation .............. 119 Delaware Moutain Gmup (pre-Ramsey) ....... 122 Delaware Mountain Group (Ramey Pay) ....... 125 STATISTICAL OIL AND GlS POTE.NTIAL .......... 129 Ordovician System ................. 135 Silurian/ Devonian Systems ............. 142 Miasissippian System................ 153. PennsylvanianSystem ............... 160 Wolfcamp i?ormation ................ 187 Bone Springs Formation .............. 199 DelawareMountainGroup(Pro~Iiamsey)....... 213 Delaware Mountain Group (Ramaey .Pay) ....... 222 SECOIVDARY RECOVERY PROJECTIOArS .......... 265 FZTROLEUM EXPLORATION IN PILOT AREA ....... 271 IVAS'ER IXJECTION AND DISPOSAL WE LLS......... 276 COi\7CLUSiOPIS ...................... 279 REFERENCES CITED .................. 289 ii ILLUST RAT IONS Page FIGURES 1 . Index map ..................... 4 2 . Projected section: Center of Pilot area ....... 6 3. Contour map on Precambrian surface ......Pocket 4 . Ordovician reference section ............ 12 I 5 . Isopach map: Ordovician ............. 17 6 . Silurian/Devonian reference section ........ 21 '1 . Iaopachmap: Silurian/De~niancarbonates ..... 22 8. Isopach map: Wooaford Shale ........... 23 I 9 . Mirraisa5ppian ~eferencesection ........... 26 10. Isopachmap: Mississippian carbonates ....... 27 11. Isopach map: Barnett Shale .............29 12 . Pennsylvanian reference section acdtype well for Area 2 oil and gas fields ................. 30 . 13 . Isopach map: Pennsylvanian .............34 14 . WoLfc?mp reference section ............ 37 15. Ieopach map: Wolfcamp .............. 38 16 . Bone Springs Formation reference section showing stratigraphic position of Study area fields ...... 40 17. Isopach map: B01.m Springs Formation ........ 42 18. Delaware Mountain Group reference section showiag stratigraphic position of Study area fields ...... 45 19. Isopach map: Delaware Mountain Group ...... 47 20 . Structur . 5. Top of Silurian/3evonian carbonate .... 56 iii Page Structure: Top of Mississippian carbonate . 57 Structure: Top of Pennsylvanian System . 58 Structure: Top of Wolfcamp Formation . 59 Structure: Top of Bone 5p:ings Formation . 6 0 Structure: Top of Bell Canyon Formation . 6 1 Ordovician ail and gaa f:slds . 64 Silurian/Devonian oil and gas fields . 70 Pennsylvanian oil and gas fields: Southern Eddy Sonnty 7 3 Pennsylv~nianoil and gas fields: Southern Lea County 74 Distribution of chert and upper Strawn oil and gas fields 76 Sandatone facies and lower Srawn gas fields . 77 Distribution of sandstone, oolitic limestone, and Atoka gar fields . s'andrtone facies and Morrow oil akd gas fields . Type well for Area 1 Pennsylvanian oil and gas fields 35. Type well for Area 3 Pennsylvanian gas fields . 8 3 36. Type well for Area 4 Pennsylvanian gas fields . 84 37. Type well for Area 5 Pennsylvanian gas fields . 86 38. Wolfcamp oil and gas fields: Southern Eddy County . 90 39. Wolfcamp oil and gas fields: Southern Lea County. 9 1 40. Bone Springs oil fields . , . 94 41. Delaware Mountain Group oil fields . 96 42. Representative sections of pay zones ia the Delaware Mountain Group . 9 7 !v Page 43. Stratigraphic sections of upper part of Bell Canyon Formation. 9Q 44. Ramsey oil fields . 101 45. Exploration s?atus: Ordovician System . 107 46. Exploraticn status: Silurian/Devonian Systems . 108 47. Exploratirlrn status: Mississippian System. ; . 111 48. Explora .ic n status: Pennsylvanian System . 114 49. Exp1ora:~an status: Wolfcamp Formation . 118 SO. Eaqb~.~tionstatus: Bone Springs Formation . 120 51. Erplorationstatua: DelawareMountainGroup. 123 52. Exploration status: Ramaey pay zone. 127 53. Oil and gas tests drilled in Pilot area . 274 54. Study area salt water disposal and injection wells as of January 1, 1374 . 277 TABLES l. Production summary: Ordovician System . .. 136 2. Fieldr: Ordovician - Oil Production ...... 137 3. Fields: Ordovician - Gaa Production . 140 4. Production summary: Silurian/Devonian Systems . 145 5. Fields: Silurian/r)evonian - Oil Production . 146 6. Wells: Silurian/Dwonian (Study Area) - Oil Production 148 7. Fields: Silurian/Devonian - Gas Proluction. 149 8. Wells* Silurian/Devonian [Study Area) - Gas Prodxction 151 9. Discovery well data: Silurian/Devonian (Study Area) . 152 v Page Production summary: Mississippian System. 155 Fields: Mississippian - Oil Production . 156 Wells: Mississippian - Oil Production . 157 Fields: Mississippian - .iaa Prcduction . IS8 Wells: Mississippian - Gas nroduction. 159 Production summary: Pennsylvanian System . 164 Fields: Pennsylvanian - Oil Production . 165 Wells: Pennsylvanian (Study Area) Oil Production . 172 Fields: Pennsylvanian - Gas Production . 174 Wells: Pennsylvanian (Study Area) Gaa Production. 181 Discovery weli data: Pennsylvanian (Study Area) . 183 Production summary: Wolfcamp Formation. 191 Fields: 'Wolfcamp - Oil Production . , . 192 Wells: Wolfcamp (Study Area ) Oil Production. 194 nelds: Wolfcamp - Gas Production. 195 Wells: Wf.lfcamp (Study Area) Gas Production . 197 Discovery wcU data: Wolf camp (Study Area) . 198 Production rrum~nary: Bone Springs Formation . 201 Fields: Bone 5pr:ngs - Oil Production . 202 Wells: Bone Springs (Study Area) Oil Production . 204 Fields: Bone L'rrings - Gas Production. 206 Wells: Bone Spri.lgs (Study Area) Gas Production . 205 Discovery well Jata: Bone Springt . 210 Page Production summary: Delaware Mountain Group; P-e-Ramsey . 2 16 Fields: Delaware Mountain Group (Pre-Ramsey) Oil Production . 2 17 Wells : Delaware Mountain Group (Pre-Ramaey) Oil ProducEon . , . 2 18 Fields: Delaware Mountain Group (Pre-Rams ey) Gas Production . 219 Wells: Delaware Mountain Group (Pre-Ramsey) Gas Production . 1 . 220 Die covery well data: Delawar a Mountain Group (Pre- Ramsey/Study area). 221 Production summary: Delamare Mountain Group (Rarnsey ' pay) . 227 Fields: Delaware Mountain Group (Ramsey) Oil Production . 228 Wells: Delaware Mountain Group (Ramsey) Oil Production . 230 Fields: Dela-re Mountain Group (Ramsey) Gas Production . 246 Wells: Delaware Mountain Group (Ramsey) Gas Broductijn . 248 I Discovery well data - Ramaey (Study Area) . 263 Oil and gas tests drilled in Pilat area. , . 272 Calculated reserves for untested Pilot area section. 282 vii INTRODPCTION This study was in part fundea by the Atomic Energy Commission under Contra=t No. AT-(40-1)-4423. Terms of this contract as they irvolve this particular study, are restated here so that reviewers may be aware of the basic aims of the project. Project I - Evaluate the Petroleum Potential of the Proposed Radioactive Waste Disposal Site: Initial studies to be completed by February 15, 1973, will involve the development of pertinent information related to the location of a favorable site for coring of the Salado Fonnation and xnderlying rocks somewhere within Ts. 22-23 S., Es. 21-32 SJ , Rs. 31-32 E. Evaluation of petroleum potential of the above-mentioned townships will include all rocks from the surface to the Pre- Cambrian grecambria] basement with emphasis on the deeper horizons. This study will include all wells in the area, and pertinext stnictural, lithologic and isopach data for the propoded disposal site. Necessary regional interpretation of these strata will be conducted and will include existing fields, ,wells, secondary recovery operations, areas of salt water disposal, production data, and pressures. In adzition, the 196 1 report by Foster and Stipp showing basement configuration in southeastern New Mexic~will
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