Southern Illinois University Edwardsville SPARK SIU Board of Trustees Annual Reports University Archives and Special Collections 6-30-1967 1966-1967 Annual Report Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees Follow this and additional works at: http://spark.siue.edu/bot Recommended Citation Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees, "1966-1967 Annual Report" (1967). SIU Board of Trustees Annual Reports. 15. http://spark.siue.edu/bot/15 This Annual Report is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at SPARK. It has been accepted for inclusion in SIU Board of Trustees Annual Reports by an authorized administrator of SPARK. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Southern Illinois University 1966-1967 Annual Report o f the Board o f Trustees Southern Illinois University 1966-1967 CARBONDALE AND EDWARDSVILLE Transmittal Carbondale, Illinois June 30, 1967 Honorable Otto Kerner Governor of Illinois Sir: We have the honor to submit to you herewith, in compliance with the law, the eighteenth annual report of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illi­ nois University, for the fiscal year July 1, 1966, to June 30, 1967. Respectfully yours, M e l v in C . L o c k a r d Secretary, Board of Trustees v Board of Trustees MEMBERS Dr. Martin V. Brown Carbondale Mr. Kenneth L. Davis Harrisburg Mr. Harold R. Fischer Granite City M r. F. G uy H itt Benton Mr. Melvin C. Lockard M attoon Mr. Arnold H. Maremont Chicago Mr. Lindell W . Sturgis M etropolis Mr. Ray Page, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Springfield OFFICERS Kenneth L. Davis, Chairman Harrisburg Lindell W . Sturgis, Vice-Chairman M etropolis Melvin C. Lockard, Secretary M attoon Robert L. Gallegly, Treasurer Carbondale EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Kenneth L. Davis Harold R. Fischer Lindell W . Sturgis Contents M in u t e s o f M e e t in g s August 3, 1966 ................................................................. 3 September 23, 1966 ....................................................... 31 Novem ber 10, 1966 ....................................................... 61 December 10, 1966 ....................................................... 83 February 17, 1967 ........................................ ................ 95 April 7, 1967 ................................................................... 117 May 26, 1967 ................................................................... 133 June 29, 1967 ...................... ............................................151 I n d e x .................................................................................... 167 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Southern Illinois University 1966- 1967 August; 1966 T h e AUGUST MEETING of the Board of Trustees of Southern nois University was held in the President’s Staff Office, Edwardsville Campus, on Wednesday, August 3, 1966, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Chairman Ken­ neth L. Davis, Harold R. Fischer, F. Guy Hitt, Melvin C. Lockard, Arnold H . Maremont, Ray Page, Lindell W . Sturgis. Dr. Martin V. Brown was absent. Also present were President Delyte W . Morris, Vice-President John S. Rendleman, Vice-President Ralph W . Ruffner, Director of Information Service William H. Lyons; Ben Gelman, Reporter for The Southern Illinoisan, Marion Lynes, Reporter for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Bill Tammeus, Reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, T om McNa­ mara and Dick Norrich, P-eporters for the Edwardsville Intelligencer, Dale Armstrong, Reporter for the Alton Evening Telegraph, Mel Luna, Reporter for the Metro-East Journal; Robert T . Drinan, President of the Carbondale Student Government; six Carbondale students; and Mrs. Louise Morehouse, Recorder for the Board of Trustees. The Chairman presented minutes of a regular meeting held June 29, 1966, copies of which had been forwarded to all members of the Board in advance of this meeting. On motion of Melvin C. Lockard, seconded by F. Guy Hitt, the Board approved these minutes as presented. Matters Presented by President Morris the follow ing university matters were presented by the admini­ stration for consideration by the Board of Trustees: furnish ing u tilities to proposed j o in t greenh ouse installation WITH U. s. FOREST SERVICE The Board has heretofore agreed to provide a tract of land in its agricultural area by lease for the joint erection of cooperative research green­ houses by the Forest Service of the Federal Government and the University. This program works closely with our School of Agriculture and it has been 4 Board of Trustees—Southern Illinois University considered in the best interest of the University to cooperate in the establish­ ment of this facility. The Forest Service has asked if it would be convenient for us to furnish certain utilities to this facility, and toward this end the following resolution is recommended for adoption: R esolution W hereas, The proposed U. S. Forest Service Research Greenhouse Facility is to be located on the Carbondale Campus of Southern Illinois University, and W hereas, The U. S. Forest Service and the School of Agriculture work closely together and use each other’s facilities from time to time, and W hereas, The location of this research greenhouse facility on the University campus is of distinct value to the University’s program of education and research in the field of Agriculture, and W hereas, Certain utilities for the servicing of these greenhouses can be more economically procured by the University because of its bulk purchasing power; now, therefore, be it Resolved By the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, in regular session assembled, that during the continuance of satisfactory and effective cooperation with and complementation of the programs of the School of Agriculture the University is authorized to provide reasonable electrical power, heat, and a source of water for the servicing of the proposed U. S. Forest Service Research Greenhouse Facility of the U. S. Department of Agriculture to be located on the Carbondale Campus, and that under such conditions these services be provided to the said research facility at no or nominal cost to the United States Government. On motion of Lindell W . Sturgis, seconded by Harold R. Fischer, the Board adopted the resolution presented. The vote was as follows: Yea, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fischer, Mr. Hitt, M r. Maremont, Mr. Page, Mr. Stur­ gis, Mr. Lockard; nay, none. INFORMATION REPORT ON ACTIONS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE It is requested that the Board of Trustees consider and ratify the actions of the Executive Committee in approving purchase orders and contracts awarded for the Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses during June, 1966. Detailed reports of such actions were mailed to the members of the Board of Trustees in advance of this meeting, and copies were placed on file in the office of the Board. A report of purchase orders and contracts amounting to less than $2,500, in the total amount of $322,800.21 for Carbondale Campus and $153,876.20 for Edwardsville Campus, awarded during June, 1966, was considered. Also considered were actions of the Executive Committee in approving purchase orders and contracts amounting to $2,500 or over, in the total amount of $11,123,027.34 for Carbondale Campus and $123,024.70 for Edwardsville Campus, awarded during the same period. On motion o£ F. Guy Hitt, seconded by Ray Page, the Board approved and ratified actions of the Executive Committee, as shown in the detailed Meeting of August, 1966 reports considered. The vote was as follows: Yea, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fischer, Mr. Hitt, Mr. Maremont, Mr. Page, Mr. Sturgis, Mr. Lockard; nay, none. CHANGES IN FACULTY-ADMINISTRATIVE PAYROLL The following additions and changes were reported and approval requested: CONTINUING APPOINTMENTS A rc h e r , Ste p h e n M„ Assistant Professor in the Fine Arts Division effective September 21, 1966, at $1,075.00 a month on an academic year basis. B a in , R a l p h L ee , Assistant Professor in the Science and Technology Division effective September 21, 1966, at $1,125.00 a month on an academic year basis. B lass, A n t h o n y W ., Physical Plant Director, Carbondale Campus, effective July 1, 1966, on a fiscal year basis. E va n s, G e r a in t N . D „ Assistant Professor of History effective September 21, 1966, at $1,111.00 a month on an academic year basis. H a d le r, H erbert I., Associate Professor of Chemistry effective September 21, 1966, at $1,350.00 a month on an academic year basis. L eebens, D r . W il l ia m M „ Assistant Professor at the Vocational-Technical Institute effec­ tive September 1, 1966, at $1,000.00 a month on a fiscal year basis. L ib e r t y , P a u l , Associate Professor of Guidance and Educational Psychology effective June 1,1966, at $1,250.00 a month on a fiscal year basis. L o w r y , Jo h n R „ Associate Professor of Marketing effective September 21, 1966, at $1,500.00 a month on an academic year basis. L u t z, H a r r y E„ Auxiliary Enterprises Manager, Edwardsville Campus, effective July 1, 1966, on a fiscal year basis. M c C o y , M arcus D., Assistant to the Director of Admissions in the Registrar’s Office effective July 11, 1966, at $700.00 a month on a fiscal year basis. M a g a c , E ugene, Counselor in the Registrar’s Office, Edwardsville Campus, effective July 1, 1966, at $600.00 a month on a fiscal year basis. M eltzer, D o n , Assistant Professor of Psychology effective September 21, 1966, at $1,170.00 a month on an academic year basis. M u r r a y , R o ber t C„ Purchasing Officer, Edwardsville Campus, effective July 1, 1966. San ders, R ich a rd M ., Assistant Professor in the University School and the Rehabilita­ tion Institute effective September 1, 1966, at $1,075.00 a month on a fiscal year basis.
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