Supplementary Planning Document: Shop Front Design and Advertisements Consultation Statement: Introduction 1. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide guidance on local planning matters. The Shop Front Design and Advertisements SPD aims to provide advice and guidance on improving the design and general appearance of new shop frontages and advertisements across the Borough. The SPD also provides greater detail on policies within the adopted Core Strategy, those emerging policies of the Environment and Regeneration Development Plan Document (DPD) and saved local plan policies that aim to enhance the quality of our retail environments. 2. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the SPD has been subject to public consultation and this consultation Statement sets out how this was undertaken, the comments that were received and how these have been incorporated into the document as appropriate. Consultation Period 3. Consultation on the Shop Front Design and Advertisements SPD was undertaken from 30 July to 24 September 2012 alongside the consultation on Council’s ‘Preferred Options’ draft of the Regeneration and Environment Local Development Document (LDD) 4. The SPD was prepared and consulted on in accordance with regulations 16, 17 and 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations (2004), as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations (2008). In accordance with Regulation 17, the following steps were undertaken: • Copies of the SPD and a statement setting out how comments could be made (the ‘SPD matters‘) were made available during normal office hours at the Council’s Planning Office at: Gloucester House 72 Church Road Stockton on Tees TS18 1TW • Copies of the SPD and the Statement of SPD matters were also made available at all libraries within the Borough. • Copies of the SPD, the Statement of SPD matters and details of physical locations where the documents were available to view were also made available on the Council’s website. • A statutory notice was placed in the Herald and Post newspaper on 26th July 2012 (See Appendix 1) 5. In addition, letters were sent to organisations and individuals included on the Council’s consultation database informing them of the consultation period, the locations where the documents were available to view and the procedure for making comments. This included both specific and general bodies included in Regulation 17(3). A list of the organisations consulted is included at Appendix 2. 6. A Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report was prepared for the SPD and formed part of the consultation period of the SPD, as outlined within paragraphs 3 and 4 above. Comments Received 7. Seven responses were received in response to the consultation on the SPD and one also included comments on the Habitats Regulation Assessment these are set out in table 1. 8. Five of the respondents had no comments to make and were satisfied with the content of the SPD. Two others provided comments on the text and suggested changes. Where appropriate these have been incorporated into the report and a more detailed response to these matters is set out within table 2. 9. In relation to the Habitat Regulations Assessment accompanying the SPD, Natural England stated that they agreed that it is unlikely that there will be any significant effects from the adoption of the Shop Front Design and Advertisements SPD. APPENDIX 1: PRESS ADVERT APPENDIX 2: CONSULTEES Accent North East Concept Town Planning Ltd Age Concern - Teesside Corporate Real Estate Airport Operators Association Council for British Archaeology Aislaby & Newsham Parish Council Country Land and Business Association (NE) Appletons Chartered Surveyors CPRE Avecia CPRE B. T. Group plc Crathorne Parish Council B.T.C.V. Crown Estate Office Baines Goldston Dalton Warner Davis Banks Developments Dalton Warner Davis Chartered Surveyors Barclays Bank Darlington Borough Council Barratt Homes David Kitchen Associates Barton Willmore Davis Planning Partnership Bede Sixth Form College DEFRA Bellway Homes Department for Education and Employment Big Tree Planning Ltd Department for Transport Billingham Town Council Development Planning Partnership Bishopton Parish Council Disability Rights Commission Blackett Hart and Pratt DKS Architects Blue Sky Planning Ltd DPDS Consulting Group BOC Gases Dr Malcolm Bell Ltd bpi. Industrial Drivers Jonas Chartered Surveyors British Gas (Northern) DTZ British Geological Survey DTZ Debenham British Land Durham County Council British Telecom Durham Diocesan Secretary British Toilet Association Durham University British Waterways E A Clayton British Waterways Eaglescliffe Preservation Action Group Building Design Consultant East and West Newbiggin Parish Meeting Business & Resident Action Group - Norton Eastern Area Partnership Board High Street Egglescliffe & Eaglescliffe Parish Council CABE Egglescliffe Youth Group Carlton Parish Council Elwick Parish Council Castlegate Shopping Centre Emolior Catalyst Endeavour Housing Association Caterpillar Stockton Endeavour Partnership CB Richard Ellis Ltd Energy Management Section Centre for Ecology and Hydrology England and Lyle Charles Church English Heritage Chemical Business Association English Partnerships Childrens Society Entec UK Ltd on behalf of National Grid Chris Thomas Ltd Environment Agency Church Commissioners Equality and Human Rights Commission Civil Aviation Authority Esh Developments Cleveland Fire Brigade Farming and Wildlife Group Cleveland Police Headquarters FFT Planning Commission for Racial Equality Fields in Trust Conaco Phllips Petroleum Co. UK Ltd Firstplan Forest Enterprise Ian Derby Partnership Forestry Commission (County Durham) Industry Nature Conservation Association Forestry Commission (Morpeth) Ingleby Barwick Town Council Freight Transport Association Jackson Plan Friends of Tees Heritage Park Jayline Travel Friends of the Earth - Middlesbrough & Jeffrey Tarren & Associates Redcar JG Eaglescliffe (Holdings) Ltd Fusion on Line Ltd John Potts Limited G and I Developments Jomast Developments George F White (Estate Agent) Jon Tweddell Planning George Wimpy - Strategic Land JWPC Limited Girsby Parish Council Kirklevington & Castle Leavington Parish GL Hearn Property Consultants Council GO Northern Lafarge Aggregates Ltd Government Office for the North East Lambert Smith and Hampton Great Stainton Parish Meeting LaSalle Investment Management Greatham Parish Council Learning and Skills Council Partnership Grindon Parish Council Director - Stockton-on-Tees Groundwork Trust Long Newton Parish Council GVA Grimley Lovell GVA Lamb & Edge Planning Development and Lovell Johns Regeneration Unit Maltby Northern Edge Resident's Group H J Banks & Co. Ltd. Maltby Parish Council Habinteg Housing Association Marine Management Organisation Halcrow Group Limited Matthew Trotter & Miller Architects Hambleton District Council McInerney Hanover Housing Association Metropolis PD Hart Properties Middlesbrough Borough Council Hartburn Residents Association Middleton St George Parish Council Hartlepool Borough Council Miller Homes Hartlepool Water Miller Homes Health and Safety Executive Ministry of Defence Health and Safety Executive, North East Area Mobile Operators Association C/o Mono Help the Aged Consultants Limited High and Low Worsall Parish Council Montague Evans Highways Agency - Northumberland & Mordon Parish Meeting Durham Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners Highways Agency Tees Valley National Farmers Union Highways Agency Tyne & Wear Natural England Hilton and Seamer Action Group Network Rail Hilton Parish Council Network Rail Property Historic Towns Forum Newby Parish Council HJ Banks & Co Limited NG Bailey HM Prison Service Estates North British Housing Hobson 7 Smith, Builders North East Chamber of Commerce Home Builders Federation North East Civic Trust Home Housing Association North East Community Forests Home Office North Star Housing Group Homes and Communities Agency North Tees NHS Transitional Care Office Housing Corporation (London) North Tees NHS Trust How Planning North Yorkshire County Council Northern Consortium of Housing Society for the Promotion and Advancement Northern Electric and Gas of Romany Culture Northern Gas Networks Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Northumbrian Water (SPAB) Npower Renewables Solutions Northern One North East sp&architects Openreach Spawforths Peacock and Smith Sport England Persimmon Homes Stagecoach Transit Persimmon Homes Teesside Stainton and Thornton Parish Council Peter Wigglesworth Planning Ltd Sted Construction Design Philips Petroleum Stewart Ross Association Picton Parish Council Stillington & Whitton Parish Council Planning Prospects Stockton Business Forum Planning Team, Dickinson Dees LLP Stockton Renaissance Preston Farm Developments Stockton Residents' Association Preston on Tees Parish Council Stockton Retail Park Primeland Consultants Limited Stockton Riverside College Prism Planning Stockton Sixth Form College Property Search Group Stockton Western Area Partnership Board Property Services Agency (Crown Property) Stockton-on-Tees Teaching PCT Railtrack Plc Storeys:ssp Railway Housing Association storeys:ssp Ramblers Association, Stockton Strutt and Parker Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd Redmarshall Parish Council Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Ltd. Regional Director of Planning Tees Archaeology RenewableUK Tees Barrage RGB Ltd Tees East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Richard Burt
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