1 nAZ i 1 TO Rl E fAUGUST 25 HE VELOCITY OF ESCAPE By Joe W. Skidmorc ' IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE WASP Stanton A. Coblentz Concluding LIFE EVERLASTING By David H. Keller, M. D. Whiter Teeth QUICK! that's even more important than the 25^ price When you try Listerine Tooth Paste, you'U discover why so many people prefer it. You'll discover, for one thing, the speedy way this dentifrice cleanses. We use a modern polishing agent. It gets film and stains off the teeth with surprisingly little brushing. Teeth become whiter after only a few days' use. Soft and gende, this polishing agent cannot possibly harm the teeth in any way. Then— this 25^ dentifrice certainly does give teeth a handsome lustre and polish. Agaio and again, people — particularly women — remark upon the way it makes teeth glisten. Also — Listerine Tooth Paste has an unusu- ally refreshing effect upon the mouth and gums — in this respect it is just what you'd expect of a Listerine product. 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SCSntUl . dtrOfC* . «MI TRUTU. bluing ttuougfa i76 pages of nu^ufofward has. cbe igQonat pay the miyul ttnalntt Of KNOW wtoog pcaoicei- fiwd the fict»,cle«irty, tore is the most wiasnlficemi khmj io WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD .« P(fl>'j i» aad HaM iiartiiogly lotd . ttnAy the*e illoitn- (be wofU . Icarnv how to vour Im «f MoKr^ Hew JMKwt hold ' lovtd «aie...doDt glesa tuJ^-uuth; from id 2rop« i- dukocs* no [eager. koov . and jou ihimU Unflsbteionrctt. Non'TOQCicknowho^v You wtni to it ooloager «B «fla kaAwetwi7f6in;iboutiex.Sex jea«nace..^ar...ui<l jelf deoiail icnest ChaH n* S.-> Of a tio . a mystery ... it is -your grfliwt MORI THAN 100 VIVI9 PICTURES KOM0SeXUAUTY...5EX AeNOKMALITIIS power for bappincss.Yoii owe it [oyoumtf — *- you love, to tear aside the oar* be^U!^J^r'r.J^-i,TS°tzo'ti- JrSJs7'?'c^i?,rcS|.'sS -A'S'^'^ssit^'S * - " ** - _f ... of their , their oracucei are cocre phjsicii mi'nutitig . , . know ^ unbeJievsble to the aormal:iiJm^d..veii'oaQuad_.)rei ATTRACT THE OPPOSITI SIXI (O do on yoorwedding night to avoid the yoa ghoold nndeisisnd [hem. lonurnie te5uln of ignorance. Know i&of 'a «»A>J' ihc thriliing experi- are hlichrJgbt . koow Ei'T-fihhtg peraining to icx Ii di»cuss«f Monty back alone* If yoUdN net iMiRcdl ence* that your attract sex . bow b diriog Uaguage. AU the things voo I7t MRme rAW$ faow to the opposite fcaTC waated to know tbout jrour sex life, CO hold lore. laformtion ^>out which otUcr books only Ther« is oo longer fny need u> p*f n«uel]' hint, 1% yours at Itst. muful b'U* for oo« moment af bUn. Read ' Some will be offended by the anudng the scientific pacbologicaE fam told so bravely by Dr. Rubin. The diapcen ca frankoesi of ihis book and its vivid lilus- ' Ctaiions, but the world has no longer any venereal disease ate aloae worth ch«Spiieep «M for prudety sod &]te modest]'. of the book. k fAUOUt tUfiOt It fix ICHORANCI tAYt THAT MOST dutvino the one you NVOflCU ARE CAUSED tOVt INTO T>^E ARMS ly lU lOMOSANCEl Of AHOTHin N o> DUl , I e x-t nJtfd rowt p*opJ* < i« ur» tp*R Mcjuw thay Uck K2 luUWtcdcO- f'p^^TTsHING CO. B P C B > NEW BOOK Dest 199,1 270 S1>cili Ave., Ns« Yetk. N.Y, "Sex HaimoBy tad EiiE«nle*" 1° pl*l* i7th« po«nion CM (b'u> paftj««lM P4e conpletel]' saiiifieo. l ma lotnn tlia bcok and ttaa entire purehasj oriea will b* rrfoMt^ tameduuir. AIw Mod m« PttefT Of CSABCe. yes f bcotc "why Birth ComroIT" : KrwssTAN-D FicnoK Ukit ^ks imwering advertuements Amazing Stories Science Fiction Vol. 9 AUGUST, 1934 No. 4 CONTENTS Editorial Old-Time Writing—Papyrus and Vellum T. O'Conor Shane, PhJ). 6 Serials Life Everlasting David H. Keller, M.D. 10 (Serial in Two Parts—Conclusion) Measuring a Meridian Jules Verne 42 (Serial in Four Parts—ConclusioQ) Stories Complete in This Issue The Velocity of Escape Joe W. Skidmore 55 In the Footsteps of the Wasp Stanton A. Coblentz 91 North God's Temple Henry J. Kostkos 99 Shot Into Space Isaac R. Natkanson 111 Photo Control Bernard Brown, B.Sc. 121 Science Questionnaire.... 98 Short Article Otto von Guerioke John W. Campbell, Jr. 110 Discussions 136 Our Cover iUnstrateB the spirit of Dr- Keller's heautiful narration conclDded in this issue. We have never publtsbed a story with a more enlightened view of the real needs and longings of human nature. Drawn by Morey Published Monthly by TECK PUBLICATIONS, INC. 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, 111. Executive and Editorial Offices: 222 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Lee Ellmakeri Pres. and Treas. Abner Germann, Soe'y Copyright, 1934, by Teck Publications, Inc., va United States ard Canada. Registered in U. S. Pat O&cc. All rights reserved. Entered as second-class matter Sept. 8, 1933, at the postoffice at Chicago, liliEois, nnder the Act ot March 3, 1879. 2£c a copy, J2.S0 a year. $J.OO ia Canada. $3.5D in foreign countries. Subscribers are notified that change of address must reach us five weeka in advance of the next date of isBiie. iTijiied In U.S.A. 2 — ANY PHOTO ENLARGED tin bl* IflBhM •mallw If d*- r«, euoe pnoe Ibr tuD leastb or UFIDLOmS fin*. bast--t torn,t — croupe. UndM^PW. pet -I, nianamwu olwyl ><3tBre. a*[e ' 47. SEND NO M0NEYiS5SS|S^" gdjrttttojwMt rot) «rU]^!|eiTa ^t^auU' ' tea (bJ** «w ii ii^ n . Tik* UriiUn at ikiiusuioi «a>t M>. ft»I tiHiiiliiiln Btmitdttvmf^ tSSSiS^T^SZJInrt: CAN'T 8MT •TAMMRDAniTUIHOt.UMCMWnncaM.Baju.itw, ChiM«a STUDY AT HOME tfagxny tnlned men wtii high Dontvm and bis aiicoeH la MMHudpnbtleUls. B«ln- flb« Km TIrM Tsbo _ tl.OOO to SlOiOOO AanMlTv uetlaiiDf UatlnlUdfiUtM. W. ih tB tait nUrtal.tneladliir lasrM«]-«s>«aia I^v UbruT- I L«S«ll*KxUmlenUnlv«rslty,D*pt.«TI-L.ChloaKa Bt lflLLg«>j,s fijitem fOM brlsn 8-8 Inchei Incrwue. mw WeWikNT "pep" tM •nsrgy- A TaJtuDie Mctltn course isd DCAIIRS "SucoM ind Pi»i>i»f1ty" Crrarse Inclurt'd FREE irltJi SiAtm, i»nt ccmplcif for (2.0(1. Semi fcr «m- nnciM FYm Book wliij t**iiiiionl«l! Mil GuiruM In jilatn mvsiop*. WRITE NOW TOi SEHO ^LV ftl DEPOSIT STEBBINQ SYSTEM crdiF. Any lira tatllni to 1^ Dw1.F.6.r.r0fiE8T HILLS, NEW YORK •«nil«« *ni b« rwlacad at GOODWINnRE&RUBBERCO. FOLLOW THIS MAN iiii I. mmiiiiiBi., PI. w. atm u. •nn SvTic* Opsntv Nd. U li ob tkt lob 1 igb School ourse in Tlmi moBU Is )pp!t1bi Tsr eiunti, Dcn't rlit d»1(T In 2 Vears^ piTttwtlnfi Toirr Idtst, B«Dd ikttfb or raoOel for loitnit- Uoni at vtU* toi TBEE haok. "Bo* U) ObUla « PiUni," Voa ean oomBlet* oar •!»•.. 6* Iniwiaae" form, (or Intor- - - - — »* ta6 'XoM*d No ditm .J, sebool Course natJaii aa horn lo proceed. 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