Jjb^rtiphor PacificNattorxsi PubIkxstioD Of the JoponeseCtiSzen AmefkXK^ Citizens League (7Se Poctpoid US) NMtiond: 2$e CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 idoy. Jonucv 1 Manzanar plan now underway. A plan for to -create Manzanar as a na^onal historic site is now being devel- qpsdby the National Porks Service (NFS), according to Ed Rothfuss, superintendent of Death Valley National Monument. In November,. 1992, NPS approved a request by Rothfuss for a challen^ cost- share grant, in collaboration with the American Sodety of Landscape Architects (ASLAj. Eight members of the ASLA, all of Japanese ancestry and former intern­ ees, have volunteered their time and ex­ pertise to assist the NPS in making a site JAMCEUGAKI analysis and preparing preliminary de­ Oxford'tnund sign concepts. These concepts will be con­ sidered in drafting alternatives for the Even at Oxford general management plan. The $9,000 matching grant will pay for she'll remember three meetings of the group, Rothfuss said. her Idaho roots *HOnZONTAL HANK'—Henry Gosho, pictured above in 1945 pfter a distinguished Army The antidpeted donated services of the service witti Merritf's Maurauders. recently died of cancer. Betow, right, is a recent photo. eight landscape architects is estimated at By GWEN MURANAKA about $85,000. The first meeting has been Assistant editor In menioriain tentatively echedulbdtotakeplacearound From Bladdbpt, Idaho to Harvard the 24th annual pilgrimage to Manza­ to the Rhodes scholarship, Janice nar on April 23, 1993. At that meeting,- Ugaki, now finds the worid at her ideas will be presented to the public and fiMt, but she. has never forgotten input from former internees wifi be heard. where she came from. Tgrew up According to Sue Embrey, chairwoman going to JACL picnics, carnivals and War hero of the Manzanar Committee, Congress, in chow mein dinners," said Ugaki Sm MANZANAR/page 11 whose parents, Yuzo and Waka Ugaki are members of the Pocatello* Henry Gosho BladdbotChapter, JACL. "Although Teen admits to we may not have a 1 arge population, it's close knit. Tve alwmysj^- cefved incredible su)^>ort from the diesat-71 rob in murders ch^ter, they've really helped me so In a I ain to avoid the death much," said Ugaki. Nisei was known for WWU exploits penalty, Alessandro "Alex" Garcia, 17, Ug^ beat out students from and government and JACL service pled guilty Jan. 7 to nine counts of first seven states in the northwest re­ degTM murder and one count of burgl^ gion and will begin studies at Ox­ By CUFFORDVYEDA for his role in the Aug. '91 slayings of nine ford in the fall. "I was so* thrilled, . Special to the Pacific Citizen dsco and again as patM discussitm chair­ p^le at a Thai Buddhist temple near shocked," said Ugaki, recalling when SAN FRANCISCO —' Henry Hiroharu man at the MIS 5Cfth anniversary reunion in Phoenix, acemtiing to an Arisono Repub­ she first found out she had won Gosho, 71, retired State Department intelli­ 1991 at San Francisco, s lic report. eaHy in December. gence specialist and MIS combat infantry­ Duriiigthe 1985 visitbfEipperorHirohiJo Garda, in a plea agreement with thsi Talking about her parents’ reac­ man-interpreter with Merrill’s Marauders, to the United States, Gosho in charge of Maricopa County attorney's office, has agreed to testify against Johnathan tion to the new^ Ugaki said. They diedDec.28ofcancerathiBhom€inBelro<mt. liaison with the U£. and Japa&ese me^a. How Gosho became known as *liorixontal Gosho, son of an Issei phamadst, was Doody, 18, whom Garda implicated as Were really excited, pret^ speech­ thetriggerman in the murders. Reading less, but a bit ambivalent. Ihey're 'limura in evacuate after Pearl Harbor to the Mini doka ) won the tntion camp, then volunteerM inNovem- from a three-page handwritten.statement, excited 1 won, thrilled at the oppor­ Geoda said, "Johnathan (Doody) and I tunity; yet at the same time, En- is *being pinned down ^ ir, 1942, for Ae Army MIS language school so many times Ity enemy fire while on intel­ at Camp Savage, Minn, tlhe doctors at his committed these crimes ourselves. For ndssofar y from Idaho. ligence reconnaissance missions .... intsr- induction physical declared he had flat feet this I am sorry." But it's a great opportunity to come pretingoralcommands,pin-pointingthearea and was not fit for combat. Yet he wore out The teenager also exoneratedfourTuc- visit me." of atta», thereby making it posstUe for the four pairs of shoes, marched some 1,000 1 earlier arrested in connection The Rhodes ^holar did her un­ Marauders to antidpate and shift its fire­ miles in the Burma campaign and was sent vnththeslaying.sayingthatheandD , dergraduate work attheUniversity acted alone. Gfuda insists that Doody power to meet the onslau^t.” home in 1945 to convalesce at Denver's ofUtah where ^ graduated summa Prior to retirement while with the State Pitzsimbns Army Hospital from ISattacksof was the one who killed the nine people cum laude with a degiw in political Departmentin Washington,heservedon the execution style to avoid witnesses after Sea GOSHO/page 12‘ robbing the temple. science. In 1990 she won the Truman local JACL chapter board. The Seattle-beni Scholarship, and she has served Nisei retired from government service in With his guilty plea, Garda faces a maximum term ofnine life terms plus 21 public internships in the Utah Su­ 1976, was active with the Military Intelli­ MORE TRIBUTES—PC columnist Bill preme Court, office^the governor gence Service Club of Northern California, years, without eligibility for parole for Hosokawa and PC ad tor erne ritus Harry Hortoa 23P years. The Maricopa County and the department of state. Also serving as president during the MIS 40th recall Gosho's many achievements—page 6. active in the community, T’gaki anniversary reunion in 1981 at San Fran- attorney's office has agreed to not seek the death penaltyinexchangeforGarcia's Sm SCHOLAR/pagi 12 cooperation. Doody's trial date has not been scheduled, prosecutors are planning ■j to seek the death penalty. © Short takes This voter gives severely tiiathisidentitycould of the 80-member Democratic in a November Vdfue ad in a pause to officials Asian is victim not be immediately deter­ Constituent'Congress, which miniskirt showing what «;ould mined. He was allegedly at­ ^laseommenceditamandate to be fashioned with fabrics. Sam Kuwamura was registered to vote of gay-bashing tacked by Raines at the local reform the government 1^ re- And on the i«, her Dec. 12 Republican in the Nov. 3 elections in Los beach, in an area with several writirrg the constitution' and television professional debut Angles, much to the surprise cX Keqji The victim of a ^ >-beshing ray bars. According to the thensubmittingittoplefaiMte. at the World Professional Fig­ Kuwamura. You sm Sam 4s thr^years- inddent Jan. 9 in Laguna 7Vm«», the beach has l^n the The election took }»ade Dec. ure Skating Championship at old. Also a dog. Beach, Calif., has b^n identi­ site of previous gay-bashing 20. Landover, Md.,was considered . Los Angeles County election offidals fied as Asian, according to a inddents. Raines is beii^ held Acoordingto Yoehiyama,fhe a success. say S^ is one of perhaps hundreds of recent Lot Angelea Timaa re­ at Orange County jail in lieu constituent congress may es­ According to Chicago fraudulent voter registrations submitted port. The victim.was saidtobe of $250,000 bail. tablish a unicameral l^sla- TVibune’s f^il Hersh, IWsti in the south-central county area where ini critical condition at that ture, unlike the parliament^ willearn an estimated $1 mil­ campaign workers were paid as much as time. which was diseolvedApiiifi by lion from endorsements and $5 for each voter they signed up. Laguna Beach prosecutors New leader of Fujimori becauee of its siza, ice showconti’actain 1992-*93. The phony repstrationsandotherregu- may ite look] ng into hate crime ineffidency and "corTuption." The ice skating star has also larities—induing how Sam was signed chmges against Jeff Michael Peru's congress appeeredin numerousTV com­ up—are now under investigation by the Raines, 18, who was reported Jaime Yoshiyama, among mercials selbngcontact lenses. district attorne/s office. Owner Kei\ji to have said. "Let's go down to the leaders of ^e Cambio 90 Kristi's q hit on A toy comimv for a Kristi Kuwamura remains puzzled. Mountain Street'to get some coalition in suppo-t of Peru­ Yamaguchi doll is -also ex­ According to the Los Angela Daily ^ vian President Alberto Fu­ and off the ice pected to sign on in the near Aleuts, a re^w of voter registration docu­ ;, 55, was beaten so jimori, was elected president ^ Kristi Yamaguchi appeared futiire. ments shov^ scores of questionable reg­ istrations. (S 2—PKlfic ClUzcn, Friday, Januaiy 15.1993 No.2j6» C.ilciidar Ouane Phjrsica, room <»30, on cam- 0268;or^'uriMorlcwM6.6l(F4«2-3280 put Panel discussion following Wadnaaday. Fek. 27-Sequoie Chap­ Wetfcwsday. Jan. 27.7:30 p.m,,Ck)«1- ter JACL's annual crOb end speghetb OF RETiEWma YOVR SVBSCRimOn AT THE Chicago room. CU-Boutder School of Law. Boh fondraser. Palo Alio Buddhist Temple. Fri.>8un., Sept 3-S—Sixth Natiooal evens free lnfonnabon:303(492-800e. Louis Rd.. 5 p.m. Information; Don CimREtiTRATE, JACL Singles Convention, Chicago Miywnoto. 406/ 73*4334 or Tats Hori. Marriott Hotel. 540 N. Mdiigan Ave. 415/ 94*6575 JACL Officers fo be h- between fMW and February 28,1993. two lACL member subscribert Chic^o.n. 60611. stMled. can renew their subscriptions at the current t^es of: ' ONE YEAR: $25 Sacramento Saturday, Jan. 16—Jan Kan Po Los Angeles TWO YEARS: *48 New York Gdiko's winual New Yaai^ axlandad Frlday, Jen.
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