INDEX (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics) Abercrombie, General, 127 American Privateers, 17 Academy of Philadelphia, 113, 116, Ames, Herman V., The Public Career 196, 369 of Benjamin Franklin: A Life of Account Book of Benjamin Franklin, Service, by, 193 1757-1762, with Introduction by Amiens, Treaty of, 214 George Simpson Eddy, 97-133 Amory, Thomas, 315, 329 Acheen, 228, 230; capital of Is- "And Sold by Messrs. Franklin and land of Sumatra, 249 ; description Hall," by Randolph G. Adams, of, 249-251; religious ceremonies 24-31 in 250, 251 Andalusia, 221 Abraham, David, 264 ANDERSON, HETTY, 262 ABRAHAM, MARY, 264 Andre", Major John, 89, 90, 360 Abraham, William, 264 Antigua, furniture shipped from Acmutie, Miss, 89 Philadelphia to, 318, 320, 321 Adams, George, 103, 110 APTHORP, —, 116, 118 Adams, John, Appointed on Commit- Arkansas, Scotch-Irish settlers in, 156 tee to Draft a Declaration of In- Armat, Mrs. E., 184 dependence, 11; sketch of, 185 ; Armatt, Thomas, 367 death of, 185 ; opinion of, of Ben- Armitt, Joseph, Philadelphia chair jamin Franklin, 203 maker, 303 ; estate of, 303 ADAMS, KATHERINE, 260 ARMITT, MARY, 227 Adams, Randolph G., ". and Sold ARMSTRONG, EDITH, 259 by Messrs. Franklin and Hall," by, ARMSTRONG, JOHN, 259 24-31 ARN, Daniel, 259 Advertisements of forms of amuse- ARN, DOROTHY, 259 ment in Philadelphia, 352 Arnold, General Benedict, 39, 48, 52, ALABAMA, Scotch-Irish settlers in, 70, 360 ; Commandant at Philadel- 156 phia, 36; assurance of protection Albany, Congress at, Benjamin Frank- to Grace Growden Galloway, 36; lin commissioner to, 197, 198 interview of Grace Growden Gallo- Albany Plan, 198, 199, 202 way with, 38 Alberger, John, 273 ART, SARAH, 259 Alberson, Ricloff, 267 ART, WILLIAM, 259 Albert, John, 275 Articles of Confederation, 199, 202 Aldersley —, 112 ALDERSON, ANN 259 ASHBOURNE, ELIZABETH, 259 ALDERSON, GEORGE, 259 ASHBOURNE, MARTIN, 259 Alexander of Russia, 180, 182, 211, ASH, ANNA, 259 220 ASH, SAMUEL, 259 Alexander, James, 259 Ashley River, 19 Alison, , 104 ASHTON, SARAH. 274 Allegheny Mountains, 138, 141, 145, Aspire, Captain, 256 146, 157, 159, 161, 162 ASSHETON, ANNA MARIA, 175, 181 Allen, Andrew, sale of confiscated ASSHETON, FRANCES, 174, 175, estate of, 34 177, 181 Allen, Colonel Ethan, 9 Assheton, Frances, account of ex- Allen, George, 271 periences during the yellow fever Allen, Mrs. James, 37 epidemic in Philadelphia, 177 Allen, John, 228 ASSHETON, MARGARET, 174 ALLEN, JOSEPH, 259 ASSHETON, MARIA, 175 ALLEN, MARY, 259 ASSHETON, MARY, 175, 181, 182 Allen, Mrs., 54, 63, 78 Assheton, Mary, death of, 182, 184 ALLEN, NANCY, 273 Assheton, Mrs. R., 184 ALLIBONE, MARY, 181 ASSHETON, RALPH, Esquire, 174 ALLIBONE, SAMUEL A.. 181 ASSHETON, RALPH, M.D., 174, Allibone, William, 317 175, 177, 181 Allison, , 125 ASSHETON, ROBERT, 174 Allwine, Lawrence, furniture shipped ASSHETON, SUSAN, 177, 178 to Robert Farmer, by, 331; to ASSHETON, SUSANNAH, 174, 175, Clingman & Megrail by, 332 178 Ally, Hyder, Pondicherry recaptured Assheton, Susannah, 175: Book of, by, 252 174-186 ; biographical, 174 ; visits Alstone & Ceal. 109 Chandler Price, 178, 179 ; account American Philosophical Society, of experiences during the yellow papers in possession of, 98, 99, 101, fever epidemic in Philadelphia, 177 104 ; founded by Benjamin Frank- ASSHETON, WILLIAM, 174 lin, 196 Athens University, 163 388 Index 389 Atkinson, - -, 123 Barton, Robert, Philadelphia chair ATKINSON, RHODA, 259 maker, 307 ATKINSON, SAMUEL, 259 BARTON, WILLIAM, 260 ATMIS, THANU'L, 229 Baskerville, John, edition of virgil Auchampaugh, Philip G, James Bu by, 109, 112 , presented to Harvard chanan, The Squire from Lancaster, College by Benjamin Franklin, by, 289 1758, 112 , manufacturer and type Augusta, Vwgtnia, settlement of, by founder, 115 Scotch Irish, 143 Bass, Robert, 366 Augustus, King of Poland, 2, 4, 23 BATES, ANNE, 260 Auner, Joseph G , 177 BATES, JOSEPH, 260 Austin, Samuel, Philadelphia chair Bauermister, Major, 89 maker, 303 BAYARD, ELIZABETH, 182 Austin, Thomas, 42, 58, 70 Baylis, 129 BEAN, BARBARA, 184 Austin, Mrs Thomas, 42 Bear, Andrew, tavernkeeper, Lan- Austria, Emperor of, 219, 220 caster, 290 Beatty, Charles Clinton, 176 Baadall, William, Windsor chairs con- BEATTY, JOHN, 176 signed to, Norfolk and Richmond, Beatty, Joseph M, "Susan Assheton's 328 Book," edited by, 174 Back Creek* 143 BEATTY, MARY, 176 Backhouse, W, order of to Owen BECK, JOHN, 260 Jones, Jr, to Supply Grace Grow BECK, KATHERINE, 260 den Galloway with money in Phila- Beckford, William, 117 delphia, 56 Beedy Island, see Reedy Island Bacon, , pewterer, 104 Belchier, , 126 Bacon, Francis, 333, 334 Belfour, Colonel, 88, 89 BELL, MARY, 227 Bailey, , 110, 121, 126 BELL, THOMAS, 227 Bailey, Captain, 90 Bell, Captain Thomas, 228, 230, 231, Baker, , 111, 113, 126 235, 237, 240, 242, 245-256; com- BAKER, ELIZABETH, 262 mander of ship Luzerne, 227 , cap- BAKER, ESTHER, 263 tain of the ship United States, Baker, Joseph, 262 1784, 227, 228, 230, biographical, Baker, Messrs, 118, 125 227 , to Benjamin Franklin, 227; BAKER, SARAH, 264 treatment of, by the Governor of Baker & Fourdrioner, 115, 126 Barbadoes, 256, 257 Baltimore, Charles, Lord, 137 Bellm, Sieur, 30, 31 Baltimore, 137, 138, 208 , removal of Benezet, Anthony, 38, 60 Congress from Philadelphia to, 12; Benezet, Jenny, 37 furniture shipped to, from Phila Benezet, Joyce, 57, 86 delphia, 326, 331 BENINGHOVE, ELIZABETH, 260 Bank of England, 98, 117, 119, 126, BENINGHOVE, JACOB, 260 128, 130, 131 BENNET, JAMES, 260 Banker, Bankers, The Bank, see Bank BENNET, KATHERINE, 260 of England BENNET, MARY, 260 Banquett, William, 262 Bennet, Mathew, 273 Barbadoes, 229, 230, 255, 256, fur- BENNET, MATTHEW, 260 niture shipped from Philadelphia BENNET, WILLIAM, 260 to, 311, 317, 321, 323, 324 Bennett, William, 262 Barber, J , 27, 28, 29 BENNINGTO'N, ELIZABETH, 264 Barclay, D, 115 Bensalem, estate of Grace Growden Barclay, John, 366 Galloway, 61 Barclay, Robert, Agent for the Lower Bensted, Alexander, 268 Counties, 128 Bentalou, Colonel, 15, 20, 21 ; Barge, Jacob, 366 wounded at Siege of Savannah, 21, Barker, John, 265 22 BARKER, HARIA, 263 Berderchef, Monastery of, Casimir BARN, BARBARA, 260 Pulaski confined in, 7 BARN, JACOB, 260 Bernheim, G D, quoted, 150 BARNET, GEORGE, 260 BERRETT, MARY, 261 BARNET, SARAH, 260 BERRINGER, HENRY, 260 Barns Peter, 263 BBRRINGER, MARY, 260 Barr, Compact of, compared to Decla BERRY, ANNE, 260 ation of Independence, 5-8 BERRY GARRET, 260 Barrier, Abraham, 103 BERTHIER, MR , 217 BARRON, JAMES, 260 Bethabara, Moravian settlement in BARRON, MARY, 260 North Carolina, 151 Barry, Garret, 262 Bethanxa, Moravian Settlement in BARRY, MARY 260 North Carolina, 151 BARTHOLOMEW, ELIZABETH, 263 Bethell, C , furniture shipped to John BARTLESON, ABNER, 260 Williams by, 330 BARTLESON, ANN, 260 Bethlehem, 151 , Moravian nuns at, BARTLESON, BARTLE, 260 present General Pulaski with flag, BARTLESON, EUNICE, 260 18 Baron, , 68 BETTLE, LYDIA, 265 Baron, Mrs , 54 Beveridge Polly, 49, 36, 83 BARTON, HANNAH, 260 Beverly, William, 144 390 Index Beverly, New England, furniture cow, 210; at Elba, 210, 211, shipped from Philadelphia to, 315, 218, 221; proposal to marry niece 323 of Lucien Bonaparte, 219, 220; Bewley, George, 275 characteristics of, 220, 221; at Bat- BEWLEY, HANNAH, 261 tle of Waterloo, 221; miniature of, BEWLEY, ISAAC, 261 216, 224. Bible, King James version of, pub- BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON, 2d, 180 lished, 334 Bond, Dr., 37, 62, 63 Bibliography of "Pennsylvania as an Bond, Mrs., 62, 75, 76, 82 Early Distributing Center of Pop- Bond, Peggy, 58 ulation," 164-169 Bond, Rebecca, 59 BICKERTON, KATHERINE, 261 Bond, William, 37, 46, 50, 54, 58, 59 BICKERTON, ROBERT, 261 Bonneauvant, Jean, early settler in BICKLEY, SUSANNA, 274 Virginia, 147 Biddle, Edward, Joseph Bonaparte, Bonneto Shoals, 239 as recorded in Journal of Nicholas Bonsall, Samuel, 276 Biddle, introduction by, 208 Book Notices, 95, 381 BIDDLE, NICHOLAS, 209 Boone, Daniel, 157, 158 Biddle, Nicholas, to Edward Coles, Boonesborough, 157 209 ; extracts from Journal of, re- Borden, Benjamin, early settler in ferring to, 208-224 Virginia, 144, 145 Biggard, John, chair maker in Phila- Bordentown, N. J., 209 delphia and Charleston, 305, 306 Boremaster, Captain, 90 Biles, Patrick, 43 Boshart, Andrew, 276 Bingham, John A., 163 Boston, 301 ; evacuation of, by the Bingham, William, Lansdowne, resi- British, 10, 11; Earthquake in, dence of, 209 1755, 28 ; bequest of Benjamin Bird, Mark, part owner of ship United Franklin to, 207 ; furniture shipped States, 226 from Philadelphia to, 315, 324, 325, BISPHAM, AUGUSTUS, 181 329 BISPHAM, MARIA, 182 Boudinot, Elias, 46-50, 53, 74 BISPHAM, NANCY STOKES, 181 Boudinot, Mrs., 47 BISPHAM, S., 182 Boureschetz, John, 275 Blackwood, John, 265 Bowen, Daniel, 371 Blagdon, Dr., 90 BOWEN, JOHN, 261 Bland, Elias, merchant, 115, 121 BOWEN, MARY, 261 Block House, Virginia, 157 Bowling, John, 229 Bowman, Bishop, 296 Bloia3 212 Bowman, T., 103, 107, 109-111, 113, Blue Ridge Mountains, 138, 141, 145, 116, 123, 125 BOCKIUS, ELIZABETH, 261 Bowyer, Archibald, account of fur- BOCKIUS, PETER, 261 nishing prisoners and Court of In- Bodley, '29 quisition, 26, 27 Bollan, William, 30 Boyd, J. P., The Correspondence of Bonaparte, Caroline, 213 General Thomas Gates, 1763-1775, BONAPARTE, FRANCIS CHARLES by Clarence Edwin Carter, notice JOSEPH, 180 of, by, 382-384 BONAPARTE, JOSEPH, 208 BRADBERRY, MARY, 263 Bonaparte, Joseph, introduction by Braddock, General Edward, 155 Edward Biddle,
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