A Prayer a Day for EAST ASIAN PEOPLES 2020 PRAYER CALENDAR POWERFUL AND PREVAILING PRAYER FOR PEOPLE, PLACES, AND PERSONNEL “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect” (James 5:16). The prayers of righteous people are “powerful,” which comes from a Greek word meaning, “in its working.” Where there is no or little prayer, there is no power to effect change. We have to continually put forth the energy and our prayers must keep working if they are going to be powerful. The prayers of righteous people are also effective—they are strong, energetic, and able to accomplish much. We need powerful and effective prayers to unmask the deception of the evil one so that the light of the glorious gospel will penetrate the darkness among East Asian peoples. We need powerful and effective prayers to demolish strongholds of resistance so that no obstacle will impede the progress of the gospel. I want to compel you to pray with a burden for the people of East Asia. Labor with us for their salvation. Standing in the gap, Steven M. Ellis Affinity Group Leader East Asian Peoples DIRECTIONS Entries in this calendar come from the prayers of many workers in East Asia. As you pray you will learn about holidays celebrated among East Asian people groups, strongholds that hopelessly bind people (monthly Day of Prayer and Fasting), birthdays of workers among the East Asian peoples (names changed), major countries where East Asians live, and people groups that are currently unengaged with the gospel. As you journey in prayer with us, may your heart be broken for the lost and may you rejoice in what God is doing among East Asians. If you would like more information on people groups, places, or prayer, email us at [email protected]. All Scripture references are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, unless otherwise noted. Mongolia South Korea China Japan Taiwan POPULATIONS ¨ China: 1.41 billion (2019) ¨ Japan: 127.1 million (2019) ¨ Mongolia: 3.09 million (2019) ¨ South Korea: 51.1 million (2019) ¨ Taiwan: 23.7 million (2019) WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JANUARY JANUARY 1 2020 2 2020 As a new year dawns, many East Asians Many East Asian countries acknowledge will try to fulfill new hopes and dreams, January 1 as a holiday, but in South only to find that these are constantly Korea, people celebrate with unique changing and difficult to satisfy. Many will traditions. On this day Koreans greet each do what they can to find peace within other with, “Many blessings be upon you family, in the world, and with the spirits. in the new year,” and eat tteokguk (sliced Yet peace remains just beyond their rice cakes in soup). The younger gener- reach. Offerings made to various gods ations bow before their grandparents, and ancestors may bring temporary parents, and older relatives in a traditional feelings of peace, but they must be Korean style known as sebae and are repeated monthly or annually. blessed with good wishes and words of wisdom. Children and the elderly receive Pray that this year a multitude of East gifts of money. Friends and family also Asians will find true hope in Jesus, the play games like yutnori, a traditional only source of lasting peace. Pray they Korean board game for all ages. will do whatever it takes to make this truth their own. Pray Korean Christians will share the message of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ with family and friends as they gather to celebrate the new year. Pray the Korean Church will be a blessing to the nations. Karen, Carly Lee, Anna, Yi, Steven FRIDAY SATURDAY JANUARY JANUARY 3 2020 4 2020 In 1 Corinthians 3:5 Paul writes, “What “I tell you, now is the time of God’s then is Apollos? And what is Paul? They favor, now is the day of salvation” are servants through whom you believed, (2 Corinthians 6:2b NIV). Join us as we and each has the role the Lord has given.” pray for 2020 to be the year of God’s I despised being assigned to a middle seat favor on the people of East Asia. on a budget airline. It had been a long day and I was exhausted—I just wanted Pray: Sing a new song to the Lord! to read comfortably. However, by the Sing his praises from Japan to western Father’s providence, Julia* sat on my left China! Sing, all you who sail the seas, and was extremely open to the gospel. and live in distant coastlands or high The following morning the Father con- on the mountains. Join in the chorus, victed me of despising the “middle seat” you megacities and rural villages. and scorning the divine appointment he Rejoice! Let the East Asian peoples sing had arranged for me—his servant—an for joy, let them shout praises from instrument to lead people to saving faith. every corner of the earth! Let them say to their idols, “You are not our gods,” Pray the Lord will help you be faithful as they cast them aside and join in the to the opportunities he sends your way. praises to the God of heaven. * Name changed Ahn, Pyung, Joy none SUNDAY MONDAY JANUARY JANUARY 5 2020 6 2020 Christians in East Asia must often Many Chinese Christians are zealous separate from family and friends. They to reach the world with the gospel but can face loneliness and anxiety as they have overlooked the twenty-two million try to reconcile filial piety and following Muslims inside their own country. The Jesus against the wishes of parents. racial barriers between the Han and Chinese Muslims are great. But one thing Pray East Asian Christians will cast is certain: God cares deeply for these their anxieties on God because he unique people groups and longs for them cares for them. Pray they find rest in to know about his love for them. He has God alone and trust him to supply their not forgotten them. every need as their “Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor 1:3). Passionately pray for the salvation Pray they experience his presence, of Chinese Muslims. Pray God will call kindness, compassion, and abounding his people to plant their lives among mercy. Pray Christians will run to God these who have yet to believe. Ask God for answers and not seek temporary to build his church among them. fixes when they face doubt, indecision, weakness, or fear. Bonnie none TUESDAY WEDNESDAY JANUARY JANUARY 7 2020 8 2020 The fifteen million Hui are the largest Village Christians hiked into the moun- and most widespread of China’s Muslim tains and met a woman feeding hogs. She nationalities. They are the third largest asked the visitors to sit and rest with her. minority group in China, and only .0001 When they asked if she wanted to hear a percent of Hui know Christ. You can often story, she said, “Of course.” The woman recognize the men by their prayer caps listened intently to an MP3 recording of and the women by their head scarves. the gospel story. She shook her head with Very few Christians are intentionally worry when she heard about Satan tricking planting their lives among the Hui to tell the woman in the garden, laughed when them about Christ. More Hui people are she heard about Jesus feeding thousands dying daily than are hearing the gospel. with just a few fish and loaves, and was They are in desperate need of more quiet when she heard about Jesus dying laborers to boldly proclaim the gospel and on the cross. When the story was fin- reap the harvest that God has prepared. ished, she asked, “Can Jesus really speak my language?” The woman received the Pray the Hui will hear of God’s gift of MP3 as a gift and eagerly asked family and salvation through Christ that is offered friends to listen with her. to them, believe, and grow deep in their faith. Pray many villagers throughout the mountains will receive God’s message. Bruce, Max, Dana, Hanna, Garrett, Joy Jene, Jane, Abraham, Mirian, Barb THURSDAY FRIDAY JANUARY JANUARY 9 2020 10 2020 Missions College is an annual opportunity Our children have grown and moved for pastors and church members to learn away from home but as their parents, more about the missionary task, share we are still concerned about their health experiences, and encourage one another. and well-being. We often pray that our For four days they gather in Virginia, to children will have mature Christian friends dialogue, receive training, and network. who will encourage them in their walks with the Lord. When they face challeng- This year at least seventy-five attend- ing circumstances, we pray God will teach ees are East Asia-focused. Pray they and guide them. It is very difficult to be will be ready and willing to bring the so far away from them when they walk Good News to the 1.7 billion East through hard times. Asians living throughout the world. Pray those attending will be challenged Please remember to pray for as well as encouraged, and that these missionaries’ families—specifically efforts will be multiplied as churches their children who live in America— begin to practice what they learn. to be strong in the Lord. none Shannon, Curtis, Virginia, Elaine SATURDAY SUNDAY JANUARY JANUARY 11 2020 12 2020 Coming of Age Day is celebrated annually Lord, we come before you today and in Japan on the second Monday of January.
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