DOCKETED Docket Number: 15-MISC-04 Project Title: Fuels and Transportation Merit Review TN #: 207132 Document Title: Transcript the 12/02/15 Workshop on Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Project Success Description: N/A Filer: Cody Goldthrite Organization: California Energy Commission Submitter Role: Commission Staff Submission 12/28/2015 10:54:14 AM Date: Docketed Date: 12/28/2015 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION LEAD COMMISSIONER WORKSHOP In the Matter of: ) Docket No. 15-MISC-04 Technology Merit Review: ) Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle ) Project Success ) ) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION FIRST FLOOR, ART ROSENFELD HEARING ROOM 1516 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2015 9:00 A.M. Reported by: Peter Petty ii APPEARANCES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Janea Scott, Lead Commissioner, Transportation Committee CEC STAFF PRESENT Tim Olson, Fuels and Transportation Division Larry Rillera, Vehicle Technology Development, Manufacturing and Business Development Hieu Nguyen PRESENTERS Tom Hodek, Cummins Westport, Inc. Joe Impullitti, SCAQMD Ian Wright, Wrightspeed, Inc. Mike Simon, Transportation Power Inc. (TransPower) Jim Castelaz, Motiv Power Systems, Inc. Kent Leacock, Proterra, Inc. Rob Del Core, Hydrogenics USA, Inc. REVIEWERS/COMMENTERS Robert Nguyen, California Air Resources Board Kevin Walkowicz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Kuang Wei, United States Environmental Protection Agency Margo Melendez, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Matt Miyasato, South Coast Air Quality Management District iii APPEARANCES PUBLIC COMMENT Ryan Schuchard, CalStart Jerry Wiens, Retired Annuitant, CEC 1 1 2 P R O C E E D I N G S 3 9:03 A.M. 4 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2015 5 (The meeting commenced at 9:03 a.m.) 6 COMMISSIONER SCOTT: Welcome. We are going to go 7 ahead and get started. I am going to turn the introductions 8 over to Tim Olson. 9 MR. OLSON: Thank you, Commissioner. 10 Good morning. We would like to begin our workshop 11 today to discuss the Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Project 12 Successes. This workshop will be led by Commissioner Janea 13 Scott who is the, by the way of introduction, is the 14 Commissioner’s -- is the Energy Commission’s Lead 15 Commissioner on Transportation Topics and Issues. 16 My name is Tim Olson of the Fuels and 17 Transportation Division and I’ll be a co-moderator today. 18 The workshop should last most of the day. And 19 we’ll have one -- one break at lunch hour. Feel free to use 20 the restrooms located outside the front door here to the 21 left. And there’s a snack bar on the second floor. If you 22 need to use that, go up the steps to the second floor. 23 In case of an emergency, go out of the room here, 24 out the door to the left. And then we’ll convene in the 25 park across the street at 9th and B Streets. 2 1 And just this workshop is the second in a series 2 of activities we’ve been conducting. And it’s part of kind 3 of a new ongoing function at the Energy Commission that 4 we’re referring to it as a Technology Merit Review. We will 5 focus on the merits of truck and bus demonstration and 6 deployment projects co-funded by the Energy Commission’s 7 Alternative and Renewable Fuels and Vehicle Technology 8 Program. We refer to that as the ARFVTP; you’ll hear that 9 several times today. And to begin, Commissioner Scott will 10 provide some overarching remarks about the program. And 11 Larry Rillera will describe some of the historical spending 12 and the kind of near-term plans for -- for our effort on 13 medium and heavy duty vehicles. 14 You -- you may have the agenda in front of you. 15 You can see from that that the rest of the workshop will 16 involve a series of presentations by funding recipients, and 17 comments from independent reviewers after each presentation. 18 The agenda lists the order of each presentation and comment 19 period, which we hope will last no more than 45 minutes for 20 each session. And we’ll kind of remind you if we start 21 going over. 22 COMMISSIONER SCOTT: We will remind you. 23 MR. OLSON: After all the presentations and review 24 comments are completed we have scheduled an open public 25 comment period. And if you would like to speak during 3 1 that -- that general comment period, please fill out a blue 2 card, there are little cards that we have back on the -- on 3 the front table, I’ll bring those out, if you’re in the 4 room. And if you’re participating remotely, please identify 5 yourself, either on WebEx or by -- on the phone. 6 And I’d like to remind you that -- that a verbatim 7 transcript is being developed for this -- for this workshop. 8 It will be made available on our public docket. And the 9 audio and PowerPoint presentation are broadcast through 10 WebEx. 11 So if you’re speaking in the room, please use the 12 microphone and speak clearly so we can -- everybody can hear 13 you. And the transcriber will probably ask many of you for 14 your business card, just to make sure your name is correct. 15 He’s sitting right at the from there. 16 You may also submit comments and/or public record 17 through an e-filing process. That’s -- the instruction on 18 how to do that is in the workshop notice. And that will go 19 into our docket. 20 In the back of the room toward the -- as you walk 21 in the door here you’ve got the agenda, copies of all the 22 presentations. And all those items are either posted now or 23 will be posted on our website under the Transportation 24 Alternative Fuels Technology Merit Review. That’s how 25 you’ll find that. 4 1 So now I’d like to go back to Commissioner Scott 2 and we can begin the workshop. 3 COMMISSIONER SCOTT: Great. Thank you very much, 4 Tim. 5 I would just like to say welcome to all of our 6 reviewers and our project presenters this morning and give 7 you a little overview of our program. And then we’ll turn 8 it over to Larry. 9 As you all know, the Energy Commission’s 10 Alternative and Renewable Fuels and Vehicle Technology 11 Program, or ARFVTP, was created by Assembly Bill 118. And 12 we’ve provided about $100 million a year since 2009 to 13 develop and deploy innovative technologies that transform 14 California’s fuel and vehicle types to help attain the 15 state’s climate change policies. 16 The ARFVTP funding compliments actions undertaken 17 through AB 32, the Global Warming Solution Act of 2006, the 18 Low Carbon Fuel Standard, and Governor Brown’s recently 19 Sustainable Freight Executive Order, in addition to other 20 federal, state and local government policies and programs. 21 The Commission has awarded $172 million for 22 vehicle development and deployment projects from 2009 to 23 2015, including 42 truck and bus demonstrations and buy-down 24 incentives supporting the introduction of about 4,500 25 natural gas trucks in California. We also note that each 5 1 funding recipient contributes private investment equal to 2 and often times greater amounts of matched funding to help 3 supplement the ARFVTP awards. In addition, the Commission 4 has awarded funds for renewable fuel production projects and 5 alternative and renewable infrastructure projects to help 6 compliment the vehicles’ successes. 7 We appreciate the contributions that all of our 8 funding recipients have made to achieve multiple policy 9 objectives. And today we will hear from seven companies or 10 partners that have agreed to highlight key ingredients for 11 progress and success and, in part, their experience and 12 knowledge about lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid. 13 Through their efforts we have begun to see the introduction 14 of an array of all-electric, natural gas, hydrogen and 15 hybrid technologies used in transit, school bus, refuse 16 trucks, shuttle bus, drayage trucks, and many other 17 applications. It’s exciting. 18 We would like to thank the five independent 19 reviewers who will offer comments and advice about the 20 progress of current efforts and future expansion of the 21 program’s success. We expect the findings and conclusions 22 we learn about today to help inform our future funding 23 efforts, provide insights to consider for upcoming 24 integrated energy policy reports, and feed into the 25 Sustainable Freight Executive Order to transition to zero 6 1 and near zero-emission vehicles for goods movement. 2 So I want to thank you again for joining the 3 workshop. I look forward to all of the presentations, all 4 of the questions and the comments. I would -- for the -- 5 for the folks around the table, if your microphone is green, 6 that means it’s on. So if you’re not speaking you might 7 want to have it off. And when you are speaking, please make 8 sure that it’s green so that it’s on. 9 And for the folks on the WebEx, as we get into the 10 discussion from our reviewers it would be helpful if you’ll 11 remember to say your name and where you’re from, just so 12 that they -- the people who are on the WebEx can follow 13 along. 14 So let me turn it now over to Larry Rillera 15 who is going to give us an overview of the Medium and Heavy 16 Duty Vehicles Technology Projects.
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