December 7, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 26427 for generations to come. They, as high of $8.80. We really have a crisis de- comed and given an opportunity to Nancy and I, will miss him greatly. veloping in this country, not only from make the most of his talents. f the standpoint of the adequacy of our From the very beginning, SLADE GOR- natural gas supplies to meet our elec- TON went to work on behalf of Wash- IVETTE FERNANDEZ—MISS tric generation requirements but home ington State. First, he married Sally ALASKA USA 2001 heating as well, inasmuch as 50 percent Clark from Selah, Washington. That Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, of the homes in the United States are same year—1958—SLADE went into poli- congratulations are in order for a heated by gas. tics and was elected to the Washington ‘‘Royal’’ Alaskan on my staff. Staff As- I thank my colleague from Wash- State House of Representatives where sistant Ivette Fernandez was recently ington, Senator MURRAY, for the time he rose to serve as the majority leader. crowned Miss Alaska USA 2001 at the she allotted me. I wish the Chair a In 1968, he was elected attorney gen- state pageant held in Anchorage. Ivette good day and my good friend from eral of Washington State. On numerous was judged in the interview, swimsuit, Washington as well. occasions on several historic cases, and evening gown competitions. Along I yield the floor. SLADE represented the people of Wash- with the title of Miss Alaska USA, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ington before the Supreme Court. Ivette also was honored with the Miss ator from Washington is recognized. Chief Justice Warren Burger once Congeniality title. said that SLADE, ‘‘makes the best argu- f Born and raised in Fairbanks, Alas- ments before the Supreme Court of any ka, Ivette is the daughter of Antonio A TRIBUTE TO SENATOR SLADE Attorney General in America.’’ He was and Gloria Fernandez of Fairbanks. GORTON also recognized with the prestigious She is a graduate of Lathrop High Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, as we Wyman Award given to the out- School in Fairbanks and attended the all know congressional lame duck ses- standing attorney general in the University of Alaska Fairbanks before sions following an election are a rarity. United States. transferring to The George Washington They usually arise when Congress is By this time, SLADE had also become University (GWU) in Washington, DC. unable to finish its business in a timely a respected leader throughout Wash- She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts fashion, and that is true with this year ington State. degree from GWU in the fall of 1999. as well. After three terms as the Washington Her future plans include attending law But this session affords me and this State Attorney General, SLADE GORTON school and working in International Congress an opportunity to acknowl- ran for an won a seat in the United Affairs. edge and pay tribute to the service of States Senate. He was elected three As the new Miss Alaska USA, Ivette an esteemed colleague. Senator SLADE times to the United States Senate giv- will represent Alaska in the Miss USA GORTON, the Senior Senator from ing him an impressive record of win- pageant which will be held in early Washington state, will be ending his ning statewide election six times in February in Gary, Indiana. Ivette will service here after 18 years in the Sen- Washington. compete for the title of Miss USA with ate. All of this is offered as a brief history other young women from 49 states and Washingtonians—regardless of party of SLADE’s many years of service. With the District of Columbia. affiliation—have come up to me with time, there will certainly be many pub- Upon winning the Miss Alaska USA high praise and appreciation for Sen- lic tributes to Senator GORTON. But title, Ivette won scholarship and ward- ator GORTON’S long service to our what I’d like to focus on now is our robe money, a free trip to the national state, our country and this proud insti- time together in the United States pageant, and other generous prizes, as tution. Senate and the work we were able to do well as her crown and sash. However, I want to share with my colleagues a together over the last eight years. this is not her first time wearing a passage from an editorial this week in I am sure all of my colleagues share crown. In April 1999, Ivette represented the Everett Herald. The Herald edi- my own appreciation for the support, Alaska as our Cherry Blossom Princess torial reads, guidance, and sacrifices our families make so that we can serve in the Sen- for the National Cherry Blossom Fes- History will rank Gorton with Senator tival here in Washington, DC. Henry M. ‘‘Scoop’’ Jackson and Senator War- ate. Our successes throughout our ca- My wife Nancy and I have known ren G. Magnuson as an extraordinary leader reers in public service are shared with Ivette for many years. We are very in D.C. on behalf of the state. our families. We rely on them in so proud of her and her accomplishments, Throughout his career in the Senate and many ways. and we know that she will represent state government, Gorton has been a leading And that is certainly true for SLADE Alaska with poise and distinction. force in many major efforts to protect the GORTON. Sally and SLADE have been Ivette is a pleasure to be around and a environment. partners for all of his years of service. great asset to my office staff. He also has been a consistent, passionate From Olympia, Washington to Wash- advocate for individuals with problems deal- Mr. President, my staff and I want to ing with bureaucracy. ington, D.C., Sally Gorton has been wish Ivette the best of luck when she Within the Senate, Gorton has been a there each and every day. She and competes in the Miss USA pageant this grand force for reasoned bipartisanship, SLADE have three children and seven coming February, and we again extend never afraid to take a strong stand but also grandchildren, who I know bring im- our congratulations to her on winning willing to work graciously and effectively mense pride to the Gorton family. her title. with members of the opposition even at the So, as we acknowledge and honor tensest moments. f SLADE GORTON, I want to pay special Many of our colleagues are well tribute to Sally Gorton and the entire NATURAL GAS aware of SLADE’S history of public Gorton Family. We’ve all had to endure Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I service. As a young man, SLADE GOR- some tough things in seeking to rep- note that the Energy Committee is TON moved to Washington state from resent our States in the Senate. We ac- contemplating a hearing on Tuesday on Chicago almost 50 years ago. cept that politics can sometimes be the spiraling price increases associated He wanted to go West in search of rough. with natural gas. We are seeing a situa- new opportunities. And with $300 and a Our families—as our biggest defend- tion in existence now where we have one-way ticket on a Greyhound bus, ers—often take it more personally than terminated trading, for a portion of SLADE GORTON moved to Washington we do. And, like all political families, yesterday at least, in natural gas. I am State. the Gorton family has been instru- told that natural gas was selling for History has shown that this Midwest mental to all of SLADE’S many suc- about $2.16 per thousand cubic feet native fit right into Washington State. cesses. Washington State is proud and about 9 months ago. Last month it was And like so many immigrants to our appreciative of all that Sally Gorton $5.40; $7 last week. Yesterday it hit a great State, SLADE GORTON was wel- has also done. VerDate jul 14 2003 14:28 Jan 23, 2005 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S07DE0.000 S07DE0.
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