■■*! Welcome To Clemson Freshmennewbah! Bengals Field Campus Organizations Rough and Ready Prepare to '48 Grid Team Entertain Frosh "He Roars For Clemson A & M" VOL. XXXXII No. 1 Circulation—6,500 CLEMSON COLLEGE, S. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1948 Another Record Enrollment For Coming Year Seen 3250 Students Are Richbourg Named New Expected This Week Corps Cadet Colonel A full quota of 3,250 students* is expected to register at Clem- son College this week as the fall 17 Students Get Oxer 300 Pre-Fabs On Campus; 350 Moore, Thornton, and term gets under way. The Regis- Banks Head Batalions trar's office said that this figure Honor Of All A's is a capacity for the institution Names Now On Posted Waiting List Seventeen Clemson College stu- John Allen Richbourg, a civil and is just about the peak ever There are 348 pre-fabricated^ reached. dents have attained a straight A engineering senior from Summer- units on the campus at Clemson ciuse of some unusual hardship average through the past spring affecting the family. ton, has been named cadet colonel Freshmen began arriving on —100 duples apartments and 248 the campus today, to begin ma- term and 127 held their marks to of the R. O. T. C. unit here at The contract further pro- triculating. Approximately 550 high honors. A 7.5 grade point United Kingdom individual type Clemson College, the Command- vides that th» larger percent- [ ar^ expected. Old students will ratio, or a low A. 361 others re- unites for veteran students and age of the units be assigned to ant's Office announced today in return to Clemson for initial faculty members. These units ceived honors. veteran students with families, its anual list of cadet military signing in on Sept. 9, and classes The students attaining highest consists of one. two and three the smaller to faculty members. appointments. * will begin for all on Monday, honors, or the straight A men, bedrooms, a bath, living room, This latter group consists of David R. Parish of Dillon was September 13. kitchen-dinnette, linen closet and are: veterans and non-veterans whom lamed cadet regimental officer, Students will be housed as pantry and rent as follows: the college finds it necessary to David H. Banks. Jr., of St. Mat- usual in the nine permanent bar- Henry G. Allison, Jr., Gaffney; Melzar P. Booker, Anderson; Duplex units two bedrooms for employ. thews, will command the 1st Bat- racks and two temporary struc- Henry T. Cannon, Jr., Newberry; faculty, $27.50; for students $15.50: talion, William H. Moore of Sandy tures. Married veterans with James F. Cathcart, Bishopville; with one bedroom for faculty Assignment to these units are Springs, the 2nd Battalion, and reservations will be alloted - ac- Lewis F. Cato, Monetta; Robert E. $24.50; for students $15.50. Indi- made according to the date of the Erwin C. Thornton of Spartan- commodations in the pre-fab vil- Christenberry, Greenville; Ernest vidual unity with two bedrooms application. The student waiting burg, 3rd Battalion, all with the lages or in the recently renovated L. Cor ley, Saluda; and Harry for faculty, $30.50; for students list is posted on the bulletin board rank of cadet Lieutenant Colonel. temporary barracks. Falls, Jr., Asheville, N. C. $18.50. outside of Room 11, Main Build- ing and at present, has about 350 Other cadet appointments in- In the interest of students at- W. J. Gouldelock, Jr., Catee- The rent covers the unit as names. cluded Regt. Adjutant, Major tending Clemson, the College chee; Coy J. Gray, Anderson; equipped with oil space heater, Marion M. Wood of Greer: has converted one of its tem- Morris M. Harrison, Pelzer; oil water heater, ice refrigera- Executive Officer, 1st Bn., Ma—— porary barracks into twelve Harold F. Landrith, Seneca; Wil- tor, oil cooking range, cold water .ior Paul R. Lunceford of Char- three-room apartments (kitch- liam McKay, Hendersonville, N. lights, oil drum, garbage cans, olen And Williams lotte. N. C; Executive Officer en, living room, and bedroom) C; Hugh E. McKinney, Green- and garbage service. A tenant 2nd Bn., Major Walter Clyde and two four-room apartments ville; D. B. Rosenkrans, Jr.. Clem- may use his personal equipment Herron, Jr., of Anderson; Exe- (kitchen, living room, and two son; Robert E. Smith, Jr., Seneca; if he wishes to do so. However, To Teach Methodists cutive Officer, 3rd Bn., Major bedrooms). These apartments and William T. Waters, Camden. if an electric refrigerator is Dr. C. W. Bolen and Mr. J. K James G. Hickerson of Greens- are located west of the footbaU used, an additional charge of Williams will teach the class for boro: Bn. \di, 1st Bn., Capt. Al- stadium. Because of the size who do not have children or fifty cents per month is made. students at the Clemson Metho- bert R. Fant of Anderson; Bn. of the rooms and toilet facilities, pets. If ah electric cooking range is dist Church this year, according Adj., 2nd Bn., Capt. Thomas C.e_^. these apartments will be made Assignment will be made from used, the tenant is required to to an announcement by the Rev. Rickenbaker of St. Mathews; available to married students the veterans housing waiting list have his urtit metered at his E. Wannamaker Hardin, minister. Bn. Adj., 3rd Bn., Capt. Roy N. in accordance with the date of own expense. The class was left without a Taylor, Jr., of Spartanburg; application. If the student elects teacher when Dr. Richard Powers Regt. Chaplain, Capt. Wyman I to live in one of these apartments, Washing machines, hot plates, moved from Clemson to Wake W. Ballentine of Blythwoodr—•* College Calendar his name will be cancelled from coil heaters, waffle irons, fans and Forest, and the members of the and Regt. S-4 & PT Officer, •* the prefab waiting list. These the like do not require meters and Wesley Foundation voted unani- Capt. Lewis D. Hardwick of A«'S Department!£-£*« may be used at no additional September 6 (Monday) new accommodations will be fur- mously to invite Dr. Bolen and Rock Hill. nished with electric range and charge. A security deposit of 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.—Matric- Mr. Williams to serve as teachers Named to command various ulation of new students; Tillman electric refrigerator. Laundry fa- $10.00 is required on all tenants. of the class. Both men accepted companies with the rank of Cap- Hall. cilities will be made available, if Makes Addltions Before Hair IsCu! This will be refunded when the the invitation. desired. tenant vacates provided the unit tain were the following Clemson 4:00 p. m.—General Faculty Dean F. M. Kinard today an-' | All students are urged to have Dr. Bolen, who is associate pro- students: Band Co., John E. Bell Meeting; College ChapeL elor's and Master's degree from j pictures made at their is left in good condition. fessor of history and government, nounced the addition of eleven their TAPS Eligibility for admission to the of Orangeburg; A Co., Henry September 7 (Tuesday) Dinwiddie Assistant members to the teaching staff of Vanderbilt, and R. E. Tyner, first vacancy. Pictures are being is a graduate of Emory and Henry Tecklenburg, Jr., of Charleston; 8:00 p. m.—Freshman Recep- Bachelor's degree from Berry veteran's projects is established College and has his M. A. and Chemistry Professor the school of arts and sciences made in the basement of Tillman according to the contract be- B Co.,.Douglas A. Barfield of Ker- tion; President's Home. here at Clemson College effective College with a Master's from Ph. D. from Duke University. Mr. shaw; C Co., Arthur J. Carra- September 8 (Wednesday) Georgia, will become instructors Hall throughout the week, and to tween Clemson and the Housing Williams is also a graduate of J. ray Dinwiddie, Jr. has been the opening of the fall term in and Home Finance Agency which way of Timmonsvilie; D Co., 3:00 p. m.—Registration of new appointed assistant professor of this fall. , insure that there will be no long Emory and Henry College and has early September. Clemson has states: Phelps H. Bultman of Sumter;' E students; Field House. Organic Chemistry, at Clemson also accepted three graduate as- In the social sciences depart- waits, three photographers are on his M. A. from Emory University Co., George S. Pardue of Aiken; 6:45 p. m.—Open House for all College. He attended Waynes- sistants in the physics department. ment there are to be several addi- j duty. "Eligibility for admission for Mr. Williams studied at the Uni- F Co., James H. Carter. Jr., of new students at all churches. boro (Va.) High School and after Eugene Park, a graduate of the tions in economics. C. R. Smith. ; Dark coats, dark ties, and white family dwellings shall be limit- versity of Kentucky this sum- Georgetown; G Co., Daniel B. September 9 (Thursday) that obtained his B. S. degree University of Georgia with a Mas- who began teaching during the I shirts will be worn. If you do not ed strictly to the following: (1) mer. Both men have been at Plyler of Monroe, N. C; H. Co., 8:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.—Matric- from Randolph-Macon College. ter's degree from Lehigh Uni- summer session, joins the staff as ; have these items they will be fur- Distressed families of veterans, Clemson for one year, during Jacques R. Sheppard of Washing- ulation and Registration of former He served in the naval reserve versity, comes to Clemson from a assistant professor of Economics.
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