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Klnchi 251 Spicyul yo Lm Ochtnko 5 F|.Ptlonryo1.m SrkeKena 495 (Gtllld nrkkyo 195 Wsebimeyo l.fl, s4horfr|F.t EcISruce fln Gn$.trrtcrsintf.(n S.nn 5.95 TcriFkis.u.rm Rice Lq; (Gn'lr!dp&.Fi) SushiRice 2J0 6alade _ 6ouog -,._ - fE im#;$flx#;' e y*y..:::.t. -. 2.ss [if hx#,ffiL*-#-'lKx**'*' ,u a' - ffi["Iri:y#Kff; El m.T:t,."*,:i"l ti inm"*".-". iE Z ffiiE#*n,*J;i=,, t--odl--^ Noodles Japancoc6ttlc DDq 7.ss ' .,.* W:il**_,*""*,aaada'Ndbdbqdaf'k6) conbiaations Soba 7.95 Chickenfovele 5.95 Wfu^o*-*t*o*""a rcHtuM,CIdda,tI4N.Eh,I) CoH1s{tunodr.ufensdl;b) Breastlove6 5.95 ToDkotruRamen 8.95 (3chi*a,Btastsk oerc) E8dbs{F*b,Ebr1'fr) M.at lovet$ 5.95 Miso Rametr 8.95 Grebtww.Retly, Ggnoodl qtnin bmfr) WP.@ Nabeydti-Udon 10.95 xm",m"* s2s **w{ts*hffi* C'twT@Aryry1a6,) Yaki-Udon 10.95 - (stit!'t',nu&,,'ood,.nlo.atuHa Miso E8glrlaot 550 fudrqwffi4&ho'cc;nd ?pcsro rri6o_6/s.s.nr.s..&) yaki_soba 10.95 6in6lc6kcvcre YffiHtrffiffi, Ne*imr 225 /cFcka Btast & Seolliort PtccDishes Mure 2.5 Csrv rice 8.95 Ghi{*.r&r,,st) o.fi& s\Ic o.s{.bl crlty) Mono 2.8 (cldik6L.dl Cuv rice wift meat 11.95 Ghi&aw,tu&.E o'd,itut,]t'',) BrtaBara 2.8 @o*Bellf) friedriae 8.95 p* Gyuurikq 2.8 'chi.ta *Irc& @, or khndn) @RW.t Shi8h.mo 2.5 (Sr.ItFisl) DonburiDiohce ctia..i| Tedyakidm &95 Shitale 1.E; g.pf,'t6.Mr,!'!uo.n, D€d Tdiyaki don 835 ri5 C4!p.n$.s) O5n&o.lon &9t; Gr.FToD.to 195 Ke.loE &95 dpecial- Polls F"! 007 10.95 Dragon 10.95 -Ufi 6pic! tum & aoocado tetb otnmber insided iJ ,. tn:r19.Deep-fried Toholc _ - aoocaAo€r eel sauce on the top) qQ-,t roll Slicy rnogo, sweet /I Salmon lovels 9.gs lp1/ eelstuce, masago & "#::"**:.,o.u},{,{:*rru";*,:,.,, - (satflon ta aoocailoinsiite (I-u@, salrno4 yellozotai) C;ea solt caab, ca rrrbet shirnp, ciablneat, soocaalo e ndisi sptout ins;ae & cudrmber irrside ut/ eel sarce on the top) lt masago outsi.te) s-uP€r lemPuia 12'95 Fashion (carihmiarcttu/ 8.95 'il#r,:fM;;,'*'0" ttnta on thc top) vorcano TLss t'j"f;fr"i"u-"u,*!i;tu 6piry tunae spicr salnon u/ eete'nuxo on iie iipi trrsiel?u/ ntasaso oukide- n"a 'pii1'""ii iiiq IaPanseries 14.9s Montauk "i 8.es ff:i*#:',f;H?* (Aoocadoins leuy'twu, - aoocaAo ofl the tob, spidt maqo tt scaltion- l]E Worlds€ries hi*tir'" .' _ - 14.95 :- -- __.!|lE Gied softsh2 oab ffio""n"n -. o^"'l' "' JFz'f #"#';H:, " r, trW*nffi'.n:'m;aspamgusiasidc u/ aocado, Gatifirrnia ro1 ur/ fiied spicy mayo,ecl sauce& ;;;i"-ft;;;;;;;; dasago on the top) *t roii, iiiisi 6"-' Uta 9.95 sca0ionon the top) gIPyn"n *+ rn*, crispy 7.ss .rat mce| toocado, ctEtorrbl'r, ff?r;ina flak$, debrrc^t aspomgc a ry instdcu/ t, o"ocaa; in iie u/ -osaso ectsotuc on ,he top, g eelsauec outsidd t!| Eetc.lifornia 11.95 &unchy pepper tuna1t.95 (Calilomia rolt zd .ct f (Tcmputafrakes e aoocado on thc ttp) -t ins lc a{pepper hria e e.l seuccon the top) -- OErofcotrtool 14-95V .Z Gcl, mbmnt creornchc6e American &eam 10.95 l- A aooudo itts redtun4 Ehrinp ternpta, eel,eg, - Z setmorr,!.Ilo.otail cTabmcsLaoocado I - - & ersau. ondt top) cttu$er insidc a/ mosexo- Ktalen 10.95 &..1seucc on rhe top) Grid c'ln toti lc& dabncst, Supersonic 13-95 .anbr A spic! rneyo insid. (Scautp, ctabtnat, masago d m'.'{go oubid.) Ltpam2ts d stttrt mavo irLaideA/ stto ke[s. tiat_ ah.id l4 ffiai- 6 *; t*\ 6P#$ Polt*t-..-*" f lir3oragoltuna u 7.ss | \Jpt.l soocad? (crubneat t, .roota.torolle.t . nslae u/.aooca.to,sptry ur/ thin sliceol cucumber /f:{|!1'Itor"e*' _,-lsrrymayoonthesidd -_ *rf,f*mr-firW;tw;rir',ii-7.es Mybesrrriend 1o.es i;;t::^::"#f:il. (Aoocado,.aspansustr pi,n"a,iaiil t"1ii"* caaoheat tnst.te v shnmp, tt slDeetsquash rcIled zoasau mayo u,/ thin slice of clrfimber) & nasago orr the top) 5'9s Plumtree 13.9s fr#E *r-r, n (Tuna, salmon,e leqoutail aooca.to insi/te) ircide u/3 differentcoto ' 6n -iii t"pt r.tu "7 "s _ fff)l}r n ,"*," ,*,* tTrncess f1.95 aio #ffi{ffiix d on thetop) & 4w&';tr"jfu,'" e wasabiwasaai nayonavo;a ot theti iop)nr; tenryn lhkes on!;"1f, the top) "'-* Htrfrnr;;X wwit"fisi e noancat l"g,i9ltPh- , 6--9s temw;a& essdlsraftt insida u/ eel saue on the tao) Effi",ii:ITl,ii|** " u.tt Eerspeciar. .'..\zes ffi#:::f[#,*, Yfl:'^ff|!i'*".tv."^ aiffio"i##.-'-r.rcide u/ ni,saso ir2iiiiT,#"*. *,. ". "ouEitrzt"n;Tr .'","d;,,,p;;;;L-; J Zt'lvd.n 6.ss n*ago " t"c-:9y:!::!r:"p.?, inside. seo7o224seta4 DeepiJri.4-r", -r, 'tls de) tu'/eelsaucc on thz top)' Adantic 5,95 8.es 'Wffif * (sptcqlgs. tun4 oshalko... & *iat;in i,*i*,- it-' *a- l!*y-*-."t 6.fi "p,""t (s,tt{ dam ta aooca,loi,tside .t- lcn'u3arc2on,op)cniti sairz ott tipi ;;j':fri;';;!t;;;;;#8;z* -f Cnzy tuna 11.95 scattioi on inc up| " E@cpper frma tt eoocado ",MGW-ar'spicynay6oattusaz) Wffi#ffiffi frizd or,ionon the topt Shrimp temDura 7.95 lSffi tzmira u/ eetu-"'r &6hi Du dinnereatrce S|rrhiR€rlltr 1a-9s uDrdon a9-95 o s of Md'or., &rH Bro .,lc.l@q@tllE e 6 w: of ,ina rcIl') ri.t aal tu..t BBQ tard) Sushi O.lue 2X chinrhi zLlE ao B of ch.f crtoitt tuhl e lUoi.ttoftffi.ffi.4 qdffidtdrCd,k) SalhimiDinnr ZL95 Hw. DrD B.D l:t.B 65 a oJd.f doie *3hrti (t6a stbnoa'@rti.t fuh szrb.d a, @t&. ,r..t E bn@,.tu ol.rfc '@thfi{t @ &la,bta ioa ,t 2 Sotr SdiEi Lede 24.95 d1'paia, 'pt ! 6@ o2 re of Mdoie a.hb'L Sn Z.tfthii@ wt 5 ,i\ ol i6rd e 5 pca sricv Dtld coDbo f.95 6Dt;a ,rt a .rt lt srhon e Tcktr don L9S AOt t olrae 6hit i 4;,cr-cewa-;'i4'tutD ar/ L.ttoa.n s6hi,itz) Mrlilov€/. 15.95 rc.ttffi totL tuatun SD6i.l bodfor 2 s6.95 65 '.!. of dd d@k' eitliaL 70 ie ol tuttn Ba6@ tuA Ve*.Lri|D S@hi a7,X ni.r tuittro e lo.tlntuU) Itu oloet ebr.ssl'i e isrhiroru 4s.es I 5b.ttryta.lq|tubtun', Oo t6 of A4 choilz 6a*a Veeet rirnD.Li 13.95 cattfni4 tulL t '],,e futl Oai@ o.sttb,. mu, ,ai'nba tun e .noca'to tuID It"ppanPlate Nabenono .1|*- Eir.li a ryryr.9s ^srttdhs 44oo4 Bed t6iy.ld d 8pi.ylE 95 d.td.at e od'.ttbldffil Bcd st rbimaki 19.95 d . r@t iton aa.ro|') (Aa'ngut o" 6@uk'A B€dn*iv.ri 19.9s Gliatd bc.L rofi. e ec4r.bL S.rmont€dytti 18.95 @t dbrrt bstlle fl shlimp t riy:fi f,95 I.p."a. dt rr.E w) Toftrttdy.ld 1'jL95 vcgcbbf.&riyaki 1295 DcatoDox $tai.l dtt ., @rtiari.tu J.pat6. SrfL Eot itd plta s.ro.d t4/V.a.r4bk A Rk2 S@ 6to.t t'bledqa+ c.bfu4irn,ft.dpo* Woz4.,'l.rar.ac.g., Tenpura *ad.n swnq 3h64i A Lisltb'n' e .'i!'Py d.a-l,t a 6..uett glaL t rocd|o/ti.., S.ti.ln/bntMw&rtc. .1li.r.,rrbox 19-95 thdmp & v.td.bre 17-95 Hbor 19.95 .'hr.r.'n & vcgetabl€ 17.95 Selmoabs 19.95 VeA.lable '.95 .t'i.Ld l(:t r bor 19.95 ToDtea bd 19-95 19.95 PlumTE€ ZL9S (Sbitq, cttL*a talnoa Srrhibor( ZL:IE uhtt. a oq.ttbl) Kaftn bor fsh Shlrhlm:tibor ZLS 6qongu. or .ctltorn Agcnono Totubor rA.9S Btudd adati.ds@t t4/ t *4rs'fai,'o.art,dl e tu , \'lgcr.ti.nDor f-95 chicl.n Lrrt|r a195 bloqdeL, Tonht8|r (pod4 149tt.
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