FOR NUi«. AMUSEMENT*. AMUSEMENT*. A.'WIWKtf K\r^ _ BALE TUNITY SELDOM OF- balk-two good liquor storks, one situ- MUSEUM WOOD'S. OARDEN. NIBLO'S GARDEN, 0 . BROADWAY' ated on corner of Pearl and Frankfort New tlie of A-FOR. fared), a wall lung established House in Fob streets, York; WOOD'S MONDAY. APRIL «. 1OT1 NIBLO'SSixth week of engagement the Immediate v>clnl ou a avenue, the other l« 244 York strtot, Brooklyn, close by the main en¬ EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATIN KB. MRS. JOHN WOOD. oSsoifiggssasBiAOAIl, BROADWAY. lepot leading and one of Ibe beat 4 :itv ; bar, lunch counter, trance to the Nar» Yard Inquire on either premises or to (iKKAT SUCCESS GRAND SUCCESS ' lodgings, lager beer. i tux 170 Herald Uptown the owner, NEAL MoGOLDRICK, 60 Flushing areuue, cor¬ of the celebrated and charming Artiste, OK ,3*gATKK M T BROADWAY* Branch office, l.tei h ner of Oxford, Brooklyn. MISS LAURA KEEN H, BURNAND'S BEST BURLESQUE, MISS LAURA KKKNK, POLL AND I'AKTNKR JOE, WELL STOCKED DRI o STORE.FOR BALE AT A SALK-8HOE STORE, established 16 YEARS, who will appear, for the last times, In bar exquisite and POLL AND PARTNER JOE, A great sacrllics; price 4800. siiflicleiit reasons lor selling FORdoing a good buslnes* lone lease i Iven; will take Hroon- world-famed impersonation of nroduoed with Q « real eitate or first In or KNTiRK NEW BY I ' given. Appl* at 1,846 Fulton street, near Ralph avenue, lyn mortgage exchanse good security MARY LK1QH, SCENERY HEISTER. ? HIT # Brooklyn. Mo agents. lfeold thu month. Apply on premises 1X1 Bridge atreet, In the thrilling and romantic Drama of Characteristic C. stum's. Properties and Decorations. ¦ U Brooklyn. HUNTED DOWN, FULL OPERATIC CHORUS. e e . * K SPLENDID WHEELER * WILSON SEWING ma- HUNTED DOWN, An augmented orchestra, under the direction of . .E, 1 Goods for salk-thk handsomest bird house in HUNTED DOWN. NAPIKR LOTHIAN. A HIT. A chine, with Cover, and *2,ll0u worth or Dry the I ntte 1 NEW josh hart ¦ale at great bargain*, Please call at 4w First avenue, near For State*; thU house represents a perfect SCENERY, COSTUMES. MACHINERY AND PROP¬ THE ENTIKh. TROUPE 0. L. FOX'S manage! street. ro°^ bouse suitable tor a lawn or advertisement. ERTIES, of everything new. Twenty-ninth No. 6 West thirteenth atreet. with tba advantage! of a superior cast. SIMMONS A HLOCl'M'S MINSTRELS nliw necSa¬ MATINEE PERFORM ANCES AT S P. M.. (eighteen In number), HUMPTY DUMPTY. NEW 514 CHOP HOUSE FOR SALE.WITH ALL sale.a well from their Opera House in NKW bdrle4^kvthinuBURLtfl All lary which is a good businees. The established cigar store, Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Philadelphia 'recently destroyed A Fixtures, doing 111 bealtn. au- Forwith fine Hock. Inquire at Broadway. Last week of tbe spectscular burlesque or by tire), tu give str>-m;th and variety to the Ethlo- NEW BUKLKsj/e SWAMP ftl« rea«on for selling it on account of proprietor'^ a^ery IJ8AM Lt KLINE: Dlan portion of the Burlesque. ALL NEW. NKW BURLESuUh" su droia F. 8., box 147 Herald otlice. SALK.A WELL ESTABLISHED THE KNIOIIT AND THE NAIADS. POLL AN D PARTNER JOE. NKW BURLESQUE 614 DISTILLERY OR, MAYBUD MKS. WOOD NKW BU RI.KSUi' K. HANDSOMELY FITTED i P CIGAR btore FOR I|»ORStori', wlih Stock, Fixtures and three yeirs' Lease; low Pauline Markbam, Belle Howltt, Roilm Howard, A. H. MART JOHN 614 44rt liudsou street. rent; splendid chance; owner U going out of the city. Apply Sheldon and the entire Woou's Muneum burlesque company. (as originally played by her In London over oue hundred NKW BURLESQUE. 614 A ¦ale. Inquire on the premises, at 142 West Nineteenth street. Preceded by the Comt-dv, In two acts, entitled, nights, In which character abe will alnf NKW I'll AM A. 614 HAPPIEST her Illimitable song of NKW drama. 614 1 WHKELER A WILSON'S bbwwo itaohctl, III DAY OF MY LIFE. NKW UKAMA cost »t 288 Weil LUIR sale-ONE OF THE best CORNER IU8 HI-ART WAS TRUE TO POLL, 514 A usea short time, for sale, for «4b, 874, 1 stores LIQUOR comique, for the llret time In America). NKW DRAMA. SUSAN. 614 Thirty-tilth street. on Grana street, Williamsburg; cheap rent and a Theatre 614 BROADWAY. BLACK BRANDON O. W. ANSON NKW drama. 614 large tra le attached. Adilrt:s> J. 11., box 187 Herald ollice. JOSH HART NKW DRAMA. MILLINER* AND dress ...Manager. HARRY HALYARD MISS JENNIE LKB NOLL, 614 NICE FANCY STORE, sale-a first THE LADIES' FAVORITE RESORT. JOK TILLER HARRY PEARSON TIIB MARBLE STATI'E TAHLF.AU, NKW drama. 614 making; well established; Leaiie, Stock and Fixtures class liquor store, in a An entire change of SAM SNATCHEM CHA8. MORTON lbs llnast picture ersr seen uu the staqe. NKW NEGRO SKETCH. THE 614 A tha Kallroad near the splendid neighborhood, with four lease from lat bill, for tale cheap at Fordham. By depot, Forwlih years' a new Burlesque, WATCHFUL WAXEND A. W. YOUNG NKW NEGRO SKETCH. 614 Catholio College. Apply to Mrs. u ibBON8, on the premises, May, splenJld llrst class Fixtures, consisting of lar^e, a new Drama, BEN BOWSE MISS EMILY WESTON FOX'S NEW TRICKS DECLARED THE FUNNIEST VET. NKW NKURO SKETCH. 614 or at r. coddlngtoli'S Book Store, 366 Bowery. matnlticent Mirrors, beautiful Ale I'ump, Ac. Cause of sell and a new sketch. LIEl'TENANT MANLY JULIAN CROSS NKW NKG HI) SKETCH. 614 Ine owner sick and going South. Inquire of F, B. MI'BlHA. Continued and undiminished success of the DAME TILLER.... ..HARRY COX SUCCESS OF EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING IN NKW nkoro SKETCH. BOY. 614 PROMINENT CORNER LIOUOR STORE FOR sale- Not. 8 and III Centre s.t, up stain, atter 11 o'ciook, Monday, WORRELL SISTERS, (SATURDAY), POLL MATINEE AT 3. THE NEW 11UMITV DL'MPTY. NKW NEGRO SKETCH, 614 Splendidly fitted up; four-pull pump. Also other Stores. MISS SOPHIE WORRELL, NKW NKiiRO SKETCH. 614 AApply to P. gaffney ft CO., Auctioneers, 86» Bowery. sale soda water apparatus, new miss ikese worrf.ll, THKATKfr.NILSSON-TO-MORBOW. TAKE THE CHILDREN TO SEE ITS WONDERS. NKW OLIO. BROADWAT. Forand second hand, all makes, ail prices and ail cheap; miss Jennie worrell, BOOTH'SN1LSSON MATIN ER MONDAY, APRIL*, AT I JO P. M. MATINEES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS at i NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. .OLD ESTABLISHED PROVISION BUSINESS Soda Water and Ottawa Beer lnrnishea In fountains. THE QUEENS OK BURLESQUE. Mr. BOOTH has the honor to announce that he hits con¬ NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. HEALY A «S street First week of tlin Buries me Nl-.W A . in Newark lor sale; doing a good trade, low rent, every¬ scripture, Liberty cluded an arrangement with tlie Messrs. Maurtcu and Max KTH AVKNt'E THIATRE, OLIO. BROADWAY. thing complete; or will exchange for real estate or take a BLACK EYED SUSAN, Slrakotch for « t.) Weill Twenty-fourth street, near Broadway. Curtain NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. partner; references exchanged. Apply to H. K. THURBER, SALE-A drug BUSINESS. long ESTABLISH- BLACK EYED SUSAN. ONE GRAND NILSHON HAMLET MATINEE, rises at 8. NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. Esq., corner of Chambers and greenwich streets. FOked; good trade; good location; would suit a physician. MISS SOPHIE WORRELL... as ...William. to-morrow (MONDAY), APRIL 0, AT 1 :3() P. M. (doors Soie Leases and Manager Mr. AUQliSTIN DALY. NKW OLIO. SISTERS, BROADWAY. Address D. D. Herald ollice. MISS IRENE WOKKELL ... .as.... Hatchet. open li JO), NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. HOTEL, FURNISHED, FOR SALE.ALSO THE MISS JENNIE WORRELL ....as....Suvan. HAMLET. NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. A Leases and Furniture ot several Hotela to sell in oity HALF..A NEW SALMON ROD WITH DUPLI- M1>S ADA W KAY as.... Raker. Mile. NILbSON in her greai role OPHELIA N K W OLIO. SISTERS, BROADWAY. and country ou liberal teruis. FORcate joints and tins, made by Harlow, of London. In¬ MISS KITTY O'NEIL as ...Gnatbrain. General admission two (J) dollars. Reserved seats one N K >V OLIO. broadway. uiogs ft SON, 206 Broadway. quire of A. G. UENEZ, No. 9 Chambers street. MISS KITTY TILSTuN as....Dolly Muytlower. and two dollars extra, according to location. NKW OLIO. BROADWAY. MR. JOHN WILD as Captain Crosntree. SEATS AT TUB sTRAKoSt'H OPERA TICKET OFFICE, ARTICLE ..47." ISOIMI IE, A HOTEL FOR SALE OR TO LEASE-1,071 mvrtlk sale-thk lfasf, and fixtures of a MK. JOHN HART as....Lord lll^h Admiral. AT THE EVERKTT HOUSE, IRKNK, BLACK LI iuor Store, now a the MR, LAKRY TOOLEY corner ot Seventeenth street aud Fourth avenue. the new Parisian sensation. IJKNMK. J\ avenue, Brooklyn; splendid location, overlooking For doing cood business; property MR. as....Dame Hatley. Brooklyn and New York and fitted In Cist class style; open can be bounght If desired. Apply at 153 Henry street, E. 1). (loomNO as .,. Diogrss*. Stelnway's pianos used liy the Slrakoscn Company. ISOI'IUK, MR. SAM RICH FY a«. of the four ) ears. Can apply at Oyster Bay, 1,144 Broadway, New Brooklyn. ...A inlr*l Red. THURSDAY, April U. and FRIDAY, April l'i.BROOKLYN EVERY EV EN IN O. IRKNK, EYED York. MR JAMES HHADLY as....Admiral of the Black. IJKNMK. SALE.the lease, stock and fixtures of MASTER MARTIN as... A.lmlra o! the Yellow. \17 ALLACK'S. SOPHIE. GOOD ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST Fora lirst class Gents' Furnishing bt ire, on Broadway. The burlesque will be produced with new music, and all of *V LAST NIG11T8 IRENE, BUSINESS, lor reason given for sellins.
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