x o m m m w m t historical asso. eagEaottti.ssu'!. ^ L'APLE STBEE St. Joseph’s Pastor __ Sept. 26 Set By Board ' Succumbed'In Jersey . Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey: Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association As Date For New. Poll Cfty 'ftospital; Many On Proposition Beaten Of Clergj At Service 82nd YEAR — 6th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1950 Single Copy Six Cents A t July 18 Election - The Most Rev. George W. Ahr, \lutuwim TtAvnnhlp Board Of bishop of the Trenton diocese, C^ll For 40 Men Tier 'Suspended Education voted Monday to hold . edebrafed a pontifical mass ’ of X-RAY ATOM u second special election Sept. 26 requiem : Tuesday In St. Joseph's Taxi Rights Are Adviqp has been received f^om Class Hours Set on the proposition to ibond the dis­ Church/for the Rt. Rey..Msgr. John . Thrto counts oul of 15 on Daniel S. Weigand. chairman of which he was being tried wero trict for $204,000 for school Improve* P, Burke, pastor of the, Keyport Local D raft B o trd 46. Room 1. ment purposes. Tho first vote on church, who died Friday morning For Half-Session upheld last night against Patrol­ bsitraen?, Red Bank Poll Office, man Gilbert O. Tier* Midlion this proposal, at u special election in St, Francis Hospital, Jersey City. that.tha Selective Service, Sym- July Id, resulted in its defeat, $00 Msgr. .Burke, who was 73, had been Tovynship Committee Is Grades To Be Affected Township police, by Ihe town­ Jem pf Haw Jersey hat issued a ship committee. He wai sus­ voles lo 290. a patient in'the'hospital for several call on B oard 46 fo r 40 additional ..... Asked To Restrict Cabs , Not Yet Determined; Tho proposition involves thrco weeks. Surviving are two nieces, pended for one month. Tier was men. Board 46 Includes the under aiispinslon since Aug. i separate proposal as follows: Miss Mary Burke of Keyport, and From Keyporl And Five New Teachers Are entire bayshore area.' • and he wiil not be restored lo (u) to spend $14,000 fo r Iho pur-, Mrs. -Mary Burkhord of Philodcl Matawan After Dispute Tho. men will report ior medi­ Hired; New By? Ruling duty until Sept. 1, chaso of 22.4 acres of land know n phia. ■' cal examination at the Red Bank- . Rights to pick up taxi fares in Chief Otto Kengetter preferred us the lvins-Mclnr.cr trod near • : A div in e oITice for thc dead was Post Office, Red. Bank on Aug. ■Hours fo%some grades to go on Matawan Township came before half session, in Mntawan Elemen­ the charges, Tho three counts on Union Ave. for present use us au chanted by assembled dfoccsan 17 at 7x30 a.m. Bute* will trans­ athletic field und tho eventual site, the municipal meeting Thursday tary School this fall' Witl bo which ihe patrolman waa found priests and members of religious fer the men to Newark for medi­ of n now school. , night after It Was reported a Koy­ u.m. to 12:30 p.m, und 12:110 p.m. tb guilty were actions unbecoming orders prior to the pontifical mass. cal examination and return them port und Laurcncc Harbor operator 4:30 p.m;, RusscU A, G. Stetler, an officer, leaving hli post while <l>) to spend $125,000 to udd six . PurisHgncrs attended a requiem Jo Rfld Bank. had come to such a point of dispute supervising principal, lummineed on duty and using profane lang­ rooms to the present ClifTwood mass at 8 a.m. Tuesday and All registrants are 'request^ over the matter - that an assault Monday at tho meeting.of tho Mata­ uage to • superior officer, The School building. spccial children's service also was to keep Board 46 Informed of complaint had been filed. wun Township, Hoard of Education. more serious among the 12 other (r) io spend an additional 9129,000 held. Thc Dfcy Funeral Horn?, any change of address, or change Items against him were charges to build u new slx.roojp unit for Tho compluint was.-entered b> Tho hours Imvc been approved by Keyport, wiis in charge of arrange- of marital status. : Joseph E. Clayton, county superin­ of being drunk on duty,' drink­ grammar si'hool purposes .ou tho • mcnts,'. ■ —The -boardu- j - i _ j it * Albert Nci?on, Keyport, against tendent of schools, according to Ing on duty and sleeping ot\ duty. slle of the present Mntawan school. R t ‘ Rev. M sjjr;" B u rk e w a s ; or* . .These ..three, ch arg es were . a-m. l g ^ j).m,>p.m ., 'eexcepling x c epting taxiriaurenca Harbpr.-The trouble- 'M prstetitfi'; Ju srw lv ttt 'ur-ndc* w in This unit w ill ho.desJilnRd. t»u..thttt._.. aained on June 13, 1908Pand,~ha<f Saturday and Suhday. P hone rvquaihsd-on strength of ieailmony- nddillimti -feud liy. cuii_bc-inadc._ is alleged to have occurred July 29 be <,nftxitrcrnyahnorbe"l;ni‘nvrr‘an been 'pastor of the Keyport parish, by Mrs. William Burlew, wife of R ed Bank 6-5024. after a dispute* over fares near the cuinplote'enroilineht figures are In In view of the dcfent this propo­ which !' also included. Matawan' the proprietor of Burleyr's Rest­ sition incurred In belli/ proscntrrl Seacots, Cliffwood Beach. Mr. Nel­ next month,-the superviaing princi­ Borough, Matawan Township'and aurant, and a bartender in the son withdrew the charge when thc pal stated. * t<j tho voters as "ono packago" July scctiom of Raritan and Marlboro employ of the restaurant. Both matter was brought up before ■ Mr. Stetler nlso announced It 18, question was rulscd If It might Townships, since 1929. denied under questioning by the Guadalcanal Post Magistratft._Lulh:ciL-^A^.Foster_.fQr_ would bo necossnryMo extend'the not bo better .to submit tho propoH- ----- MadflMomlfln6r^Irrl948 committeo tjie policeman was hearing Aug. 2 Tloirtnjrhour-for-hlgh school-pupils nln at three elootloiKs, It was felt The Keyport pastor was elevated intoxicated when he wenT on those who hnd objection to~olily~ Mr. Lcuming appeared the next from 3:011 p.im to. 3:22 p.ni. to get in to thc rank of domestic prelate with duty July 7. ..They reporUd he one proposal hnd voted nguirtHt tho night before thc Matawan Township Photographs'revealing-basic neW. information on the Irregularities tho required study time. D * ■the title of Right Reverend drank only three glasses ol beer . whole proposition on this basin, and Committee to declare ho wus "‘too of atomic arrangement have Jbeen produced more clearly and accurately Herbert C. Smith, o board mem­ Monsignor by Pope Pius XII on at their place. such nn unfavorable attltudn could Ask Twp. Committee mad and too hurt" about thc matter in a Rutgers University laboratory than ever before. Dr. Alfred B. Reis, ber, wanted to know why ii l.V M ay 2. 1940. In recognition of his ho ovci^ome by giving tho votorn To Adopt Ordinance to talk, lie asked to sec a copy of right, specialist in ihe. slate University's Bureau of Engineering Research, minute lupso for the benefit of a single proposition ut u tlmn to the ordinance and inquired about and his associate* Sigmund WeUsmak traco ilow of x-rays In double tenchcrs und pupils could not be Which Police Could Act x-ray,spectrometer, only one of its kind In the world. act upon. ' a. promise of jjpecial right in thc insorlcd by running tho morning Township To Sell Analyse Defeat Against Offenders Beach area allegedly ipudc him. session from B:lft u.m. to 12;in p.m. H e referre d ' Uie atten tio n of the Mr. Stetler nnid this -would upset . c’on»lderuilou of _11»is ..led bonrd Michael F. Kidzus, commander of committee to -the Nelson- incident thu transportation uminut'incnls too. $37,800 New Bonds members into an analysis im to Uie G uadalcanal Post 4745, V eterans of Amboy Man Held likely causes for the July 18 se t­ and asked If UiQje. was to be no much, requiring the him to he Foreign Wursi Matawan-ClifTwood restraint put upon1 the activities of operated u half hour earlier. back. W, Vincent Putton dBiitred asked the Matawan Township Com­ Road Improvements To outside taxlmen in the. township; For Two Crashes Bus, Car Crash Tho bonrd decided to oltornate he fell It “disgusting" that peoplo mittee, Thursday, to . introduce half‘session classes by scmestern, who hnd not voted iu /ichoot elec­ Chairman John Murz jr., of thc Be Carried Out This some sort of an ordinance" by those littcndlng seliool in the inor- tions for years, porsons whose cliil* JowAshJp committee, professed to Year; Some Work To which hoarders und storekeepers Union Beach Woman Staten Island Man nings in the fall going iu tho after­ dim were out of school, attending doubt there ■ was a. regulutlon in guilty of ‘ tie-in” sales and giving noon in the spring and vice veriai.- Be Done In 1051 private M'hools, or who hud Ito force at the time by tvhjch outside Hurt In Collision Found To Be Driving foodstuffs and articles in short James Street warned tlie hoard children, turned out lo voto in such taxlmen could be' restricted, but supply lo preferred customers could On Lower Main St. Without License • . that passage of n new hill entitling 1 IdikIm to llu; am ount of nssurrcd Mr. Learning the matter numbers. ” " ' - • be criminally prosccutcd. all children to ride wh(>flc< iMrcnh will he issued hy Matuwan Town lie also blasted the “ohunietor of getting an cnforcablc ordinance A driver wrtnled for allegedly One woman wns injured Friday >.hi|i for tin* Im provem ent 'o f strctrtH Mr.
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