THE STllR4ANaif RIP GET IT UP FRONT Ipril 6, 1945 Pass This S and S On. Volume 1, Number 2 Others Like It, Too! Daily Newspaper of U S Armed forces in the European Theater of Operations MacArthur Is Named Reds End Allied Pacitic Chief Ninth, British Join at Weser WASHINGTON, April 5 (Reuter) Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in the South- In New Push Toward Berlin; Pc3.cc Tic west Pacific, will command all Allied forces in the Pacific theater, it was announced here today. Adm. Chester W. Nimifcs, U.S. With Japs Pacific Fleet commander, will Nazis Hold On in Wurzburg head all Allied naval forces in the Pacific, the announcement Soviet Foreign Commissar Vya- stated. Observers in Washington have Karlsruhe Falls; chcslav Molotov yesterday handed said for some time that MacArthur to T. T. Sato, Japanese Ambassador would command the armies that Third Gains in to Moscow, a statement from the invade China and Japan's^ home- Kremlin which told the Japanese land to bring an end to the government that it would be im- Pacific war, while Nimitz conducts Gotha Area possible for Russia to renew its the operations that lead up to neutrality pact with Japan when such action. Another Allied drive on Berlin it expires next month. started rolling last night as troops of the Ninth U.S. Army and the The note explained to the Jap British Sixth Airborne Div. linked government that the pact was up along the Weser River, 175 signed in 1941 before Great Britain New Landing miles west of the German capital. and the U.S. had entered the war Late dispatches gave the Ameri- against Japan, and that because can and British units an approxi- Britain and the U.S. were now Made on Isle mate 15-mile front along the west allies of Russia, Japan's position in bank of the Weser, about 25 miles ' the Pacific war was a direct aid to west of Hannover, Reich provin- Germany in its war against Russia. Near Japan cial capital on the main cross- Congressmen in Washington saw country autobahn to Berlin. Russia's denunciation of the peace There has been no official an- pact as a step by the Soviets toward GUAM, Apr. 5 — American troops nouncement of a crossing of the a declaration of war on Japan. yesterday made a new landing on Weser, but frontline correspon- The pact will expire April 25, a Jap island between Okinawa and dents'1 reports have placed U.S. the day the San Francisco con- Japan's mainland island of Kyushu tanks within 22 miles of Hanno- ference convenes. while other Army troops, and ver, which would indicate that the Marines widened their grip on armored elements had gained a ^ „ 1 * Okinawa itself with new advances bridgehead of at least three miles i OK.'yo" east .of the Weser. News of Third Scant announced today. Quits in Crisis The name of the island where News of the. U.S. Third Army's the new landing was made was not push toward Berlin from the south- disclosed. west has been meager since the WASHINGTON, April 5 — Pre- capture of Gotha, 145 miles south- On Okinawa, Tenth Army troops Striking east from the Ruhr pocket, the Ninth U.S. and the Second mier Koiso and his cabinet re- and Marines of tthe Third Amphi- British Armies reach the Weser River, with Hannover and the direct west of the enemy capital, more signed today "in view of the war than 24 hours ago. bious Corps, both under the com- road to Berlin dead ahead. To the south, Patten closes cn Erfurt, At least three Third Army tank situation" and Adm. Zorki, 77-year- mand of, Lt. Ged. Simon Buckner, Patch nears Nurnberg and the French head for Stuttgart. old naval expert, has formed a fought down the east coast of the columns have pushed out along new government with the approval island to within three miles of the -west-east autobahn in the .of the Emporer, Tokyo Radio an- Naha, capital of the island, despite Gotha area. The most advanced of nounced today. heavy Jap artillery barrages from Soviets Battling in Vienna; these armored elements was Washington observers,, interpret- well-concealed positions high in the reported less than 70 miles from ing Koiso's resignation as a con- hills overlooking the American the Czechoslovak border and fession that Japan had lost the beachhead. All of Hungary Is Cleared closer to Berlin than the Rhine. war in the Pacific, declared that Meanwhile, troops which split the Farther south, the U.S. Seventh the appointment of Zorki, who has island after a push two days ago Army • has run into increasing resistance in its advance into ibecn in. retirement for 17 years, drove steadily ahead toward the Marshal Rodibh Malinovsky's Second Ukrainian Army, driving south meant that Japan wanted a naval base at Nakagushuku Bay. from' captured Bratislava^ linked up with the right wing of Marshal southwestern Germany and toward government that would take steps Warships and planes supported the Feodor Tolbukhin's Third. Ukrainian Army today as the main spearhead Nurnb.urg. Stiffest opposition was being encountered by the Tenth .to prevent the destruction of the American operation. of Tolbukhin's Army fought violent street battles inside the Austrian Japanese homeland. capital of Vienna, reports-^ from. Mosfow said last night. Army and the 100th Inf. Div. around Klingenberg and Heilbronn. Two More in Philippines Moellersdorf, nine miles east of Luzon, P. I., April 5 — Two new Tito Reaches Moscow Vienna, fell to the Third Ukrainian Foe Clings to Wurzburg Jap Mass Suicide landings have been made on tanks, while an important communi- In the center of Lt. Gen. islands in the Philippines Group, With Cabinet Members cations tot^n 15 miles southwest of Alexander M. Patch's sector, the Gen. MacArthur's headquarters Bratislava was captured by Second Germans continued to bitterly Tound on Island Ukrainian troops. announced today. MOSCOW, April 5 — Marshal Tito, contest their, remaining half-hold Troops of the new Eighth Army regent of Jugoslavia, accompanied Moscow papers, heralding the on Wurzburg. Part of the 42nd The first mass suicide of Japanese landed on Tawitawi in the south- by his premier and foreign minister, Bratislava victory, declared . that Div's 232nd Regt. in the north of civilian refugees fleeing in the path western Philippines to seize air- Dr. Ivan Subasic, and other mem- Vienna was being partially eva- the city has regained ground lost cuated by civilians. of American troops has been dis- dromes and a small naval base bers of the cabinet, airlved in earlier to counterattacks which Moscow Radio said last night that covered on the island of Tokashiki less than 30 miles from Jap-held Moscow today. They were greeted almost drove them back to the Red armies had now completely Island, in the Keramas, according Borneo while Sixth Army troops with ceremony by leaders of the (Continned on Page 4) to 'a dispatch to the European landed on a small island between Soviet Union, ' headed byj Foreign cleared Hungary of German troops. edition of the New York Herald Luzon and Leyte. Secretary Vyacheslav M. Molotov. (Continued on Page 4) Tribune. Ninth Army Returns American patrols found 150 to 200 To Bradley Command men, women and children dead or Geneva Rules? Ask These Rescued PWs idying from strangulation or grenade SHAEF, April Command of the U. S. Ninth Army today re- wounds, the dispatch said. Most By Howard Byrne soon would be home. The Americans will be flown to verted to Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley's Japanese in the Keramas, it said, the French coast for trans shipment to the U.S. The Stars and Stripes Staff Writer 12th Army Group following an have acted no differently than British will go by air to England. It will be a flight official announcement from Allied front-line refugees in Europe. BAD ORB PW CAMP, April 4 (Delayed)— Thej from death. Supreme Headquarters. Cpl. Alexandef*"Roberts, of New were burying their dead at Bad Orb for the last time. Don't mention the Geneva convention to any of the Originally with the 12th Army York, described the scene as the Six thousand, six hundred Allied soldiers including Bad Orb boys. For them it's just a dirty joke. Most "most horrible" he had ever beheld. Group, Lt. Gen. William Simpson's about 3,509 Americans stood at attention and presented of the Americans had no cots and were forced to sleep force had been transferred to Field As he and other soldiers entered arms as the bodies of two American boys, wrapped on the floor of icy barracks with only a single thin a ravine, they saw three persons Marshal Sir Bernard Law Mont- in blankets, were carried by their buddies to the pri- strip of blanket for cover. Prison diet was vile. For standing in front of trees, bending gomery's 21st Army Group for tac- son graveyard. Thirty-six American soldiers had died as if bowing stiffly. breakfast men were given coffee with sugar and noth- tical reasons during the German at Bad Orb since the beginning of the year. These two ing else. The brew was so bad that it made some offensive in the Ardennes last De- "Then we saw what had made had died a few hours'before the liberation came. vomit. Lunch consisted of one litre of soup. At supper cember. them so rigid" he said. "They had When tanks of the 106th Cavalry Group thundered each man received one-seventh of a loaf of blaek bread The transfer puts Gen.
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