Tfnirtday, i April 7, 1032 THE BIG TIMBER PIONEER PAGE SEVEN abutment at the entrance of a tunnel Into which the train war King George Presides Irate Florida Citizens moving. At Annual Ceremony Demand Prisoners Official Directory Officers Investigating S un day found a pistol there with one cart­ LONDON, March . - For the LAKELAND, Fla., Match .—A ridge exploded. They said the gun first time since the reign of James mob of more than 2,000 persons United 8tates SUMMONS had been recently fired, possibly n the king of England presided in jammed the city Jailyard here 8unday, April 10 President—Herbert C. Hoover of State of Montana, County of when the bandit fell. person today at the traditional dis­ Sunday night clamoring for pos­ California 8weet Grass, ss. Two Los Angeles detectives, Har­ LUTHERAN Vice President—Charles Curtis of tribution of the Maundy Thursday session of three members of the Rev. A. A. Holbeck, Pastor In the Justice Court of the ry r. HSrhaxdt and A. L. Bergeror, pence to the poor In Westminster Kansas family of Sam Acree and Joseph Sunday School at 10 a. m. Township of Big Timber, before 8.whose guns were in their suitcases Abbey. Speaker of House—John N. Gamer A Johnson, a neighbor, all held in Services In English at 11. Special G. Webster, justice of the peace. when the holdup took place, were The custom originally included connection with the slaying of o f Texas Sigurd Lavokl, Plaintiff robbed of $15. Horsman gave the music. Secretary of State—Henry L. Stlm- versus distribution of money and provi­ two Lakeland policemen at 4 p. m. bandits $39 AO and his hat but Services at Melville at 3 p. m. son of New York Qunder Island, Defendant. sions to the needy. N ot fo r 200 Thomas A. Nicholson, 47, and W. Y. P. League meets 7 p. m. managed to conceal a wallet con­ years had a king taken part In per­ T. Barnett, 54, veteran members of Secretary of Treasury—Ogden L. The State of Montana to the Choir rehearsal Wednesday at. Mills of New York above named defendant. Greeting: taining $3,000 from the robbers. son. the Lakeland police force and two Ton are hereby summoned to Police and sheriffs officers of Today King George and Queen cf the most popular officers In the 1 P- m. ¡Secretary of Navy—Charles F. Ad- be and appear before me, 8. O. Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Mary went to the Abbey together city were killed instantly as they Confirmation class meets Wed-1 ams of Massachusetts Webster, a justice of the peace In Francisco counties were being aid­ with a procession of ecclesiastical approached the Acree home, nesday at 4 :» and Saturday at 2. Secretory of War—Patrick J. Hur­ and for the county of Sweet ed by railroad officers In the search. ley of Oklahoma and court dignitaries. ! Another group of officers arriv- EVANGELICAL CHURCHES Grass, at my office In Big Timber, The Dean of Wells wore the sym- ing at the house found Sam Acree, Attorney General — William D. Rev. Andrew Roukema, Pastor on the 27th day of April, A. D. bollcal towel of the lord high al-!55, his wife, his son, Perry Acree. Mitchell of Minnesota 19» at 10 o’clock A. M.. of said_____Brown’s___ ________________ Stand on__ Mall moner. The lord high steward and and Johnson. A ' .38 caliber revol- Big Timber Church Postmaster General — Walter F. Contract. Not Popular the lord high bailiff who attend ;ver with five chambers empty was Sunday School at 10 a. m. Brown of Ohio services In the Abbey only when found discarded In a corner, Morning service at 11. Secretary of the Interior—Ray Ly­ named plaintiff, in a certain action Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. to recover the sum of One Hun­ WASHINGTON, March A the king Is present, were In the! Mrs. Acree told police that John- man Wilbur of California processlon. Ison did the shooting. Police said Evening service at 8. Secretory of Agriculture—Arthur dred Porty-lWe A no-100 ($145.00) hearing on airmail contracts has Prayer meeting and Bible study ___________________ Dollars and the costs of this ac­ resulted in a warning to Postmas­ The king and queen sat together all the Acrees were under the in- M. Hyde of Missouri tion on account of sums of money behlnd the altar rail. The 87 men fluence of liquor. Perry. Acree was in the book of Revelation tonight secretary of Commerce—Robert P. ter General Brown that unless he (Thursday) at the parsonage. | Lamont of «««*<■ loaned to you by plaintiff at vari­ changed his attitude a law might and 87 women who had been se- a star state witness in a recent ous times since about January 1, compel him to do so. lected to receive the gift filed be- murder case which caused high Choir practice Saturday evening aecretory of Labor-William N. 1 9 », amounting to $20.00,—and fore them. There was one man'feeling In Polk county recently, at 7 at the parsonage. | o t Virginia sums of money loaned to you by Chairman Mead of the House poetofflce committee told the post­ and one woman for each year of Sheriff J. A. Johnson and his ,_TJ*e wrill meet on ¡chief Justice Supreme Court— one 81na Peterson at various times the king’s age. ! deputies announced they had the Wednesday, April 13, at the churchl Charles Evans Hughes of New since about January 1, 19», a- master general that unless he G lass ton Church Then he gave to each a white j situation In hand and would re- York mounting to $ 135 .00,—the claim of stopped granting extensions of air Sunday 8chool at 2 p. m. said 81na Peterson having hereto­ mail contracts to companies with­ pouch containing th e Maundy ¡move the prisoners sometime Sun- Associate Justices — Benjamin N. money In specially minted coins, ¡day night to the county jail at Afternoon service at 3. Cardozo of New York; Wil­ fore been assigned to plaintiff out competitive bidding a bill tak­ Christian Endeavor at 8 p. m. herein, ing away Brown’s discretionary This ceremony is a survivial of Bartow. lis Vandevanter of Wyoming; And If you fall to appear and powers probably would be passed the times when the king used toj --------------------------- James C. McReynolds of Ten­ CHURCH OF GOD . answer as above required, judg The reply from the postmaster wash the feet of 12 poor m en In nessee; Louis D. Brandels of ment will be taken against you ac­ commemoration of the washing of S m u g g lers P la y Safe 8unday 8chool at 10 a. m. Massachusetts; George Suth­ general was the flat assertion the Preaching to follow. cording to the complaint. existing system was In the public the Apostle’s feet by Jesus. erland of Utah; Pierce Butter Given under my hand this 31st At Any Cost Preaching at 8 p. m. Sunday and interest. of Minnesota; Harlan F. Stone day of March. A. D. 19». Wednesday nights. of New York; Owen J. Roberto 8. O. Webster, “I don’t myself believe In com­ Phoenix Paper Sued | WASHINGTON, March .—The of Pennsylvania Justice of the Peace petition in the public service,” he ¡inside story of a new “racket* said, adding that he favored some By Dr. W. C. Judd ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC Speaker of House—John N. Garner E. O. Overland. _____ j which the labor department Is Rev. A. J. Schuh, Adm. Big Timber, Montana central control over air mall such o f Texas. Attorney for Plaintiff. as the Interstate Commerce com PHOCHIX, Art,., M.rch > Big Timber Chuck Pub. March 31, April 7-14-21-19» mission has over railroads but that 8econd Sunday 9 a. m. U. v. senators—Thomas J. Walsh the time was “not yet ripe” for it. Fourth Sunday. 11 a. m. of Helena; Burton K. Wheeler iuSHf ttliraSi.uoSSu.'Si; i 'hTSuwd'hSw Reed Point Chuck Back of the clashes between named defendant today In a $7S-' °™ Te “ **•,. “ * rwsted how o f Butte Hero of Blizzard *«• « „ u i w wi w i his ‘department had uncovered a Second Sunday 11 a. m. • Mead and the postmaster general 000 suit, alleging libel, brought by Iii.« Congressmen—John M. Evans ot n . william n i wM hwiMwi 0f , growing conspiracy in which alien Fourth Sunday 9 a. m. Faces Bright Future was the complaint by air operators Dr. William C. «uou, uummuu w smuggling, extortion and even Missoula, first district; Scott Winnie Ruth Judd described as independents that murder play a part. Leavitt of Great Falls, second March The suit Is based on the Gaaette’s SEVENTH DAT ADVENTISTS LAMAR, Colo., March* —Out they were discriminated against The senators listened attentive- district. ofu* obscurityw»uu»j «<to a hero’s honors and no attention was paid to their ««i|iwdescription u «• of an**"-"*«“ incident * » in Judge __ h. iIm m i m »tvnrta « f h it Sabbath School at 2 p. m. Montana Federal Officers and a bright future, 13-year-old offers to carry the mall for less i Howard C. Bpeakman’s court nom i 't t»hrtn Federal Judges—First district, Goo. Bryan Untiedt has traveled for-.than it Is being handled now. Ilast Monday, at which time County ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL M. Bourquta of Butte. Second ward swiftly in the 12 months I Mead complained during the Attomey Lloyd J. Andrews was de-biSS Rev.
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