OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD mHm.NCt MATERIAL 101(1« (ANSI »nil ISO TEST CHART No 2) f> fl <rj Repor 0\0W Restricted (|.tZ) B.f:THA-(S.8) Rsport to the Government of Thailand establishment of a National Packaging Centre in Thailandj I I I jé ••: ! J. A.C. TOULTifl UNIDO TECHNICAL EXPERT r RESTRICTS) Onited Nations Industrial Development Organisation Special Industrial Services Report to the Government of Thailand on Establishment of a National Packaging Centre in Thailand, Ministry of Industry Bangkok Thailand Baf« THA-15VA (SB) A.C. Poultor, Technical Assistance Expert October, 1971 PlftrtMIffB 1. Group Captain VL-non Wiriyawlt, Director General Department of Industrial Promotion. 3. Mr. I»A. Siddiqui, Chief Section for Asia and Far last Technical 11 Co-operation Division. 1. Mr. T. P. Power Jn. Resident Representative U.ÎÎ J).P. 1. Mr. N. Ramo-Ericson WWO Field Advisor 1» Mr. A. Manos, Chief Technical Assistance Unit Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. I 1. Author I This report ha« not been cleared vüth the bureau I of technical Assistance Operations of the Itaited Hâtions, which does not therefore necessarily share the views expressed. I the report hat been read by and agreed with the CeunJborpart of the Technical ¿.astsian». ' At the time of duplicating the report has not been seen by the Director General of the Department of Industrial Promotion although the genere! outline has be«» discussed with hin. CONTENTS P'JUGRIFH NO. PAGE HC. SLWiJiY OF RETORT AND CONCLUSIONS «TOW I A TEItMS OF REFERENCE 1 1 ¡3 GENERAL OUTLINE OF PRCGiuifiE A 2 I C PACKAGING AND P..CKAGEÍG TECHNOLOGY IN THAILAND 5 2 1. PACKAGE PRODUCERS jJJD USERS 5 2 I 2. THE THAI PACKAGING ASSOCL.TIJÎ 7 A 3. PACKAGING H7ISI0N OF THE SMALL INDUSTRIES I SERVICES INSTnUTE 11 U D THE NEED FOR A NATIJNAL PACKAGING CENTRE H 5 E 3ASIS OF OPERATION OF THE IL-TIMLL PACKAGING CEÎTR1 AID ITS LOCATIüN 17 F CO-OPERATION JETAI THE PACKuGEtG CENTRE AMD INDUSTRY 13 7 G HPCTIQKAL STRUCTURE F R THE CENTRI 19 a 1. DIRECTOR'S OFFICE 22 a 2. CCitWNICATPNS DIVISION 22 9 3. TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION 25 U H STAFF STKDCTUIJ FOR THE CEWTBI 34 17 1 JOB DESCRIPTIONS, '4DRK TltOGRL'JOB AMD TRA»I\>G 39 10 J TECHNICS ASSISTANCE EXPERTS 40 19 K OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE FOR THE CENTRE 50 20 L JUILDINGS FOR THE C9tTIS 60 23 M EQUIPMENT FOR THE CINTRE 72 27 H FINANCES 76 20 O FURTHER ASSISTANCE MISDED FROM UNITED NATIONS 79 20 p coîicLusioNj am PRIORITéS 31 29 Q ACKNOULBDQMEITS m 31 •PROCEEDING LIST 9f nmm PiJtm.PH PAGE NO. % OnGJWIZ/iTIONAL DIAGRAÌMIINISTRY OF INDUSTRY 17 6 2 OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE FOR THE CENTRE 51 20 3 FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE FOR THE CENTRI 21 3 4 ST.JT STRUCTURE FOR THE CENTRE 37 17 5 BUILDING LAYUUT PLAN "A" (SBI) PHASE 1 62 23 1 - 2 - 1 ARAGliAPH NO. PAGE NC, 6 T'ILDEÎG LAYOUT PLAM B..w (SISI) PHASE 2 62 23 1 7 PL/JIT LAYOUT ?i.CKi.GE TEST EG U¿. PL. J "A" 62 23 PHASE 1 à 2 62 23 1 3 BUILDING LAYOUT PUN "3" (IPDC) PHASE 1 1 9 3UÏLDING LAYOUT PLAN "3" (IPDC) PHASE 2 62 23 10 PLANT UYOUT PACKAGE TESTING LA3. PLAM «3" 62 23 PHASE 1 è 2 1 hìSÌ °f TtfliSf 1 1 SCMtAKY OF INTEREST DI PACKAGING CENTRE 15 6 2 ANALYSIS (F STAFF REQUIREMENTS - SUMMARY 37 17 1 3 ANALYSIS OF STAFF REQUIREMENTS - DETAILS 37 17 4 SCHEDUIE Œ FELLO'SHIPS 43 19 1 5 TA3LE OF COST OF FELLO'CHIPS 48 19 6 SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL ASSISTiJICE EXPERTS 57 20 1 AMD COSTS 7 StriMülY OF CAPITAL AND RETENUE C^STS m 2.1 1 SUM4AKY OF SALAitï ¿JP OTHER REVENUE COSTS 30 20 9 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL 3PBTOITUEE - FURNITUuB 30 23 1 EQUIPMENT 1 10 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FOE 3UILDIN0S 30 23 lasan, Wàè~îSêMM 1 i JÙ.Ì DESCRIPTION FOR TECHNICAL EXPERT ii LIST OF COMPANIES & ÛTESR CfiGAJIZATIûNS 1 VISITED éM NUKJER OF REGISTER!!) COMPA'IBS in NEED FOR A MATIOIÍAL PACKAGING CINTRE 1 IV 1) JOOK LOT _ 11) PERIOD ICALJ LIST V EUROPEAN PACKAGING UDERATION TRAINING 3YLAJUB 1 VI POSITION OF STANDARDS IN THAILAND VII STAFF JOB DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDING T.A. SPIRT 1 VIII EQUIPMENT LISTS DC PREPARATION OF S I NOTES ON PACKAGE TESTING L.JURATORY SHOCK JASES 1 (a) THE IST^iLISHMENT CF L UATIuHAL FAGL.GING CENTRE IN TK*'.ILJ!D SlSftúJff OF RE?CRT This report covers a three months visit of a UMIDÌ Technical Assistance Expert to r.ssist the Government of Thailand by assessing the ne 1 for a Thai Nrtion^.l Packa-in • Centre and preparing r. blue print for tho Centre. The export was nssi.^od to the Department of Industrial Promotion and had as his counterpart the Chiof of tho Packa.^in.; Division of the Small Industries S rvices Institute. I As a result of discussions and visits to industry, Government Doprrtmonts and with Members of the Thai National Packa-in»; Association I it was concluded that there is a need for a packa in ; centre which would include in its functions p?.cka-in;' informât ion, training packte promotion and a technical advisor/, and testing service« I Functional and staff structures have buen reprred and the operation of each unit is diacussed in tho ro:ort. Job specifications and training schedules are .-ivon fjr mid Ho and. senior levels of staff. One section is devoted to tho o;ierational sequence for the Centre. Equipment and book lists have been prepared and buildings have also been considered. L I section is liven to summaries of the revenue and capltil costa for the proposed pooka ;in;.' centre. Proposals have boon made re ;ardin.-j further assistance from tho United Nations in respect of training fellowships, technical assistance experts and assistance towards the cost of plant and equipment from abroad. The report has been covored in detail with my counterpart, discuss with the Deputy Director of SBI and briefly with the Director General of tho Department of Industrial Promotion. p The conclusions and priorities are listed in section P paragraph 31 onwards. REPORT O N THE MSTABLI3ÜMEHT OF A M.TIGIi.vL PACKAGING C3TCflfi IH TftilLW A. T1|fms of Reference 1. The national economy of Thailand is expandina rapidly. It is the intention of the Government to increase and diversify the country1! exports and when- ever possible to enter now rackets and in this the packing and presentation of the products is essential for seles. The p¿ckaging of products for the home market is far from adequate in many cases. The packaging industry is very diversified and requires assistance in applying basic packaging tecimology to its needs. 2. The Government of Thailand are considering the possibility of establishing a national packaging centre and at their request IUP sent a Technical Assistance Expert to Thailand for the period August to October 1971 to advise on the establishment of such a Centre. He was specifically asked tos (i) Assess packaging facilities in Thailand, (ii) Formulate terms of reference and statutes for the centre taking into account testing and research, standardization, documentation and information, education, promotion of new packaging mt.terials and teclmiques, (iii) Advise on the organizational structure and staff, (iv) Provide a detailed specification of the fcosting equipment, (v) Recommend the iapleraontation programa®, (vi) Recommend any other measures of tod~.nie.il assistance. For full ter.» of reference and job description see Appendix I. 9 3. At his pro-fflirision briefing ha was askad by tiw IrintMÉifat« to P *P*|g^t mainly in the foro of a roquost to U.M. for farther assistance if this was the wish of the Government of Thailand. H© discussed this on arrival at Bangkok and was askod to make his report so that th© relovant information would be availablo for the Government to use as tlwr subsequently doeMtd. The Consultant wns assigned to the Ittnistry of Industry and attached to th« Packaging Division of the 3nn.ll Industries Service Instituto which is responsible to the * Unis try of Industry through th® Department of Industrial Promotion.
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