DIRECTORY.] HA~IPSHIRE. \\'HERWELL. 541 the Rev. Samuel Terry, former rect()r, placed by the 1 Tyle Barn, with a p()pulation of 22, was in 1879 by parishioners: there are 134 sittings. The Mgister dates Local (k)vernment Board Order transferred to ('pton from the year 1596. The living is a rectory, net yearly Grey parish. value £8s, with residence, in the gift ot the Bishop of Winchester, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Edwin Free- Parish Clerk, Thom.a.s Bone. man Padmore, of St. Bees. The Duke of Eolton's charity National School, for 45 children; average attendance, of £2 Ss. is distributed annually, at the discretion of the 12 ; Miss E. Dudley, mistress rector. Lord Bolton is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is chalk; subsoil, chalk. The crops Letteor Box cleared at 6.20 p.m. Letters arrive at 8.30 are chiefly wheat, ba!rley and roots. The area is 1,183 · a.m. & 2 p.m. through Odiham, which is the nearest acres; rateable value, £576; the population .in rSgx was xnoney order office, & Upton Grey is the nearest tele- 140· I graph office, distant Ii mile& Padmore Rev.Edwin Freeman (rectry) Cooper Robert, land steward to Thos. Lunn Ernest H. fann bailiff to Mrs. Raynbird Mrs Henry Wyatt esq Raynbird Wyatt Mrs King John, fanner Pearce Albert & James, carpenter WEYHILL is the popular name of PENTON GP.AF- capable of seating So, where senice is held every Sunday TON parish, on th~ road from .Andover to Amesbury, by the rector. Here is a. Primitive Methodist chapel and extending on the north to the Wiltshire border, with In 1897 the site .and remains of a. Roman villa were a station half a mile west from the village on the Mid- discovered at Oanville, together with many interesting land and South Western Junction railway from .Andover relics, and coins of various emperors, including Domitian. to Swindon and Ma.rlborough, 3 miles west-by-north Trajan, A.ntonirus Pius, Marcus- .Aurelius, Alexander from Andover, 70 by rail from London and 68 by road, is Severus and others. in the Western division of the county, hundred, petty ses- Cla.nville Lodge, the se.wt of Thomas Faith esq. is aional division, union and county court district of Andover, pleasantly situated in a park of 6o acres, and commands rural deanery of Andover, and archdeaconry and diocese of ~ fine view of the surrounding undulating and pictnr­ Winchester. The church of St. Michael is an edifice of esquely wooded scenery. flint and brick in the Early English style, and consists of Ramridge, the seat of Lieut.-Col. Charles n·oyly chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch and Harmar J.P. is a. well-built mansion, situated in a well­ western bell turret with 2 bells: the church was re- wooded park of n6 acres. stored in 1865 and the chancel in I88o: there are 249 The hamlets of Ragged Appleshaw, Ii miles north­ sittings. The regislter dates from the year xs6+ The west, and Nutbean, 2! north, are portions of this parish. living is a rectory, net yearly value [320, with residence Parish Clerk, John Chubb. and 20 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Provost and Fellows Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, of Queen's College, Oxford, and held since 1:898 by the Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss Eliza Rev. Robert Marshall Heanley M.A. of that college. Jane Lansley, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Taunton's oharity of £6 6s. yearly is for bread. '!'he Andover at 5-40 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 village is celebrlllted for t.he great fair held in the neigh- a.m. & 7.50 p.m bourhood for six days, commencing on October 10th, for Post Office, Clanville.-Henry Davis, sub-postmaster. horses and sheep; of the latter it is estimated tl1at Lsbters received through Andover at 6.30 a.m. & 1 • 55 more than so,ooo are sold: the fair is vi11ited by per- p.m. & d"1spaoc ... bed &u... 10.45 a.m. & 6 .10 p.m. weyUJ.U "·n sons from all parts of the kingdom. C boose a.nd hops is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2 miles are also sold in considerable quantities. The hop fair corn- distant mences on the 12th and is largely attended. There is Schools. al!l) a fair for sheep, cows and pigs on the second Thursday in .April and a Jamb fair on the last Weyhill National (mixed), built in x863, & enlarged in Friday in July. The trustees of Ewelme Almshouses, 1897, for So children; average attendance, 51; Miss Oxfordshire, are lords of the manor, and with Thomas Harriett P. Cross, mistress Faith esq. the principal landowners. The soil is light Clanville National (mixed), for 50 children; average at~ gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, tendance, 25; Miss Margaret Tabor, mistress barley, oats, swedes, sa.infoin and grasses. The area is Railway Station, Clement Eyre Baugh, station master 1,885 acres; rateable value, £2,242; the population in Car~iers passing through to Andover.-U:tJhill• ~on. wed_ 1S91 was 430. fn. & sat. ; Eeames, mon. wed. & fn.; P1per, mon. Clanville is a hamlet x! miles north, with a. school, wed.. & fri.; Coleman, mon. wed. & fri WEYHII.L. Lovell William, farmer, Ramridge frm Alderman Thomas, Star&. Garter :P.H. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Strong &; Co. of Romsey Lim. brewers & baker Balguy Mrs Tabor Louisa (Mrs.), farmer & steward Colebro<Jk George, thatcher Davy William of fair Cordery William, farmer Faber Waiter, Brewery house Tanner Mary Jane (Mrs.), Star Corn- Davis Henry, fanner, Post office Harmar Lt.-Col. Charles D'Oyly J.P. mercial inn; horses & carriages for Davis Geo. James,blacksmith &; farmer Ramridge hire Dibbin William, farmer Beanley Rev. Robert Marshall M . .A. Weybill GolfClub(Mrs.Slade-Gully,sec) Eggington William, hawker Rectory Williams-Freeman John Peere M.D., Hutchins Richard, beer retailer Srmtb John L.S.Sc., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & Miller William, farmer Steedman Mrs. Ramridge cottage j medical officer & public vaccinator, Reading Room & Library (M. W. Ed- Webb Thomas, '!'he Villa No. 4 & 5 districts, Andover union, wards esq. manager & sec) Williams-Freeman John P., M.D.Wey- Wevhill house; &; at Bridge street. Richens Leonard Slade, farmer hill house And over Roote Theophilus, Red Lion P .H Wingrove James Charles Woodman George, Sun P.H PENTON GRAFTON COMMERCIAL. • Bunney John Robert George, farmer, CJ,AN VILLE. Bennett Brothers, farmers Weybill farm Edwards Montague William Gardiner Annie (Miss), dress maker Collins Patrick, trainer to W. H. Faith Mrs. Clanville lodge Mindenhall Axnos G. beer rtlr. & farmr Moore esq Faith Thomas, Clanville lodge Musson William, timber carter WHERWELL is a parish, giving name to the bun- windows to the Iremonger family and Sir William dred, and has a station on the Hurstbourne and Red- Chatterton hart. : there are 260 sittings. In digging the bridge branch of the London and South Western ra.il- foundation for the present church a curious stone female way, and 4 miles south-east from .Andover, 5 north- figure and several stone carvings, one of which repre­ east from Stockbridge, and 68 from London, in the sents the Expulsion from Paradise, were found, and are Western divis10n of the county, .Andover petty sessional now placed in the churchyard: there is also a tomb to division. union and county court district, rural deanery Charles West and his wife, dated 1551, removed from the­ of Stockbridge, and archdeaconry and diocese of Win- old church, and a mausoleum, built out of the materials chaster. The river Test, noted for its trout, :flows of the old church and belonging to the Iremonger family: through the village in three streams. Part of Hare- the churchyard was enlarged in x8g8. '!'he register dates wood Forest is iil this parish. The church of St. from the year 1624. The living is a. vicarage, net yearly Peter and Holy Cross, built on the site of an older value ;{,220, with 5 acres of glebe and residence, in the­ church, and consecrated in 1858, is a building of flint gift of William H. IN!monger esq. and held since 1Sg8 by and Bath stone, in the Early English style, consisting of the Rev. Francis Robert Walker Assoc.K.C.L. The Was­ chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, the lremonger chapel, leyan chapel was erected in 1S46, and the Primitive vestry, south porch and a tower with spire, covered with Methodist chapel in :r887. In 1691 Lord De La Warr shingles and containing 5 bells : t})$"'e are five stained left by will the sum of twelve shillings, to be given .
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