( 675 ) INDEX TO VOL. XXX. Ceratiocaris scorpioides,. 73. Aeanthocaris, 511. Cheirodopsis, 56. Acanthodes, 18. Chlorine, its Solubility in Water and in Aqueous Adiantites, 540. Solutions of Soluble Chlorides. By WILLIAM AITKBN (JOHN), F.E.S.E. On Dust, Fogs, and LAWTON GOODWIN, B.SC, 597. Clouds, 337. Chondrites, 532, 548. Alethopteridece, 547. Chromite, 460. Anthrapalcemon (Fossil), 75, 512. Chromium, Ores of (Mineralogy of Scotland). By Arachnida of the Carboniferous Rocks of the Scottish Professor HEDDLE, 456. Border. By B. N. PEACH, F.E.S.E. Order CHRYSTAL (Professor), F.E.S.E. Note on Mr Merosomata, Glyptoscorpius, gen. nov., 516. THOMAS MUIR'S Transformation of a Deter- Genus Prestwichia, 525. Genus Cyclus, 526. minant into a Continuant, 13. Archiehthys, 18. On a Special Class of Sturmians, 161. Asteroidea, a new Genus of (Mimaster). By W. Clouds. By JOHN AITKEN, F.E.S.E., 337. PERCY SLADEN, 579. Coclacanthus, 20. B COLLIE (N.) and LETTS (Professor), F.E.S.E. On the Action of Phosphide of Sodium on Haloid BALFOUB (Professor BAYLEY), F.E.S.E. On the Dragon's Blood of Soootra, Draccena Cinna- Ethers and on the Salts of Tetrabenzyl-Phos- bavi, 619. phonium, 181. BEDDAED (FRANK E.), F.E.S.E., and GEDDKS Complementaries in Determinants, The Law of. (PATRICK), F.E.S.E. On the Histology of the- By THOMAS MUIR, F.E.S.E. If the Comple- Pedicellarite, and the Muscles of Echinus mentary of (A) with respect to a certain Deter- sphcera (Forbes), 383. minant be (B), its Complementary with respect to a Determinant of a higher order is the On the Anatomy and Histology of Pleuro- Extensional of (B), 4. chmta Moseleyi, 481. Betaines. See Phosphorus-Betaines. Continuants. On some Transformations connecting Bythotrephis. A Fossil Alga, 534. General Determinants with Continuants. By THOMAS MUIR, F.E.S.E., 5. Note on Mr C Mum's Transformation of a Determinant into a Canonbie, Fossil Plants of. See Fossil Plants. Continuant. By Professor CHRYSTAL, F.E.S.E., Catamites, 547, 13. Canobius, 46, 68. Cordaites (Fossil), 544. Cardiocarpus, 545. Crossochorda. A Fossil Alga, 533. Caulopteris, 541. Crustaceans. Some new Crustaceans from the Lower Cells. The Vegetable Cell. By J. M. MACFAR- Carboniferous Eocks of Eskdale and Liddes- LANE, 585. The Endonucleolus, 589. The dale. By B. N. PEACH, F.E.S.E. Ceratio- Nucleolus, 589. Nucleus. 590. Protoplasm, caris scorpioides, nov. spec, 73. Ceratiocaris cell wall, 591. Multinucleolar and multinu- elongatus, nov. spec, 74. Anthrapalcemon clear state, 591. Etheridgii, nov. spec, 76. Anthrapalcemon 676 INDEX. Parki, nov. spec, 78. Anthrapalcemon Tra- Elongation (Permanent), its Effect on the Specific quairii, nov. spec, 80. Anthrapalmmon Mac- Eesistance of Metallic Wires, 369. oonnochii, 82. Anthrapalcemon formosus, novEoscorpius.. See Scorpions. spec, 83. Palceocrangon Eskdalensis, nov. Equisetacece (Fossil), 542, 547. spec, 84. Palceocaris Scoticus, nov. spec, 85. Eremopteris, 540. Crustacea of the Carboniferous Rocks of the ScottishEskdale and Liddesdale, Fossil Fishes of, collected Border. By B. N. PEACH, F.E.S.E. Order by the Geological Survey of Scotland. See I. Phyllopoda, Acanthocaris, gen. nov., 511. Fossil Fishes. Order II. Decapoda. Genus Anthrapalsemon, Fossil Plants of Eskdale and Liddesdale. See 512. Genus PseudoGalathea, gen. nov., 513. Fossil Plants. Genus Paleeocaris, 515. Eurynotus, 54. Curves whose Intersections give the Imaginary RootsEurypterida, 516. of an Algebraic Equation. By THOMAS BOND F SPBAGUB, F.B.S.E., 467. Fceroe Islands, The Geology of. By JAMES GEIKIE, Cycloptychius concentricus, 37. LL.D., F.E.S.E., 217. I. Introduction, 218. Cydus, 526. II. Physical Features of the Islands, 220. III. D Geological Structure of the Islands, 223. IV. Decapoda (Fossil), 512. Thickness of the Strata: Conditions under Determinants, The Law of Extensible Minors in, which they were Amassed, 237. V. Glacial 1, 2. The Law of Complementaries, 1, 2, On Phenomena of the Islands, 243. VI. Origin some Transformations connecting General De- of the Valleys and Fiords: Subaerial and terminants with Continuants, 5. Note on Mr Glacial Erosion, 253. VII. Marine Erosion, MULE'S Transformation of a Determinant into a 263. VIII. Peat and Buried Trees, 266. Continuant. By Professor CHBYSTAL, F.E.S.E., Filicacece, 535, 546. 13. Fogs and Clouds. By JOHN AITKEN, F.E.S.E., 337. DOBBIE (J. J.), D.Sc, and G. G. HENDERSON, B.SC Fossil Fishes collected by the Geological Survey of On a Eed Eesin from Dracaena Cinnabari, 624, Scotland in Eskdale and Liddesdale. Part I. Dracaena Cinnabari (Balf. fil). On the Dragon's Ganoidei. By EAMSAY H. TBAQUAIR, M.D., Blood of the Socotra, Dracaena Cinnabari. By 15. List of Genera and species collected, 16. Professor BATUSY BALFOUR, F.E.S.E., 619. Out of twenty-eight species at least twenty are — Chemical Examination of a Eed Eesin from new. Of fourteen genera five are new, 17. Dracaena Cinnabaria. By J. J. DOBBIE, D.SC, See Ganoidei. and G. G. HENDERSON, B.SC, 624. Fossil Plants of Eskdale, Liddesdale, and Canonbie. Dust, Fogs, and Clouds. By JOHN AITKEN, F.E.S.E., By EOBEBT KIDSTON, 531. Thallophyta, ALG^E 337. 1. When water vapour condenses in the (Chondrites, Crossochorda, Bythotrephis), 532. atmosphere, it always does so on some solid FilicaceEe (Sphenopteridese), 535, 546. Palae- nucleus. 2. Dust particles form the nuclei on opterideas, 540. Neuropteridese, 541, 547. which it condenses. 3. If there were no dust Stipes Filicinse, 541. Equisetaceas, 542, 547. there would be no fogs, no clouds, and probably Lycopodiaceas, 543, 548. FEUITS, Cardiocarpus no rain, 342. and Schutzia, 545. Alethopterideae, 547. E Pecopteridese, 547. Fossil Scorpions, Some new Species of, from the Echinus sphaera (Forbes), The Muscles of. By Carboniferous Eocks of Scotland and the PATRICK GEDDES, F.E.S.E., and FRANK E. English Borders. By B. N. PEACH, F.E.S.E., BEDDARD, F.E.S.E., 383. 397. Electric Conductivity, The Effect of Strain on. By AUGUST "WITKOWSKI, 413. G Electricity. Eesearches in Contact Electricity. By Ganoidei found among Fossil Fishes, collected by CARGILL G. KNOTT, D.SC, F.E.S.E., 271. the Geological Survey in Eskdale and Liddes- Effects of Strain on Electric Conductivity. dale, 15. By Dr E. H. TRAQUAIR. New By AUGUST WITKOWSKI, 413. Genera and Species, 16, 17. Genus Acan- Elonichthys, 22. thodes, 18. Genus Strepsodus, 18. Genus INDEX. 677 Archiehthys, 18. Genus Megalichthys KNOTT (CARGILL G.), D.SC. Eesearches in Contact (Saurodepteridae), 20. Genus Ccelacanthus Electricity, 271. 20. Genus Eloniehthys, 22. Genus Ehadi nichthys, 25. Genus Cycloptychius, 37 Phanerosteon, gen. nov., 39. Holurus, gen Lepidodendron (Fossil), 543, 548. nov., 43, 66. Canobius, gen. nov., 46, 68, Lepidophyllum (Fossil), 544, 548. Eurynotus, 54. Wardichthys, 55. Cheiro- Lepidostrobus, 543, 548. dopsis, gen. nov., 56. Platysomus, 58. Tar- LETTS (Professor), F.E.S.E., arid Mr N. COLLIE. rarius, gen. nov., 61. On the Action of Phosphide of Sodium on Gaseous Spectra. See Spectra. Haloid Ethers and on the Salts of Tetrabenzyl- GEDDES (PATRICK), F.E.S.E., and BBDDAED (FRANK), Phosphonium, 181. F.B.S.E. On the Histology of the Pedicellariae LETTS (Professor), F.E.S.E. On Phosphorus and the Muscles of Echinus sphcera (FORBES), Betaines, 285. See Phosphorus-Betaines. 383. Liddesdale and Eskdale, Fossil Fishes of, collected GEIKIB (JAMES), LL.D., F.E.S.L. and E. On the by the Geological Survey of Scotland. See Geology of the Fseroe Islands, 217. See Fossil Fishes. Fceroe Islands. -, Fossil Plants of. See Fossil Plants. Glyptoscorpius, 516. Lycopodiacece (Fossil), 543, 548. GOODWIN (WILLIAM LAWTON), B.SC. On the Nature of Solution. Part I.—On the Solubility of M Chlorine in Water and in Aqueous Solutions MACPARLANB (J. M.). Observations on Vegetable of Soluble Chlorides, 597. and Animal Cells; their Structure, Division, Gothite (Mineralogy of Scotland). By Professor and History, 585. HEDDLE, F.E.S.E., 462. Magnetite, 452. Chromiferous Magnetites (Miner- GRAY (THOMAS), B.SC. The Effect of Permanent alogy of Scotland). By Professor HEDDLE, Elongation on the Specific Eesistance of F.E.S.E., 456. Metallic Wires, 369. Manganese, Ores of (Mineralogy of Scotland). By Professor HEDDLE, F.E.S.E., 427. H Martite (Mineralogy of Scotland). By Professor HEDDLE (Professor), F.E.S.E. Chapters on the HEDDLE, F.E.S.E., 437. , Mineralogy of Scotland. Chap. VII.—Ores of Mazonia Woodiana, of MEEK and WORTHEN, 408. Manganese, Iron, Chromium, and Titanium, 427. Megalichthys, 20. HENDERSON (G. G.), B.SC, and J. J. DOBBIE, D.SC. Merosomata, 516. On a Eed Eesin from Dracaena Ginnabarri, 624.Mimaster. A new Genus of Asteroid ea from the HERSCHEL (Professor ALEX. S.). Magnificent Faroe Channel. By W. PERCY SLADEN, Features exhibited by End-on Views of Gas- 579. Spectra under High Dispersion, 150. Mineralogy of Scotland. Chap. VII.—Ores of Holurus, 43, 66. Manganese, Iron, Chromium, and Titanium. I By Professor HEDDLE, F.E.S.E., 427. Hmenite, 438. Minors (Extensible) in Determinants, The Law of. Imaginary Roots. Nature of the Curves whose By THOMAS MUIR, F.E.S.E., 1, 2. Intersections give the Imaginary Boots of Mirage. By Professor TAIT, 551. an Algebraic Equation. By THOMAS BOND MUIR (THOMAS), F.E.S.E. The Law of Extensible SPHAGUE, F.E.S.E., 467. Minors in Determinants, 1. The Law of Iron, Ores of (Mineralogy of Scotland). By Pro- Complementaries in Determinants, 1, 2. On fessor HEDDLE, F.E.S.E., 435, 437. some Transformations connecting General Iron Sand, 446. Determinants with Continuants, 5. Iserine, 446. K N KIDSTON (KOBERT). Eeport on Fossil Plants, col- Neuropterideai, 541. lected by the Geological Survey in Eskdale and Nucleolus of Vegetable Cell, 599. Liddesdale, 531. Nucleus of Vegetable Cell, 590. VOL. XXX. PART IV. 5 o 678 INDEX. O brane, 489. Body Cavity, 490. Alimentary Oxygen, Spectrum of.
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