r;..,f" 1.1r .t Ar f f 10446C s _ - 4 O . 4.. u L'.0t ''4134:. '.tr?:,.4.31:41 - s * Leo . 3 ttit. 40114 A"' =Mt= . .J.1144: h 4- Z.'. 41 .1/4.a...; .3 t44, UNITEDSTATESDEP . Ise .CI 4 1OR 1 .4 Harold , L. IckI i .. # !- % .,%, OFFICEOF 4.4 . EDUCATION-J. vt-e LI* W.IA.r . Al r.-0-17t.r.i.V,,-,¡.-.:10;1.--a.. a , . A . ,.....s.\14011t 411 I _ . S . irt 4. .4 k . 41P EDUCATIONALDIRECTORY 1935 .. .;) PartIII COLLEGESANDUNIVERSITIES INCLUDINGALLINSTITUTIONS OFHIGHEREDUCATION *.z - Ii Bulletin1935,No.1 UNITEDSTATES GOVERNMENTPRINTINGOFFICE WASHINGTONt 1134 soh Wthe SespertatiossisatseDesensets, Hroro Washisstes,D.C. 'Se UP Pao IIsoots il s. r 41111Dr Fft , ,t$ ". i`tli. lir I.; ...;44 .. K. -i-: f .4Itle.71 1.4 . '. ..' Vi.04:413 --E.k 11*.T. r* ; UNITEDSTATES INSTITUTIONSOFHIGHEREDUCATTONIN THE. CollegesProfes-TeathersNormal Junioi Negro Grand State oroutlying part and uni- sional colleges schools colleges colleges total versitiesschools 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 4.1 X 9 2 4 2 8 AD . Alabama _ 2 2 5 1 ax. _ Arizona 8 5 27 Io 2 2 g mo,. Arkansas - - . do 25 19 7 1 47 California . ... .. 17 8 3 3 .. 5 Colorado V . 6 5 4 4 6 25 Connecticut_ ..... I. 1 2 1 _ . ....f Delaware 7 2 24 8 4 1 2 District ofColumbia 4 14 7 3 Florida ... 11 44 14 5 1 1 12 a Georgia. 3 9 4 V V 2 99 Idaho 33 31 7 6 22 ...... Illinois 5 X 1 20 10 4 - ......... ...: 64 Indiana a, . 23 4 1 36 - .... ... ... 38 Iowa 4. .19 1 2 ... 16 Kansas. 40. MD OP .1, 3 37 10 4 4 15 Kentucky_ 5 21 9. ..... 1 2 6 Louisiana AM we 14 4 1 1 6 2----- OP 4Mb Maine_ 4 3 4 4 3 ID 13 _ WO 62 Maryland 15 10 8 8 Ob M, OP 21 Massachusetts OP l 11 42 18 7 5 1 Michigan . _ _ 3 15 6 6 2 10.... M innesota 19 5 LS 8 1 2 AD. M issiasippi 2 14 13 7 1 23 Missouri .. 1 alMoMilmew.dn. m. Montana 4 1 1 4 .*0op. ..... 23 11 31 4 1 1 Nebraska M. AD .01, ----- 1 . _ 7 Nevada 3. 2 1 ... NewHampshire $i 11 6 4 3 9 7 New Jersey 2 2 m4. Amgm MP M NewMexico 2 1 ...... lit 45 29 3 17 6.... NewYork .... 12 51 17 4 1 18 Carolina V. 11 North 4 5 2 NorthDakota ... 3 64 45 13 2 .... Ohio . _ .. 1 X 10 1 6 20 Oklahoma _ . 4. 3 11 3 .. 3 iv.. - Oregon 4 2 97 51 22 13 5 Pegnsytvania 04 3 2 1 ... Rhode Island ...... 3 11 361 16 2 _ ........ _ u South Carolina 1 1 3 3 SouthDakota... 6 7 8 21 7 4 1 8 Tennessee 13 14 23 7 7 se Texas ft.... IN 4 1 4 . Utah .. ti .. 3 1 'Mr01. on. .. ...,.. 6 Vermontil ..... 4 1 11 6 Virginia................ 14 5 3 1 7 Was n 8 6 3 West V 8 5 13 5 lo my 4 ..... Wisconsin MI OD a» ft. OD Wyoming 1 ..... ,d1D 410. a Outlying partsoftheUnited States e 1 . .. Alaska_ 1 aw . ve. Canal Zone ........ ...... .. 1 .111 Hawaii q . 4 1 1 PhilippineWands .... _ .. .. Puerto Rico 1 Ns 426 107 1,0 Total...1p 644 247 158 110 or _ INSTITUTIONSOF HIGHERLEARNING CONTROLOF HIGHEREDUCATION Denomingelonal District control Type ofinstitution State Private control or city Total control control Protes-" Roman tant Catholic 411. 1 2 3 4 7 . College or university...._ . 1 V' 11 141 266 129 Professional school 2fl 644 Teachers college 4 '76 19 247 142 6 1 Normal school_ 2 156 3r. 13 2A 3 3 8t1. Junior college 311 149 87 119 32 426 Negro institutions 4J1 College I() Professional school fI 38 1 as Teachers college 1 3 to 2 1 _ Normal school 4 13 Junior oollege 1 1 7 13 2 3 14 22 , Total: t. White institutions:"....__ ..... 333 183 389 465 1g5 1, 565 Negroinstitutions.......... 27 6 12 61 1 107 Grand total 360 ! 189 401 1 526 let6 1, 003 In des 3 underFederalcontrol. UNDERGRADUATESTUDENTBODIES INHIGHEREDUCATION Type ofinstitution Colleges Colleges Coeduca- formen forwomentional in- Total sA stitutions 1 2 4 6 ..11111.. Collegeor university Professional school .... ....... _ ... 103 139 402 644 Teachers college 87 5 155 247 Normal school o 8 150 158 Junior college 2 28 50 80 34 8.5 307 421 Nero institutions. Colligeor university Professional school 2 3 51 66 Teachers college. 1 o 2 o 1 Normal'school 12 13 Junior college o o 13 13 o 1 21 23 Total: Whiteinstitutions Negroinstitutions 226 265 1, OM 1, BM 3 5 99 107 41111.1W Grand total 229 270 1, 163 Zit1R Allsummariesprepared byWalter J.Greenleaf, specialistin highereducation. 41. *to 411. PartIH a COLLEGESAND UNIVERSITIES (Includingallinstitutionsof highereducation) 911, An institution is listedin thisdirettoryONLYONCEunderthe State in which it is located.Arrangementof thedatashown isuniform asfollows: Name ofinstitution,location(accrediting;control;student body).President'sname. Professionaldepartmentnameof deanor director in charge. *Departmentisaccreditedby itsprofessionalaRsocia- t ion. CLASSIFICATIONOFINSTITUTIONS Institutionsare classifiedaccordingto theirofferingsinto'six types: I. 1.College or university offeringliberalarts; 4-year;degree-granting. 2. Professional ortechnologicaLschoolindependentlycontrolled. 3. Teacherscollege; 4-year;-degree-granting. 4. Normalschool; 2-or 3-year; doesNOT grant degrees. 5. Negroinstitutions ofalltypes. 6. Juniorcollege;2-year; doesNOT grant degrees. NAMESOFINDIVIDUALS The president'snameis listedafterthat oftheinstitution.Names of deansor directorsin chargeofprofessionalschoolscontrolledby collegesoruniversitiesate listed.Names ofheads ofdepartments inarts and sciencecollegesare not included. ABBREVIATIONS ,In theparenthesisimmediatelyfollowingthenameandlocation ofan institution,theabbreviations indicateTHREEfactsseparated bysemicolons: 1. The ACCREDITING of theinstitutionbyone or morelf thenationalor regional accreditingassociations;Stateagenciesare not shown. I TheEDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR,' iSreleased infour partsas rapidlyEiS data becomeavailable: PartI. Stateand CountySchool Officers. PartII. CitySchoolOfficers. fartIII. Collegesand Universities. Part IV.EducationalAssociations anddirectories. Partscan be purchasedfrom theSuperintendentof Documents, ton, D.C. GovernmentPrinting Office,Washing- '1 2 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY, 1935 e CONTROLof the institution whetherpublic, private,ordenominational. heSTUDENT-BODY: Coed.C6educationa1for bothmenandwomen Cord.Coordinateseparatecolleges formenand for w6men MenMenFormenstudents onlg Wo.WomenForwomenstudents only. A.Accredited byAssociation of American Universities. Ad.Controlledby Adventist Church. Ad. Chris.Controlled by Adventist Christian Church. A.M.A.Controlledby American Missionary Association. A.M.E.Controlled byAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church. - v. Bapt,wControlléct byBaptist Church. Breth.Controlledby Brethren Church. C.Controlledby cityormunicipal government. Chris.Coiltrolledby Christian Church. Chris. ii:ef.Controlledby Christian Reformed Church. Ch. of Breth.-7-Controlledby Church of the Brethren.. Ch. of God.Controlledby Church of God. Ch. of Christ.Controlledby Church of Christ. Sos. Ch. of N. Jeru.Controlledby Church of NewJerugaleni. Co.Controlledby county government. Coed.Undergraduatestudent body composed ofmenand%%omen. Cong.Contrplled by CongregationalChurch. Disc.Controlledby Disciples Church. Dist. Controlledby District government. E.Accreditedby NewEnglanaAssociation of Colleges. Evan.Controlledby Evangelical Church. Evan. Luth.Controlledby Evangelical Lutheran Church. Ev. Syn.Controlledby Evangelical Synod of North America. F. Bapt. Cuntrolled byFree Baptist Church. F. Meth.Controlledby Free, Methodist Çhurch. Fr.-IControlledby Society of Friends. J.Accreditedas aJunior College by regional association. Jewish.Controlled by Jewish Congre¡gitions. K. ofb.ControlledbyRnightsof Columbus. L.D.S.Controlled byLatter-Day-Saints. Luth.--Controlled by Lutheran Church. M.Accriditedby Middle States Association of Colleges. Me'n.Undergraduatestudent body composed ofmen. Menon.Controlledby Mennonite Church. M.E.Controlled by Methodist Episcopal Church. M.E.So.Controlledby Methodist Episcopal Church South. M.P.Controlled by MethodistProtestant Church. Moray.Controlled by Moravian Church. N.Accredited by North CentralAssociation of Colleges. Natl.Controlled by NationalorFederal Government. Naz.Controlled by Nazarene Church. No. Bapt.Controlled by Northern Baptist Church. P.Controlled by privatécorporation; independent of church. Pil. Hol.Controlled by Pilgrim Holiness Church. P.E.Controlled by Protestant Episcopal Church. Presh.Controlled by Presbyterian Church: Ref.Controlled by &famed Church of America. ea, Ref. Presb.Côntrolled by Mortified Presbyterian Church. 1D. COLLEGES ANDUNIVERSITIES 3, No- R.C.Controileaby RomanCatholicChurch. S.Accreditedby SouthernAssociationof Colleges. S.D.A.Controlledby Seventh DaYAdventistChurch. S.D.Bapt.Controlledby SeventhDayBaptistChurch. St.Controlledby Stategovernment. .11 Swed'b.----Controlled-by SwedenborgianChurch. Swed.Evan.Controlledby SwedishEvangelicalChurch. T.--Accredited byAmericanAssn. ofTeachersColleges. Ter.Controlledby territorialgovernment. Twp.Controlledby townshipgovernment. U.Breth.Controlledby UnitedBrethren,Church. U. Luth.Controlledby UnitedLutheranChurch. U. Presb.Controlledby UnitedPresbyterianChurch. Unit. Controlledby UnitarianChurch. Undenqm.Undenominationalcontrol. W.--Accreditedby NorthwestAssn. ofSecondaryand HigherSchooli. Wo.Undergraduate Audentbodydomposed ofwomen. .Wes.Meth.Controlledby WesleyanMethodistChurch. V.M.C.A.Controlledby YoungMen'sChristianAssociation. *.Fullyacereditedby professionalassqciation. t.Accreditedasclass Bby professionalassociation. A t.Provislwallyaccreditedoradmittedon probation. ACCREDITING -** Colleges anduniversitiesareaccreditedbysevennationalorregional accreditingassociations.Theseassociations-areindicatedthroughout thillfirectoryby thefollowingabbreviations: Nip A, Associationof AmericanUniversitiesanationalaccreditingassociation; E, NewEnglandAssociationof Collegesand SecondarySchoolsregional;
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