t The Coast Advertiser Forty-Sixth Year, No. 11. BELMAR, N. J„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, Single Copy 4 Cents River Road Site Chosen for High School Belmar Commission Frank M. Ravens Stricken, Proctor Attacked Bans Sunday Games By Hetrick Group, August 16 Set as Body Is Taken From River At Memorial Field Backed by Sterner The body of Frank M. Havens, 63- for some time, was last seen alive by Date for Vote on Only Religious Activities year-old Belmar and Spring Lake sea several fishermen and friends with Senate Candidate Linked to food merchant, was recovered from whom he was conversing in his mar­ W ill Be Permitted Under Shark river here Tuesday afternoon ket a few minutes before the tragedy. Beach Bill, Although He shortly after he collapsed and fell in­ William Truby, of Belmar, said he Order Issued by Board to the stream when stricken appar­ spoke with Mr. Havens and saw the Voted Against It. $320,000 Project ently by a heart attack. man walk out of his market, appar­ on Second Complaint. Mr. Havens, owner of a fish market ently to get some fresh air. Would Quit Bench. and boat dock in Belmar just east of Truby related other men in the mar­ Senate Candidate 15 Acre Heroy Tract Is; ket continued to talk until the shouts Belmar commissioners this week is- the F street bridge and a sea food The political guns were booming in of pedestrians were heard. When they establishment on Third avenue, the Republican party today as a re­ Favored by Board for ued a formal order closing Memorial rushed from the market they saw Mr. Spring Lake, was seen floating face sult of the candidacy of Judge Haydn field on Sundays to all activities “ex­ down in the river only a few minutes Havens being carried by the incoming New High School / tide under the F street bridge. Sofield, Proctor of Asbury Park for the state cept those for religious purposes”. after he had conversed with fishermen senate nomination. A complaint by Mrs. Grace M. Hall, at his market here. who was standing nearby talking to Building. His body was brought ashore after fishermen, heard the commotion and From one side came a salvo di­ of 709 Thirteenth avenue—the second rected at Proctor by the Asbury Park within a month—prompted the com­ floating about 200 yards to a point dived into the river when he saw the Belmar’s oft discussed high school just off Klein’s fish market on the body floating toward the bulkhead on Good Government committee, Mayor mission’s action. The Belmar first aid Clarence E. F. Hetrick’s organization. proposal took definite form today a® squad, which supervises operation of west side of the F street bridge by the west side of the bridge. the board of education called a spe­ Hilton Sofield, 23-year-old employe of Services Tomorrow From the other sounded a statement the baseball park, was instructed to by Highway Commissioner E. Donald cial election for August 16 and recom­ execute the ruling. the Jersey Central Power and Light The body was removed to the Lef- mended the Herbert Heroy riverfront company, who dived into the river, ferson funeral home, Manasquan, Sterner, endorsing Proctor and urging Mrs. Hall, in a letter to the board, his nomination. property on River road near Route 35. said her property was being damaged grabbed the victim by the shirt and where services will be held tomorrow as the site for the $320,000 project. pulled him to the bulkhead, where afternoon with the Rev. Charles M. The Hetrick forces attacked the by baseballs batted over the fence and Proctor candidacy on the ground he Selection of the Heroy property was residents of the section were annoyed others helped him. Hogate, pastor of the Manasquan M. E. The first aid squads of Belmar and had joined former Senator Frank announced by the board after several by noises emanating from the field. church, officiating. Interment will fol­ weeks of studying available tracts in Avon worked over Mr. Havens with Durand, Governor Harold Hoffman She said she was not opposed to soft- low in Atlantic View cemetery, Mana­ the borough. The Heroy tract is just an inhalator and resuscitator for three- and Commissioner Sterner in securing ball. squan. outside the borough line in Wall, quarters of an hour but abandoned passage of the Beach Commission law Commissioner Leon T. Abbott said Mr. Havens is survived by his wife; township and comprises approximately their efforts when no sign of life was a son, Donald C., of Spring Lake, who in 1936. They charged Proctor sought he understood a protective wiring support for the law in order to receive 15 acres. would be erected on the fence along evidenced. was in charge of the Spring Lake sea Dr. Stephen Casagrande, of Belmar, the appointment as district court Under the terms of a resolution call­ Thirteenth avenue to prevent possible food market; a brother, John D., of ing the election, printed in full om who pronounced the man dead, said judge in Asbury Park at a salary of damage but added no steps had been Lakewood; a sister, Mrs. Mary Dar­ another page today, the board would death was caused primarily by a ling, of Asbury Park, and two grand­ $4,500. Proctor voted against the taken. Beach Commission law in the assem­ be empowered to purchase the Heroy Commissioner Abbott stated he also probable heart attack and secondarily children. by submersion. He said either a heart bly, but the Asbury Park group said tract for not more than $25,000 and al­ had been advised by first aid squad Mr. Havens had been in the sea food so build a school costing not more attack or a cerebral disorder was the business for 35 years, entering the “he craftily made it appear he was officials that Sunday baseball at the opposed to the Beach Bill”. than $295,000 of which $144,000 would field would be banned last month as prime cause of death. trade when he moved to Spring Lake Sterner’s endorsement of Proctor be provided under a grant from the. the result of a complaint by Mrs. Sofield Cuts Foot from Herbertsville, where he was bom P. W. A. Marie Brockstedt, of Thirteenth ave­ Sofield, who suffered a deep lacera­ on January 24, 1875. He was an ac­ was made as “a citizen and taxpayer tion of the foot in going after the of our county,” not as the highway The election date was set at a meet­ nue. tive fisherman before opening his ing of the board Tuesday evening He pointed out, however, that a body, said he felt Mr. Havens was markets in Spring Lake and Belmar. commissioner or Republican state committeeman. when a report was received from a game was played there last Sunday. alive when he first reached him in the He operated the market and the boat JUDGE HAYDN PROCTOR water. He said it appeared as though “I believe our party is to be con­ special committee named a month ago “I think residents of Thirteenth ave­ anchorage in Belmar for the past 10 | to study the proposal. The election, nue are justified in asking that quiet the man was breathing. years. gratulated on being able to offer such Sofield threw off his shoes before an outstanding candidate,” he de- j will be held at the Belmar grammar be maintained on Sundays and only He was a member of Asbury Park South Belmar Urged school on the evening of August 16„ activities for religious purposes should diving into the river and while running lodge 128, B. P. O. E.; Spring Lake j cl^red- “Judge Proctor’s record of ef­ ficient, honest and sincere service as [polls opening at 7 p. m. and closing be permitted,” the commissioner de­ toward the stream cut his foot on a j lodge 239, F. and A. M.; Knights of the To Improve Sewers at 9 p. m. clared. He sponsored the motion clamshell or piece of glass. He was Golden Eagle; Lakewood Junior O. U. assemblyman for two years and judge given treatment by Dr. Michael Q. of the district court bear fine testi­ Several Sites Considered which resulted in the board’s ruling. A. M. and affiliated with Royal Ar­ | At the election legal voters of the Hancock, of Belmar. canum. He made his home at 124 mony to the type of service he will Baft for Swimmers Asked render as senator from our county. Parkway Property Owners,borough wil1 be asked to vote "yes” Mr. Havens, who had not been well Third avenue, Spring Lake. no” William W. Golden, of Briarwood “This is further evidenced by his 7 r 7 or no’ on both the site and the con.- road, appeared before the commission willingness to forego his present re­ See Health Menace in struction proposal. and asked that a raft be placed in Woman Is Killed munerative position as judge to serve Present Conditions. The Heroy property was designated Shark river at the L street bathing his fellow citizens as senator with its by the board after it found no tract beach for the enjoyment of bathers. Aid Squad to Conduct negligible compensation ($500 annu­ of land of at least 15 acres, a require­ Commissioner Abbott said the raft In Belmar Crash ally). Surely there could be no more South Belmar’s municipal sewer sys­ ment of the state, was available in had not been used this year because Drive in South Belmar positive proof of his own high personal tem, overtaxed during the recent Belmar itself.
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