Government ofNCT Delhi Directorate of Education Library Branch, Old Sectt, Delhi -110054 No.DE/101/11/LibBr/2017/105 Date.16/01/2018 CIRCULAR Subject:Procurement of Books for libraries of Govt. Schools under the Directorate of Education, Govt. of NeT Delhi. In response to our Public Notice dated the 22nd and 23rd of November2017 released in English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu Newspapers and consequent submission of Books by Publishers, the Library Technical Committee of the Directorate of Education has shortlisted Titles of 81 Publishers for participating in the Mega Book Fair for all the Govt. Schools of the Directorate of Education from the 20th of January 2018 to 02nd February 2018 at Govt. Co.ed. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Dwarka Sector 22 from 10 a.m to 5 p.m except on Sundays and National Holidays. The list of shortlisted Publishers may be seen in Annexure 1. The process of selection of Books will be as follows:- 1. Each of the Govt. Schools will be sending their Committees to the Book Fair for purchasing Library Books. These Committees will be selecting Books as per the needs of their students. The District wise schedule for visits by schools may be seen in Annexure - 2. 2. An online module has been created for the purpose. Each of the shortlisted Publishers and their recommended Titles will be listed on the module. 3. Schools will place their demand Publisher wise/Title wise/copies wise on the module. 4. The Publishers will then supply the books to the respective schools at their doorstep. 5. Payments will be released to the Publishers once books are delivered as per requirement of each school and necessary certificate is issued by the Head of Schools. 6. The timeline of procurement of Books mav be seen in Annexure - 3. 7. Guidelines for the shortlisted Publishers may be seen in Annexure - 4. 8. The list of schools district wise may be seen in the enclosed Pdf file. This issues with the prior approval of the competent authority. (Renu~\''? Ene!: Annexure - 1 to 4 Regional Director (LIB) List of Schools in Pdf File No.DE/101/11/LibBr/2017/105 Date: IG·DI.,-g Copy to:- 1. PSto Secretary (Education) 2. PSto Director (Education) 3. All ROE/DOE (District /lone) 4. HQ Branch 5. as {IT)for uploading on MIS 6. Guard File ~~~(1118 (Mythili Bector) OSD, (LIB) Annexure - 1 --"-- ---- ----- -----"--- ---- ._- ---.--.- ----- LIST OF THE PUBLISHERS RECOMMENDED BY THE LIBRARY TECHNICAL S.NO. COMMITTEE OF DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE BOOK FAIR FROM 20th JAN. 2018 TO 02nd FEB 2018 1 NATIONAL BOOK TRUST (NBT) 2 EKlAVYA 3 BJAIN PUBLISHERS PVT l TD 4 TERI 5 lAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) ltd. 6 DILLI KITAB GHAR ----------------- ---- -._-- -- - 7 EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE 8 NATIONAL BOOK SHOP 9 PIGEON BOOKS INDIA 10 PEACOCK BOOKS 11 MANOJ PUBLICATIONS -- 12 GOODWILL PUBLISHING HOUSE 13 RUPA PUBLISHERS 14 CHILDREN BOOK TRUST (CBT) 15 PUBLICATION DIVISION 16 HACHETTE BOOKS PUBLISHING INDIA 17 KATHA -- --- -- --- --- - - 18 PRATHAM 19 NIEPVD (Braille) 20 TULIKA PUBLISHERS 21 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE INDIA 22 OM KIDZ 23 SCHOLASTIC 24 CBT PRAKASHAN 25 Me MILLAN PUBLISHERS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. 26 AAMEEN PUBLICATIONS ---- 27 PUNJABI ACADEMY 28 ANIL PRAKASHAN ---- -- ---"-- ,._- "- - - - - - - - -- -- 29 URDU ACADEMY 30 JUNIOR DIAMOND 31 SPARROW BOOKS 32 BHARTIYA JNANPEETH 33 SAHITYA ACADEMY ------------_.,-- - -_. - 34 RAJA POCKET BOOKS 35 BHARTIYA GYAN VIGYAN SAMITI 36 SURYA BHARTI PRAKASHAN 37 MAPLE PRESS Pvt. ltD. PUSTAK MAHAL 38 -- 39 NIYOGI BOOKS 40 GOYALBROTHERSPRAKASHAN 41 GOYAL PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Pvt. Ltd. 42 TRICOLOR BOOKS 43 RAJPAL & SONS _._- - - 44 HANSA PRAKASHAN 45 PREMIER PUBLICATIONS 46 DISHA 47 GK PUBLICATIONS 48 GEETA PUBLISHING HOUSE 49 AVICHAL PUBLICATIONS - ---- --- _~_- -- -- _~- 50 PRABHAAS PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTORS 51 BHARTIYA BHAWAN PUBLISHERS 52 WILLEY INDIA (OXFORD) 53 BROSIS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 54 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 55 ARYA PUBLICATIONS 56 APC 57 MTG LEARNING MEDIA Pvt. ltd. 58 MODERN PUBLICATIONS 59 SHWET SARAS PUBLICATIONS 60 PALLAVI PUBLICATION --_~~ - -- -- .- - - - - - 61 SBPD PUBLICATIONS 62 METRO BOOKS 63 MAMTA PRAKASHAN 64 CYBER ART INFORMATIONS Pvt. ltd. 65 BIBlIO PUBLICATIONS 66 R. CHAND & Co. 67 DHANPAT RAI & Co. 68 SHRI MAHAVIR BOOK DEPOT (PUBLICATION) 69 TRUEMAN BOOK COMPANY INSHA PUBLICATIONS 70 - 71 PITAMBER PUBLISHERS Co. Pvt. Ltd. - - ~ -- -_~- -- --- 72 SPORTS EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 73 GYANDHARA PUBLICATIONS 74 FRIENDS PUBLICATIONS (INDIA) - 75 TYCHEE PUBLICATIONS 76 VITASTA PUBLISHING Pvt. Ltd. -- 77 GYAN GANGA 78 GRANTH ACADEMY 79 PRABHAT PRAKASHAN 80 APPLE BOOKS 81 PAPERCLIP BOOKS ANNEXURE - 2 SCHEDULE OF VISIT BY SCHOOLS TOTAL NUMBER OF SCHOOLS - 1028 DATE DISTRICT I--------+---~-- - -- - 20/01/2018 South West B 93 - -~-- ~-- - - - -- 21/01/2018 Sunday c------- - - -.- -- 22/01/2018 North East I 128 -- - ~- - - 23/01/2018 North West B 127 24/01/2018 North West A 111 -- - - -- - - -- ---- 25/01/2018 No School Visit I I - ---- I 26/01/2018 National Holiday I c----------+---- -- 27/01/2018 West A and West B 140 -- --- - -- -- - - 28/01/2018 Sunday 29/01/2018 South and South West A 114 - ~ - ~ 30/01/2018 South East 92 31/01/2018 North, New Delhi and 107 Central ---~~- - ~ --_. ~ - ~- - 01/02/2018 East 116 I---------j---.--- - -- - 02/02/2018 A Spare day for schools which could not make it on the designated day. ANNEXURE - 3 TIMELINE FOR PROCUREMENT OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES OF DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION r------- -------,--- - ---- DATE EVENT ------ 19/01/2018 i) Meeting with shortlisted and selected Publishers at the venue at 11:00 am sharp. IfGovt Co-ed Sarvodaya VIdyalaya, Dwarka, Sector - 22 (School 10 - 1821282) . (Closest Metro Station is sector - 21, Owarka"). ii) Setting up of display of Books by Publishers in the I room allotted to them. iii) Collecting Entry passes as well as log in 10 20/01/2018 Inauguration by Hon'ble Oy. CM at 11:00 am to Schools will visit the Book Fair as per schedule given in 02/02/2018 Annexure - 2 03/02/2018 All schools will finalise their Publisher wise/Title wise to /copies wise demand of Books and place it on the online 06/02/2018 module especially created for this purpose. ---.~ - -' -f-- - - 07/02/2018 Supply of Books by publishers to each school at their door to step. 28/02/2018 01/03/2018 Freezing of orders by each school and issue of online to certificate by the Head of School regarding receipt of 10/03/2018 Books from Publishers - -- After Process of initation of release of payment will begin. 10/03/2018 ANNEXURE - 4 GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLISHERS PARTICIPATING IN THE BOOK FAIR OF DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, DELHI 1. All the shortlisted Publishers shall assemble at the venue "Govt. Co.Ed Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Dwarka Sector - 22 (I.D 1821282)" on 19/01/18 at 11 a.m. sharp to set up display of Books in the room allotted to them and to collect their entry passes and their log in 10. Only 2 representatives per publisher will be permitted to attend the meeting on 19/01/2018. 2. A maximum of 4 persons per Publisher along with their entry passes shall be permitted inside the venue from zo" January 2018 to 2nd February (except Sunday, National Holiday and zs" January 2018). 3. Publishers may bring with them display stand(s) for displaying their selected Books. 4. Publishers will bring one or two copies of each of the selected Titles for display at the Book Fair. 5. Canvassing of any kind shall make the Publisher ineligible to continue participating in the Book Fair. 6. Each Publisher should carry their laptops (1-2) and dongles for e-connectivity. DISTRICT- EAST TOTAL NUMBER OF SCHOOLS - 116 ZONE -1 S.NO. NAME OF THE SCHOOL SCHOOL ID 1 Bhola Nath Nagar-SBV (Babu Ram) 1001001 2 Vivek Vihar-SBV 1001002 3 Kanti Nagar-SBV 1001004 4 Surajmal Vihar–SBV 1001006 5 SBV No.1, Bhola Nath Nagar 1001008 6 Anand Vihar-SKV 1001009 7 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.3-GBSSS 1001010 8 Vivek Vihar-GBSS 1001012 9 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.1-SKV 1001018 10 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.2-GGSSS 1001020 11 Vivek Vihar- SKV 1001022 12 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.3-GGSSS 1001023 13 Kanti Nagar-GGSSS 1001024 14 Vivek Vihar,Phase-II-GGSSS 1001026 15 Surajmal Vihar-SKV 1001102 16 Surajmal Vihar-RPVV 1001104 17 Jhilmil Colony-SBV 1001105 18 Kiran Vihar-SKV 1001106 19 Kiran Vihar-SBV 1001109 20 Rajgarh Colony-SBV 1001110 21 Jhilmil Colony-GGSSS 1001111 22 Shahdara, Teliwara-G(Co-ed)SS 1001151 23 West Azad Nagar-G(co-ed)SS 1001194 24 Vishwas Nagar-SKV 1001196 25 Vishwas Nagar-GBSSS 1001204 26 Anand Vihar - SBV 1001208 ZONE - 2 S.NO NAME OF SCHOOL SCHOOL ID 1 Mandawali-SBV (Veer Udham Singh) 1002001 2 Patparganj-SBV (Genda Lal Dixit) 1002002 3 Kalyanvas-SBV (Raj Bihari Bose) 1002003 4 Shakarpur, No.2-SBV (Ishwar Chand) 1002004 5 West Vinod Nagar-SBV 1002005 6 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt. II-SBV (Prem Chand) 1002006 7 East Vinod Nagar-SBV (Jai Prakash Narayan) 1002007 8 Kalyanpuri-SBV 1002008 9 Trilokpuri, Block 20-SBV 1002010 10 Khichripur-GBSSS 1002012 11 Dallupura-SBV 1002013 12 New Kondli-GBSSS 1002014 13 Mayur Vihar, Phase II, Pkt.B-SBV 1002015 14 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.IV-SBV(Shaheed Capt.Hanifuddin) 1002016 15 Kalyanpuri -GBSSS 1002020 16 Kalyanpuri-SKV (Mother Teresa) 1002022 17 Mandawali-SKV 1002023 18 Trilokpuri, Block 27-SKV 1002024 19 Trilokpuri, Block 20-SKV (Sharda Sen) 1002025 20 Kondli-SKV (Jeeja Bai) 1002026 21 Dallupura-SKV 1002027 22 East Vinod Nagar-SKV (Ravindra Thakur) 1002028 23 Mayur Vihar, Phase II, Pkt.B-SKV (Annie Besant) 1002029 24 Patparganj-SKV 1002031 25 West Vinod Nagar-SKV 1002032 26 KalyanVas-SKV 1002033 27 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.II-SKV (Janaki Devi) 1002034 28 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.IV-SKV 1002036 29 Khichripur-GGSSS 1002037 30 Kalyanpuri-GGSSS 1002039 31 Trilokpuri, Block 27-GGSSS 1002175 32 Trilokpuri, Block 27-SBV 1002177 33 West Vinod Nagar, Block E-G(Co-ed)SSS 1002180 34 Joshi Colony-GBSSS 1002181 35 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Chilla Gaon-G(Co-ed)SSS 1002182 36 New Ashok Nagar-SKV 1002183 37 Gazipur-SKV 1002184 38 Vasundhra Enclave-GGSSS 1002185 39 New Kondli-GGSSS 1002186 40 New Ashok Nagar-GBSSS 1002187 41 Patparganj, I.P.
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