Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1982 Cluicru Cheannais CClltellLJry IOffiana Thiobraid Arann Staid Semple Durlas Eile Mean F6mhair 26 1982 Clar Oifigiuil Luach50p Cluichi Cheannais lomana Thiobraid Arann Mionuir 2.00 Ln. MAINISTIR NA CROISE- BEALACH ACHAILLE y EALAI CHARRAIG NA SIUIRE Reiteoir-Gear6id de Longa (Knockshegowna) Sinsir 3.15 Ln. ROSCRE v MA CHOIRCE EILE-BUIRIOS LEITH Reiteoir-Seoirse a Riain (Laitean) '\ / ., fl...g, CAMAN ~~ Fashioned from ash, Root-toughened in the hungry earth For lasting bas, And supple-stemmed for halldle spring, The moosured shape is spoke-shaved By a craft of ancient lilleage For balanced swillg. The root is bedded ill/he Red Brallch of Selall/a, A lid heart strings stretch ill pride When wedded to the wrists 0/ Roche and Keher The strokes 0/ grace excite to consciQuSlless of heritage. ~ Seamus 0 Riain Music for today's game is provided by the Sean Treacy Pipe Band-Moycarkey Borris. 2 Mar Cathaoirleach ar an gcondae stairiuil seo Along with our minor participar,ts, we cuirim fiiilte r6mhaibh go IlIlr do na Clukhf extend 10 Moycarkey·Borris and Roscrea a Ceannais lomlinafochta. very warm welcome on this county final day. Gabhaim bufochas leis na fOirn! a ghlac Looking back on the achi8llements of both P;!irt sna com6rtaisf go dti 51!"O agus leis na In the recent and not too recent past, we daoine a chabhraigh leo. await another memorable contest which will Sibhse atii bailithe anseo inniu, ag $uil Ie be in keeping with this great occasion. Rem· cluichf iontacha spartula, earraim oraibh embering the great tradition ellached to both calhru i ng3!:h bealach is f~idir libh Ie leathnu clubs, their meeling should shed furlher lustre agus lorooirt iomiinaiochta ar Iud an Chondae. on our olde$l and most distinctive nelional County Hurling final day is nere again­ game of all. A day which brings down the curtain on our Our hurting pride has been badly dented in hurling activities at minor and senior Iel/el recent years. Let us hope that our new hurting within OtIr county fot another year. champions in shOtlldering some of the rai' We recall in particular that victory 01 a ponsibiliw which will be theirs, '111111 by deed. few Sundays ago when our County Minor word and ell ample hasten the return of our Hurling team won lor 1.1$ our fifteenth All· cOtlnty to its former place In the sun. Ireland hurling title. Each one of us Ukewise can make a valuable Under the leadership of either Carrick contribution towards that effort. In the Swans or HolycroS$, who contest today's minor interaits of Tipperary and In the inter8$ts o~ linal, we look forward in anticipation fitst 01 hurling. I earnestly appeal to you to do so. all to a memorable final and secondly to a real and genuine effort in order that we may retain that An·lreland title in 1983. Calhaoirleach Buiochas Amhran This official pro&nmme II; pro­ na bhFiann dUCed by Thurln S ....fleld Communications Commluee Ilnd Sinne Fianna Fail, dls~ributed by the pupUs of ThurlU C.B.S. In thankinl our Ata faoi ghealJ ag Eirinn, advel1\len I reQUUI that they Buionn dar slua be supported by our patrons.. We He abo deeply indebted. to our Thar tionn do rainig chugainn, wrlten who lave so 'nely of their t.alents; the help liven by the Faoi mhoid bheith saar, staft of WeUbrook pnsa Is ",utly Seantir ar sinsear feasta, appreciated. Finally • word of thanks 10 Ni fhagfar faoin tioran na faoin trail the members of lbe Communica­ Anoch a theam sa bhearna bhaoil, tio ns Committee: John LIUli&an. Timmy Grace. Conor O'Dwyer. Le gean ar Ghaeil chun bais no saoil, Jimmy DUll8n. Bro. Keane. EUlene Sheehan and Tom .. 0 Le gunna-screach faoi lamhach na bpih!ar Barold. Sea libh, canaig Amhran na bhFiann. 2' :--i2k~L Pl"Olramme Editor AgalO I 111'I-'tal for material for funher prognulImc, - old phutogrJphs. ncwspaper cUlling~ or any such lile)!ha! would hclp in the ('omplction of fUlure prt)gral11me~ . I Ihanl.. ~inrcrely lho~ 1'0 ho have already comribulcd such material 3 .. AN CUIMHIN LEAT? J<lmel D"_,-_.~ Twenty veaf' &90 all Ihe magic tnat wItS the best county final for years, MOYCllrkev Tipperary in the S;>:li" w. conjured up to hold people hllY. rfluon to remember Ihe treml!fl­ Limerick to I replav. clef'lIt them bV &-13 doul display of Tony Wall .nd the 18\1" 01 to 7-4 and hammer Waterford before appearing 'Blackie' Keane as they lost 'n 8 Ihrilt 8 minute in the All Ireland finel againll Wexford in I conlest by tne narroWltSt of marginl. match Ihat had hurling scribes reaching for By 1972 the _I surged len strongly new epitheu. 'Glorious, dvnemlc blood tingling' and yet Tipperary faced Cork as AU Irlland ebotJl'ld In ttlt headlines of the day. Two champions in Limerick in tnl Munner IIml­ IIghlning goal, by Tom Mo'oughnly and 'inal. This time the age old rivalry produced Sean Mcloughlin .. t Crok. Park alight but 8 rlplay with Tipperary giving llcond ben in at the end of the day • marvellous 'Mackay' a seorelinl of 3·10 to 2·7 8t the .ame Vlnue. McKenna run lind II blistering goal by Tom Roserea recaptured the title they had surren­ Rvan of Killer'laule set the seal on "on8 of the derid to Moyne the prl'o'iOUI year. In II facile harden hours hurling eYar Me" in Crokl Park" win of 5-8 to 3-6 JackIe Hennon b&carne the Not to be oUldone the home scene provided first recipllnt of the new Dan Brlln Cup. compl,te with th, Gerryo_n Cup TOUmllmlflt in M,y 1912- Doyf" Jim Loughn,n" NOttI Lin., Sumus HogIIn, , ;_;",~.;,; i;';'~'{,~~.:'G~N;~~:': I.ft to rIght: T.dg/l O'Connor, Lism King, M,rlin Pe"r O'Sulllv.n, ,)'£"","h~.M.ich'" COttn. Ab$ent when the photo KIf.ring, John NOttI O'OWYlfr, and ROf/Ifr RYlfn. BlICk row:- T. Ryan, M. O'Glfrlf, R. SI,vln, J. Doyl" T. MoloughnlfY, M. Mah,r, K. Carey, T. RYan, L. Connolly, M. H_rr, M. Murphy. FrOM row:- M. Burns, L. DIf..,.".y, D. O'Br;,n, J. McKlfnna, T. English, D. NeefOl/, J. Doyl" Cllpt, $. McLoughlin, R. Moun$tly, C. Harrigan, T. Waif. 4 00 YOU REMEMBER? 20 years a90- TIPPERARY COUNTY FINAL, 14 October, 1962. Thurles Sarsfields ' -9; Moycarkey ~ Borrjs ' -8. Kneeling (from left): M. Byrne, Kevin Houlihan, P. Dorney, P. Doyle, M. "Mushll'} Maher, M. McElgunn (capt.}, M. ('Blackie') Keane, R. Mockler. Standing (from laft) : J. Connors (offici8l), Noel Murphy. L. Keane, S. McLoughlin, T. Walsh, T. Willi, 8, Maher, M. Murphy, G, Doyle (official). p;,,,u~, _"0"' the Isst Moycllrklly-Sorris UIBm to conresr II counry final;n 1962. Front row (left to rlght):- Joe Coman. Tommy Lonergan, Paddy Coman {Vice captl, Pat Ryen (capt.!, Donel Ryan, John O'Grady, Dick Fitzgerald. Back row !left to riglll):- T. K. Dwyer (Hon. Sec.), Billy $hanahen, Tom Wright, Liam Hennflssy, Gus Ryan, MiChael Lontugan, Paddy Baurks, Gerald Ryan, Tam Burke, Martin P. Corcortm. Subs were Billy Ryan, John Ryan. Liam Ryan. John Com8ll. Torn Kelfy, Michael Shanahan. Matty FannIng, Billy Nolan. Selectors that year were: _ Tommy Kelly, John Bergin, Martin Corcoran, Johnny Ryan end John Flanagan. 5 , TIOBRAID ARANN THIAR Sun Treacy's- W'''t Championl 1982 Fln,l te/lm:-P. McMBhon, J. OuiglllY. G. OToole, J. Hick,y. M. Hichy. B. Ryan, D. RYlln, J. J. Ryan, L. RVMI, P. OuJgJ".". P. Ryan, P. J. Csplis, John ~rey. O. Browne, D. c.rey. Sub: M. Ctrer for P. RYlIn. Photo- Nenl.lh GUardian Photo:- Nenl.&h Gl,I"~II.n KnoclciIViII.Oon"k.igh- Cuneo Cup Chvnpions 1982 Fina' team: J. Ferrell, P. Slattery. G. MorrfUII.". D. Morrissey. J. $fllttfry, D. KenMd'!. E. Brown, M. McGrath, P. Hay", M. Hennessy. G. CoulihlJn, B. HllyfJS, J. Henneny. D. Hayti', M. Butl.r. 6 WEST TIPPERARY CHAMPIONSHIP 1982 OUf !e •• syst.m Fin.t Cash,l 2·5 II Cappawhite/Eire 09 2-3-21/3/82 4f7/82-Golden-Klekhlms Wan 0-13: Cash.1 0-5 v Lanin/Emly 3-7- 20/5182 Cappawhile 0-5 Cash.1 ' ·9 II Clonoulw 0-8- 26/4/82 Clonoulty 4·3 II UUin/Emlv 2-5- 10/4/82 Clonool tv 7·5 II Cappawhite/EireOg 2-6-2215.182 Lattin/Emlv 2·12 II Cappawhit./Eire Og 0-4- 24/4/82 Thrle lOP learns from this group plus Kickhaml wino", of we.k group- lor Rrni lin •• s. Slml-fin.ls Clonoulty 4-3 v Kickhams 2-7 - 1917/82 Lallin/Emlv II Cashel- 19/7/82 Fina' Lattin/Emly 3-6 II Clonoulty 3-7- 2517/82 OIFIGIGH- BOARO OFFICERS 1982 Cathaoirll8Ch- Micheel Ryan (Arrevale ROllers I Runaf- Jerry Ring (AU3118Ie ROllers) P.R.O.- J. J. Kennedy (Kickhllml West) CiSllloir-Mich8ll1 Marnell (Clonovlty-Ros,more) TORTHAI- ReSULTS Senior Hurling Ch.mpionihip Play Hurl i~ No.1 The recently·launched publication "Play Hur· 9/5(82-$'ln Tr.IICY Park_ Sean TreKY', '.12 ling No.1"" is a \lery welcome help to the Cappawhite 1·11 promotion of hurling among OtJr yOtJlh. The 20/6182- ClonOtJlw- Sean TreacYI 0-12, booklet which is sponsored bV Irish life CMhell·8 Assurance Co. ltd, is published by An Fores 21/6182-Sean Treacv Park-Eire Og 1·8: Oiliuna- Cloke Park. It il Intended as a hand· Kiekhatns West 1·5.
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