from other fraternities or from other organizations of a somewhat similar nature. The proper method of conduct­ ing a chapter meeting was studied bearing in mind that meetings of our Fraternity chapters should be so conducted that we constantly realize and appreciate the honor and opportunities inherent in membership in Alpha Rho Chi. A session on Grand Council forms and business procedures followed in which Bro. Murray, WGE explained the necessity of TAKES LONG each chapter's prompt attention in forwarding Forms E-l to 6 which bear the vital statistics and current situation of our 2500 members. STEP FORWARD Dinner in the was held at T1he Tavern, a famous old eating place of the city. Din­ ner was followed by a visit to the Department of Architecture Report of the 27th National Convention on the Main Campus. Exhibits of student work and facilities available in the b,rand-n,ew building were shown to the visi­ tors by Professor R,obert Des Marais, WG S. Thursday's sessions were given Il who attended the Frater­ at the same time to see all there over almost entirely to reports A nity's 27th National Conven­ was to be seen. of the Active Chapters and alumni tion agreed it was one of the most At the opening session Stand­ bodies and the reports of the constructive meetings of Alpha ing Committees were appointed Standing Committees. Rho Chi within its forty-seven - these being Chapter Opera­ An ice-skating party was held year history. tions; Rushing; Expansion; C an,d in the evening at the new P'enn The hospitality of Vitruvius, B; and Nominating. State Rin,k. the host chapter, the sincerity and R.eports of nati ona I officers On F'riday morning business attention of the chosen delegates, served to emphasize these sub,­ was concluded with the election the thorough preparation by na­ jects and pointed out specifically of Brother Marion J. Smith, Ex­ tional officers all comb,ined to the weak points in the Frater­ ecutive Secretary of the Chicago produce an atmosphere which can nity's current operations. Dis­ Chapter of the American Institute best be described by saying that cussed were - weakness in rush­ of Architects, as Worthy Grand Alpha Rho Chi is ready and de­ ing resulting in a decline of active Architect of the Fraternity. He termined to move forward. membership, poor enforcement of succeeds Brother Robert F'. Cal­ Even the weather was reason­ Building Pledge provisions, in­ row who had asked that he might ably favorable permitting the ar­ adequate attention to Grand be permitted to relinquish this rival of all expected officers and (~ouncil correspondence and fre­ arduous post. delegates. No Nittan,y lions ap­ quent weakness in initiative both Formal initiation was presented peared. However the Vitruvius by alumni and active members. b,y the Vitruvius Chapter in the Chapter was present in full force A discussion of the traditions afternoon. Candidates for honor­ with its smart, well-kept house, and characteristics of Alpha Rho ary membership in the chapter its excellent breakfasts and lunch­ Chi was next on the program. were John R. Hunter, Jr. of the eons and its thorough-going co­ E,mphasis was placed on the fact firm of Hunter, Campbell and operation and friendliness. that our Fraternity must nourish Rea, Altoona and Rolf o. Enge, The only trouble - there was its peculiar and individual tradi­ registered architect of Oslo, Nor­ never enough time to take care tions if it is to maintain its true way. Mr. Hunter is a graduate of all the things to be done and character and be distinguished of Penn State University and a member of Alpha Chi Rho, Scarab and Lion's Paw and is Past Presi­ dent of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Insti­ tute of Architects. Mr. E,nge is a graduate of The University of Pennsylvania with a degree of Master of Architecture from The University of Southern California. A member of Tau Sigma Delta. He has now returned to Norway. The initiation was successful in every respect. T'he characters were awe-inspiring and imposing and were made up in really pro­ fessional style. T1he ritual pres­ entation was a great credit to our youngest chapter. In the evening a group of fifty delegates, officers and wives Robert F. Calrow Mario·n J. Smith (mostly) enjoyed a delightful Robert F. Calrow was elected Brother Marion J. Smith was banquet at the Nittany Lion . Worthy Grand Architect in 1953 elected Worthy Grand Architect Inn. Brother Milton S. Osborne, being re-elected in 1957 to serve by the 27th National Convention. Dem. '22, Director of the Depart­ two highly successful terms of He graduated from the Univer­ ment of Architecture presided this exacting Fraternity office. sity of Illinois in 1957, becoming and Mr. John R,. Hunter, Jr., Noteworthy among the accom­ Worthy Architect of the Anthe­ was the principal speaker. plishments of these eight years mios Chapter. He was also promi­ The following morning saw have been the addition of our new nent in other campus activities Convention delegates and officers Chapter at Pennsylvania State while in school. on their flight homeward. We University, the establishment of From his graduation to 1960 believe they will not soon forget a national scholarship award, the he was associated with Skidmore, the 27th National Convention or appointment of Grand Council Owings and Merrill in Chicago our Fraternity at Vitruvius Chap­ Deputies, National Inspector and as Chief of their Production De­ ter, State College, Pennsylvania. Grand Advisor. Also, very im­ partment and was active in Public portant, the appointment of an Relations 'for the firm. The National Scholarship Award Executive Secretary and estab­ He is now Executive Secretary lishment of a national office. of the Chicago Chapter of the was presented to the Mnesicles The F'raternity is grateful to American Institute of Architects Chapter at the Convention Ban­ Brother Bob Calrow for these with offices at 221 North LaSalle quet. Established in 1954, the achievements and expects to rely Street. plaque was won on two previous heavily on his ability and experi­ Brother Smith ,viII be installed occasions by the Iktinos Chapter. ence in the future. on April 22nd in Chicago. SHOWN HERE ARE DICK SIEBOLD, ROLF O. ENGE, DWIGHT ELY, JOHN R. HUNTER JR., BOB CALROW. TH ~ MOT TOO NTH E WALL HAS SO MET HING TOO 0 WIT HAG AMEP LAY EDIN THE CIT Y 0 F PAS A DEN A. REPORTS o F THE COMMITTEES TO THE CONVENTION RUSHING COMMITTEE 4. Election of officers to longer The Committee recommended: The Committee presented these terms. 1. That the Fraternity continue recommendations: 5. Complete revision of Hand­ to pursue the subject of expansion 1. Show the rushee benefits and book. aggressively. what we can do for him. 6. More social interchange be­ 2. That the Alpha Rho Chi Medal 2. Show the educational value tween faculty and actives. be used as a means of publicizing of the Fraternity. More faculty members. the Fraternity and the Medal re­ 3. Make the house a branch of ceive all publicity possible through the school. EXPANSION COMMITTEE the explanation sheet, through 4. Make the alumni a part of Information to the convention display in the schools and through rushing. on this subject was: presentation by an Alpha Rho Chi 5. Use faculty members. Arizona State University alumnus on the faculty. 6. Invite rushees to dinner at Brother John Brenner and other 3. Copi,es of The Archi are being the house or outside. members of the Arizona Alumni sent to the head of each accredited 7. Point out to the rushee that Chapter are holding meetings school of architecture and to the members of the Chapter are with students and faculty who are library of each such school. always available at the school showing keen interest. to help them. University of Texas SEMINAR ON BUSINESS FORMS 8. Make several summer per­ The attitudes of the new Texas The E 1 Form. Alumni Chapter and the Dean sonal contacts with rushees. This is a card form in quadrupli­ and staff of the University give 9. Plan to over-fill the quota. cate. It is a complete record of strong hopes for the reactivation 10. Provide a project for visiting the man whose name and vital of Dinocrates Chapter. other architectural schools statistics are on the upper part Washington University where we have Chapters. of the card. His college history Brother George F'ritzinger, who 11. Offer prizes for first-year stu­ is on the lower part of the card. dents. is in contact with this school, re­ 12. Make the house better known. ports that the school offers ninety­ The E 2 Form. 13. Establish a reputation for nine year leases to encourage the This is a pink sheet. It is used being selective in rushing. development of fraternities. by the Chapter to inform the 14. Teach the pledges to rush. University of Washington WGE when a man, (or men) 15. All Chapters will purchase Brother Wadsworth, G I, reports are initiated, graduated, with­ enough Rushing and Pledge the presence of nine interested draw, change course, affiliate with Manuals to take care of two alur.nni in Seattle, b,ut also con­ another chapter, drop pledge, re­ years anticipated needs. flicfs within the University. turn to school or other pertinent Montana State College information. T1he information is CHAPTER OPERATIONS It is a new School of Architecture placed on the man's E 1 card by Items brought up before the with an Alpha R,ho Chi alumnus the WG E, and the same thing convention for discussion were: at its head b,ut it is too soon to try should be done by the Chapter 1.
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