Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Scholars Compass VCU Commencement Programs VCU University Archives 2002 Virginia Commonwealth University Commencement Program Virginia Commonwealth University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcucommence © Virginia Commonwealth University Downloaded from http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcucommence/39 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the VCU University Archives at VCU Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in VCU Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of VCU Scholars Compass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAY 18 • THE COLISEUM • RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Board of Visitors Edward L. Flippen RECTOR W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. VICE RECTOR Lindley T. Smith SECRETARY Ralph L. "Bill" Axselle, Jr. David G. Baldacci Timothy L. Gresham Stephen P. Long Steven A. Markel Laura R. McMichael Anne P. Petera Monty W. Plymale Harold Y. Pyon E. Janet Riddick Robert E. Rigsby G. Bryan Slater Percy Wootton Processional* Virginia Commonwealth University Commencement Band Terry L. Austin, Conductor National Anthem VCU Police Honor Guard VCU Commencement Band Eun~Hye Grace Lee, Soloist Introductions and Welcome Eugene P. Trani, Pres ide nt Commencement Address James Burke Conferring of Special Awards The Pres ident Honorary Degree Edward A. Wayne Medals Presidential Medallions Conferring of Degrees The Pres ident UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES College of Humanities and Sciences Stephen D. Gottfredson, Dean School of Allied Health Profess ions Cecil B. Dra in, Dean School of the Arts Richard E. Toscan, Dean School of Business Michae l L. Sesnow itz, Dean School of Dentistry Ronald J. Hunt, Dean School of Education Richard J. Rezba, Interim Dean School of Engineering Robert J. Mattauch, Dean School of Nursing Nancy F. Langston, Dean School of Social Work Frank R. Baskind, Dean GRADUATE AND FIRST PROFESSIONAL DEGREES School of Graduate Studies Albert T. Sneden, Interim Dean School of Dentistry Ronald J. Hunt, Dean School of Medicine Heber H. Newsome, Jr. , Dean School of Pharmacy Victor A. Yanchick, Dean DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CANDIDATES Albert T. Sneden, Interim Dean Hooding by Dean Cecil B. Dra in and Dean Robert J. Mattauch Recessional** VCU Commencement Band * T he aud ience may remain seated during the academic procession but will stand fo r the National Anthem. ** G raduates will remain in place unt il the President's party leaves. HONORARY DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS The Honorary Doctor of Humane letters is Virginia Commonwealth 2002 RECIPIENT University's highest form of James Burke recognition. Awarded by the President at Commencement, it recognizes the Commencement speaker as well as others who have made outstanding contributions to society through scholarship, humanitarianism, science, art, and public service. Ornstein), The Pinball Effec t, The Knowledge Web, and mos t recently Circles. Mr. Burke also has written and hos ted a best-selling CD-ROM titled Connec ti ons: A Mind Game and, in fall 2002, wi ll publi sh 1+1= 3: The Accidental Modem World. Mr. Burke is a frequent keynote speaker on the James Burke subject of technology and soc ial change to audi­ Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters ences such as NASA, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, IBM, Microsoft, U.S. government COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER agencies, and the World Affairs Council. He also wrote a monthly column for Scientific American . James Burke has been called "one of the most His mos t recent television work is the ten-hour intriguing minds in the world" (Washington Post) . technology history series for The Leaming Thanks to satellite and cable technology, his Channel: Connections3. He is currently working audience is global. His work is on the curriculum on a larger interactive knowledge sys tem, which of universities and schools across the United States. he hopes to introduce to the educational curricu- In 1965, James Burke began work with BBC-TV lum by late 2003. on Tomorrow's World and went on to become the BBC's chief reporter on the Apollo Moon miss ions. Mr. Burke was educated at Oxford and holds honorary doctorates for his work in communicating For more than 30 years, he has produced, directed, sc ience and technology. written, and presented award-winning television se ri es on BBC, PBS, and The Leaming C hannel. These include historical se ries, such as Connections (aired in 1979, it achieved the highest-ever "one of the most intriguing documentary audience ), The Da y the Univers e Changed, and Connections2; his own sc ience minds in the world" se ri es, The Burke Special; a mini-se ries on the brain, The Neuron Suite; a se ries on the greenhouse effect, After the Warming; and a special for the N ational Art Gall ery on Renaissance painting, Masters of Illusion. A best-sell ing author, his publications include Tomorrnw's World , Tomorrow's World II , Connections, The Day the University Changed, Chances, The Axemaker's Gift ( wi th Robert EDWARD A.WAYNE MEDAL The Edward A. Wayne Medal was established in 1971 to honor individuals who have 2002 RECIPIENTS made outstanding contributions J irn & Martha Betts t or provided exemplary service Inger V. Rice James C. & Charlotte K. Roberts to Virginia Commonwealth C. Kenneth & Dianne H. Wright University. Awarded by the President at Commencement, the medal is named in honor of Edward A. Wayne, Chairman of the commission that led to the establishment of Virginia Commonwealth University in 1968 by the Virginia General Assembly. Mr. Wayne served as the University's first Vice Rector. t Pos thumously Insurance Company of Virginia, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, and U SLIFE Insurance Corporation . He also se rved on the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Commonwealth University Foundation , the Board of Visitors of Virginia Military Institute, and the boards of the Finance Council of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, the Richmond Symphon y, Richmond Jim & Martha Betts Renaissance, Bon Secours Hospitals, the United Way, and St. Gertrude's High Sc hool. In 1986, he Edward A . Wayne Medal s received the National Brotherhood Award from the N ational Conference of C hristians and Jews and in 1999 the Distinguished C itize n Award from the Boy Scouts of Ameri ca. Jim Betts, who passed away on March 23 , 2002 , earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Mrs. Betts was a profess ional actress fo llowing Administration fr om W as hington U niversity in graduation from college and perfo rmed in several St. Louis, Missouri. His wife, the late Martha Betts, summer stock theaters, repertoire companies , motion passed away on August 3, 2001. She was a Magna pictures , documentaries, and television shows. Cum Laude graduate of Maryv ille Coll ege of the In 1970, she began to paint se ri ously and studied Sacred Heart in St. Louis. art at the Boston Muse um of Fine Arts, the Marchutz School of Art in A ix- en-Provence France , Mr. Betts began work for the N ew England Mutual the A rt Students League in New York, and the Life Insurance Company as a clerk in 1950 and Pas tel Society of America in New York. She was subsequently advanced to Senior Vice Pres ident a member of the Pas tel Society of America, the in 1969. In 1973, he was elected Pres ident of the Metropolitan Art A ssoc iation of Richmond, the Life Insurance Compan y of Virginia and then Hilton H ead Art League, and the Southeastern Executive Vice President of the Continental Pas tel Society. Group, which acquired Life of Virginia in 1978. From 1985 to 1987, Mr. Betts served as a director In 1982, Mrs. Betts was diagnosed with breast cance r, of Waring and Associates, a consulting firm . In 1997, and in 1998, she was diagnosed with metas tatic he was elected President and C hief O perating brain cancer. For the pas t 20 years, she h ad se rved Officer of USLIFE Insurance Corporation in New as a volunteer fo r Reach for Recovery, an American York and served two years in this pos ition until he Cancer Society program for cancer survivors. retired in 1989. From 1990 to 199 5, he headed a She and her husband established the James F. statewide effort to build a major regional airport in and Martha G . Betts Metas tatic Cancer Research Eas tern Virginia. Fund. Her las t art show, "Surviving Impress ion s, " documented her experience with brain cancer Mr. Betts served on the boards of Central Fidelity through 13 paintings and one sc ulpture and raised Bank and its successor W achovia Corporation, more than $ 1.5 million for the MC V Foundation Dominion Resources, Virginia Powe r, the Life to support research for the cure of metastatic cancer. United Nations' Committee for Non-Governmental Organizations; National Director of the Cultural Laureate Center; and Director of the YMCA. She is a member of the Virginia Museums Council and was on the Board of Associates of the University of Richmond. She also was on the board for the Richmond Sister City Commission and served Inger V. Rice as Chairman for Korea. Edward A. Wayne Medal Mrs. Rice's contributions have included the home and land at 1000 Old Locke Lane in Richmond, which is now a Virginia Historic Landmark, to the Science Museum of Virginia and most recently In 2001, Mrs. Inger V. Rice donated 349 acres her New Guinea Art Collection to the University of land, including a 70-acre lake, in Charles City of Richmond. She serves on numerous associations County to establish the Inger and Walter Rice and has been recognized by numerous local and Center for Environmental Life Sciences as a major national organizations for leadership as a volunteer component of the new life sc iences program at and phil anthropist.
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