, h Our Sympathy To Weather Foir _other, with 0 worming trend in the Hay Fever Sufferers western .nc! centro I IIOrtions of the .tote tod.y. High of ......., with thunderltorm. expected (The Pollen Count Is Rising) 01 owon Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of lo.wa City to mO¥e Into the ereo tomorrow. Established in 1868 Associated Press LeaMd Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, August 14, 1962 • enne UIC ax ut Renews Pledge ·T0 Seek Soviet Cosmonauts Still Setling Records 163 Tax System Reform \\' SIll IGTO\' (AP) - President Kennedy tllmed thumbs Speculated down ~lond3y night on a quiek tax cut and reaffirmed his goal of u multi·billion-dollar reduction to become effective next Jan. l. They Might But he pledged to call Congrt'ss into speCial session and ask for immediate action if an eco· nomic erisis should develop laler this year. Descend Today Senate Stops There is no sign now of any such crisis, the President told the people via television and radio from the Scientist Says They White House. May Land Together; Satellite Bill Kennedy said there is an "ab· Leave 1 Craft Orbiting sence of a clear and present d:ln · gel''' to the economy and thus :I MOSCOW IA'J - Russia's two Amendment quickie tal( cut "could neither tic newest astronauts slept ~acefully justifed nor enacted." in space early Tuesday while their WASHINGTON IA'J - The Sennte He renewed his pledge to (l k Iwin ships raced around the earth defeated Monday the first at· Congress next yem' for a ma sive constantly selling new mileage nnd tt'mpts by opponent to re·write reform of the American tax system orbital recOl'ds, Tass reported. with substantial income tax rat the Administration's communica· e Unconfirmed rcports said "the reductions as part of the overhllul. tion satellite bill. Falcon" or "the Golden Eagle," This plan, including all·brackct or both, might land during the day. It rejected, 56 to J9 , an amend· cuts in individual and corporaLe A Soviet informant said some· ment by Sen. Albert Gore (D. rates and rooting out of inequities Ihing interesting would happen in Tenn .) to require the State De· would, he said, place billions of the afternoon IMoscow time is partment to conduct or supervise dollars in the h:mds of consumers nine houl's ahelld of Centro I Stand· and businesmen. And Ihis, in turn, ard Time ), but he refused to clabo· all negotiations with foreign coun­ would crente new jobs and expand rate. About that time, both astro· tries and approve all agreements the American economy, he r('o· nauts might be in position to de· involving the proposed global satel· Boned. scend. lite communications system. Th. prlStn' bit, on the Ameri. Sir Bernard Lovell, director of Supporting the Gore amendment e.n people, h, s.ld, Is too I.v.rl, Britain's Jodren Bank rldio tel.· were 19 Democrats. Voting against hilmperlng economic growth. But, scope, told reporters, "1 would it were 29 Democrats and 'J:I Re· he •• Id, Immldl.te tex reduction not be surprised if both men publicans. Is • wilpon th.t thould be "fired came down in one craft .nd left only In elur Imlra-ncy." To The bill would set up a privately propose one ilt thl, time, he laid, the other craft in orbit ... We own ed, Government· regulated believe either the sp.cemen now would n.. dlessly undercut confl· are both together or art ex· tOrporation to operatc the U.S. denc, at home .nd .bro.d. Cosmonaut in Space On Guard in Berlin part of the system and allow it to tremely close to each other." As for the permanent reform "The Falcon," Maj. Andrian Ni. Soviet cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev, third Russi.n to orbit the West Berlin pollcl, weapons sill n g over their gren.des .nd shot streams of w.ter from trucks conduct business negotiations with forcign countries and agencies with measurc he pl'opose foJ' next yenr, kolayev, 32, made his 40Lh orbit earth, wears a spilce helmet 115 he orbil$ the urth in Soviet apace- shoulders, m.rchtd along th' Ent Gtrm.n Will In an exchanlle touched off by West Berliners he said leaders of Senate and at 10 p.m. MosGOw lime, the Tass 'hip Vostok III. Tass, the Soviet news .gency, said, in releesing .t Bern.uer Str.ue Mond.y to prevent .ny incl· demonstr.tlng on the .nnivlrsery of the erection Ihe State Department ndvising on foreign policy. House, plus Rep. Wilbur Mills m· news agency refJorted. That would this picture Monday, th.t it was mlde from a tellvislon screen reo dents in Berlin. Eest .nd W"t police fired gas of the Communist b.rric.de. -AP Wirephoto Ark.l chairman of the lax writing be about 1.040,000 miles piled up ceiving pictures from the s.tellite in orbit. No Inform.tion wn * * * * * * * * * The big issue will be decided House Ways and Means Commit· Tuesday when the Senate votes tee, have as ured him of speedy r 011 a bipartL on lead r hip pro· action in 1963. L~.. ::' :'::.'t'..~ III hi,"., ,II "'~" , "" wh ... it w.. m..... -;:: Seream,·ng Be, ~ll·n.er.s ~t~ack posal to invoke debale·!imitinj "The Golden Eagle," code nome Ell I' Sh d cloture and end a filibuster thaL He mode no mention of the ot· tor ·Lt .' Cql. 'Pavel \ Pbpovich: :II, a r y ow own titude 01 Sen. Harry F. Byrd !D. at about the same tllne completed • has blocked Cinal action on the measure. Va.) powerful chairman of the Sen· ate Finance Committee, who has The Senate, in a storm of parlia· opposed most of Kennedy tax reo mentory maneuvering. adjourned ~h~r~~~~~~i::2t:o?~~la;:~ I I R \'1 C t Red Wa"/I in Violent P~otest fo~m ideas this year. launched Sunday. He was believetl A I lI!onday night, heading off a threat· a on roversy Rep. Mills said in a statement re· to be still somewhere in the vicini· BERLIN IA'J - West Berliners' We t Berlin police also were fore this was done, there were ened night·long speech by Sen. ty of Vostok III. CHICAGO (AP) - The .S. Circuit Court of Appeals Wayne Morse CD-Ore.l against the leased ofter the broadcast that he pent·up hatred oC the year·old Com· having trouble with another crowd many escapes - and some deaths endorses fully the President's deci· Both had far outstripped the cleared t]1e way ~Ionday for an early showdown on plan of the munist wall poured out Monday of demonstrator about three miles - oC East Berliners who jumped Administration bill . best Soviet space effort and had sian not to ask for a tax cut at Lhi nation's railroads to eliminate thousands of jobs they consider night in a series of violent pro· to the north, ill the neighborhood from the windows. Sen. Everett M. Dirksen m ·lIl.) time. covered distances beyond that to test demonstrations. They includ· of Bernauerstrasse. un necessary. During the evening hundreds of the Senate GOP leader, and others the moon. ed attacks against Soviet vehicles tellmed up in the moves which Looking directly Into the tele· This is the border sLreet where marchers h'ied to reach Bernauer· vision c.mer.. ot his unse.n The distance to the moon ranges Til court acceded to a request by the rajlroads for fast, and the barriclldc itself. forced a 15·6 roll call vote to ad· What West Berlin officials hoped Lhe Communists have walled ocr strasse. Some carried a cross let· iludience, Kennedy .ppe.led for lI'om 221,463 to 252,710 miles. emergency consideration of Iheir -----------­ the windows of all the houses. Be- tered with the words "We accuse." journ the session at JO :34 p.m. The space men had their eve· mOlion to dismiss a lower court would be a quiet observance oC (EDT ) until noon Tuesday. ..sist.nco on a flvl.polnt pro· the first anniversary of the Red gram. ning meal and radioed the control temporary injunction restraining But it took more than a half center they felt fine. them from putting a job·slashing wall turned into near chaos that * "I'm asking your help, Lhe help Complex Law lasted until late evening. * * * * * hour of manipulation before back· Both reported they awoke reo schedule into effect. l ers of the satellite bill got their of Congress and the American Screaming, cursing crowds of people, to push to enactment be· freshed from a night's sleep. It Judge Elmer J. Schnack~nberg Wall IFailure to Reds point, sparked by Dirksen's sug· of the Appeals Court gave the West Berliners, blocked by West fore adjournment, measures to was the second night's sleep in police Crom approaching the wall, gestion that "good Christian peo. space for Nikolayev. They said all five unions involved until 5 p.m. Battle Looms pie ought to be in bed by now. " speed up our economy," Kennedy found other outlets for their anger. By DON COOK about 500 We t Germans cross to said. controls were Cunctioning, and Tuesday to file opposing brieCs and HI"ld T,lbune News SI,vlel Ithe East each day to visit rela· and !\lorse contending that he was were determined to carry their pleadings. lie said the Appeals Hurling stones and bHr bot. BERLIN - The Berlin Wall was tives and friend. Very lillie goes being subjected to a "gag" to He listed specifically: mission to a successful conclusion.
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