1774 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 January 19, 2007 Goode’s family came to Arizona to work in foundly committed individual who is a true role 1939 by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, where she the agricultural fields when he was an infant, model for the Nation. He has effected change served with distinction for 40 years. As judge, and he remembers picking cotton as a boy. that has improved the lives and broken down two major changes she accomplished, along Calvin graduated from eighth grade in Gila barriers for many Arizonans. Therefore, I am with Judges Justine Wise Polier and Hubert Bend and then moved to Prescott to attend pleased to pay tribute to my friend Calvin C. Delaney, were the assignment of probation of- high school. When he was a junior, he was di- Goode, and I know my colleagues will join me ficers to cases without regard for race or reli- agnosed with a heart condition and was ex- in wishing him continued success. gion and a requirement that private child care pected to live only a year. He moved to Phoe- f agencies that received public funds had to ac- nix for his health, where he enrolled in Carver cept children without regard to ethnic back- High School, the only high school in Arizona HONORING HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL ground. built exclusively for African American students. Bolin served on the board of the Wiltwyck Upon graduating from Carver High in 1945, he HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN School for Boys, the Child Welfare League of attended Phoenix College for two years, and OF TENNESSEE America, the Neighborhood Children’s Center, went on to Arizona State University where he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the New York State Board of Regents, and earned a business degree in 1949. He later Friday, January 19, 2007 took an active role in the local and national earned a Master’s degree in education at NAACP. Judge Bolin has received honorary Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, it is a ASU. degrees from Morgan State University, West- privilege for me today to take a moment and Goode recalls his earlier years as a time ern College for Women, Tuskegee Institute, honor the group of dedicated students and when African Americans were not allowed to Hampton University, and Williams College. faculty of the Houston High School Marching eat in many restaurants, housing was re- Even though Jane Bolin passed away on Band and their remarkable 2006 marching stricted to certain areas, and jobs were limited. January 8, 2006, her contributions to the prac- season accomplishments. Under these conditions, Goode returned to tice of law brought revolutionary changes to With a history of academic and competitive Carver High as the school accountant. When New York’s legal bureaucracy and her legacy success, the Houston High School Band has Phoenix schools were integrated in 1954, will live through all those families she touched contributed a sturdy foundation for the stu- Carver High was closed, but Goode continued throughout her years on the New York family dents involved with this distinguished family. working in the Phoenix Union High School court bench. Director Jim Smith continues this program of District for a total of 30 years. During those [From The New York Times] good works through instilling lessons of citi- years, he also ran a tax accounting busi- JANE BOLIN, THE COUNTRY’S FIRST BLACK zenship, character, and team-building as the ness—Calvin Goode and Associates—which WOMAN TO BECOME A JUDGE, IS DEAD AT 98 current director of the Houston High School began with people coming to his home and re- (By Douglas Martin) Band. ceiving help over the kitchen table. He kept Jane Bolin, whose appointment as a family The Houston High School Marching Band’s court judge by Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia prices low to help those who needed it. show, ‘‘An American in Paris,’’ earned cham- In 1960, Calvin married Georgie, a school in 1939 made her the first black woman in pionships in the Dixie Marching Band Cham- teacher. Together they raised three sons, the United States to become a judge, died on pionship, Vanderbilt Marching Invitational, Monday in Queens. She was 98 and lived in Vernon, Jerald and Randolph—a family which Briarcrest Marching Invitational, and JCM Long Island City, Queens. has now grown to include six grandchildren. Marching Invitational. These triumphs have Her death was announced by her son, During these years, he served on the local certainly earned Houston High School the well Yorke B. Mizelle. school board and chaired the Phoenix LEAP Judge Bolin was the first black woman to deserved title of Champion Marching Band of Commission to improve education and job graduate from Yale Law School, the first to the Mid South. join the New York City Bar Association, and training opportunities. In 1971, Goode was Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join persuaded to run for a seat on the Phoenix the first to work in the office of the New me in congratulating Jim Smith and the Hous- York City corporation counsel, the city’s City Council. With strong community support, ton High School Marching Band of German- legal department. the soft-spoken Goode was elected and came town for their dedication of success during the In January 1979, when Judge Bolin had re- to serve a total of 11 terms—a record 22 2006 marching season. luctantly retired after 40 years as a judge, years. As a councilman, Goode became the Constance Baker Motley, a black woman and ‘‘Conscience of the Council,’’ using his voice f a federal judge, called her a role model. to raise questions and push for support to ne- A TRIBUTE TO JANE BOLIN—THE In her speech, Judge Motley said, ‘‘When I thereafter met you, I then knew how a lady glected parts of the community. In honor of FIRST BLACK WOMAN JUDGE judge should comport herself.’’. those efforts, the Phoenix Municipal Building The ‘‘lady judge’’ was frequently in the bears his name. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL news at the time of her appointment with ac- Although retired, Goode continues to serve OF NEW YORK counts of her regal bearing, fashionable hats and pearls. But her achievements tran- his community. He is president of the Phoenix IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Elementary School Board and worked on the scended being a shining example. As a family transition committee for Governor Janet Friday, January 19, 2007 court judge, she ended the assignment of pro- Napolitano. He is active with his local neigh- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today bation officers on the basis of race and the to pay tribute to the life and legacy of Jane placement of children in child care agencies borhood improvement association and the on the basis of ethnic background. Booker T. Washington Child Development Bolin, the first African-American judge in the Jane Matilda Bolin was born on April 11, Center. Goode is also helping bring back his United States, who left this world at the age of 1908, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Her father, Gaius high school alma mater as the George Wash- 98 years and to enter into the RECORD an arti- C. Bolin, was the son of an American Indian ington Carver Museum and Cultural Center, cle in the New York Times by Douglas Martin woman and an African-American man. Her which will showcase the achievements of Afri- entitled ‘‘Jane Bolin, the Country’s First Black mother, the former Matilda Emery, was a can Americans in Phoenix and Arizona. Woman to Become a Judge, Is Dead at 98.’’ white Englishwoman. These represent only a handful of the Jane Bolin was born in Poughkeepsie, NY, Mr. Bolin, who was the first black grad- uate of Williams College, had his own legal achievements that have earned him the Phoe- daughter of the late Gaius C. Bolin and the practice and was president of the Dutchess nix Urban League’s Most Distinguished Citizen late Matilda Emery. Her father was the first County Bar Association. His daughter grew Award and the Black Heritage Celebration black graduate of Williams College, had his up enamored of his shelves of leather-bound Griot Award, which is given to people who own legal practice and was president of the books on the law. But her comfortable girl- perpetuate the African storytelling tradition. Dutchess County Bar Association. She grew hood was profoundly shaken by articles and Further recognition has resulted in the Calvin up enamored of her father’s shelves of leath- pictures of lynchings in Crisis magazine, the C. Goode Lifetime Achievement Award which er-bound books on the law and went on to be official publication of the N.A.A.C.P. ‘‘It is easy to imagine how a young, pro- is given annually at the Phoenix Martin Luther the first Black woman to attend Yale Law tected child who sees portrayals of brutality King Jr. Breakfast to recognize individuals who School, after graduating with honors from is forever scarred and becomes determined to have made Phoenix a better place to live. Wellesley College. contribute in her own small way to social Madam Speaker, there is no doubt Calvin Bolin was appointed to Domestic Relations justice,’’ she wrote in a letter at the time of C. Goode is an exemplary leader and a pro- Court—now the Family Court—of New York in her retirement in December 1978. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:57 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR19JA07.DAT BR19JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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