Putanga 25 2 012 CELEBRATING MÄORI ACHIEVEMENT Hui-tanguru — Poutü-te-rangi 2012 Poutü-te-rangi — Hui-tanguru Kia kaha te mahi tahi NEW GOVERNMENT WHÄNAU ORA HÄKINAKINA E WHAKANUI ANA I TE MÄORI FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE – LEITH COMER Putanga E ngä kärangatanga maha puta noa i te motu, Several iwi have settled claims with the Crown, the Mäori tënä tätou katoa. Asset Base has an estimated value of $36.9 billion, Mäori 25 business and export has taken flight with success stories both here at home and overseas, and the international love 2 012 Last November saw the National Party return to affair continues with all things Mäori. Yet, the indicators Government, and this time with support from the Mäori, reveal a widening disparity between Mäori and non-Mäori, ACT, and United Future parties. telling us that perhaps the State Sector could do a better I want to acknowledge the Hon Dr Pita Sharples who is job by Mäori. reappointed as the Minister of Mäori Affairs, and Hon It is possible that changes will result in agencies working Tariana Turia who is also reappointed as the Minister for Hui-tanguru — Poutü-te-rangi 2012 Poutü-te-rangi — Hui-tanguru together in clusters to ensure a more joint approach to Whänau Ora. responding to Government priorities. I would prefer that I also welcome the news that Hon Christopher Finlayson Te Puni Kökiri operate at the centre of this Government joins Minister Sharples as the Associate Minister of Mäori drive, not in any one particular cluster, ensuring that Affairs. Minister Finlayson is well-known to us through there is greater effectiveness for Mäori from all parts of his responsibility as the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi the State Sector. Negotiations and Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. I am also keen to see Te Puni Kökiri take on a facilitative 2012 is a year for review and change as improvements role in ensuring that appropriate Crown-Mäori relations throughout the public sector are rolled out to create emerge. better public service delivery to all New Zealanders. Te So, in this year of public sector improvements, I believe Puni Kökiri will be asked to focus on kaupapa that we there is a good opportunity for Te Puni Kökiri to play an all know are real – education; employment and training; important role in supporting Government initiatives to housing; the environment; and, strengthening our Whanau improve the lives of Mäori throughout New Zealand. Ora response. Enjoy the year. Kia kaha tätou. Te Puni Kökiri is now 20 years old. Since its establishment in January 1992, the Mäori population has changed significantly. Considerable gains have also been made: Leith Comer Te Puni Kökiri – Manahautü 2 TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | H ui - tanguru — P out Ü- te - rangi 2 0 1 2 NGÄ KAUPAPA 5 11 43 New Government 5 Whänau Ora 11 Häkinakina 43 How’s the new government made up Catch up with the new developments More than 1500 IronMäori strut their and who are the Mäori MPs in Whänau Ora stuff at IronMäori 2011 From the 2 Whänau Ora seeks Pacific Kaupapa Matua 23–25 Policy Wähanga 38–40 leadership Chief Executive Mokomoko pardon tinged with Mäori, young and in demand Pedalling a passion for joy and sadness From the desk of the 4 Demographic dividend Whänau Ora Turanga tangata – Turanga Minister of Mäori Affairs Mäori pursuing digital horizons Rangatahi 15 whenua Deed of settlement a solemn Telecommunications future hui Te Ao Mäori 5-7 Young Enterprise Scheme affair paves way for exciting New Associate Minister of making dreams a reality Hononga 41 Mäori Affairs future Young Enterprise Scheme Building on RWC 2011 success Four Mäori Ministers alumni search Ngä Rohe 26–35 in New Year One of the few Pakihi 16-18 Te Taitokerau Have your say for our tamariki Häkinakina 42–43 Piki ake te tihi Tämaki Makaurau Parliament at a glance Tängata Maitai Spirited approach to Mäori Waikato Champion Piri Te Ipu Whutupöro o te Ao tourism Te Moana Ä Toi 8–10 Mäori Taxi Company first off Te Arawa Toi 44-45 Guiding the horizons the rank Te Tairäwhiti Waiata Mai Waka Mäori – Waka Angitü Te Ao Mäori 19–22 Takitimu Toi Iho strong again Aroha ki te tangata – Exceptional Mäori women earn Te Tai Hauäuru Manaakitanga ki a koutou Apa Märeikura awards Te Whanganui Ä Tara Pänui 46 Mäori scholars earn Ministry Te Waipounamu Whänau Ora 11–14 Ahuwhenua Competition of Health scholarships Kökiri to Facebook National-Mäori Party Accord New Year Honours Te Ao Mäori 36–37 Whänau Ora earthquake response New beginnings A sense of freedom Latest Publications 47 WIIE Fund Catching up A well-planned exit TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | H ui - tanguru — P out Ü- te - rangi 2 0 1 2 3 From the desk of the Minister of Mäori Affairs Tënä koutou katoa e ngä iwi, i tënei tau hou. Kökiri is published bi-monthly by Te Puni Kökiri (The Ministry of Ko te wä nui o te tau mö te whakawhanaungatanga, ko ngä rä whakatä o Mäori Development). Its kaupapa te Kirihimete. Ko te tümanako, kua rongo koutou i ngä painga o te noho is to celebrate Mäori achievement, showcase Mäori success and realise hei whänau. Kua tangi koutou ki ö koutou mate o te tau; kua whiriwhiri Mäori potential. koutou i ngä take o te wä, kua täkaro tahi, otirä kua whakapakari koutou Kökiri is FREE. i a koutou, kia kaha ake ai mö te tau hou. For all database enquiries Whakawhanaungatanga, the theme of this edition of Kökiri, is including new subscriptions, updates and/or amendments about building and strengthening a sense of family among a group visit www.tpk.govt.nz/Kökiri of individuals. During the Christmas holidays most of us will have For all editorial enquiries please experienced that reality and felt the benefits. Families give their members contact, Kö[email protected] strength, if everyone works at the relationships. or visit www.tpk.govt.nz EDITORIAL SERVICES: The Treaty of Waitangi was also about whakawhanaungatanga. There was Mana Mäori Media Limited no way, in 1840, that Mäori would invite Päkehä to settle in Aotearoa DESIGN AND ART: without expecting whanaungatanga to develop. Mark Wotton Design It’s taken a while, but Treaty settlements are helping to restore the PRINT PRODUCTION: Webstar Ltd vision of our tïpuna. The investigation of history, the acknowledgement DISTRIBUTION: Print Link of past injustice and an apology by the Crown, help to restore positive ISSN: 1177-8164 relationships with iwi as a platform for working together (see Kaupapa CONTRIBUTIONS: Te Puni Matua p23-25). Kökiri welcomes editorial and photographic contributions to We have seen that what’s good for Mäori is good for New Zealand, as iwi Kökiri. Te Puni Kökiri reserves the right not to publish any invest in their local and regional economies to create wealth and jobs; contribution given. Unsolicited provide health, education and social services; and participate in local material will not be returned unless government. accompanied by a stamped, self- addressed envelope. While all care As iwi regain control over their cultural, social and economic destiny, is taken, no liability is accepted for loss or damage. they are starting to work with the Crown on business and development COPYRIGHT: Parts of this projects overseas. publication may be reproduced or Here we see the distinctive cultural contribution that Mäori bring – not copied with the written permission of Te Puni Kökiri - email just indigenous branding like the haka, but traditional ways of building Kö[email protected] relationships with others: whakawhanaungatanga. © Te Puni Kökiri 2012 What’s good for Mäori business is good for New Zealand Inc, so this co- DISCLAIMER: Kökiri is published operation and whanaungatanga between iwi and the Crown benefits all by Te Puni Kökiri, PO Box 3943, Wellington. While every care has New Zealanders. been taken in the preparation of this publication, neither Te Nö reira kia kaha te mahi tahi – work hard at working together! Puni Kökiri nor the individual writers accept any responsibility Kia ora, or liability, whether in contract or in tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Readers should also note that the materials in this publication are the Hon Dr Pita R Sharples, personal views of the writers and do Minister of Mäori Affairs. not necessarily reflect the official policy or views of Te Puni Kökiri. 4 TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | H ui - tanguru — P out Ü- te - rangi 2 0 1 2 TE AO Mäori Chris is looking forward to three years as Minister of Treaty working with Minister Sharples of Waitangi Negotiations and on a number of issues across the is very much looking forward to Mäori Affairs portfolio. working with them in new areas over the next three years. He entered Parliament in 2005 as a National Party List Member Chris is very ambitious to of Parliament and assumed his achieve much for Mäori in the existing roles in the John Key second term of the John Key led Government following the led Government and in all he 2008 election. does is guided by the following whakatauki: Before entering Parliament Chris was a lawyer and “Whäia te iti kahurangi ki te NEW ASSOCIATE MINISTER represented clients in all of New tüohu koe, me he maunga OF MÄORI AFFAIRS Zealand’s courts and tribunals. teitei.” From 1989 to 2005 he acted for a number of iwi and also Te Ohu “Aim for the highest cloud so Chris became the new Associate Minister of Mäori Affairs following Kaimoana.
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