,':--, r., cd " " <IJ ,c/" ••L" -"' 0-: ,~ c," [d r:; H "": c, q"" r~., " "'-',' oj G'" ::0.-; "0' -,-I ,..--1 (0 m -," h (71" I--J ,-0 0 ,r:; :1::; 1.":', 0 C'., 'J) r.:" '" ('J -cr; m -r-! r., !:-I ~"\ 'rJ " r~] ~.0 PJ '" ,-I H" "'''''(' OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY. Inc. I Notes J1J:om the Bditoi (Founded November 17, 1911) ReTURN OF PHOTOS FOUNDERS Deal' Brothel's: PROF. FRANK COLEMAN 1232 Girard Street, N.E., Wash., D.C, We receive numeroUs requests for return DR. OSCAR J, COOPER 1621 W. Jefferson St., Phila., Fa. DR. ERNEST E. JUST . .' .,........ • . .. Deceased of photos .. In most instances we make REV. EDGAR ~ LOVE ... 2416 Montebelo Terrace, BaIt., Md. an -all out effort to comply with your wishes. This however; entai'ls an expense GRAND OFFICERS that is not computible to our budget. With GEORGE E, MEARES, Grand BasUeus , .... 155 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N,Y. the continllous ell.pansion of the "Oracle", ELLIS F. CORBETT, 1st Vice G"and BasliellS IllZ Benbow Road, Greensboro, N.C, DORSEY C, MILLER, 2nd Vice Grand Baslleus .. 727 W. 5th Street, Ocala, Fla, we find that We can no lon-gel' absorb WALTER H. RIDDICK, Grand Keeper of ReeD rels & Seal 1038 Chapel St., Norfoll~, Va, this cost, Thus we are requesting. that JESSE B. BLA YTON, SR., Grand Keeper of Finance :3462 Del Mar Lane, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. in the future, requests for return of photos AUDREY PRUITT, Editor of the ORACLE.. 1123 N,E, 4th St., Oklahoma City, Olda. MARION W. GARNETT, Grand Counselor " 109 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. must be accompanied with the necessary WENDELL COX, Grand Marshall Radio St. WCHE, 32790 Henry Ruff Rd.'I. Inkster, Mich. postage, H. ALBION FERRELL, Grand Chaphiu .......... 2333 First St., N.w., Wash., D.C. Tihis can be determined hy your initial CARY D, JACOBS, Former Grand Baslleus .... 1239 NOI·th West St., Indianapolis, Ind. H. CARL MOULTRIE, I, National Executive Secrehry 2714 Geo. Ave., N.W., Wash., D.C. cost when you mail the material to our office, A self addressed envelope -will he DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES highly appreciated. Dist. 1. GEORGE R. WHITE ........ 344 Old Post Roadl... Sharon, Mass. f.r f.r f.r 2. JAMES S. AVERY . _.. _.619 Monroe Avenue, .L-'lainfleld, N.J. TO CHAPTER EDITORS AND OTHER 3. FRED NANCE .. .... I-Main Plaza East, Suite 600, NOl'follt, Va. 4, CLARK E. BECK ..... , ..... 684 Omar Circle, Yellow Springs, OhIo INTERESTED BROTHERS 5. L. A. WESTLEY... ........ , 334 Vance Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. 6. LEWIE ROACHE South' Cal'olina State College, Orangeburg, S,C. RE: Color Transparancies 7. J. T. BROOKS . .... .145 Ashby Street, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. December 1964 and Ma,y 1965 Oracle 8. ALONZO BROWN.. ,.......... .751 Locust St., Jefferson City, Mo. We ·received great pleasure from the 9. FLETCHER MORGAN , ... , .... P.O. Box 9, Thompson, Texas response of our appeal for color trans- 10, JAMES MULLINS .,... .. 202 Berkley Road, Indianapolis, Ind. 12. PERCY H. STEELE, JR. 2505 Bush Street, San Francisco, Calif. parancies suitable for the front covel'. In all fairness, I must report that there TRAVELING DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES is a technical question we failed to fully JAMES AVERy.... ... 619 Monroe Avenue, Plainfield, N.J, JESSE GIBSON ....... 1103 Rlvington Street, Roselie, N.J. explain. C. D. HENRY ..... .... , ............ , ... ,Grambling College, GI'ambling, La. No, 1-It was requested in the Decem· JOSEPH MAI{EL ... 140 West End Ave., No. 15D, New York, N.Y. bel' issue of the "Oracle" that trans· WALTER r. MURRAY. 143·15 170th Street, Springfield Gardens, N.Y. parancies were to be received by this LAWRENCE OXLEY .. , .... ,.,.... .3017-16th Street, N.E., Wash., D,C. office 30 days before deadline. GEORGE V, P. WEAVER ... , .. 38l9-26th Street, N.E., Wash., D.C. HARVEY McDANIEL ... ,., .2870 Glencoe St., Denver, Colo. No, 2-It was requested in the December DAVID M. SOLOMON , ... ,. 224 E. Madison st., Phoenix, Ariz. issue that you consult yoUr local photogra­ ROBERT A. THOMAS 344 Westwood Ave., Day tOil, Ohio pher for an explanation of the differences ACHIEVEMENT WEEK COMMITTEE between a color transpal'ancy and a O. K. BEATTY . 1002 W. Monroe st" Salisbury, N.C. color negative . RICHARD D. KIDD ................. .' ..... P.O. Box 501, Wilberforce! Ohio NO.3-There is no reference to the HERBERT A. MA-RSHALL, Chairman . ..... ' _. 2617 Woodlancl Ave., Norfol t, Va. sending of color photographs . FRED W. PICKETT .. 507 Ben Hur Ave., KnOxville, Tenn. THOMAS M. POPE ....... Indiana Univ.,, Bloomington, Ind. We therefore feel obligated to tr,y ~s J. R, WHITE , ........... ,.,. .. Miss. Valley College, !tiEl Bena, Miss. bri.efly as possible ito clear the all' In MATTHEW J, W1UTEHEAD . ...... 3105-13th St., N,E., Wash., D.C. ordel' that there will not be any ill feel­ BUDGET COMMITTEE ings towards this office, WARftEN BERRY .. .2008 Andl'ew Stl'eet, Ft. WOl'th, 'fexas To Answer Points No. 1 and 3 JESSE B. BLAYTON, SI·. 3462 Del Mar Lane, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. An enlargement can he made directly MICHAEL J{, FRANK ....... Lincoln Univ., Lincoln Univ., Penn, ALBERT MAULE ., ......... ,..... ' ........ 170 Andover st" Hartford, Conn. from a color transparency and also from WENDELL G. ~ORGAN, Chairman .... .4019 S, Dakota Ave" N.E., Wash D.C. this point another negative suitable, for HOUSING AUTHORITY making a color plate can -be made which MILO C. MURRAY, Chairman ..... _3827 N. Kenwood, 111dianopits, Ind. lesse'ns the expense involved. This pro­ CHARLES ROBERSON 392 BluehlU Avenue, Dorchester, Mass. cess is expensive and slow; consequently, JAMES ROWLAND .. .. , .. ,., ......... 812 N. 17th Street, Harrisburg, Pa. we can not wait until the regUlar dead­ DONALD SAUNDERS J65 Stadium Terrace, Unlv. of Ill" Champaign, IlL line to -start processing the negatives, W. H. YOUNG ... Box 65a, Anderson, South Carolina On the other hand a color negative PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE can only be used -for making -other color ALEXANDER BARNES, Chall'man ...... , .......... 2515 Fayetteville St., Durham, N,C. prinl£. The cost is prohfbit-ed ,to us to EDWIN SAPP ... ,.. .. 734 Longfellow St" N.W" Apt. 108, Washington, D,C, KENDALL WILSON ................. , ......... 1712 Chestnut St., Phil a., Penn. have a color transparency -made from the coloi' negative-whereas -the cost to RECLAMATION COMMITTEE you is negible jf a -color -transparency is CHARLES E. J.OHNSON, Chairman .,.. .. 4039 Clements Ave., Detroit, Mich. ordered when you submit yOul' original RECOMMENDATIONS COMMITTEE negative to ~our photographer for de­ ROBERT L. GREGORY . 6032 Pl'othrow Sbeet, Fl. WoL'th, Texas veloping. RICHARD H. HARRIS ... , ... ,. 1825 I{nowles St., Nashv~lle, Tehn. Please do not send color photographs, WILLIAM C. JASON, Chairman ..... 614 N. 54th Street, Plllia., Penn, GEORE R, WHITE .. .. .)44 Old Post Road, Sharon, Mass, PAUL B, WOODS ,. ,1231 Harvard St., N.W., Wash., D.C, SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE HAROLD BOULWARE . , .... 1127 WashIngton St., Columbia, S.C. NOTICE! WILEY A. BRANTON .1747 Detroit Court, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. WILLIAM S. DOTSON ., ..... ,432 E, 5th Street, Lexington, Ky. We hav~ been receiving many re­ CARL A. EARLES ..... 3956 Hepburn Avc., Los Angeles, Calif. quests for the changing of addresses WILBERT F. FOSTER ... ... .413 W. Clay Street, Richmond, Va. in THE ORACLE, and also that we WILLIAM M, FREEMAN , ..... ,Southern University, Baton Rouge. La. WILLIAM H, GODFREY , ...... 71 Kracke Street, Charleston, S.C. mail ORACLES to certain add'ressiu. EMORY O. JACKSON , .... , ...... 312-17th Street, North, Birmingham, Ala. We appreciate your concern, but JOI·IN METZ ... ., ... 6451 South Lafayette st" Denver, Colo. there Is not anything we can do JAMES MULLINS ... ,.202 Berkley Road, Indianapolis, Ind, about it. JESSE 1. NORMEN'r ...... , _.. 1157 Prospect, Toledo, Ohio C. CLAYTON POWELL , ..... , .... ,.. .... 8641,~ Hunter St., S.W., Atlanla, Ga. According to procedures any such HERBERT E. TUCKrm, JR.,' Chairman ...... ,39 Hutchings st., Dorchester, Mass. changes _must be -recorded first' at o SCHOLARSHIP COMMISSION the National Offlco. We have no PAUL I. CLIFFORD . ,Box 24.), Atlanta Unlv., Atlanla, Ga. way to know If you are to receive WALTER S. DAVIS ,. ,., .. Tenn. A.&I. State Univ" Nashville, Tenn. an ORACLE or whether you hoWe BEN.YAMIN E. MAyS....... .... Morehol1se, Collegc, Atlanta, Ga, LAWRENCE E. NICHOLSON, Chairman ............. 3214 Laclede Ave., St. Louis, Mo. followed the proper procedures in WALTER N. RIDLEY ... ,Elizabeth City State College, Elizabeth CHy, N.C, registering the name chang.e.s of officers. So please, let the National (CrJIIli/!!lC(l on P(1ge 84) Office know. of your requesfl not us. • • • VOLUMELIV DECEKBEB.l965 NUMBER 4 THE ORAClE INSIDE f.ditors Notes 2 Editorial 3 In 1949, when the Fraternity started a new type service office, a In Memoriam of 1. Gregory Newton 4 Desk of Grand Basile..,,, 7 young man was chosen, unanimously, to fill this office. He has continued Two Aspects" of Omega 8 Just In Passing 9 in this capacity for 16 years. Efecl,ion of Good Officers 10 Conclave Schedule and related Items 11 Chapter Ne";s 15 - 79 During this time we have seen the Fraternity grow 'into its Service News 80 Omega Chaptllr 81 present eminence in Greekdom, Being as .modest as he is it would be Direttory 84 improper to try to give him credit for this growth; but on the other hand, one must say that he has been the steadying influence which ha~ stimulated you to your great heigats. His untiring co-operation with you should set an example for all the brothers. On· November 6, 1965, the Supreme Council, in official session, unanimously re-elected him for another foul' year term. To me this was 2. fitting tribute to Brother H. Carl Moultrie I, popularly known as "H" Carl, our National Executive Secretary. The Oracle is proud to salute him. Next Deadline: February 15th, 1966 For March Issue NOTICE TO CHAPTER EDITORS: Plcasemail pictures and stories to: Scholarship Commission Announces Awards AUDREY PRUITf, 823 N.
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